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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. It sounds as if all you are asking is for help getting to, be seen and studied and maybe even treated by the Mayo Clinic. I myself have wished the same thing at times. The Mayo clinic is a top "research" medical facility. Much, much more specifically equipped and staffed by the best doctors in the country to diagnose and properly treat hard to identify or hard to treat medical maladies. Most hospitals are treatment facilities versus research ones. Big difference. Typical health insurance companies are never going to cover such specialized and expensive visits to a facility like the Mayo Clinic. In this incredibly stressed time ( unprecedented ) for millions of Americans both socially and financially I totally empathize with someone in a grave physical ailment state like you reaching out for any assistance they can find in this pursuit. How can I get a check ( regretfully small as it may be ) to this person. Can you send me a personal e-mail? In my mind it sure beats spending the same amount on any number of LBJ corruption white wash bio books.
  2. Actually, to me, this isn't one of the most important debate points, although Weitzman's misidentification started it. If he hadn't had blurted out "it is a Mauser" while standing next to Fritz...none of this would have happened. If there was more than one shooter then obviously there were other guns used. And obviously the other shooters made much better plans than Oswald to get rid of their rifles. Allegedly Oswald's minimum wage financed shooting and escape plan was to simply stack boxes around his perch, kind of walk around a little in front of his bright mid-day sun illuminated open window holding his rifle ( where he is easily seen by Aaron Rowland and maybe others on the street below ) minutes before JFK's limo arrived and then get down on his knees and using his lower windowsill as a bracing, stick his rifle barrel out of the window and start loudly blasting away. He makes a bullseye head shot on his 3rd shot and well...time to wrap it up. Mission accomplished. Oswald's magnificent escape plan was simply to jump up and RUN! Throw the rifle under some boxes, run down the stairs, stop and step into the 2nd floor lunch room to get a cold Dr. Pepper, stay a couple of minutes next to the soda machine refreshing himself after all this shooting and running, then saunter back down to the first floor lobby and out the door to catch a bus and then a cab home. ??? I post this alleged Oswald shooting and running escape plan scenario fairly often because it is so improbable in it's lowest budget simplicity and success...it's absurd. It's not credible. Mausers, Carcanos? Weitzman shouldn't have blabbed out "Mauser" if he wasn't sure. And Roger Craig never lied about Weitzman's rifle ID proclamations. He had the quotes right.
  3. News about Michael Ishikoof Trump Is Delusional bing.com/news Filmmaker who gave footage to Jan. 6 committee: Trump is 'dangerous,' living in 'cloud cuckoo land' A British documentary filmmaker who recently testified behind closed doors to the House Jan. … No, Trump's not delusional — it's actually much worse than that https://www.salon.com/2021/06/09/no-trumps-not... He is devious, conniving and hell-bent on satisfying his needs, wants and desires at any cost. Trump's "delusion" is simply a conspiracy theory that …
  4. Two White House aides vouch for and back up Cassidy Hutchinson. One describes the fear factor of being around hot tempered Donald Trump. Who she describes as a very large man of 6 ft.3 inches. Very initimidating.
  5. Wow! Very interesting testimony. Weitzman was never asked how close he was to the rifle when he ID'd it. He wasn't asked if he saw any type of stamping on the rifle which may have actually said "Mauser?" His recollection matches that of Roger Craig. Craig simply said Weitzman said..."it looks like a Mauser" and then seconds later "it is a Mauser." He got close to the scope obviously yet again misidentified it? The Dallas PD went along with Weitzman's "Mauser ID" for another day? Steam pipes in the area behind the picket fence hot enough to burn your hands? Never heard that before. Someone showed Weitzman or gave him a piece of JFK's skull that was found in the street just 15 inches from the Elm street southside curb? On the left side of JFK's limo looking at it from the back. Near where Charles Brehm, Jean Hill and Mary Moorman were standing? Was the skull piece sent to Parkland...or Bethesda? The so-called head shot coming in behind JFK's left side on a line to the TXSBD Southeast corner 6th floor window explodes JFK's skull in a way that part of it flies back and left to the Southside curb? Sure explains the missing skull hole Clint Hill and many Parkland ER personnell reported seeing while attending to JFK. Weitzman was a pilot in the Army Air corps during WWII and was captured and imprisoned in Japan? Weitzman had a degree in engineering ( pretty brainey guy ) briefly worked with guns in a sporting goods store ... and he confidently tells Will Fritz the found 6th floor rifle was a Mauser?
  6. Are you saying there is something fishy with the Trump steering wheel grab story?
  7. As James Bond says to Sylvia Trench upon her asking if he wouldn't care to raise the limit in their opening scene game of Baccarat in the film "Dr. No" ... "I have no objections."
