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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. 76 year old Trump himself clearly looks physically too old and out of shape anymore to take on another 4 years of Presidency. In just the last two years he has declined noticeably ( see his recent golf course pictures ) and looks like he could have a stroke or heart attack at any time. His weight alone ( nearly 240 lbs ) is a huge physical problems risk factor. Trump will be 78 in two years. He won't run for president again. Everyone knows this. Everyone knows he just uses this charade of a possible presidential run to garner national spotlight attention ( and funds ) to which he is addicted and to feed his massive boundless ego.
  2. Any thoughts about how much and in what ways the entire political landscape will change if Biden becomes incapacitated well before his term is up? Incapacitated to the point that Biden would be unable to perform his duties as President.
  3. "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire.
  4. I've gotten a little carried away in Trump bashing lately. Guess it's just pent up angst ( years worth ) about the guy on a personal level. Just an awful person in so many ways and on so many levels imo.
  5. 1 hour ago, Mark Knight said: "I'm no fan of Trump. I believe he belongs behind bars, upon conviction." "That said, I don't think >>> criticizing his appearance <<< makes him any more or less guilty. Let his actions themselves convince you of innocence or guilt." With due respect MK I believe it's totally fair game to do to Trump what Trump has been doing to others for years, his entire presidency and beyond...to the extreme - criticizing their appearances. "Watermelon Head Schiff." "Fat Jerry" Jerry Nadler. "Look At That Face" Carly Fiorina. "Slime Ball Comey." Disloyal Sleaze Bag" Mitch McConnell. "Al Frankenstein" Al Franken. "Mad Dog Mattis." "Danang Richard" Richard Blumenthal. "Nasty Kamala." "Dumbo" Randolf Ales. "That Dog" Omarosa Manigault Newman. "Dummy Beto." "Crazy Nancy." "Whacko" Susan Collins. And on and on and on. It's almost impossible to engage in a forum discussion about Donald Trump and keep it civil and social norms polite when the man himself is the polar opposite of those proper social attributes. The truth is Trump's obsession with publicly insulting others in the most graphic even crude ways is truly a pathological condition. He has no boundaries in this area of behavior. I only remember bullies in Junior High School constantly making fun of other kids like Trump does incessantly toward others with his vitriolic rhetoric. It seems obvious that Trump's seriously stunted and immature brain function is locked into that of a Junior High School kid bully. Still, I know two wrongs don't make a right and if I am asked, I will refrain from injecting such Juvenal sarcastic humor regards Trump into my postings on this thread.
  6. Trump would do better renting a circus side show booth and charging people to see his enormous rump in the flesh. I'd pay "2" dollars to see that myself. When the main topic of conversation regards a political figure is more and more about the size of his or her rump...it's time to retire and entertain the grandkids with goofy face stories.
  7. Did anyone see news video of Trump golfing at his private club the other day, where he tried to downplay the 911 protesters and pretend the issue of his Saudi friends butchering the journalist really didn't mean anything? Whoever makes Trump richer is " fine and okay" even if they are murderous butchers. Anyway, it was cringing to see how Trump has blown up even more than normal. His backside especially. HOLY TOLEDO! Like seeing a hippo in golf pants. And his face was so haggard and puffy red he looks like a walking heart attack. His hair looked even worse! Wild, unkempt, sloppily cut. Guess his make-up people didn't come along for his self-promoting golf trip. Trump is history. We all know it. The blustering buffoonery was fun and even legendary and almost got seriously out of hand, but the act is old, tired and finished now. Trumpism is now more "Rumpism" in social discussion. He should make a deal with the McDonalds Corp. with a new "huge oversized" buttocks shaped bun burger and call it the "Trump Mac."
  8. Did Ruth Paine "ever' publicly state that she "hated" someone? Anyone? The worst most critical things I ever heard her utter in all her public interviews about anyone was what she said about LHO. Michael Paine also said derogatory things about Lee. I am sure Ruth felt Oswald did JFK and in so doing bestowed the worst and most harmful possible circumstances upon his young family. Ruth had a personal emotional stake in Marina and her children. If there was anyone Ruth detested it was LHO. How could you think otherwise?
