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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. We are afraid that if we follow through with holding the head perpetrators of the violent January 6th, 2021 attack on our congress and vice president accountable, that this will actually trigger a wide spread - nation wide violent uprising to unknown degrees and directly involving millions of Trump's blindly loyal followers. A new civil war if you will. That fear is holding us all hostage regards bravely trusting, defending and implementing our sacred constitution and everything it represents. The law breakers will win if we don't do anything to them out of fear of their and their follower's retribution. It's like the Mafia defeating the police. It's like Gary Cooper in "High Noon" losing his battle with the outlaws and the town being owned by them. Superman losing to Lex Luthor. Bat Man losing to the Joker. Seriously, the decision to prosecute or not prosecute the Jan. 6th insurrection's leaders is our Constitutional democracy defending Waterloo. imo...anyways.
  2. Just read this "Secrets" entry again. I too often forget it's existence but when I do remember and in rereading I am always gobsmacked by it's incredible and fascinating reveal of the "real" world of power, influence and inbredness of the elites throughout our 20th century.
  3. Not defending Baker because there are just too many stories about her exaggerating, making up details etc. Yet ... STILL! She and Oswald were both hired the same day at Rileys ( or Reilly's? ) coffee company and placed in cover jobs. Come on...we know this. Oswald gets a job as a machinery greaser? Baker some type of secretary? They were both let go within 2 days of each other? The Reilly brothers were "extreme" anti-Castro activists and funders and were tied into INCA. Baker and Oswald both took buses and lived right near the same bus line that took them both to Reillys every morning and back. Getting off at the same bus stop and catching the same bus home there as well sure provides a good chance they at least noticed each other. Maybe they even went in and out of their work building together? Baker says she first met Oswald at the post office and Oswald always had a P.O. Box so he would naturally go there often. Baker was a precocious cancer researcher showing very advanced talents and abilities at a very young age. This is all documented. She ends up being placed in some capacity ( small or not ) with a documented world known cancer researcher Dr. Alton Oschner and his clinic. Oschner is a rabid anti-communist. Mary Sherman was a real person and Baker's recollections of her ring true to some degree. David Ferrie was truly into cancer research and had cages of mice right in his own apartment to experiment on. Since this was Baker's main field of study...a chance meeting with Ferrie regarding his cancer research isn't as far-fetched as her meeting Jack ( Sparky ) Ruby. Like I have said in past postings, just enough of Baker's story checks out to keep her in mind in some way more than not at all imo.
  4. Although it's speculation isn't it standard procedure for homicide investigators who are trying to make a case against a primary suspect to try to get into the suspect's head and understand the mental state of this person before, up to and during an act of murder? To try to better understand and establish propensities, motive and perhaps premeditation versus spontaneous impulsivity or even an act of self defense? Psychological evaluation on it's own is such an abstract affair that conclusions drawn by prosecutors to help prove guilt are a tough cookie to present to jurors who mostly are uneducated in this area of science. Still, if a suspect's past psychological and behavior background history and actions can be shown to be strongly incriminating through any number of documented records such as criminal, medical, familial, employment, school, military, travel, financial and combined with and bolstered by 1st and 2nd hand knowledge testimonies of people who have had interactions with the suspect, especially personal and long term, a prosecutor's case can be hard to counter with a defense claim of mere speculation. Why the preamble? In Oswald's case it seems that everything about his accused guilt hinges upon the background behavior and mental state aspects I just outlined. Killing another human being ( or killing oneself ) is a desperate act to the highest human experience degree. It really is an act that requires blinded reasoning. Blinded by rage, jealousy, retribution, self-defense fear, greed, loss, shame blame, alcohol, brainwashing, psychopathic and sociopathic mental illness whatever. In Oswald's alleged case I believe we can eliminate greed, jealousy, alcohol, retribution, fear, psychotic mental illness, shame blame. What does that leave? Maybe Oswald was simply a nihilist. Giving up on everything - good and bad? Thinking maybe bringing down the entire town and rebuilding from the ground up couldn't be worse than what was? Killing an unarmed person and maybe even while their back is turned toward you is a special case however, even for a nihilist imo. If Oswald did it ( shot JFK from behind and in such a brutally savage way and even risking killing JFK's inches away wife) there had to be reason blinding, even suicidal rage. The second Oswald pulled that trigger, something blinded him to his deepest love, his love for his children ( something he surely felt and sadly felt he never had as a child ) that even his wife stated over and over was real and sincere. Oswald ( again "if" he did it ) had to have known that what he was doing at 12:30 pm on 11,22,1963 was not only the ultimate act of destruction of JFK and his children's loss of a father, but also the destruction of himself and of "his" children's future life without a father and perhaps being persecuted growing up as the children of JFK's killer. Was Oswald that hopelessly broken? Just trying to get into Oswald's head if he indeed shot JFK and Tippet. Or was he actually a part of a conspiracy involving others? Oswald's aggressive never wavering fight to proclaim his innocence under relentless pressure to confess until his dying breath seems to counter many of the reason blinding murder motivations I mentioned above including suicidal. Now, Jack Ruby's stated blind rage motivations for whacking Oswald are a lot less complicated. He just couldn't let Oswald live to further torment Jackie Kennedy and get away with showing Jews don't have guts. Even to the point of leaving the love of his life ( his she dog Sheba ) orphaned.
