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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Never got into this area very much but just now I noticed a few things in the pics Sean Coleman posted that seems quite noticeable to me. Just my 2 cents worth. The top pic shows an older aged lady in a bulky tan colored coat running up the grassy knoll along with other rushing people. Some say this is the same lady shown in the lower pic with a tan coat and head covering of some sort ( scarf?) This lower photo scarf wearing woman is first shown standing about 10 feet to the right of Jean Hill on the grass on the other side of Elm and is shown taking a picture of the Presidential limo a micro-second before JFK's head explodes. Number 1: The older grassy knoll running woman shown in the upper photo is not the same woman shown standing behind Brehm and then seconds later actually in front of a sitting Jean Hill and Mary Moorman. So easy to compare each woman's coats and see how different they are. The older grassy knoll running woman's coat has much more bulky upper and lower sleeves than the one worn by the woman shown standing near Hill, Moorman and Brehm. Very noticeably different. Also, the upper shoulder and torso part of the Hill, Moorman, Brehm woman's coat is clearly tailored much tighter around her versus the Knoll woman's coat. Also, the older grassy knoll running women's hair is clearly dark brown versus blond and she has no head adorned scarf as the lower photo woman does. 2: The so-called blue lady running up behind Brehm is difficult to see clearly enough to say this is surely the tan coat/scarf/ photo taking woman but it must be. The sequence of the appearance of this woman is so short in seconds, who else could it be? Has the woman "right there" with Brehm, Hill and Moorman when JFK got hit ever been identified? You'd think that since she was so visible and had taken a picture of JFK at the same time as Moorman, she would have been stopped and questioned as Moorman, Hill and Brehm were. I never gave much thought to Beverly Oliver's life long claim that the woman in the tan coat and scarf taking a picture with Hill and Brehm just as JFK's head explodes was her, but I now have a much more open mind to this being the case. Oliver was a fairly big boned women. The tan coat picture taking woman's exposed lower legs depict a woman similarly built imo. And I don't think Oliver was short. The tan coat woman looks to be at least 5 ft. 7 in. to 5 ft. 8 in. And the posture of the tan coat picture taking lady seems very youthfully healthy and upright straight. Maybe Beverly Oliver was telling the truth about her being right there when JFK was shot. Just thought I'd throw in my two cents here as uninformed as they are. The thread is compelling.
  2. Does anyone here actually believe that the Russians would have wanted LBJ in place of and instead of Russia/USA cooperation seeking JFK? Only JFK held us off from a full scale air/sea and land invasion take over of their most strategically important Latin American satellite Cuba. If LBJ had been President during the Bay Of Pigs invasion instead of JFK, I think we all know he would have deferred to our most Cuba aggressive military and intel agency leaders with whom he shared a good-ole-boy bond , opposite of JFK.
  3. I wonder what our own top Tippit murder researcher Joseph McBride might have to say regards this postulation of Westbrook and Croy being the two officers who Earlene Roberts claimed stopped in front of her residence and honked ( tit-tit ) their patrol car horn? Also, in reading your initial post I noticed you mentioned Croy as being right next to Ruby in the seconds leading up to Ruby's leap from the press line to blow Oswald's guts out. I find it equally interesting that Croy wasn't the only Dallas PD officer right next to Ruby at that location and time. Big William (Blackie) Harrison was actually so close to Ruby as well it appears they may have brushed against each other. Photos prove this. Harrison is the big dark haired, dark civilian suited guy jumping in to restrain Ruby the second Ruby shoots Oswald. He's the only person in those photos and news video with a cigar in his mouth. Dallas PD Officer Harrison was one of the most chummy of Ruby in his years of duty. Stopping