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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. It sounds like Ruth Paine never clearly denied the "we both know who was responsible" part of her telephone conversation with Michael. Where Ruth is rock hard sure about so many aspects of her words, actions and thoughts in her recounting of her whole Marina and Lee experience, she seems to equivocate somewhat when asked about the exact content of her conversation with husband Michael that day. Didn't she infer that if she and Michael did say anything like that, that they would have been referring to the rabid JFK hating types in Dallas ( that spat upon Adlai Stevenson ) and the far right extremists wealth groups such as the JBS and Minute Men who everybody knew also hated JFK to a treasonous minded degree? Not an illogical or suspiciously unusual train of thought imo. Heck, millions like me just assumed Dallas was full of JFK hating extremists and segregationists. That it made sense that JFK was killed in a JFK hating city like Dallas.
  2. The Verdict is one of my top ten films of all time. Watched it again just last week. It just grips me every time. The story line about the human condition of struggle, failure, lost hope then faith and redemption and finally sweet justice. Casting was perfect. Newman had to say so much...without words. And did this so well, better than almost any actor I have seen. In fact, all the other cast had to do the same thing, and did so wonderfully. Charlotte Rampling, Jack Warden, Lindsay Crouse ( The Arrival ) ... and where did they find Joe Seneca? Loved his role! Joe Seneca; member of the Three Riffs singing group. Writer of many songs including the classic "Talk To Me" by Little Willie John! Mason. What can one say? The classic eloquent bad guy as he was in other films such as North By Northwest. This film inspires me. Newman inspires me. Mamet inspires me. Yes, "Wag The Dog" was great. Another classic with great dialogue and meaning in our world of media corruption. GlenGarry Glen Ross? What a cast. What great lines and performances. Desperately ruthless, back stabbing and pitifully morally bankrupt real estate salesmen fun! " you owe me a $6,000 car...what are you gonna do about it ... a$$hole?" "Let me buy you a pack of gum and show you how to chew it." Mamet is ... well what can one say? I am sure Stone admires his talent and work tremendously. Jim Di ... Do you think Mamet's "Blackbird" film project is history? Talk To Me, Talk To Me by Little Willie John 1958 113K views7 years ago jukejointjohnny48
  3. It was to be titled "Black Bird." I followed that project obsessively. Mamet writing? Cate Blanchette starring? Fascinating plot line? I couldn't wait. Until finally I read in ( Variety? ) that the project was dead. Felt sick about it. Really I did. Blanchette had accepted the role...right? How much would Mamet need to get that project back on? 20 Mil.? No problem. I'll cut a check tomorrow! I also read that Mamet felt the whole JFK conspiracy story was a crock. ??? Wow, what a lucky man you are Jim Di. To sit with Mamet and Stone and be a part of that meet up discourse? You are in the A list loop now my man. Next time I'm down your way how about we have lunch at the Beverly Hills Hotel Polo Lounge?
  4. If so this LBJ WC finding skepticism has never made it out or been reported on except for a handful of obscure alternate history forums. The sanctioned curriculum history books? Ha...never. The Cronkite interview is all there is in this regards and the Richard Russell account is even more obscure. I think LBJ was wracked with life review guilt in his last two to three years. To the degree of unstable thoughts. Combine that with drinking and ... No wonder he was under 24 hour "guard?" in his last days.
  5. But LBJ knew no one was going to see or hear his WC doubt comments to Cronkite until he died. How could there be a "distancing" effect from the WC from his comments as you describe if they never got out?
  6. Agree exactly WN. However, I don't get your take on his Walter Cronkite interview where he states doubts about the WC lone nut finding. Why would his support of the WC findings arouse suspicion? I would think it would be the other way around? And don't forget, LBJ himself ordered this later part of the Cronkite interview buried until after his death? While he was alive no one even knew ( except for a select few ) what he said in it regards " I don't think they or anyone else can be absolutely certain...others may have been involved."
  7. Does anyone here watching this video interview think Colby was being truthful or even mostly truthful? How about Phillips? And by the way, Phillips says in this interview (regarding whether pictures of Oswald were destroyed " to which he says "there were not. I know ... I was there." He was there ( in Mexico City? ) during the time of the reported Oswald visit? And in this interview Phillips sure doesn't say or even hint that Oswald never visited Mexico City. And did Lee bring back a Mexican silver bracelet gift to Marina after he got back? Or, did she ask for one?
  8. What else would it take for our highest intel agencies to take on an immediate laser focus interest in and background check scrutiny of an American doing what they say Oswald did while in Mexico City? Phillips said he knew positively that Oswald made contact with the Cuban embassy and communicated with the Soviet one. Obviously they must have recorded all calls going in there? Considering the highest importance security risk implications of an American citizen attempting to get in touch with and speak directly to the chief of our most feared enemy's hit squad, you would think that from that second on there would be immediate digging and at least some surveillance scrutiny including a tail on this former defector starting with planting one on the Greyhound bus taking him back to Texas...no? Phillips must have known what was being communicated in those embassies to assuredly say that they rebuffed Oswald, correct? However, no photos of Americans coming and going into or out of those Embassies? Oh come on! Then how in the heck did they get that one photo which even they weren't sure whether it was Oswald?