  9. Ha! 1963 ... Craig: What kind of underwear was I wearing on 11,22,1963? "Fruit Of The Loom" I think. 1968 ... "Uh, maybe they were Hanes." Craig never tried to be an expert on the Tippit Case. Dealing with the murder of the President of the United States was enough for him. I don't think any of us can truly imagine the powerful emotional and anxiety highs and lows that Dallas police officers experienced the entire weekend of 11,22,1963 through 11,24, 1963. You just had the President of the United States killed on your beat...and then just two days later the prime suspect is murdered right inside the DPD building while handcuffed to two beefy police security men at his side? Dallas officials and even their policemen knew the entire world was watching and thinking bad and suspicious things about them over these murders. They knew that many thought Dallas was a place where JFK was hated. Like Craig, that weekend was incredibly exhausting for so many others in Dallas law enforcement. I would even say it was a "Post Traumatic Stress" event for many of them. Something they might have had bad dreams about the rest of their lives.
  10. What kind of rock hard evidence would one need to present to prove Ruth Paine hated Lee Oswald? An audio recorded or written statement by Ruth Paine where she actually says..."I hated Lee Harvey Oswald." ? We do have Ruth "under oath" stating to attorney Gerry Spence that "It's true. I didn't like him very much." She used so many derogatory terms in describing her take on Lee Oswald versus complimentary ones you can't seriously argue that she thought he was anything but a bad guy. Lee Oswald was a wife beater. ( I'm sure Ruth knew the stories her Russian friends shared about this ) He was often surly. He thought he knew more than others. He was easily offended. He was a lousy provider who chose to do political shenanigans at a time when he should be working to provide for his wife and baby's. He ( Lee ) had the audacity to use Ruth's typewriter without her permission...and she stated ( again under oath ) "That offended me greatly." Ruth also expressed her outrage toward Lee when she read his draft where she noticed he lied in this. She knew Lee was pressuring Marina to go back to Russia against Marina's wishes. Ruth was protective toward Marina and her children. Ruth was "appalled" at Lee being so "detached" in his calls to her home trying to get in touch with Marina after he was arrested. What more negative expression feelings toward Lee Oswald from Ruth Paine does one need to read and hear to rationally conclude...she detested the guy? Do anyone have better "evidence" that proves otherwise? Please...Ruth hated Lee Oswald as much as she could anyone. She just never stated those exact words publicly.
  11. A guilty verdict with home confinement and probation would be fine by me. I just believe a trial is the least his crimes deserve. And let the civil lawsuits begin! Alex Jones is being sued by the Sandy Hook victim's parents. Jones incessant national radio broadcast claims that the whole story was a hoax caused these parents immeasurable pain and suffering. He is going to pay ... a lot. Everything Trump did and said "after" he was out of office to disparage and defame those victims of Jan.6th should justifiably be addressed in the courts.
  12. I assume Craig had not been focused on or concerned about the Tippit murder report time anywhere near his focus on other things he personally witnessed on 11,22,1963. Here are some of his 11,22,1963 eye witness account statements that were verified by others. His and his fellow sheriff's first reactions when hearing the reports around the corner from where they were standing during the motorcade. His hearing a shrill whistle and seeing someone running down the TXSBD side bank and getting into a rambler type station wagon. His presence when Constable Seymore Weitzman described the 6th floor found rifle as a "Mauser" which Wieitzman admitted many times he did. Craig stated he did go to Captain Fritz's office while Fritz was interrogating Oswald. A photo of Craig in the DPD building proves his presence there that day. When Craig was interviewed in the Mark Lane documentary several years had passed since 1963. Craig had been shot at, run off a mountain pass road and suffered incredible major life long injuries with pain. He had been harassed off his job. His marriage finally broke up. He had no money. Give the guy a break. He got some things wrong. In his exhausted state who wouldn't? The man was completely broken. He killed himself finally at a relatively young age due to the price he paid in choosing to speak out with his story. A story that brought him nothing but great loss misery. I believed the man. Even so Craig got some details wrong with things like the Tippit exact time of death ( I don't think he ever even tried to be up on the Tippit case ) and several others his distractors have found and pounded on, when weighed against the things he reported that "were verified" by several other witnesses and photographs, you have a worthy witness imo. I believe there were scores of Dallas PD members and Dallas County Sheriff Dept. members that were so corrupt and compromised on November 22nd, of 1963 way beyond anything ever suggested about Craig, that Craig detractors are chasing and pounding on the wrong guy. Craig did what 99.9% of the Dallas PD and Sheriff officers would not do. Sacrificed everything by going public with his story which he knew contradicted the official line.
