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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Even though I have a Pay Pal account I never use it. I hate the delay time. I am just an old fashioned check writer and sender. A canceled check is my acceptable record of payment and payment received. Not being a lawyer, I am not sure but perhaps a contributor should have to sign ( electronically ) or a form sent to them, a release and understanding that their donation is non-refundable as well as non pro-rated negotiable if they violate the ethics rules of the forum to a degree of removal?
  2. In Oswald's ( or whoever's ) brilliant planning he chose to do JFK from a stand alone building "smack dab" in the middle of Dealey Plaza through an extremely visible open window, directly facing and just 75 feet up from a crowd of hundreds of super attentive bystanders right beneath him and illuminated as brightly as if he had 10 big movie premier lights on it by the full mid-day sun? He then sticks his rifle barrel "outside" of the ridiculously visible open window and begins to unload three shots so booming loud they are heard as far away as Main Street and that immediately draw the attention of hundreds below including even the SS who turn toward them after the first shot? Really? In my opinion, Lee Oswald was not that dumb. Oswald had enough planning forethought and common sense to take a shot at General Walker under cover of darkness and trees and on the ground at a time when there would be few people if any outside in the area. And running away after missing with just one shot was sensible as more shots would have drawn more attention. However, in contrast, the broad daylight illuminated and exposed TXSBD 6th floor open window JFK shooting location combined with three rifle barrel thrusting booming loud shots from it and drawing immediate attention from hundreds of bystanders below was so logistically nonsensical it was literally a suicidal mission. As was an escape plan that simply called for running down 5 lower floors of a building that was immediately targeted and entered for searching. If part of a multiple shooter plan was to divert attention to one "patsy" shooter's location the team couldn't have done a better job than they did with the brightest mid-day sun illuminated TXSBD 6th floor open window and the plaza shaking BOOM...BOOM...BOOM sounds emanating from it. They might as well have hung a 30 foot wide -10 foot high sign just below the window that said in big bold black letters ... "HERE I AM COPPERS ... COME AND GET ME!"
  3. And that he did so ..."immediately!" He's spouting easily proven l**s. The man is showing signs of serious and ever growing desperation.
  4. America will never go back to anything resembling our typical culture and way of life as it was in the 1950's, 60's and 70's. The huge increase ethnic demographic numbers have changed too much and along with this increase is a change in language , culture, values etc. We are too diverse now. Ethnically, politically, socially, technologically, economically, gender, you name it. We don't know who we are anymore imo. And where we should go.
  5. Interesting. Roscoe White never leaves my thoughts regarding the case.
  6. Crazy...absolutely crazy! This is just more maddening absurdities that the Trump enablers, followers and promoters are continually still throwing out there...and that clearly reinforces the reality that we are in a serious nation direction and controlling wrestling match with forces that are in the grip of a dangerously misguided and even delusional mind set.
  7. So, Ferrell did not trust the Warren Commission nor the FBI as well? And it was this that mostly motivated her donating decades of her time, energies and funds to finding out an alternate truth? An effort of epic proportions? Which logically suggest she was more believing of a conspiracy? Did Mary Ferrell ever express any mistrust of our government and the FBI before the JFK event? If not, the JFK event made her do a 180 degree turn around in this area of thought? Did Mary Ferrell ever say flat out she believed there was a conspiracy in the JFK case? All that monumental time, work and study must have had some impression on her final take beliefs, no? Pat S. You say if Ronald Reagan had been killed in your hometown of Simi Valley, this fact alone would have inspired you to invest an inordinate amount of time and interest on your part to study and know more about the case, especially if there was a lot of debated takes and charges being bandied about? I can see "some" logic in your "hometown" angle analogy, but not enough to justify the decades of unprecedented time and effort Ferrell put into her life legacy project. If JFK's death happened in my hometown, it would have made the event more powerful, intriguing and personal, but not enough to have inspired me to donate the rest of my life to it over anything else, and especially if I hated the guy and I was connected to many people and groups that felt the same way before hand. Maybe this whole study effort of the JFK assassination became an obsession for Ferrell? An addiction? Did she make any money at all in this effort? One of main reasons I became invested in the JFK/Oswald murder cases was because I admired JFK. I was inspired by him. His murder was a great loss to me personally. Also, because I knew that too many highest power groups and individuals in this country not only hated JFK (to murderous degrees) but benefitted by his death. If I hadn't liked JFK, or even disliked or hated him, I guarantee you this would have effected my interest in the case to a less motivated degree. Just my take.
  8. I must admit, that I didn't think Ms. Clemmon's account was very credible. She stated a "kind of chunky fella with bushy hair" in her description of who she saw when she looked over at the killing scene. She was the "only" witness stating that description. No matter whether she got it right or not, her statements contradicted the official line. I don't think it would have taken but one scary phone call threatening her after her Mark Lane interview for her to pack up her bags and "hit the road Jack" and move in with relatives far out of state and never come back. I think black people in Dallas in those days were generally very afraid of the police and other authorities anyway as a matter of daily life reality. Remember, there was a strong KKK sentiment in most all of our deep South cities ( in their police departments as well ) in those times, and colored people knew this and felt their presence.
  9. Larry, would it be fair to say there was a good amount of "Machiavellian" type scheming, undercutting and competing interest shenanigans going on in those early years of JFK research and writings? Enough so, that some researchers were purposely sabotaged?
