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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Paul I've been posting about the huge one sided right wing political propaganda commitment to talk radio for years. I'm sure there are books out there on the subject yet I haven't come across any. Pure laziness on my part for not looking harder. Like you stated, it has been obviously clear during the last 30 to 40 years that our "nationally carried " radio waves have been inundated with extreme right political and social agenda pushing commentary talk radio. At one time you had Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Michael ( real name Michael Weiner ) Savage, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Bill Bennett, G. Gordon Liddy, Oliver North, Alex Jones, and even others incessantly inculcating 50 million listeners with their high energy, fear feeding, left demonizing rants 24/7. All carried nationally. Without hardly any nationally broadcasts radio programming like this on the left. Michael Reagan lasted only a year or two. Thom Hartman isn't even broadcast nationally and if so by only a miniscule number of stations. Most American radio stations have been bought up by right wing interests. You could hardly turn the radio dial without hearing any number of these extreme right wing propagandists constantly pounding and pounding away at the evil liberals as soft on crime, cop hating, commie sympathizing, black coddling, illegal immigration and queer lifestyle pushing and abortion loving boogie man agents of the devil. Fox news has continued this incessant extreme fear and hatred liberal left demonizing propaganda campaign even more powerfully and successfully in the television media milieu the last 30 years. Together these two massively financed and broadcast ( 24/7 ) propaganda machines have so successfully turned half our society into liberal left, democratic party hating and fearing followers and promoters of this mind set they actually believe the extremely violent and injurious mob attack on our Capital building, it's police and our congress members inside on January 6th, 2020 was... well...okay! This is where all this massive, decades long, 24/7 left bashing propaganda machine spewings has led us. A nation extremely divided by anger, hate, fear, rage, bias, resentment, you name it. And with this same half of our society willing to let our democracy and constitution be violated so willfully and aggressively it is in danger of being lost!
  2. Watched the hearing last early evening. Two hours is quite a short time. I think this is wise in the beginning however. Any longer than that and huge chunks of the TV viewing audience would surely start to lose interest. Especially when it was shown so late in the day. Approaching bed time back East. I remember when Hillary Clinton was put on the grueling hot seat during the Benghazi hearings for 8 hours at a time! The film footage of the attack from beginning to breaching the inside of the Capital Bldg. was the most compelling part of the hearing. Thousands attacking, screaming, cursing, threatening, hitting...truly terrifying! The blond Capital policewoman really took a beating. First knocked unconscious, then later sprayed directly in her eyes with pepper spray? She kept battling though. Tough and courageous lady! When asked to share her most affected feelings and thoughts about her experience she stated that the attack was so aggressive and massive it seemed unreal to her. Like something out of a movie. In parts of the close up filming of the attack, amidst the terrifying roar of screams and threats and Trump slogan shouting, you can hear some of the Capital police desperately calling for back up support. Over and over. But such support never came! For hours! The attack was so widespread and vicious with so many police seriously injured I still can't believe the lack of reinforcement help, withheld from those left alone police officers battling for their lives and to save the lives of almost all of our congress people and their aids inside the building. I thought about the reality that if any police force all across our country were caught in a fight for their lives in a similar massively outmanned situation, surrounding police forces would have raced to their side within minutes. Hear in California, if a police department were under attack like our Capital police force was on January 6th, 2020 other city police forces, county Sheriffs, state police like the Highway Patrol, national guard, local FBI, Homeland security, military police you name it...would have had hundreds of personnel to that scene no later than 1/2 an hour! How our Capital police forces were left alone to fight for their lives with no begged for reinforcement help for hours is what sickens me to the core. Whoever kept reinforcement help from being sent to the Capital building for so long despite desperate pleas from those defending it and our congress persons which resulted in hundreds of injuries, death of a protestor, great destruction of property, serious post traumatic stress upon the police and our terrified congress persons should be held accountable. What kind of a sick person would allow such widespread police and congress injury and trauma to occur when they could have completely prevented it or in the least immediately cut it short ... just to benefit their own diluted sense of personal gain entitlement? And to watch this hours long terror event happening with giggling glee and ignoring pleas to take immediate serious help action is just...well...sadistic.