  13. It would be WAY MORE damaging than just a bitter pill to swallow! And too riskily "not digestible." It would be a massive and cowardly caving in blow to our national belief, faith, trust and respect for our constitution and it's sacred tenets of "Liberty and justice for ALL" and that "no one American is above the law." It would undermine and weaken the most basic foundations of our democracy in those most serious ways. KG you just stated..."This is the greatest crime a President could commit." If a President guilty of this greatest crime can just walk away from it without even a trial, what good is our constitution and where does it end? 25 of Nixon's highest level staff ALL went to JAIL over the much less serious crime of Watergate and Nixon barely got out of serving time by the skin of his teeth and his buddy Gerry Ford's outrageously unethical pardon. If Trump walks away from this 100X more serious crime of the huge terrorizing " HANG MIKE PENCE-KILL NANCY PELOSI !" screaming violent mob attack Jan. 6th coup attempt there will never be a worthy return to the trust, respect, faith and belief in the strength and validity of our "justice for all" constitution...the last keystone we have left to defend regards our democratic principled way of life. We need to be BRAVE and stand up for our constitution and democracy against all enemies foreign and domestic when they assault it as violently as Trump's directed and non-confronted mob did on Jan. 6th, 2021. We cannot let fear of Trump's most violent supporters keep us from standing up for the most important keystone of our democracy. Like I said...we are definitely in a "High Noon" stand your ground type situation with the violent Trump gang forces bad guys and their law breaking versus our constitution defending Jan.6th committee and Merrick Garland. The question is...do we stand with Gary Cooper ...or not! Videos of Song Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling bing.com/videos 2:39 Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My Darling FRANKIE LAINE (with lyrics) 2:52
  14. If the alien/human hybrid agenda proposed by ET abduction phenomenon researcher Dr. David Jacobs is true, Our next big genetic manipulation leap change is being done covertly right under our eyes by means of supplanting non-threatening looking alien/human hybrids amongst us and gradually interbreeding more and more with each new generation. No terrifying "War Of The Worlds" type overnight invasion needed. Probably not even as overt as an "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers" takeover type scenario.
  15. The fact that it took Trump's own daughter to put the fear of the 25th amendment being seriously considered and used against her daddy for the violent Jan.6th coup attempt and Trump's non-action to stop it and his even encouraging and emboldening the mobsters involved ( "We love you. You are very special people") and to quell the growing call to implement it was a pathetic even sickening thing. So, we all now know this was the "only" reason Trump made that half a$$ insincere "our nation is a nation of law and order" and bald a$$ L** " I IMMEDIATELY called out the National Guard to expel the intruders." Jan. 7th speech to cover his Big Mac butt from the 25th amendment removal movement. Retired Federal Judge and conservative political icon J. Michael Luttig's warning label tagging of Trump as a "clear and present danger" to our democracy on national TV during the Jan.6th investigation committee hearing was the true beginning of the end for Trump. In my opinion Luttig's condemnation of Trump was the dejavu equivalent public paradigm shift we saw regards Joseph McCarthy on June 9th, 1954 when Army Council Joseph Welch confronted "red scare" abusive McCarthy with this famous charge: As he struggled to maintain his composure, he ( Welch ) looked at McCarthy and declared, “Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness.” It was then McCarthy’s turn to be stunned into silence, as Welch asked, “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?” I can imagine Luttig saying the same thing to Trump if given the opportunity to confront him face to face. “Until this moment, Mr. Trump, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness.” and asking “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?”