into Jack's club ( or clubs ) for coffee ( or beer? ) many times over the years. It always makes me cringe when I see the news video of DPD Chief Curry telling the press that his department did an investigation into how many of his officers may have known Jack Ruby in any way. Curry says ..."only 25 even knew of Jack Ruby." Ha! Just in the DPD basement and upper street security detail that morning "alone" were a dozen officers who knew Ruby very well. Harrison, Patrick Dean, Vaughn, etc. Ruby knew all of them by sight and recounted such in his Warren Commission testimony. Referring to some of them by their first names! Ruby is wandering freely in the press filled halls of the DPD Friday night. He attends Wade's press conference and after getting up on a table in the back of the room shouts out corrective Oswald background info about Oswald's New Orleans "Fair Play For Cuba" to Wade who wasn't as hip to this info as Ruby was. Ruby at another time that weekend is actually right next to DPD Homicide Captain Will Fritz's office door window. Looking for Oswald. Probably with deli-sandwich holding bag in hand? Talk about ridiculously illogical access. Then, Sunday morning, Ruby just saunters down a secured entrance ramp into the highly secured DPD parking basement, mingles into the press crowd and wrangles himself into the very front of the line and just feet from the wide open Oswald, all while rubbing elbows with DPD officers William (Blackie ) Harrison and reserve officer Croy? And are all the police and Sheriff dispatch officers lying who claimed it was Jack Ruby who called then early Sunday morning to warn them about moving Oswald so publicly announced and saying "We are going to kill him."? Whether the Oswald in this story was Lee Harvey or Harvey Lee there is a lot of great information in the initial thread story link. I always felt that the entire Oswald arrest, interrogation and killing story in the failed security hands of the Dallas PD experience alone would warrant a very important and fascinating documentary on it's own. The well researched piece linked above reveals this in spades. Sickening how both Curry and Fritz continually nixed the concerned advice of others in them publicly announcing the date, time and location of a daytime move of Oswald, when so many of these other security experienced professionals urged them to do the transfer at night without advanced press and public notice. The "worst possible security failure" possible happened because of this DPD ignoring of this better Oswald security advice. Negligence beyond negligence. Crazy illogical imo. And of course fishier that the worst fish stink day in Amsterdam. Lastly, Ruby is quoted as saying he feared for his family's security in his claims about being placed in the Oswald killing position he was and then testifying about his actions. I always felt it was totally rational to consider the possibility that Ruby was ordered to do Oswald, with the mob like threat that if he didn't and Oswald started talking not only would Ruby be dealt with but his family as well! That would be an incredibly powerful motivating factor for Ruby to do this insane and almost suicidal act. He loved his sister more than any other woman in his life. A little aside regard's Jack Ruby's sister Eva Grant. I recently caught a video of Geraldo Rivera on his "Goodnight America" show interviewing Ruby's sister Eva Grant with former Carousel Club comic/mc Wally Weston. I had never seen any other Eva Grant interview video. Weston claimed Ruby knew Oswald. Geraldo asked Weston to explain and tell his story. Then it was Ruby sister Eva Grant's time to speak. Ruby's sister Eva attacked Weston and his Ruby/Oswald defamation claim and his personal background like a crazed yelling street person. Jumping up out of her street and waving her arms and yelling over Geraldo for several minutes and who just couldn't get her to stop her worked up physically animated rant. Rivera just kept shaking his head at this embarrassing and unstoppable manic yelling exhibition on Ruby's sister's part. From what I saw of Ruby's sister's antics on that show I thought she looked and sounded just as emotionally off track as Oswald's mother Marguerite. And I thought nobody could ever top Oswald's mom in that category.