  3. Did General Krulak "ever" say anything else about Prouty that in anyway impugned Prouty's character, honesty and health of mind or suggested anything close to ulterior motives on the part of Prouty and his books and statements regarding the JFK assassination? I question Krulak pulling back what Prouty reported he stated about Lansdale in Dealey Plaza. Even retired generals have character flaws and/or fears of repercussions when it comes to relating everything they may know about very sensitive secrets. Maybe Krulak is the one being dishonest here. Prouty's record of military service is as exemplary and as high position placed as Krulak's.
  4. I believe there is head, posture and leg and arm body moving gate computer generated technology now that would make a positive identity of Lansdale almost 100% possible. I have read several articles on this technology being so advanced and reliable many countries now use it for many areas of surveillance security. I think the Chinese have got this down to a scary degree. In regards to someone deceased and from many decades ago I believe that this technology is still viable if they have enough body movement videos and still shots of the particular individual. I can't source this info to one or even two irrefutable reference points. However, I am sure others here have also read about incredible advances in this human identity technology. If I win the lotto, I promise to spend whatever it would take to have this technology used in a study of the Dealey Plaza lanky suited man/ 3 tramp perp walk photo.
  5. I have some JFK and RFK memorabilia myself. I even have some form letters of appreciation that were meant to be sent to donors to RFK's presidential primary run campaign in 1968. RFK's signature on these are auto penned. These and other RFK presidential primary campaign paper items were supposedly acquired by an RFK supporter who was actually present in the Ambassador Hotel the night RFK was murdered there. He told my wife he gathered boxes of material from tables in the ballroom after most people had left that night. This fellow opened a wonderfully designed and appointed curio and historical item gift store on the main downtown street in Monterey called Alvarado Street back in the 1990's. My history buff wife bought quite a bit of items from the shop. She said the owner was a very interesting person with fascinating first person stories to share. After a couple years this fellow closed the shop. We sold many of the RFK items to a historical papers dealer in Portland a few years back. He said he believed they actually did come from the Ambassador JFK campaign rally the night of June 5th, 1968.
  6. WOW! SK ... thank you for showing us your personal video. I'm never going to be able to visit Dealey Plaza in person for many reasons. I've never even been East of the Grand Canyon in my 70 years of living on the Central California Coast! Although I've viewed hundreds of other videos of Dealey Plaza over the years, yours actually places you in a vehicle while going onto Elm and down it just as what it was like from JFK's perspective. I couldn't help but notice how far away the shooter or shooters were willing to let JFK's limo travel from their alleged 6th floor perch before letting their volleys go. I don't care how many times WC experts said hitting a bullseye into JFK's moving sideways and down 10 inch wide skull target almost a full football field distance away and while his limo was also moving at 11 MPH and down a slight grade was very doable with a telescopic scope ... I can't buy it. Hitting a bullseye into one of the "stationary" street signs on the sidewalk in front of the grassy knoll sure. But if that street sign was only 10 inches wide, swaying sideways and moving away at 11 MPH from the 265 feet away shooter and down a slope? And by a shooter who had just missed a shot just two to three seconds earlier and was under life and death risk stress with his last possible shot chance...no way Jose. The X's in the street are so important in showing viewers exactly where JFK was when he was hit. Thanks again SK for this enlightening and thought provoking video.
  7. I wonder whether any of our forum members ( especially those who regularly post or even just visit this specific broader political current news thread ) will choose not to tune into and watch the January 6th investigation committee hearings tonight and in later days? I'm not asking for anyone here to say whether they will or will not choose to watch. No need at all to initiate personal angst back and forths about such decisions. Just hoping more of us versus less give these hearings their national interest caring viewing dues. Avoiding hearing what the committee has found and will be reporting regards their months of investigative research into the extremely violent January 6th coup attempt upon our congress members, the Capital police and our Capital building and our constitutional election process just seems so blatantly and illogically irresponsible imo.
