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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. What an almost unbelievable and sad state of fear we are in at this time. As I write this it is so hard to believe this is so...but it really is! Non-Trump supporting and following America is terrified of Trump's vigilante enforcement thug base. Who Trump none-to-subtly refers to in his veiled Mafia type threats that if he is actually charged with a crime...my boys ain't gonna be too happy. In my lifetime I have never seen anything close to the fear factor of a defeated president's worked up and enraged goon squad that we are seeing and feeling today with Trump's "stand by" retaliation forces. If only this was a surreal bad dream and tomorrow morning we could wake up and not feel this ominous fear and apprehension.
  2. It was always a matter of time before one of Trump's dozens of law skirting and law breaking schemes finally collapsed under it's own fraudulent weight. Trump's huge number and well financed wall of protection he enjoyed while in office has long ago broken up. Too many in those ranks not only abandoned ship but have even turned on their former blustering and bragging leader. Trump is now left fighting his typical legal problem battles with a patchwork team of desperate tainted loyalists and "in it for the money only" lawyers. One of Trump's leaking legal dikes is going to break. Too many of them to keep plugged up like he did with the power of the presidency. If it isn't the Mar-A-Lago affair it could very well be the Georgia election interference, the fake electors scam and/or the January 6th, 2021 attack on our Capital building that finally takes Trump into "face the music" land.
  3. I've read and heard that many times.
  5. A must read. "It has to be a knowing lie." Lou Dobbs in his Fox show was stating much more against Dominion than anything reported from Trump and his minions. So, Fox News wasn't just reporting Dominion fraud stated by others. They came up with their own Dominion fraud assessments based on their own investigations. Notice Fox news dumped Lou Dobbs right after Trump was dumped.
  6. I truly believe that if Jim Marrs had lived longer than just the first 8 months of Trump's presidency he would have totally reversed himself regards his professed admiration of Trump in 2016. Marrs would have been one of my top 10 people I wish I could have spent some down home, barbeque, fireside, nature hike chats with. As funny and witty as Mark Twain. As wide interest informed as any modern writer and commentator. I've never watched and listened to him in video and audio presentations and been anything less than totally entertained. Amazing that his N.Y. Times best seller JFK assassination "Crossfire" book was turned down by 25 of our largest publishing houses before one finally accepted it. If any of those 25 publishing houses turned down Marrs text based on their belief his book wouldn't be a money making seller... what does that tell you about the book potential talent spotting skills of so many of these publishing companies?
  7. Well expressed. My sentiments exactly.
  8. I would hope the DOJ and FBI considers this possibility. And depose under oath everyone who was in a position to know if the DOJ files charges...yes?