  4. Want to repost my earlier one about Wade's ( Jack Ruby ) statements during this 11,24,1963 news conference. Was hoping another member might weigh in with their own take on Wade's Ruby comments in this conference either agreeing with or disagreeing with mine. Was Wade l---- about his true personal knowledge of and relationship with Jack Ruby in his conference comments about him? And if Wade was l---- about this, what are the implications of his doing so? Why is this important? The first time I watched Dallas DA Wade speak to the national press on TV the evening of 11/24/1963 I instantly got a gut feeling the guy was corrupt and probably a person of extreme right segregationist views. He had that "Good Ole Boy" look and manner of speech. When identifying the name of Oswald's killer Jack Ruby, Wade feigned ignorance of knowing Ruby as well as he did. He said to the press "his name is a ... Jack Rubenstein I believe?" with an unsure expression on his face. COME ON! Wade knew Jack Ruby as well as he knew anyone else in Dallas. Wade came in for drinks at the Carousel! When Wade was reminded by a member of the press that Jack Ruby was present at the other earlier press conference of Wade's, Wade responded with this ridiculous comment that he noticed he ( Ruby ) shouted out to Wade something about Oswald's connection to "The Fair Play For Cuba" committee. And that he ( Wade) thought Ruby was a member of the press. Again, please! Wade knew Jack Ruby well enough to know who he was looking at and listening to when Ruby was shouting back at him while he ( Ruby) was standing singularly and totally visible on the top of that table. When another reporter told Wade he noticed Ruby personally talking to Wade at the end of that earlier news conference and it appeared to this reporter that he ( Wade ) looked as if he was quite friendly or familiar with Ruby, Wade didn't answer except to show an embarrassed "hand caught in the cookie jar" type smile on his face. And Wade also knew at that close up, one-on-one, face to face conversation encounter time with Ruby that Ruby was at that conference and who he was. You'd think someone of Wade's high responsibility position and in that unprecedented important circumstance of this world watching press briefing right inside the Dallas police department building might have thought..."What the heck is this sleazy strip joint owner doing here?" "How the heck did he even get in here?" Ruby's presence there didn't seem to faze Wade. Wade's press speech comments about Ruby were a phony charade on Wade's part to hide his true long time knowledge of and club visiting relationship with "his name is a ... Jack Rubenstein I believe?" Jack Ruby. So, Wade was l---- from the get go. And anyone brown nosing the totally corrupt LBJ for 15 years like Wade did was no boy scout leader - imo anyway.
  5. Exactly correct. This simple assessment is the essence of Trump.
  6. The only time our highest level political figures were actually held accountable for criminal actions was Watergate. Where 25 of Nixon's staff and their underlings were actually tried, convicted and put in prison. Country Club facilities...but technically still institutions of confinement punishment. Of course Nixon walked due to his buddy Ford giving him a "get out of jail free pass" card. There were so many major criminal doings by Nixon's posse uncovered during Watergate even the Republicans could not defend him in that corruption debacle. And ... we have all read accounts where the "Plumbers" Watergate break in and their other revealed political sabotage shenanigans such as breaking into Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist office and feeding false Ted Kennedy damaging info on Chappaquiddick were "just the tip of the iceberg" regards the true depth of their criminal enterprise doings under their complicate God Father Nixon's rein. The law breaking under Nixon was simply unfettered out-of-control. Other than that Nixon criminal gang roundup, countless government officials on the highest levels since then have gotten away with endless subversions of our laws. It's like the standard for seriously confronting and criminally charging anyone on that level is "if it isn't as bad as Nixon's Watergate crimes" ... let it go. Clarence Thomas should resign. His one dissenting vote against releasing Trump's White House communication records was so illogically biased and blatantly self-serving and protecting of his wife's interests ... it's a no brainer.
  7. The most unethical breach of SCOTUS public trust since 2000. When 5 of the justices overrode the Florida Supreme Court decision to keep counting their states presidential election votes.
  8. And her husband is the "only" SCOTUS member to vote against the release of Trump's White House Communication records to the January 6th committee ... which included his wife's 26 frantic ( you've got to do something to override Pence and rescind the election!) messages to Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows? Uhhh ... talk about bias and placing his wife's interests above the rest of us ... much?
  9. Wow, very prescient. These are principles, not prescriptions. People familiar with the region will know that not all of them will be palatable to all parties. >>>The test is not absolute satisfaction but balanced dissatisfaction.<<< If some solution based on these or comparable elements is not achieved, the drift toward confrontation will accelerate. The time for that will come soon enough.