  8. If this isn't the clearest, strongest case of "aiding and abetting" and even encouraging the capital crime of extremely violent "Seditious Insurrection" ... what is? What we know about Trump's actions as insurrection unfolded www.sfgate.com/news/article/What-we-know-about... If reading all the documented accounts of dozens of Trump's closest aides, family and even his most loyal Fox News propaganda team in their desperate attempts to get Trump to call off his multi-thousands sized attack dog mob in their hours long violent attack on our Capital building, police and members of Congress and Trump's gleeful refusal to do so doesn't make you sick to your stomach ... What would? Trump's refusal to protect his own congress and his own Capital police from his personally inspired violent attack horde, until they were all traumatized with life and death fear for hours and even a death had occurred because of the attack ...screams presidential duty neglect to a criminal level so beyond question, doubt and debate it is sickening to hear anyone downplay or deny this criminal act reality ...or even proclaim the opposite! Trump to his attack mob ... "We love you." What a sick ( and even dangerous ) comment and mind set! "We love you." !!! ??? You who were violently attacking our Capital building, it's police and our own members of Congress in trying to subvert our election process and initiating a coup? We love you? Donald J. Trump. A president who tried to destroy our democratic principles election process by siccing his attack mob supporters on our own Congress during the certification process! And FOX NEWS won't show this committee hearing news to their followers? That's not what a "NEWS" corporation is supposed to do....right? Picking and choosing the news according to their own political alliances? If these Jan 6th Committe hearings aren't the biggest news story since Watergate ( and even more importantly so ) what is? FOX NEWS is NOT a News organization. That we all know. Surprised someone or some group hasn't sued the FOX NEWS corporation for false business proclaiming practices.
  9. LBJ's call to Dr. Charles Crenshaw in the Parkland Hospital surgical room advising him of the presence of a man who was there to take the dying Oswald's confession doesn't sound like LBJ wanted an investigation at all. He wanted it all to fall on and end with Oswald ( the lone nut ) right then and there. Within days of returning to the White House after JFK was murdered, LBJ gets in touch with the JFK and RFK hating J. Edgar Hoover ( one of his best and closest long time friends and even his D.C. neighbor - "we are like brothers you and I") to discuss everything he needed to consider and do regards the immediate beginning stages of an investigatory process and committee. LBJ is literally running by Hoover, the names of his choices to head such a panel in an approval seeking way? What do you think of Allan Dulles? Dulles ... whom JFK fired and who hated JFK? Hoover approves? Gerald Ford? The most ardent supporter of Hoover in the entire congress? The man who kept Hoover and the FBI informed of every inside aspect of the supposedly independent of outside influence Warren Commission investigation it's entire run? Thereby making Hoover another full and informed member of the Warren Commission by proxy? Hoover to LBJ regards Ford ..."Good Man." John McCloy? Oh please. Richard Russell? Who represented the JFK hating deep South segregationist electorate? We all know Henry Marshall was brutally murdered. And who benefitted by his killing - LBJ cronies and partners in crime. I think 90% of anyone who has seriously studied LBJ honestly believes he was psychologically wired to cross the ultimate corruption line. And that he did do so in tacitly or even directly ordering or giving his approval to such deeds. No LBJ writer has a problem with describing him as ruthless. They just can't go on record stating LBJ ever went any further with his ruthlessness than just below the ultimate corruption mountain top line. Imo anyway.
  10. Lawson was grossly negligent in his over-confidence regarding JFK's motorcade security. Resulting in the epic worst case scenario failure of presidential security since Lincoln. His first advance? Wonderful. Those 40 security protection trained personnel offered by the 112th as well as extra Sheriff department personnel could have been used to secure the rooftops of all the higher downtown motorcade fronting buildings. With binoculars they could have scanned all the open higher floor windows just as JFK was passing underneath. Others could have been placed on the downtown motorcade streets to do the same thing. Untrained idle minded naked eye sidewalk dwelling bystanders in Dealey Plaza just looking around easily spotted rifle toting men in the TXSBD building upper floors just minutes before JFK's arrival there. Carolyn Walthers and Aaron Rowland. But not one motorcade security person? When questioned many times about the lack of higher floor Dallas motorcade open window security during his many book tour promoting public appearances, SS agent Clint Hill would always respond..." Well...we just didn't have enough manpower to do so." According to Lawson, they had this covered? Obviously not. And if Hill was right, why turn down offered help to fill in that clear security gap? Wonder if Lawson took his JFK slaughter security failure as hard as Hill, or even at all? Bottom line reality fact here folks is...everyone involved in JFK's Dallas security "failed!" In the most epic, worst case scenario nation and society damaging way. Surprised none of those in the highest circles of JFK security planning were fired.