  8. Jim, why did you feel Doug Jones would have been a better AG than Garland?
  9. W. Yes, after eating McDonalds food you do feel a kind of dyspeptic stress. Just as you described. Like you just ate something too fatty. Speaking of the Isle Of Skye my wife's grandparents were from there. Their name was "MacDonald." My wife's father was a Macdonald. My wife's maiden name was Macdonald. My wife went back there to visit while in college. Their typical cuisine wasn't exactly international gourmet. Lots of meat and potatoes...and eggs.
  10. They just couldn't allow themselves to 2nd Baer's "very powerful testimony" statement. Even though they knew it really was.
  11. Odd culinary tastes for someone who wants everything gold plated. You also have to wonder if Trump has some type of side gig promotional deal with MacDonalds. He never blocks pictures of himself chowing down on their main items of double cheese burgers, fries and cokes. Trump is obsessed with anyone using his name and likeness to promote their business or products without his permission and a pay out. Funny, when I give it some thought...when I eat at MacDonalds more than once a week I too become aggressive, bossy and kind of bullying like Trump.
  12. HA HA HA!!! It's already begun. The political cartoonists are going to have a field day ( or week ) with Trumps going bananas in the Beast story.
  13. Agree. Also consider Ornato's and Engel's immediate and aggressive public comment counter attack against Hutchinson's Trump reaching/lurching in the Beast story claim in the following context: If Hutchinson's recollection story about Ornato motioning her into his office and telling her the steering wheel story ( with SS agent Engel sitting there in the room as well ) is true...it doesn't take three seconds of thought to easily understand the huge negative consequences both Ornato and Engel could potentially face regards their violating not just Trump's trust...but the trust and tenants of their respective agency employers. Highest Presidential security chiefs and SS agents calling in WH aides to an office to tell them such things? The ultimate act of job oath violation and betrayal. Maybe even punishable by criminal indictments? Again, if true, there goes their careers. No wonder Ornato and Elgin are freaking out and demanding to rebut Hutchinson and her sworn under oath claim. It's called self-preservation desperateness.
  14. If only Trump had told his worked up Ellipse crowd to stay where they were instead of his storming the Bastille command to march to the Capital building and fight like hell. He could have made it a big picnic type affair with free servings of his favorite food snacks and sodas. Notice how Trump isn't going to let one fry be left uneaten? He's still digging into that empty looking box to get the last few stragglers at the bottom! Notice also the packets of ketchup on Trump's second plate? Ammo to be flung at reporters who dared asking him the wrong questions? The Air Force 1 Chef must have cringed when he was told Trump preferred a Big Mac, fries and a coke over his culinary creations.
  15. Honestly Dan...I really don't want to personally see Dealey Plaza, the fence behind the grassy knoll, the TXSBD building and even the DPD building basement entrance anymore. At this older age and bad health point in my life, I've got enough to deal with here where I live in just those areas alone. And I honestly believe being right there in that surreal nightmare like living JFK tomb would bring out deep feelings of sadness. Sadness that my spirit just doesn't want to take on. Not only sadness regards JFK's savage/brutal death and imagining the monstrous entire rest of life traumatizing horror and pain Jackie Kennedy went through...but a sadness that our nation, our society had something so good, so hopeful and even sacred taken from us at that exact spot on 11,22,1963. And a sadness in realizing the perpetrators were never exposed and brought to justice. They got away with it. America could have been so much more all these last 59 years.
  16. How does the committee have egg on it's face? If Ms. Hutchinson lied, made up or simply repeated a false story fed to her in a "leaker" catching sting operation by Starsky and Hutch ... none of this reflects on their honest efforts to get to the honest truth bottom of who created, fed and neglected to protect the victims of that violent attack on our Capital building. No matter if the Trump going bananas in the Beast tale was false, yet fed to Hutchinson in a dirty tricks way...they will not be tainted by it. Instead, they were duped in a well thought out conspiracy way. Keep in mind...who are the true bad guys here?
  17. Was Hutchinson also set up with a false story of Trump throwing his MacDonald's french fries/ketchup plate at the wall by this "valet?" The valet was another leaker trapping "sting" participent? And by the way...that dish Trump hurled and smashed to pieces belonged to us American citizens. We paid for that plate which was for sure a high end one. Was Trump billed for that destroyed plate? As Ruth Paine once said about Oswald doing something bad "in her house, and on her typewriter!" ... "It offended me deeply."
  18. So Ms. Hutchinson simply embellished her recollection testimony with this added steering wheel grab story? Sorry, the young woman is not that dumb, that desperate or that unstable. Trump is the unstable one...and these two clowns Toretto and Angle know it.