  9. Wow...what a resume! Actor, Boxer, Attorney? We've got a true life celebrity on our forum folks!
  10. Strange indeed. By fighter...do you mean boxer?
  11. Mr. LIEBELER - What did Oswald say to you about his own citizenship status? You say that he mentioned that the second time he came back. What did he talk to you about in that regard? Mr. ANDREWS - They came in usually after hours, about 5, 5:15, and as I recall, he had alleged that he had abandoned his citizenship. He didn't say how; he didn't say where. I assumed that he was one of the people who wanted to join The Free World and--I represented one or two of them. They had belonged to The World Citizenship--I explained to him there are certain steps he had to do, such as taking an oath of loyalty to a foreign power, voting in a foreign country election, or some method that is recognized defectively as loss of citizenship. Then I told him, "Your presence in the United States is proof you are a citizen. Otherwise, you would be an alien with an alien registration with a green card, form 990." Mr. LIEBELER - Had he told you he had been out of the country? Mr. ANDREWS - Yes. Mr. LIEBELER - Did he tell you where he had gone? Mr. ANDREWS - No. Mr. LIEBELER - Since he had been out of the country, the fact that he was back and didn't have an alien card was proof he was a citizen? Mr. ANDREWS - Yes. Mr. LIEBELER - Do you remember any other part of the conversation? Mr. ANDREWS - When he asked the questions--I don't know which visit it was--about citizenship of his wife, I asked the birthplace or origin cited for citizenship purposes--that's what counts--and he said Russia, so I just assumed he had met someone somewhere, some place, either in Russia or in Europe, married them, and brought them over here as a GI, a GI bride, and wanted to go through the routine of naturalization, which is 3 years after lawful admission into the United States if you are married, and five years if you are not, maintain the status here in the States cumulatively for 5 years. Mr. LIEBELER - Did he indicate that he wanted to institute citizenship proceedings for his wife? Mr. ANDREWS - Yes; I told him to go to Immigration and get the forms. Cost him $10. All he had to do was execute them. He didn't need a lawyer. That was the end of that. Mr. LIEBELER - How many times did he come into your office? Mr. ANDREWS - Minimum of three, maximum of five, counting initial visit. Mr. LIEBELER - And did you talk about different subjects at different times? As I understand it, the first time he came there, he was primarily concerned about his discharge, is that correct'? Mr. ANDREWS - Well, I may have the subject matter of the visits reversed because with the company he kept and the conversation--he could talk fairly well--I figured that this was another one of what we call in my office free alley clients, so we didn't maintain the normalcy with the file that---might have scratched a few notes on a piece of pad, and 2 days later threw the whole thing away. Didn't pay too much attention to him. Only time I really paid attention to this boy, he was in the front of the Maison Blanche Building giving out these kooky Castro things. Mr. LIEBELER - When was this, approximately? Mr. ANDREWS - I don't remember. I was coming from the NBC building, and I walked past him. You know how you see somebody, recognize him. So I turned around, came back, and asked him what he was doing giving that junk out. He said it was a job. I reminded him of the $25 he owed the office. said he would come over there, but he never did. Mr. LIEBELER - Did he tell you that he was getting paid to hand out this literature? Mr. ANDREWS - Yes. Mr. LIEBELER - Did he tell you how much? Mr. ANDREWS - No. Mr. LIEBELER - Do you remember telling the FBI that he told you that he was being paid $25 a day for handing out these leaflets? Mr. ANDREWS - I could have told them that. I know I reminded him of the $25. I may have it confused, the $25. What I do recall, he said it was a job. I guess I asked him how much he was making. They were little square chits a little bit smaller than the picture you have of him over there [indicating]. Mr. LIEBELER - He was handing out these leaflets? Mr. ANDREWS - They were black-and-white pamphlets extolling the virtues of Castro, which around here doesn't do too good. They have a lot of guys, Mexicanos and Cubanos, that will tear your head off if they see you fooling with these things. Mr. LIEBELER - What were they like? Mr. ANDREWS - They were pamphlets, single-sheet pamphlets. Mr. LIEBELER - Just one sheet? It wasn't a booklet? Mr. ANDREWS - No. Mr. LIEBELER - What color were the pamphlets? You say it was white paper? Mr. ANDREWS - White paper offset with black Mr. LIEBELER - Could it have been yellow paper? Mr. ANDREWS - I am totally colorblind. I wouldn't know. But I think it is black and white. Mr. LIEBELER - You are colorblind? Mr. ANDREWS - Yes. Most of them wanted it around there. You give it to them, the people look at it and they drop it, right