  5. I misread Kathy Beckett's post. I thought the "end result" thread was being kept on the main forum. Well...at least we can still express our thoughts there, even though moving a thread to a separate section has always given it the kiss of death regards participation. Oh well, we sure had a good long run with it didn't we posters?
  6. The 6th floor found rifle had a scope attached. Wouldn't the mounted scope block or hinder the use of the iron site?
  7. Amazing and appreciated. I just can't help reading and posting on this thread. I spend maybe 5 to 10% of my time here especially since it is constantly at the top of the subject thread listings. The Trump chaos drama experience is so pervasively and emotionally effecting in our daily lives now ( you sometimes feel we are on the verge of a civil war!) it's hard to ignore or stay completely away from. I know the thread is mostly totally removed from the JFK education, research and debate forum focus. I've felt a little guilty keeping it going myself at times. Tough call for the forum moderators and guardians. BTW, as you all know, we actually have a separate "Trump" thread category. I've posted there. But removal from the main board is the "kiss of death" in readership and contribution activity. The thread gets maybe a post a month...or two?
  8. Denny, the Jack Ruby illogical actions conundrum question you state above is so rationally thought provoking I edited my previous post to include it ( with credit given ) in my own comments. Hope you don't mind. And thank you for your personal compliments. Very kind and generous of you, Imo however, I am a freshman level student ( with freshman level posting contributions ) who barely got into this JFK truth seeking mission research and debate university forum compared to 200 more qualified members including several I rate at professorship level.
  9. I have a few JFK and RFK related items. An RFK 1968 presidential primary campaign button. Two 1968 RFK California primary campaign donation thank you letters. Pre-printed form letters, unsigned. Supposedly scooped up with other campaign material from the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles the night of June 5th, 1968. Some other items. A record or two of JFK. One great speeches, the other a comedy record of JFK impersonator Vaughn Meador. Books. Picture book of Jackie Kennedy.
  10. Aren't we all speculating here? There's just too many logical common sense answers to consider regards Ruth and Marina not going into town to see the motorcade imo. I stated several and another one mentioned here and that also makes sense is the fact that Lee and Marina were on the outs. In fact I think they were mostly on the outs at that point in their marriage, no? Others: I remember my wife being tired a lot just after our two children were born. In those first few months babies wake up at all hours of the night and day and need feeding, changing and comforting. An uninterrupted eight straight hour night sleep was rare. And even a day trip downtown would have required Marina to pack many things for her one month old baby and probably be accompanied by expected baby need distractions. You just don't run off and do impulsive outdoor activities when you have a one month old baby in tow. I really don't see the valid importance of Ruth Paine and Marina going to or not going to the motorcade. Maybe someone here can better explain this importance? I do see more valid reasons for asking why Michael Paine would stay in his work place office for those short few hours. He was a very politically engaged person. And Jack Ruby holing up in a newspaper office building the entire motorcade time even more so. If ANYBODY should have been somewhere on the motorcade route it would have been Jack Ruby. For someone who had the hots for Jackie Kennedy ( and just two days later put his life on the line for her benefit - Denny Zartman quote see below ) when would he ever get another chance to see his living Goddess fantasy woman in the flesh? Ruby actually told the WC he didn't like crowds! Like big event boxing matches, roller skating arenas, public swimming pools, the frantic body to body pressing press crowd in the DPD building Friday night and Sunday morning in the DPD basement, the huge crowd at Parkland hospital right after JFK was shot and even hanging out at Love Field's airport dining lounge to meet Rhonda Fleming? Newspaper reporter/journalist Seth Kantor who wrote the book "Who Was Jack Ruby" described Ruby as a real character and a man about town.
  11. "heresy!" There you go. The first speaker at this rally said this political situation between Trump and the rest of us was a "battle between good and evil." Trump and his mesmerized followers are something aren't they? We are living in a real life crazy movie world right now in our good old U.S.A.