  19. Let us consider the possibility that Tony Orlando and Bobby Hatfield actually did a sting on Hutchinson on Jan.6th. They fed her a false story about Trump going bananas in the Presidential limo ( the Beast) and Hutchinson took it hook line and sinker. Wanting to see if she was a "leaker." So, Hutchinson ( under oath ) tells the Jan.6th committee and the world the "truth" that Orlando "did" tell her this epic Moby Dick whale struggle in "The BEAST" tale. And for what ( or whom ) was that "Beast" label intended? The Presidential limo...or it's designated occupant? So, if Hutchinson was set up with a false story, who looks more corrupt and at fault with this scenario? Hutchinson...or the Trump dirty deed doing "Beasty Boys?" And Ms. Hutchinson would have to be a completely mentally unstable person to make up all 15 of her mind blowing Trump and team craziness stories she shared yesterday in the hearing.
  20. According to Fox News tonight, Anthony Ornato, Bobby Engel and the Secret Service are all denying Trump ever did what Cassidy Hutchinson told the Jan. 6th committee Ornato told her he did in his office soon after Trump was brought back to the White House after his Ellipse speech. So, Ms. Hutchison made the whole story up? And in so doing risked committing perjury, that if proven, will ruin her the rest of her life? The SS is demanding they be put under oath to prove their claim that Trump didn't do what Hutchinson claimed she heard he did to the committee. If Ms. Hutchinson lied to the committee and 30 million American viewers about her claim to be waved into Ornato's office with Engel sitting on a seat there and then be told the Trump wheel grab story by Ornato ... shouldn't he, Engel and the SS come up with irrefutable evidence Hutchinson lied and/or made the whole story up? Until then I will believe Hutchinson over anybody defending the mad man Trump. Guess Ms. Hutchison made up the raging angry Trump plate and ketchup throwing incident as well?
  21. Welcome Mr. Blackmon. I entered the education/debate JFK TRUTH MISSION seeking fray here just a few years ago myself. Some brilliant members here. Nationally recognized researchers, some with best selling books to their credit. Like having a seat at the Academy Awards show. Stars ( JFK research ) sitting right next to you.
  22. True or not...the Chad Mills story above is a compelling read. One time years ago, one of our members posted a suggestion that others join him in helping me financially, especially to fund a trip to Dealey Plaza. For some reason he was inspired to do this touching magnanimous act for me. This member was retired from some type of theatrical career. In New York City I think. He was not in good health himself at the time of his posted project of helping me and getting me to Dallas. This wonderfully well meaning fellow sadly passed away maybe 6 months to a year later? His "Lets Help Joe" posting was met with some derision by a few other members. Surprisingly only two or three however. And nothing came of it regards any funds collected and sent. Of course, as soon as my friend first posted his "Go Fund Joe" message I immediately personally e-mailed him and after offering him the most sincere thank yous, told him that I was okay. I could very easily live without going to that sacred ground JFK killing place, Dealey Plaza. I think I even posted this message on our forum pages. I was a little embarrassed even regards the original post. But, to this day I have never forgotten this incredibly thoughtful and generous member and his kind wishes for me. And I do not think anything like what happened to me regarding one member seeking some well meaning shared assistance for another, or even someone else in the JFK truth seeking community is anything but moral and good. I think the forum can withstand such an act of kindness ( rarely posted-maybe once every few years?) without worrying whether this is a flagrant violation of Forum rules that threatens the integrity and main focus of it's purpose and goal. Just my 2 cents.
  23. Ruby was stalking Oswald. No debate there. Ruby knew more about Oswald than Dallas DA Henry Wade? Obviously so. He had to correct Wade with the real name of Oswald's Free Cuba association. Wade was outed by a reporter after that news conference regards Wade's phony act of not knowing who Ruby was when Ruby approached him to ask a favor for a radio news interview. The reporter noticed this Ruby/Wade interaction and told Wade that it seemed to him ( the reporter) that he and Ruby appeared to be familiar friends. Wade sheepishly smiled, rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheek and stuttered and stammered without answering until another question gave him a distraction out. The Warren Commission finding that journalist Seth Kantor was confused and really didn't see, shake hands with and talk to Jack Ruby inside Parkland hospital is one of their most outrageous and suspicious false statements. Admitting Jack Ruby was in Parkland hospital at that time would have shredded their pre-determined story line.
  24. Whether Trump grabbed SS agent Bobby Engels by the shoulder or went for his throat. assaulting a member of any police force in the USA is a very serious crime. Combined with trying to grab the steering wheel while Engel was driving the limo is just as bad. What if in their steering wheel struggle Engel lost control and crashed? Heck, that guy in New York who slapped Guiliani on the back was charged with assault. I hope someone can get SS agent Engel to tell the public if the Trump assault story is true. Same with Antonio Ornato. We need to know if our president started a ferocious wrestling match fight in his own limo. Trump's true character world has turned into WWF looneyville if even a third of these Trump acting crazy stories are true. One can imagine the upcoming political cartoons depicting Trump's "Ultimate Fighting" attack upon his own security driver. And the plate with ketchup hurling story rings true as Trump always did like MacDonalds restaurant fries and burgers. What other food would one eat with ketchup?
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