now. Mr. LIEBELER - Do you remember what day of the week this was that you saw him handing this stuff out? Mr. ANDREWS - It was in the middle of the week, around Tuesday or Wednesday. Mr. LIEBELER - Where is the Maison Blanche Building? What street is it on? Mr. ANDREWS - 921 Canal Street. It is on this side. It is bounded by Dauphine and Burgundy. Mr. LIEBELER - How far is it from the International Trade Mart? Mr. ANDREWS - It depends on what route you take. If you come up Camp Street, it would be two blocks to Canal and four blocks toward the cemetery; so it would be about six blocks. It would be six blocks no matter which way you went, but you would walk four blocks on Common Street or Gravier, and then two blocks over the other way. Mr. LIEBELER - [handing picture to witness]. I show you a picture that has been marked as "Garner Exhibit No. 1," and ask you if you recognize the individual in that picture and the street scene, if you are familiar with it. Mr. ANDREWS - This is Oswald. Mr. LIEBELER - That's the fellow who was in your office? Mr. ANDREWS - Yes. Mr. LIEBELER - Do you have any doubt about that in your mind? Mr. ANDREWS - I don't believe; no. This is him. I just can't place it. This isn't where I saw him. This is probably around the vicinity of the International Trade Mart. Mr. Liebeler. [handing picture to witness].I show you another picture that has been marked for identification as "Bringuier Exhibit No. 1," and ask you if you recognize anybody in that picture and the street scene. Mr. ANDREWS - Oswald is marked with an X, and a client of mine is over here on the right-hand side. Mr. LIEBELER - Is that a a paying client or what? Mr. ANDREWS - No; paying client [indicating]. And this dress belongs to a girl friend. Mr. LIEBELER - Which one is your client? Mr. ANDREWS - It should be three. There's two sisters and this young lady [indicating]. Mr. LIEBELER - What's her name? Mr. ANDREWS - I don't remember. Mr. LIEBELER - You are referring to the woman that appears on the far right-hand side of the picture with a handbag on her arm? Mr. ANDREWS - Yes. Mr. LIEBELER - Now you say Oswald is marked with an X, and you identify that as the man that you saw in your office and the same man you saw passing out pamphlets? Mr. ANDREWS - Yes. Mr. LIEBELER - I call your attention specifically to the second man who is standing behind Oswald to his right and facing toward the front wearing a white, short-sleeved shirt and necktie, who also appears to have some leaflets in his hand. Have you ever seen that man before? Mr. ANDREWS - The Mexicano that I associate Oswald with is approximately the same height, with the exception that he has a pronounced short butch hair-cut. He is stocky, well built. Mr. LIEBELER - The fellow that I have indicated to you on "Bringuier Exhibit No. 1" is too slightly built to be associated with Oswald; is that correct? Mr. ANDREWS - He is stocky. Has what they call an athletic build. Mr. LIEBELER - Was this other fellow roller than Oswald or shorter than Oswald? Mr. ANDREWS - Very close. Not taller. Probably same height; maybe a little smaller. Mr. LIEBELER - How much would you say the Mexican weighed, approximately? Mr. ANDREWS - About 160, 165. Mr. LIEBELER - You say he was of medium build or heavy build? Mr. ANDREWS - Well, stocky. He could go to "Fist City" pretty good if he had to. Mr. LIEBELER - How old would you say he was? Mr. ANDREWS - About 26. Hard to tell. Mr. LIEBELER - Do you remember what he was wearing when he came into the office with Oswald on these different occasions? Mr. ANDREWS - Normally, different colored silk pongee shirts, which are pretty rare, you know, for the heat or what appeared to be pongee material. Mr. LIEBELER - Did you ever talk to this other fellow? Mr. ANDREWS - Well, he talked Spanish, and all I told him was poco poco. That was it. Mr. LIEBELER - Do you speak Spanish? Mr. ANDREWS - I can understand a little. I can if you speak it. I can read it. That's about all. Mr. Liebeler [handing picture to witness]. I show you a picture which has been marked "Frank Pizzo Exhibit No. 453-C," and ask you if that is the same man that was in your office and the same man you say was passing out literature in the street. Mr. ANDREWS - It appears to be. Mr. LIEBELER - Would you recognize this Mexican again if you saw him? Mr. ANDREWS - Yes. Mr. LIEBELER - Do you remember telling the FBI that you wouldn't be able to recognize him again if you saw him? Mr. ANDREWS - Probably did. Been a long time. There's three people I am going to find: One of them is the real guy that killed the President; the Mexican; and Clay Bertrand. Mr. LIEBELER - Do you mean to suggest by that statement that you have considerable doubt in your mind that Oswald killed the President? Mr. ANDREWS - I know good and well he did not. With that weapon, he couldn't have been capable of making three controlled shots in that short time. Mr. LIEBELER - You are basing your opinion on reports that you have received over news media as to how