  10. Great points. If Garrison truly did not believe Marcello and organized crime were the main planners, executioners and cover-up forces behind the JFK killing, why waste his time trying to prove otherwise? I think Garrison saw things through a different lens here. He observed all the things Paul related above. He saw how the FBI and other agencies and their controlled media were not just working against him but heavily so. In ways beyond organized crime's capabilities. Sicilian organized crime in 1963 had grown to have immense corruption influence in every level of government and business and even big city police agencies, judges, mayors and even governors all across America. But still, not to the point of being able to sabotage Garrison and his investigation to the degree it was. Those high named planted journalists in the national media who were constantly doing hit pieces against Garrison ( much like those who went bananas on Oliver Stone over his JFK film in 1993 ) and the publishing companies that employed them were not paid by the Mafia. Who instructed Johnny Carson to try to embarrass Garrison on his TV show? I wonder if William F. Buckley ever invited Garrison to participate in his TV show "Firing Line?" And how much did Buckley write direct hit piece reviews on Garrison? My guess is Buckley left him alone. Garrison was too hot even for him? If anyone was compromised by the Mafia it was Hoover himself. My guess is that LBJ was also influenced at times to turn his attention away from dealing with them. And being "like brothers" with the Mafia denying Hoover he must have been sympatico on that subject to a degree - no? There were dozens of Mafia big shots all across the country in the 50's, 60's and 70's. Giancana, Trafficante, Marcello, Gambino, you name it. Every big city area of their domains had DA's. How successful were any of them in dealing with and countering their influence any more than Garrison? Were all those DA's in the pockets of these Godfathers like so many here claim Garrison was? Organized crime was so entrenched, powerful, wealthy and influential at that time that no one DA could ever personally confront them and make any real dent in their power and influence. They didn't have the resources. Only someone like the FBI could do so. And if they refused to confront them fully as Hoover did ... what more could be done? RFK as Attorney General and with the full force resources of his justice department tried to take on the national Mafia and was still only partially successful in thwarting and diminishing their power and influence. What could Jim Garrison have done with Marcello on his limited budget and resources? It took Robert Kennedy and the full power of our federal government to finally confront Marcello in any seriously challenging and effecting way.
  11. Really heavy criticism toward Jim Garrison regards his supposed soft on Marcello record in another current thread. But what of Wade's record on the Mob in Dallas all his years? Seems like Civello, Campisi and their over-boss Marcello had it pretty easy with Wade with no major problems during Wade's tenure. Even a friendly one in his participation in their local social club? So, why not the Garrison type scrutiny and criticism of Wade in this same regard? Garrison is being reamed in that other thread for his so-called hands off Marcello stance.
  12. If Thomas knew his wife was actively trying to overthrow our duly elected government and didn't try to stop her seditious actions he is complicit and should resign and if not...be impeached. He didn't know? HA! HOGWASH! I thought Martha Mitchell was bad. But Thomas's wife takes the cake! Wonder if she has her own buffalo horn head dress and wears this at the dinner table or while watching Fox News or even to bed?
  13. Sounds like Trump cultists. He actually got them so worked up they willingly stormed the Capital building with extreme violence. This thread is compelling to follow. The Doudna / Brancato debate exchanges are greatly informative, thought provoking, respectfully presented and appreciated. So much interesting information, well researched, right here in front of us. Good for the forum.
  14. Here is a truth we all know. There are for sure many people who saw or heard or knew things related to the JFK event and the main characters involved who never came forward to share their knowledge. To their dying days. It's self preservation human nature. These people understood that their lives and the lives of their children or other loved ones could only be effected negatively by coming forward. My guess is that cumulatively, what they saw, heard or knew would change the truth story to degrees that would shock us all to the core. The violent and bloody JFK, RFK and MLK events invoked tremendous fear. It would be a tough call to decide whether to come forward or not regards knowing something that might challenge the official line.