  16. Realization and acceptance of major life and cultural changing new realities is a frightening thing to most and for good reason. So frightening they will run and hide from them. And even deride, dismiss and shun those who propose their existence. The history of man constantly shows major societal breakdowns in the first stages of genetic and technological difference interventions. More technologically advanced societies appearing overnight and subjucating indigenous ones ... and without asking permission. Neanderthals fought like hell but homosapien's superior brain function eventually won out. Are we on the cusp of another new genetic change in human kind?
  17. Miss John Judge's fired up righteous anger presentations.
  18. Could you elaborate on Jeanne DeM admitting her husband George was a spy? Time, place, source, context? Their "just enjoying the great outdoors" walk through Mexico through to Guatemala was ridiculous in it's stated innocent premise. And this machete chopping through the jungle trek just happened to coincide with the airport arrival meeting of a certain Soviet official in Mexico? Please! Even back then, a long "walk" through those countries by older blond caucasians without a team of helpers and obvious security would have been easy pickings for "Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges" banditos. Mae Brussell ( from the I.Magnin family out of Beverly Hills ) uncovered the absorbing of N**i bad guys into our ever growing power and influence intelligence framework right after WWII. She saw and understood the ominous implications and manifestations of this "dealing with the devil" doings. Same with dealing with the Mafia and utilizing their services from time to time. Like David Talbot said...it was a "Devil's Chessboard" affair.
  19. I seldom respond critically to other member's postings here ( even when I disagree with their postulations ) because their knowledge and research is almost always much greater and more advanced than mine. However, I am going to have a go with MG's Dorothy Kilgallen's post above. I am sure Kilgallen knew full well she was dealing with the murder case of the century. Maybe the most important in American history. One with ramification importance beyond anything she had ever committed to by far. Her JFK/Oswald/Ruby investigation story made the Sam Sheppard one and her high society gossip articles seem like Manhattan cocktail party fluff. Of course Kilgallen took as long as she did with her investigation. If she didn't get it right, she could be ruined. And I am certain that the deeper she got into the case she more and more sensed she was treading into serious life and death threat waters, which would also explain her holding off with her findings. It would also explain how stressed she was the last year of her life. The proposal that Kilgallen's death scene was as it was possibly because suicide victims sometimes tidy up their surroundings and their personal dress to present a less traumatic discovery experience made me laugh it is so ... well, off-the-wall arbitrary? If Killgallen wanted to kill herself isn't it logical that she would do so in a less silly way than simply mixing booze ( from a glass that was beyond her reach ) and taking pills while laying fully dressed, made up with even her eyes lashes and hair piece on, propped up and reading an upside down book in a bedroom and bed she hardly ever used? And leaving her air conditioner on full blast while doing so? No suicide note? Leaving her son ( whom she loved deeply ) to carry a heart breaking weight the rest of his life wondering how his loving mother could choose to abandon him in such a cold, unexplained way? No way Jose. Kilgallen drank too much? Took sleeping pills off and on? Was she drunk and sleeping pill loopy when she told her friend Ms. Smith she was going to blow the Ruby case wide open? Or the same when she asked her confidant hair dresser to keep tabs on her when she was to go to New Orleans ( Carlos Marcello country ) to meet a mysterious person there? DK did release info about the WC findings. She didn't hold that back. Hoover was furious about that leak. And of course she would want to link up with Mark Lane. The man knew more about the WC and JFK characters at that time than most everyone else. DK's boyfriend during her last days was a proven shady character. His suspiciously ominous poems about DK are fact. He wasn't attracted to Kilgallen physically I think we can all agree. He was handsome enough to attract women of much more appeal. So, why keep romancing DK? Come on...his doing so was totally suspect. Mark Shaw has locked up his Killgallen story like a bone protecting pitbull. My "guess" is he has held off selling movie rights because his price just hasn't been met. I could be wrong with that guess. However, Shaw didn't create that Killgallen death bed scene. One that was so obviously and illogically poorly staged, it is a leap of laughably ludicrous faith to believe it wasn't. IMO...anyways.
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