many shots were fired in what period of time; is that correct? Mr. ANDREWS - I am basing my opinion on five years as an ordnanceman in the Navy. You can lean into those things, and with throwing the bolts--if I couldn't do it myself, 8 hours a day, doing this for a living, constantly on the range, I know this civilian couldn't do it. He might have been a sharp marksman at one time, but if you don't lean into that rifle and don't squeeze and. control consistently, your brain can tell you how to do it, but you don't have the capability. Mr. LIEBELER - You have used a pronoun in this last series of statements, the pronoun "it." You are making certain assumptions as to what actually happened, or you have a certain notion in your mind as to what happened based on material you read in the newspaper? Mr. ANDREWS - It doesn't make any difference. What you have to do is lean into a weapon, and, to fire three shots controlled with accuracy, this bey couldn't do it. Forget the President. Mr. LIEBELER - You base that judgment on the fact that, in your own experience, it is difficult to do that sort of thing? Mr. ANDREWS - You have to stay with it. You just don't pick up a rifle or a pistol or whatever weapon you are using and stay proficient with it. You have to know what you are doing. You have to be a conniver. This boy could have connived the deal, but I think he is a patsy. Somebody else pulled the trigger. Mr. LIEBELER - However, as we have indicated, it is your opinion. You don't have any evidence other than what you have already told us about your surmise and opinions about the rifle on which to base that statement; is that correct? If you do, I want to know what it is. Mr. ANDREWS - If I did, I would give it to you. It's just taking the 5 years and thinking about it a bit. I have fired as much as 40,000 rounds of ammo a day for 7 days a week. You get pretty good with it as long as you keep firing. Then I have gone back after 2 weeks. I used to be able to take a shotgun, go on a skeet, and pop 100 out of 100. After 2 weeks, I could only pop 60 of them. I would have to start shooting again, same way with the rifle and machineguns. Every other person I knew, same thing happened to them. You just have to stay at it. Mr. LIEBELER - Now, did you see Oswald at any time subsequent to that time you saw him in the street handing out literature? Mr. ANDREWS - I have never seen him since. Mr. LIEBELER - Can you tell us what month that was, approximately? Mr. ANDREWS - Summertime. Before July. I think the last time would be around--the last could have been, I guess, around the 10th of July. Mr. LIEBELER - Around the 10th of July? Mr. ANDREWS - I don't believe it was after that. It could have been before, but not after. Mr. LIEBELER - Now, you mentioned this Mexican that accompanied Oswald to your office. Have you seen him at any time subsequent to the last time Oswald came into your office? Mr. ANDREWS - No. Mr. LIEBELER - Can you tell us approximately how long a period of time elapsed from the last time Oswald came into your office to the last time you saw him in the street handing out literature? Mr. ANDREWS - I would say about 6 weeks, just guessing. Mr. LIEBELER - And you have never seen the Mexican at any other time since then? Mr. ANDREWS - No. He just couldn't have disappeared because the Mexican community here is pretty small. You can squeeze it pretty good, the Latin community. He is not known around here. Mr. LIEBELER - Have you made an attempt to find him since the assassination? Mr. ANDREWS - Yes. Mr. LIEBELER - And you haven't had any success? Mr. ANDREWS - No. Not too many places they can go not being noticed. Mr. LIEBELER - Was there anybody else with Oswald that day you saw him handing out literature? Mr. ANDREWS - Oh, people standing there with him. Whether they were with him or not, I wouldn't know. Mr. LIEBELER - Did it appear that there was anybody else helping him hand out literature? Mr. ANDREWS - There was one person, but they had no literature. They weren't giving anything out. Let me see that picture of that little bitty guy, that weasel before. Mr. LIEBELER - [handing picture to witness]. This is Bringuier Exhibit No. 1. Mr. ANDREWS - No; he resembled this boy, but it is not him. It is a pale face instead of a Latin. Mr. LIEBELER - When you talked to Oswald on the street that day, did he give you any idea who was paying him to hand this stuff out? Mr. ANDREWS - No; he just said, "It's a job." Mr. LIEBELER - My understanding is, of course, that you are here under subpena and subpena duces tecum, asking you to bring with you any records that you might have in your office indicating or reflecting Oswald's visit, and my understanding is that you indicated that you were unable to find any such records. Mr. ANDREWS - Right. My office was rifled shortly after I got out of the hospital, and I talked with the FBI people. We couldn't find anything prior to it. Whoever was kind enough to mess my office up, going through it, we haven't found anything since.