  15. So often I notice anti-conspiracy, JFK denigrating books that just pop up on the national scene whenever the JFK event starts getting greater publicity than normal. A women claims JFK had sex with her as a very young woman working as a White House aid. And that JFK actually asked her to pleasure JFK's friend Dave Powers in the White House pool. New books countering the conspiracy movement and that get national exposure publicity. I assume Jim Di's and Oliver Stone's new film, which has recently gotten world press coverage and is being shown on own national TV, is probably the latest catalyst for this latest "Oswald Lone Nut" promoting tome. Another thought that pops into my head after watching VP's video above that shows JFK open limo campaign motorcades in so many cities ( Honolulu, Memphis, Tampa etc.) just months before and right up to his Dallas one is that ugly but easily seen 3 inch wide with a bullet diameter hole in the middle dent in the middle of the upper windshield framing of the presidential limo. All those different drivers, limo transporters, limo cleaners and inspectors all inside and around the Presidential vehicle that was getting an unprecedented work out like JFK's was in the weeks before Dallas... and no one ever thought to mention the ugly bash and hole in the steel plated frame easily and continuously visible right in front of their eyes? If I saw a dent like that in my own old junker car I would be bothered by it every time I got in it to drive. But in a presidential limo it's no big deal? Obviously, that ugly dent was created during the Dealey Plaza shooting sequence. And should have been hugely much more investigated than it was. And at least twice in viewing Clint Hill interviews he responds to audience questions regarding the lack of responsible open windows and roof top security in Dallas. He simply says they ( his own Secret Service?) just didn't have the resources to do this as people might expect. ??? But the Dallas PD, Sheriff's department and other presidential security agencies like military intelligence didn't either? And not one security person in the entire Dallas motorcade was assigned with binoculars to scan open upper story windows just before and during JFK's drive just underneath them? Whether it was Oswald or someone else p the barrel of their rifle partially outside of the TXSBD 6th floor window while loud blast sound blazing away for 6 seconds, they couldn't have had more good fortune than such a lack of common sense security below them. Heck, Dealey Plaza sidewalk crowd bystanders Aaron Rowland and Carolyn Walthers were more security minded astute ( by just idle curiosity accident ) than JFK's official guard army that day. Through nothing more than randomly looking around, they spotted rifle holding men in the open windows of the TXSBD for several seconds just minutes before JFK's drive underneath? And also random looking around 15 year old Amos Lee Euins sees a rifle gun barrel ( "pipe") sticking out of that window while the shooting is going on? But not anyone in the huge security detail of the JFK motorcade sees any of this? Please...
  16. The first time I watched Dallas DA Wade speak to the national press on TV the evening of 11/24/1963 I instantly got a gut feeling the guy was corrupt and probably a person of extreme right segregationist views. He had that "Good Ole Boy" look and manner of speech. When identifying the name of Oswald's killer Jack Ruby Wade feigned ignorance of knowing Ruby as well as he did. He said to the press "his name is a ... Jack Rubenstein I believe?" with an unsure expression on his face. COME ON! Wade knew Jack Ruby as well as he knew anyone else in Dallas. Wade came in for drinks at the Carousel! When Wade was reminded by a member of the press that Jack Ruby was present at the other earlier press conference of Wade's, Wade responded with this ridiculous comment that he noticed he ( Ruby ) shouted out to Wade something about Oswald's connection to "The Fair Play For Cuba" committee. And that he ( Wade) thought Ruby was a member of the press. Again, please! Wade knew Jack Ruby well enough to know who he was looking at and listening to when Ruby was shouting back at him while he ( Ruby) was standing singularly and totally visible on the top of that table. When another reporter told Wade he noticed Ruby personally talking to Wade at the end of that earlier news conference and it appeared to this reporter that he ( Wade ) looked as if was quite friendly or familiar with Ruby, Wade didn't answer except to show an embarrassed "hand caught in the cookie jar" type smile on his face. And Wade also knew at that close up, one-on-one, face to face conversation encounter time with Ruby that Ruby was at that conference and who he was. You'd think someone of Wade's high responsibility position and in that unprecedented important circumstance of this world watching press briefing right inside the Dallas police department building might have thought..."What the heck is this sleazy strip joint owner doing here?" "How the heck did he even get in here?" Ruby's presence there didn't seem to faze Wade. Wade's press speech comments about Ruby were a phony charade on Wade's part to hide his true long time knowledge of and club visiting relationship with "his name is a ... Jack Rubenstein I believe?" Jack Ruby. So, Wade was l---- from the get go. And anyone brown nosing the totally corrupt LBJ for 15 years like Wade did was no boy scout leader - imo anyway.