  10. Who cares? Who cares? You are suggesting that Ferrell's personal feelings toward JFK before 11,22,1963 have no meaning or bearing importance in the overall story of her decision to then commit to decades of massive time, work effort and expense undertaking right after 11,22,1963 to helping JFK conspiracy believing researchers to a degree that no one else ever had? Sorry, but my lifetime experience trusting common sense sees a glaring incongruity there, especially if Ferrell disliked JFK as much as McBride stated she did. Why would you want to help JFK truth seekers ( most probably admirers of JFK) if you hated the guy yourself? This is why I asked the question regards the true state of her JFK feelings all of her life until 11,22,1963. You would need at least "some" positive and empathetic feelings toward JFK to dedicate so much of your older adult life to seeking truth and justice ( to a passionate degree many would say ) regards his murder...imo anyway. I would think one would had to have probably been an admirer of JFK or in the least ambivalent in their view of him to decide to commit decades of their life after 11,22,1963 in the pursuit of helping researchers who would not be researching if they had believed and accepted the official "Case Closed" deluded lone gunman who just got lucky finding of the Warren Report. What was Ferrell's take on the Warren Report? If she accepted their conclusion, why spend decades of incredible commitment hard work looking for more information beyond their summary?
  11. I have also wondered the same about Clemmons. And who could ever argue that fear wasn't a huge factor in the entire picture of witnesses coming forward and sharings things they may have known about so many aspects of the JFK event and the main characters involved? My common sense guess is that hundreds of people with more information never came forward to the authorities or the press with what they knew or saw about the event. For reasons we all would have similarly felt. Witnesses who did come forward that had anything to share that contradicted the quickly fabricated "deranged commie lone gunman Oswald did JFK" and "Jackie Kennedy avenging Jack Ruby did Oswald" and "This Case Is Cinched" official line were heavily grilled or even harassed and threatened. Julia Ann Mercer was just one such witness. Sylvia Odio another. Many others. Fear hung over Dallas like a heavy dark cloud as it logically should have, Too much murder, doubt and and suspicion filled the air there for a long time.
  12. Just a thought or two, a question or two. True or false: Did Ferrell dislike and/or even hate JFK up through 11,22,1963? She purposely chose to ignore JFK's motorcade visit through her city? She instead had lunch out somewhere else during it? If Joseph McBride's research into Ferrell's background regards all the connections and associations she had with many seriously anti-Kennedy groups and for many years are credibly true, doesn't this validate suspicion as to her supposed conversion to this full time, passionate JFK truth seeking mission matriarch? Did she ever publicly say what changed her negative views on JFK personally before 11,22,1963 to then dedicating her later life to this massive work, time and expense commitment to help so many JFK truth seeking and conspiracy believing researchers? I would really like to know what Ferrell honestly felt toward JFK before 11,22,193 and why. Mae Brussell made a similar huge study commitment that involved years of deep, hard work research on her part to finding truths regards not just the JFK assassination, but so many other secret power groups and their activities which she discovered were often nefariously contrary to our democratic foundational tenets and constitutional laws. However, there was never a question as to her past political and moral beliefs and associations before 11,22,1963. She was who she was all the way through her huge commitment truth seeking life and research work effort.
  13. Extremely enlightening. Changes my awareness of her ( which was limited ) and also a general perception of her as of some type of virtuous matriarch of the JFK truth seeking mission.
  14. I've gotten some negative forum member feedback on my doing so twice now. Does this include me and other members posting Trump political cartoon pictures that depict him as comically obese as well? I do see the offense to others here who may be overweight themselves. Heck, I weigh 215 lbs on a 6 ft. frame myself. After 6 years of seeing and hearing Trump making almost daily fun of others, often in the form of the most base and even crude insults, I guess this has gotten to me to the point of losing my normal sense of forum decorum posting propriety myself. I'll cut the weight jokes. YET, HOLY PADUKA, DOES THE MAN DESERVE A TASTE OF HIS OWN SADISTIC MINDED BULLY CRUDE INSULT CR#P HIMSELF... OR WHAT?
  15. You must really check out this morning's ABC Rusty Bowers interview video below. Trump 'has no idea what courage is': Rusty Bowers | ABC News ABC News Jonathan Karl interviews Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers on "This Week." #ABCNews #ThisWeek #RustyBowers #Jan6. New Bowers is man of deep U.S. constitution respecting integrity who courageously has chosen to stand up and speak out via national TV regards the many nefarious constitution threatening actions of Donald Trump, including specifically one which he believes was clearly criminal - the intimidation call to Georgia's top election official Secretary Of State Brad Raffensperger. In Trump's typical embarrassingly immature junior high school bully insult throwing style he called Bowers a "Rino Coward" the other day at one of his ego feeding propaganda rallies right there in Bower's home state of Arizona. Bowers ( like dozens of others ) has been subjected to various retribution minded punishments by the vindictive Trump forces. Yet, he feels he must be strong and stay the course in standing up to and informing our country of the threat of Trumpism... which highly respected conservative retired Federal Judge J. Michael Luttig has framed as "a clear and present danger to our democracy." This Trumpism debacle is playing out so similar to the fall of "McCarthyism."
  16. Tragically funny but true. God what a sad and depressing American daily life reality we live in.
  17. Is the bottom picture of Trump crawling up the grassy bank real? No photo shop manipulation? If so it is shocking - the girth - and yes, he has to be heavier than 240 lbs.
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