  12. Sworn oath testimony by Dean Andrews to the Warren Commission: Mr. LIEBELER - When you talked to Oswald on the street that day, did he give you any idea who was paying him to hand this stuff out?Mr. ANDREWS - No; he just said, "It's a job." Lee Harvey Oswald owed New Orleans attorney Dean Andrews money for legal work that he never paid. Andrews told the Warren Commission that he happened to walk by pro-Castro leaflet passing Oswald in broad daylight on a busy N.O. downtown street corner. Andrews said he asked Oswald what the heck he was doing handing out these flyers and Oswald responded with these 3 words..."it's a job." It's a job? Well if it's a job man how about coming down to pay me when you get paid? ( my words ) If Oswald made up this activity question explanation spontaneously on the spot and it wasn't true ... it doesn't make sense that he would tell an upset debt owed collector that he was getting paid to do what he was doing. Opening the door for the collector to know that this dead beat debtor would soon have some cash on hand to enable him to pay him. If Oswald was being paid to do his leaflet passing, knowing who was paying him would answer all the major questions left blowing in the wind regards the true story behind Oswald's downtown pro-Castro shenanigans. Was his employer Guy Bannister? The local FBI? "it's a job." I just don't see even perjury convicted Dean Andrews making up such an off-the-wall under oath claim like that to the Warren Commission. If proven false, it would just make Andrews out to be even more perjury prone than he already was and ruin his reputation even more than it was.
  13. True. Our revolution against British rule was one massive conspiracy.
  14. Does Robert Groden still set up his book selling nook there?
  15. How can Evangelicals and even many Catholic Trump lovers believe that their leader is Christ's chosen one? Is their idolatry reverence of Trump based mostly on one issue over all others...that they see him as an abortion fighting crusader? It can't be based on any other Christian based tenet. Trump traveling about preaching his bragging "I'm the best, the smartest, the most patriotic" gospel in private jets and limo's all while wearing $2,000 suits and silk ties? Living in gold plated bathroom fixture luxury while millions of his adoring flock live in backwoods trailer park poverty? Far cry from the true travels and work of Christ, walking in a humble robe and sandals to the most needy locations, blessing the poor and overturning the money changers tables in the church squares. How can any Christian church pastor tell their flocks "this is our man" with a straight face? I also wonder whether "any" American schools, roads and buildings will be named in honor of Trump and his magnificent nation and society improving term as President in the next few years? And for those who think Trump should actually have his image carved into Mount Rushmore ... I would suggest his backside likeness might better represent his true contribution to our democracy.
  16. Cory...any guesses as to why you felt such a chill at that one particular location? Sounds like a paranormal experience. I think I would get a chill standing about where Mary Moorman stood and being completely still for minutes just scanning the entire plaza from the TXSBD building, down along Elm and the grassy knoll to the overpass and imagining the entire shooting scene in my mind as I did so. Trying to re-feel the almost unreal super charged powerful shock, sadness and deep loss past energy of that one earth shattering and reality changing moment in time. That weird Greek/Roman style Pergola, ( so different than what would think in Dallas, Texas ) eerily glowing white like some Freudian JFK mausoleum symbol in a surreal Hitchcockian movie dream ( Spellbound - Vertigo?) always comes to my mind when I imagine that historic place.