  17. The morning of 11,24,1963 I was watching on live national TV as Oswald was being led down the DPD building parking garage corridor while handcuffed to his two police escorts and then being shot by Ruby. The television news correspondent was commenting "and here he comes" or something like that when suddenly ... "BAM!" The gun shot sound was very loud over the TV. There must have been microphones positioned fairly close to the front line of the press crowd and I am sure they were turned on to maximum sensitivity in order to catch anything Oswald may have said to any reporter's questions shouted at him. Hence it was like you were "right there" as far as loudness. The loud "BAM" jolted me and I am sure millions of others who had just heard it on live TV. I mention the loudness of Ruby's 38 gun shot into Oswald's gut because if it was that loud to TV viewers, imagine how loud it must have been to everyone actually in that corridor just feet from the shooting and to the press crowd also just feet away on the parking side of the ramp? Now regards to Captain Will Fritz; I saw Fritz during the Oswald corridor walk and Ruby shooting coverage. I watched him separate from and walk many feet ahead of Oswald as they approached the press crowd. In re-watching the entire clip over and over like millions of other TV viewers, I was struck by Fritz's actions. It seemed curious to me that he would spontaneously drift off and away from Oswald right as Oswald was getting closer to the press line. In that heightened Oswald security minded situation it all seemed so odd as were Fritz's body movements next to the car ( waving his arms in slow motion to keep non-existent crowds away? ) and even his facial expression seemed confused, or lost looking? Like someone afflicted with dementia? And since when does the "head man" of a big city homicide department do the duty of a flunky underling in opening doors of police cars for suspects and the chief himself? But most striking was Fritz's seeming obliviousness to the actual BOOMING gun shot sound. Everyone else physically jumped or flinched or showed at least some reaction to that big bang. They probably even "felt" it's concussive energy. But, zombie slow motion acting Fritz didn't seem to even notice! Was he deaf -drugged - or just out of it? He didn't even turn around to look at the frantic and loud shouting scene behind him for a couple of seconds! It reminded me of people in rest homes or someone so drunk their reaction time to shouts at them is delayed by seconds. Also, as Oswald first appeared from the back entrance part of the corridor and was being walked closer toward the press crowd...I was sickened at how "open" he was. Even at 12 years of age, and knowing that Oswald was one of the top two or three the most threatened criminal suspects in American history, I fully expected him to be completely surrounded by a full circle "wall" of police escort security. Instead Oswald was literally paraded wide open and even a little ahead at times by just two side escorts? My goodness, it was like "here he is" to anyone who may have infiltrated the press crowd and wanted to get a crack at Oswald. And of course, tragically, this is exactly what happened. However, it was all just naively inexperienced bad luck on the part of Chief Curry, Captain Fritz and the Dallas PD. Right?
  18. I would love to get a copy myself. Like Denny Z. says ... even if this short tome just contains some interesting tidbits, any little truth exposing stones thrown to help bring down the Goliath sized, bastardized Bugliosi Rec History book will have some value imo. Not much else out there in this regards? Not a complete book anyway. So far, for me the best "Reclaiming History/Vincent Bugliosi" dragon slayer ( with his accumulated pieces of fairly detailed critical reviews) has been our own Jim Di. Couldn't get through but 20% of VB's 1,632 page Rec History book myself. And yet, in just that limited amount of mind numbing / yawn fighting endless rote details reading, I swear VB repeated these same one dozen derogatory, mentally unstable labels of JFK conspiracy believers 50 times! "Nut cases, loons, buffs," etc. etc. He was literally obsessive in doing this. As if one of his main goals in writing the book was to implant a "Boogie Man" social rejection fear factor into the American collective consciousness regarding anyone believing of a conspiracy regards the JFK assassination and the Warren Report as an FBI controlled misdirection effort more than anything else. Also, VB's ridiculously heavy 10 lbs. dumb bell weight book should have contained an intro page warning disclaimer that it may cause serious back or hernia injury if not lifted with both legs bent care and/or if dropped on one's foot.
  19. HAAAA!!! Absolutely hilarious! Thanks for the lightened load!
  20. Excellent summary Denny Z. 99% of the American people cannot and will not ever know the thousands of important JFK event side stories and characters in these that make up the larger and clearer truth picture. For a million different reasons. It's just too much for most to digest. And if one "truly wants to know" the real and full truth about most world history changing man made events, one must dig it out with years of committed hard work study. Often to the point of significantly sacrificing more fun, enjoyable, family time giving and more income producing aspects of what we consider the good life. No? I know more about the JFK event and Oswald, Ruby and hundreds of other story related characters than I do any other major American and even world changing historical event by far. Too obsessively so I'm sure. First triggered by my watching on live national TV the morning of November 24th, 1963, tacky strip joint owner Jack Ruby blasting a death blow hole into handcuffed Lee Harvey Oswald's gut in the middle of 70 armed Dallas Police personnel and right inside of their own building. Was this a PTSD event for me? And many others of the millions who also watched this brutal and bloody shocking event on live TV that day? To a degree I believe it was. Certainly something you would never forget. And yet, even with my years of reading books, articles and internet forum entries as well as viewing hundreds if not a thousand JFK event related You Tube videos I am still just a laughably uneducated neophyte relative to thousands of others who have researched this historical event story to PH.D. levels.