  11. Waiting until the JFK limo arrives to the much more open part of Dealey Plaza and is leaving away from it makes sense to me as far as there being much more open room for multiple shooters to do their thing. Also, the farther away from the kill shot location the better for the shooters to get away. I also agree that the indentation in the chrome/steel upper front windshield frame is from a separate shot. The trajectory of which came from a different point of origin than the 6th floor window. As shown by the entrance angle of the hole itself, which lines up to an origin point farther West than the supposed 6th floor origin head shot into JFK. Any bullet fragment exiting JFK skull would have had to swung out a foot or two to the right and swung back left into the windshield frame to come in from that angle. Also, there is a concussive force effect from a high caliber rifle being fired not too far from you. You can "feel" the shot. I think the people on the grassy knoll starting from the Stemmons Freeway sign stated their belief of a shot coming from behind them because they "felt" this concussive force. Echos from TXSBD 6th floor shots would not have been "felt" by these grassy knoll people.
  12. My oldest brother was born in 1939. He was into folk music. He'd play this on his record player throughout the late 1950s. As a child of 4 through 8 or 9, I liked hearing his records playing. Something good, wholesome, decent and fun and catchy about it all.
  13. Heady stuff. So, the 112th had a dozen or more men in Dallas during the motorcade? Simple question to Powell - were any of them assigned to Dealey Plaza? Army intelligence had been watching and investigating Lee Oswald throughout Oswald's time in New Orleans? No sharing of their Oswald concerns with the DPD and FBI leading up to and including the morning of 11,22,1963?
  14. Denny I see your points and "also" respectfully disagree and agree! Yes, Ruth had some personal interest motivation in asking Marina to live with her. It wasn't 100% pure altruistic. Heck, hundreds of thousands of people taking in foster kids all across America get a check from the government for doing so. That doesn't generally equate into their intentions being much less than altruistic and admirable. I'm not trying to make Ruth out to be a saint, but what is wrong with having at least "some" personal interest leeway in choosing who you decide to take into your home? That is the ultimate act of giving. You give up so much privacy, space and expenses. And potentially risky for many reasons. What if Marina had a hidden selfish dark side? Or she was super lazy and slovenly? Plus, what if Lee turned ugly about Ruth stealing away his wife and baby and had become belligerent towards her? Yes, Ruth had some needs of companionship and Marina fit the bill. In all the ways I previously mentioned. When I commented that I think Ruth was smitten with Marina to a possible "crush" degree I was irresponsibly wrong in doing so as I honestly do not know anything at all about her sexual orientation. However, I think that it is easier for some people to open their homes up to others who they feel good about being around 24 hours a day. And an attractive young woman ( with an intriguing Russian background ) with a 2 year old child and late term pregnant with another fit that bill. If a 230 lbs. dirty, smelly, hairy faced and bodied man in need knocked on Ruth's door asking for shelter, pure altruistic intentions take a hike. So, yes, one can say Ruth had some selfish need motivations in taking in Marina besides pure blindly altruistic ones. But I don't think those on their own totally negate the worthiness of her kindness and generosity she bestowed upon Marina and her children, especially when the newly unemployed ( again ) Lee couldn't provide for their most basic needs of shelter, medical attention, transportation etc. Now, the latter long term relationship Marina had with Precilla Johnson McMillan is the more suspicious one by a mile imo. Oh, and to answer your curiosity about my wife's and my honestly altruistic intentions when helping the barefoot 17 year old girl holding her just months old baby in her arms that knocked on our door one rainy night let me assure you, they were. We knew the girl's parents. Their home life was pure chaos. We had two children ourselves 12 and 9. We had also taken my elderly mother into our home 6 month's earlier after she was financially abused by another brother in the 11 months he had her. This girl's 17 year old boyfriend out of desperation to support his girl and new baby had robbed a local motel, gotten caught and was arrested at the time of her homelessness. The boy called me with his one allowed phone call from the police department asking for some help. He was scared, crying even. He knew we had taken in his girl and baby. To this day, I regret deeply that I didn't do more for him than just sympathetically listen to his anxious reaching out. I could have ( and should have ) done more.
  15. LBJ did push the act through and it lifted millions of black Americans faster and higher than ever before. Yet, I think LBJ did this as an act of legacy image improvement dressing. Excuse my cynicism but many historic evil doers will often do substantial acts of charity during and after their climb to the top of their power and wealth positions. Most are not aware of the full extent of Al Capone's acts of charity. Drug and Cartel leaders spend millions if not billions on social programs once they have murdered their way to the top of these criminal empires. If LBJ had anything to do with JFK's death including held back foreknowledge nothing he did later in his position as President means anything to me.