  17. The violence rhetoric is building even more than before when it was already so bad it fed the 2021 Jan. 6th massive mob attack on our Capital building. Injection of CIVIL WAR level violence talk and threats are much more prevalent and widespread and all over the media now. It's surreal! January 6th, 2021 wasn't enough in the Trump anger inciting playbook? MY G0D! How far is Trump willing to go in working up his base against anyone who criticizes or confronts him! The state of our nation regards our heated political division has never been so precariously threatening. Doesn't the man EVER QUIT! Trump is once again right in there doing what he always does and seems to like doing; angering his base with his typical super charged claims of injustice and political witch hunt actions against him by our highest law enforcing institutions and the liberal media whenever they do anything he feels threatens his standing. CIVIL WAR, CIVIL WAR, CIVIL WAR ! There are even national polls being taken to gauge the public's sentiment about a possible widespread violent event taking place. The acceptability of using violence in this Trump era of unprecedented heated and nation dividing rhetoric. 40% of Republicans feel political violence is okay in these times!? Are you kidding me? It's beyond crazy! It's unreal. When is this Trump base anger and rage threat nightmare ever going to end?
  18. Congrats. I never made it to Dealey Plaza let alone past Flagstaff, Arizona from the California coast my entire 70 years! Now, too old and too many health problems to do so. The points of interest advice mentioned here sounds great and would be taken by me if I did go. I always wanted to stand where Arnold Rowland stood to see how well he could see men with rifles in those TXSBD building 6th floor windows, especially in the noon hour when they would be fully illuminated by the mid-day sun. Same with Carolyn Walther who stated she saw two men with guns in one of the upper floor windows although she thought it was a lower floor than the 6th. The train traffic control tower from which Lee Bowers claimed he saw two men milling next to the picket fence would be a priority. Also the exact spot Bill and Gayle Newman were standing when they witnessed JFK's head blown apart just feet away from them. Same with Sam Holland, Richard Dodd and other railroad men who all claimed they saw a puff of smoke waft out over the knoll from the tree canopy covered picket fence area. Would also love to see the inside of the TXSBD building...owned at the time by big time Texas Oil man and rabid JFK hater D.H. Byrd. The Depository building lunch room where Dallas PD motorcycle Officer Marrion ( or Marion?) Baker confronted Lee Oswald casually sipping a soda pop would be another location visit box check. The exact Dallas PD parking garage inside location where Jack Ruby whacked Oswald would be another. A whimsical fantasy wish would be to somehow travel back in time and be actually sitting in Jack Ruby's Carousel Club during a typical Wah Wah trumpet plunger burlesque music late night hot action show and watching all the crazy, oversized characters doing their bawdy things in there. Jada, Little Lynn, Wally Weston. Jack Ruby beating the holy crap out of some poor drunken slob patron who went overboard with the stripper yelling and runway walk ankle grabbing and then violently tossing them down the stairs. Maybe even seeing a young JFK researcher, best selling book author ( Crossfire ) Jim Marrs beer swiggin, whoopin and hollerin and actually getting up on stage to be a foil for one of the stripper's comedy routines? Like the Beverly Oliver character in Oliver Stone's JFK movie said..."Dallas was a real swingin' place back then" and their music blaring strip joints were in the middle of this wild, wide open loose morals nightlife. Everybody went to the Carousel to see the action. Including some Mob big shots that came into town, off duty cops, Madeline Brown, D.A. Henry Wade ...even H.L. Hunt himself? Anyway Jamey Flanagan, have a BALL visiting Dealey Plaza young man. Can't wait to read your account later on in the forum.
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