  21. For 5 years now I just shake my head at the thousands of crazy things Trump says that come across as him being so compulsively self obsessed and self promoting fixated to even delusional false reality degrees that he can't hold a conversation without injecting this into every response he gives. The man can't hold a rational back and forth conversation because of his massive fear of being a loser insecurity issues. "I'm the greatest, I'm the smartest, I'm a genius, I'm the best, I'm always right, I'm a winner not a loser, I know more than the generals, I'm loved by so many, I can 'grab em by the p*$$y and they let me get away with it, I'm always being wronged and cheated, I'm ......... it never ends! Trump IS the best in one area. He'd be the "biggest and best bore" at any cocktail party with his non-stop, one track self obsessed and self promoting line of conversation. "Did I ever tell you I'm the best at ... well, you name it ... I'm just the best!" Gag!
  22. The fact that Lee Harvey Oswald "himself" shouted out to the world press his claim of being "a patsy" in regards to the Tippit and JFK killings just hours after his arrest is what gives this claim a more significant weight of consideration beyond idle speculation by others imo. Oswald had just "one rushed and chaotic chance" to defend himself to the world when he was allowed to field questions from the press crowd for a minute inside a hallway of the Dallas PD building before being aggressively hustled off back to his cell. He knew that this was his only chance to publicly express his defense against murder charges and also to point out his rights violation treatment ( no attorney appointment - line up rigging, etc. ) at the hands of a super vengeful and frantic JFK guilt police department who clearly were bending procedure to get this "cop killer" who brutally slaughtered one of their own. For reality check logic, I'll throw out this analogy regards leaving Oswald ( the most threatened criminal suspect in American history ) in the personal security hands of the cop killing vengeful Dallas PD for two days until his murder right in their own basement while handcuffed to two of their own officers. It was like leaving a child rapist/killer in the hands of their victim's relatives! It was like the DPD was begging for someone to get close to Oswald to do him in with that crazy circus wall to wall press crowd being allowed to take over the halls of their PD building and then actually "parading" Oswald right next to and by them several times. Even their armed police deli sandwich gifting buddy Jack Ruby was allowed into that Friday night crowd just feet from Oswald! And we know Ruby wanted to whack Oswald even then! Oswald was also relatively incredibly calm and coherent in answering the press questions during his "I am just a patsy" interview imo. After being roughed up, aggressively dragged around, denied legal counsel, and interrogated heavily for hours ( with no notary present? ) and now being accused of murdering JFK, he still thoughtfully paused to answer shouted questions from the press in an intelligent way, rather than screaming frantically his abuse and innocence. Oswald's illogical calmness is part of the suspicion mystery. Oswald himself planted the plot twist turn of "patsy." IMO he was smart enough to know the suspicion weight and power a defense claim like that had. The first question "any" trained interrogator would ask after a "Patsy" defense claim by a suspect would be ... "why do you feel you are a patsy?" And "who do you think set you up?" Did DPD homicide captain Will Fritz follow up on Oswald's "patsy" defense claim like that? Obviously not. Before Oswald was gunned down in their hands just two days later...Will Fritz was shouting to the world press "This case cinched!" Oswald is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt! A day and a half of investigation was all Fritz needed to make such a rock solid sure claim and to do so in such a rare ( for him ) public way? No trial or jury needed in Oswald's case in Fritz's mind. Boys, get that boy outta here! And let the public know the exact broad daylight time and place we will be shipping him out. Thanks to Jessie Curry's public news release of his Oswald movement security decision and plan...we all know how successful it was in protecting the most threatened criminal suspect in American history and ... the most important if he were allowed to live.
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