  16. Really? More ruthless than LBJ? I would loved to have heard Estes elaborate on this charge against Connally.
  17. Thank you for responding. As long as our officially sanctioned scholastic books and government records keep downplaying or ignoring all together the true depths of corruption of so many of our highest institution leaders during the 1950's, 60's and beyond, the longer we all will continue to live in a world of unnecessary misguided faith, understanding and beliefs. The cheating and stifling let down and emptiness of myth versus truth. I know, it's one thing to always look at everything in the worst possible light. The total cynic. What a sad wasted existence for sure. Lincoln once said something like "when you continually look for the bad in government, you will surely find it ..." And then there's the total pollyannaish mentality which has it's obvious let downs as well. In the more rational and healthy middle, life is always a daily challenge to see, appreciate and enjoy the good along with the bad, joy and laughter with the sadness, faith and hope with lost hope, discouragement and corruption. I believe much more often than not, most of us in America do look for, see, appreciate and enjoy and share the good more than the bad. Personally, I actually do count my blessings almost daily as I've had a relatively good, happy and fulfilling life here in America the last 70 years. Always keeping in mind the often harsh, deprived and repressed liberty lives of billions of other humans on this planet. Even the homelessness, addiction and other stress struggles of millions of Americans as well, especially the 1/4 poorest. Yet, when a criminal act so vile, so barbaric, so damaging and hurting and long term negatively effecting of most of our society takes place such as the murders of JFK and others, the good and great and beautiful of this country is no excuse to not give these ultimate crimes the fullest truth and justice seeking attention and effort we can until we know who committed them and why. If it makes most of us sick to our stomachs and extremely depressed to know the full truth extent of the corruption of many of our top leaders over the last 7 decades, it is a price we must pay to purge ourselves of the toxic schemes and lies that have cheated us of so much during this time. If LBJ, Hoover and others were that corrupt we must face and deal with this truth. We'll get through it just fine. Like we did with Watergate. With Watergate, we somehow were finally gifted with the exposure of one of the most egregious criminal enterprises ever existing in the highest levels of our government. Nixon's entire staff was involved and almost 30 of them and their aides were tried, convicted and served jail time. But it was all for the good. And so will acknowledging the truth about LBJ and others and their highest level of sometimes brutal corruptness...imo anyway.
  18. Denny, I think Marina knocked Ruth's socks off the moment she met her. It was smitten at first site. Having Marina live with her would fill many of Ruth's personal needs, interests and desires much more than some random foreign exchange student. Marina was special. Most everyone was intrigued by Marina's real Russian upbringing, her willingness to leave Russia and live here and her very real brilliant blue-eyed attractiveness. I was smitten with Marina myself after seeing her in that nationally televised "Marina, what do you do all day" interview just weeks after 11,22,1963.
  19. Until we fully acknowledge and embrace the full depth truth of LBJ's corruption, including his ordering and or sanctioning murders of individuals who were threats to his power, position and wealth, we will continue to live in a misguided false reality world of myth and ignorance. We need to face and accept this truth about LBJ before we can understand the truth about the JFK assassination. I also believe LBJ knew in advance that JFK would be murdered before his first full term was completed.