  12. Want to see something really frightening? Check out the "Church Of Trump" crusade revival rally last night in Arizona. You can skip until the 3 hour and 30 minute mark. This was a "religious" conversion experience. Exactly like those I saw on Sunday morning TV in the 1960's and 70's. Jimmy Swaggert, Oral Roberts, Jimmy and Tammy Faye Baker, Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, etc. These cheering people in this evangelical "Trump Is Christ's Chosen One" crusade event are completely believing that the violent mob Coup attack on our Capital building Jan.6th was justified! Trump's followers are fanatical! I really believe they think a violent uprising in defending Trump is a righteous command from the lord and they would support it. Hence their defending the Jan 6th attack on our congress. 5:04:10NOW PLAYING Watch LIVE: Donald Trump is among the speakers in Prescott Valley rally for AZ's GOP candidates 228K viewsStreamed 11 hours ago AZFamily 3TV and CBS 5 News
  13. Even the most brainwashed Trump cult followers know all the horrible things their fearless leader has done not just while he was President, but since then and even throughout his entire life. The pathological l*ing, tax cheating, crude misogynistic comments and sexual misconduct behavior, grifting, dictator fawning, violating the most sacred constitutional laws, encouraging violence and dividing the country, intimidating vote officials and hearing witnesses, bullying, constantly insulting others and calling them derogatory nick names, food throwing tantrums, insecure obsession with exaggerating his crowd sizes, writing off poor countries as "sh** h*le countries, praising Putin, kissing up to the Saudis who bailed out his son-in-law's billion dollar 5th avenue building boondoggle, destroying our trust in the media, feeling sorry for child sex trafficker Ghislane Maxwell, pocketing 250 million dollars sent to him by his followers to help in his legal defenses and campaign runs, his pardoning convicted criminals who did his bidding ... and on and on and on and on. Why blindly, illogically and irrationally follow and support one of the most corrupted, disturbed and immoral men ever to sit in the Oval office - Donald Trump? Because of his stance on race mostly. Followed by immigration, guns, gays, women's rights in general and his phony stance on abortion of which he really could care less. Our society is still obsessed with race issues much more than we acknowledge. To the degree that millions will blindly, shoutingly ( even violently ) support a psychopath if that psychopath can bring them the power to gain the upper hand in their battle against those who they feel promote the opposite of their views. IMO anyway.
  14. The Republicans were aggressively trying to sabotage everything Obama did from the second he took office until the second he left office. If Obama accomplished any progressive agenda goal during his 8 years the history books should include an asterisk highlighting the extraordinary fact that he did this while under constant obstructive attack by the Republican members of Congress. Same thing with Biden. This inflation crisis is nothing that Biden had or has any control over. And it was occurring well before he took office with the exception of gas prices going up 100% higher since he took office. And what is Biden supposed to do, tell the oil company monopoly to just roll back their charges 50% effective immediately...because the cost of gas is killing 200+ million Americans who make less than $100,000 a year? 85% of the adult population? Grocery prices, utility prices, medical insurance and other costs, clothing, car repair, insurance and even new car prices have been exploding for years now. I went into a 7-11 convenience store two days ago to get a hot dog. I do this maybe once or twice a year when I just have to eat something that I know is the most unhealthy food yet I just have a craving for it. For years their dinky dogs were about $1.50 cents. Now...they are $3! And even the cheese and chili sauce machines are gone as well. A clerk told me this was just another cost cutting move. Our dollar store just became the $1.25 cents store. That's a huge instant 25% increase in costs. Hey, our small fixed social security monthly checks only go up 1.5% a year! I went to our local chain grocery store yesterday as well as my wife was ill and couldn't do this. I have been sick about the cost of groceries going up non-stop the last 5 years, but I was stunned what they cost now. One of our indulgences is raisin bread for toasting. One SMALL loaf was ...$6.50 cents! Just 3 years ago it was $3! And our gas here in California is still $6+ a gallon. This price gouging insanity has been building for years and has nothing to do with Biden and / or the Democrats.
  15. It seems so obvious why Ruth Paine and Marina wouldn't have gone downtown to watch the parade. For all the common sense reasons stated here. You've got things to do such as a child's dental appointment and other errands. There were parents with children, but how many pictures of the Dallas motorcade crowd show women holding diapered babies in their arms, let alone a one month old? Traffic and parking would have been a mess and with 3 children and one infant you really don't want to have to park blocks away and then walk to a good view spot. How about going down and parking near the TXSCBD building and maybe arrange for a picnic lunch with Lee on the grassy knoll? Ha! Every parking space was taken in that area and even Lee Bowers said the lot between him and the picket fence was quite full. Ruth Paine did turn on her TV that morning to see the latest JFK Dallas visit news and even "left it on" after she left in case Marina ( who liked to stay in bed longer ) might be able to see something herself regards JFK and Jackie's visit when she did arise. How often did Ruth ever do that? That shows some notable interest in JFK's visit and parade on Ruth's part imo. And as Kirk G. mentioned, a good percentage of people don't feel comfortable in large crowd settings. It's a very, very common mentality.
  16. I'm only concerned with the head shot. At almost a football field length away, move a 10 inch square or round target continuously farther away and from right to left right as you are lining up your scope view and actual shot and see what happens. Any bullseye in that moving 10 inch circle with one shot would be beyond even luck imo. Whoever took that shot was also willing to risk taking Jackie Kennedy's head off as well, considering her face was mere inches away from JFK's when the head shot exploded it wide open. Just one slight aiming mistake and Jackie's brains could have been obliterated like her husbands. Whoever took that Jackie risking shot must have been one cold blooded MFer.
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