  20. Did LBJ's well documented super aggressive ambition drive mental and emotional make up go beyond just lying, cheating, strong arm coercing and corrupt financial dealings? Was he ruthless enough to cross the ultimate corruption line? E. Howard Hunt, Billy Sol Estes and many, many others have claimed or suggested he was. Richard Nixon quote " You know that Lyndon. He never liked to be number 2." However, LBJ's most officially crowned highest esteemed academically accepted biographer Robert Caro won't go there. He and other acceptable LBJ bio writers are willing to only go just below that ominous apex of corruption ruthlessness proposition. If the chosen ones ever did commit to promoting this ultimate LBJ corruption charge, the powers to be would probably kick in and exercise their power and influence to dissipate their proclamations and even their earning standing rank in the world of literary publishing ... imo anyway. Look at what happened to the producers and distributers of the documentary "The Men Who Killed Kennedy." When they filmed and tried to distribute the episode suggesting LBJ's possible guilt in the JFK assassination, the Johnson family and the powerful people and groups still behind them such as Jack Valenti and so many others hammered them so quickly and powerfully and successfully ...the episode was quashed and serious punitive fines were imposed. Any LBJ biographical writers must surely keep such threat realities in mind? I have always accepted that LBJ was psychologically ruthless enough to cross the murder ordering and/or sanctioning line if he felt the target was that much of a threat to his power, wealth and standing. And when the only option to truly eliminating the threat was to -as Ed Tatro once said LBJ said - "get rid of him." In that particular conversation the "him" was Henry Marshall. Our officially sanctioned academic history books deal with LBJ in mostly reverent terms and barely or not at all mention the true reality and depth of his great life-long corruption. This sanitization is cheating their target readers of the real and full truth imo. I ask debaters of this "was LBJ capable and ruthless enough to order or okay murders of his threat enemies" question to also keep in mind LBJ's direct and aggressive effort to get his protege Mac Wallace out of a viciously brutal day time gun shooting jury arrived at guilty verdict of murder conviction which incredibly resulted in Wallace walking away...scot free! An almost unbelievable example of the level of power and influence LBJ actually had and exerted in Texas. Wallace cold bloodily murdering someone didn't phase LBJ. This was his man...and when it came to protecting those close to him that act didn't matter. Maybe Wallace had such dirt on LBJ...his murder conviction freedom had to secured? Was LBJ truly psychologically predisposed to sanctioning and even ordering murders? If a clear majority consensus of mental health professionals believes so it adds to the weight of considering his possible involvement in the JFK assassination more than not ... imo.
  21. There are many main characters in the Lee and Marina Oswald story that leave one unsure about their involvement with them in nefarious ways more than simple good will intentioned ones. Regards Ruth Paine. No matter how much is reported about her possible asset work, travel and other odd activities one has to admit how much Ruth did for and gave to Marina and her babies at a time when they truly needed someone to step in like Ruth did, especially right up to, during and right after Marina just gave birth. No one else was stepping forward on the total help giving commitment level Ruth was. Robert Oswald and his wife? Other White Russians? Social services? Ruth took Marina and her children into her own fairly small home where she had two children of her own. She paid for most all of Marina and her babie's basic needs. Shelter and utilities, food, transportation especially in setting Marina up with pre-natal medical care. She allowed Lee to come and visit and even spend the night. Whether there was something more nefarious going on with RP, or even if she had developed a kind of crush on Marina ... one still has to acknowledge her doing more for Marina and her children than 98% of society ever would. Taking them into her own small home and providing 95% of their basic needs. I don't think Ruth ever asked Marina, or even Lee, for a penny of shared costs expenses did she? Ruth's background and her family's background certainly may be open to some curious scrutiny. Her sister's employment for one. Same with Michael Paine. Where that leads is where it leads I guess. I know a little about the Quakers. Love their active involvement humanitarianism and non-violent commitment to peace. I am not convinced that Ruth wasn't sincere in her involvement with others and her motivations in helping them. Even on the grand scale of improving relations between cold war adversaries and the very real threat of devastating conflict. Also, the woman sang in choirs, folk danced, listened to Peter, Paul And Mary and Kingston Trio records, watched Lawrence Welk on TV, her husband bowled and she actively participated in trying to desegregate Dallas area libraries and other facilities and sympathized with the civil rights movement. A true liberal. Maybe I'm just totally naive about how well assets can be set up to look so every day normal and innocently humanitarian minded nice and kind?
  22. The most compelling characters in the show by far are not Martha and John Mitchell. They are John and Maureen Dean and G. Gordon Liddy. I don't know how close to reality the Mo Dean character is, but if not for her bolstering and encouraging ... John Dean would have never gone through with his whole criminal enterprise exposing testimony. And Watergate would have gone nowhere were in not for John Dean. Maureen Dean comes across as a courageous, tough, super smart and even decent moral values beauty. Hard to watch an aging, almost always depressed and slightly drunk Martha Mitchell. Sean Penn's portrayal as John Mitchell is amazing to me in that I literally forget that is really Sean Penn under all that superb makeup and padding job. Yes, I don't buy the portrayal of McCord as a bungling screw up. And did Liddy really kick the cr** out of McCord one time ( as the show depicts ) after he sensed McCord was wavering in his loyalty to his fellow perps? Shea Whigham's portrayal of G. Gordon Liddy is of Emmy award winning caliber.
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