  9. I've mentioned and posted this LBJ/Walter Cronkite interview link here on the forum many times over the years. Doing so because I have and always will consider it an almost unbelievable revelation of conspiratorial admission ... on the part of LBJ himself! LBJ's "others may have been involved "comments are not vague and ambiguous. They are clear, direct and simple in their message. And if body language study is a true science, LBJ in this interview was a classic case of L**** and guilt and holding back. Have you ever seen anyone look so uncomfortable as LBJ when he began his "others may have been involved" reflection sharing? Shifting widely his head and entire body in his seat. Stammering and halting speaking. Eyes looking down, blinking like crazy and even being held shut for a second or two at a time. Like he just couldn't look directly at Cronkite when stating his doubts about the full truth of Oswald's background and his "others that may have been involved" comments. No wonder LBJ ordered this segment of the Cronkite interview kept secreted away until after his death. IMO...it's a clear revelation of conspiratorial belief on LBJ's part! I will always be disturbingly amazed that this LBJ/Cronkite interview tape hasn't been shown or even mentioned or talked about 1,000 times more than it has in the years since it was released. Could you imagine if Oliver Stone had access to this shocking LBJ revelation interview and included it in his film JFK? Triggering this deeply suspicious but rational question in the film audience minds: If LBJ himself had these Oswald not acting alone doubts 5 years after the WC report ... WHAT THE HECK!?
  10. Colby stammered and stuttered and lost his intense direct eye line stare at Rather when Rather asked him about the photo of someone other than Oswald at the USSR Embassy. He gave an explanation of it that was so illogical and his demeanor in doing so was so guiltily scattered. Colby said they sent the wrong Oswald picture to Dallas but didn't know it was not Oswald? Or, they knew but sent it anyway?
  11. Important political and social perspective to keep in mind.
  12. Many others? Including what...a dozen or more eye witnesses? Fellow Parkland doctors, nurses, Clint Hill, etc.etc. All saying the same thing regards a baseball sized hole in the right rear skull area showing oozing brain matter or ( according to Hill and Bethesda Med Tech Paul O'Conner ) no brains at all? Even in one of the photos shown, we can see the the two piece skull bone flap that is in an above the right side ear area location of JFK's head. We know exactly this location from viewing the Zapruder film and watching the flap blow out shown in real time. And by the closest sidewalk eye witness to the blowout Bill Newman's immediate description given just one hour later when he was interviewed on Dallas TV. The location of that flap blowout is far away from the skull bone hole described by so many other up close eye witnesses to JFK's head that day. Also, from looking at the right side and up top photos of JFK's head it looks like over half of JFK's upper brain matter must have been blown out. The massively eviscerated scalp looks so depressed downward as if there wasn't much left underneath to hold it back up into a more raised normal position. It sure appears that the bullet that went into JFK's skull literally exploded JFK's brain matter into oblivion, does it not? No wonder Humes and team didn't measure the weight of JFK's brain. Wasn't enough left to do so?
  13. Exactly. Even in our mostly Democratic state of California, there has always been a real perceived sense of fear of some type of violent act retribution towards you if you dared speak out too much against Donald Trump publicly. You imagined someone in loud engine, highly lifted, big tires pick up trucks with Confederate banners, flags and bumper stickers driving by and throwing something at you ... or worse! Seriously, right here in my home town I remember seeing a convoy of trucks like this parading through our main streets one day during the Presidential campaign period with rough edged cowboy hat wearing fellows and their Marjorie Taylor Greene look-alike type women sticking their pumped fists and heads out the windows and yelling pro-Trump / Biden hate slogans along with honking horns and loudest dial turned on country music blaring from their radios as well. I think with even a Pit Bull dog or two riding in the open back truck beds. The whole super loud and aggressive Trump promoting scene was intimidatingly scary. Fear of aggressive Trump followers is real. And it's a fear felt all across America.
  14. Imagine the ultimate trifecta negligence security failure legacy the 1963 DPD would have been saddled with forever had Jack Ruby been whacked during their custody of him? Beyond even the mind boggling one they had already secured with losing both JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald in their city due to multiple security failures ( JFK partially - L.H. Oswald totally.) I believe in most major population American cities in 1963 that if their police departments had Oswald killed while in their custody as Oswald was in Dallas, they would have fired those police department heads who were responsible for the planning and implementation of Oswald's worst case scenario failed security. Oswald's deadly fate under the DPD security on November, 24th, 1963 was no better than if they had marched him out to the blood thirsty yelling lynch mob on Commerce Street and said..."here you go ... have at him."
  15. The renowned comedian Jonathan Winters once recounted seeing Helen Forrest in a diner in Boise. He mentioned this in his Dean Martin Roast monologue honoring Frank Sinatra. He drove the instrument bus for Tommy Dorsey's traveling band as they toured many of our most rural states back when Sinatra was their featured singer. Winters was a JFK conspiracy believer. 8:25NOW PLAYING WATCH LATER ADD TO QUEUE Funny Jonathan Winters Roasts Frank Sinatra 758 views1 year ago Saturday Memories Winters has all the Stars rolling with Laughter...
  16. Jim Di makes the most sense here imo. As always, better researched than anyone else in the important areas debated. Yes, when Sprague and Tanenbaum left ... so did the integrity of that committee. The reasons they gave for doing so say it all.
  17. I wonder WN whether any world leader could ever attempt such an entire world and humanity destabilizing action as you describe above regards Putin annihilating Europe without some intervention of a new world order force to prevent it? I am just speculating and even guessing about such a scenario. And I know many will say my following postulation is really out there. However, I believe that the new world order may very possibly be one that is beyond the precepts of reality that 99% of mankind has traditionally held onto regards the true state of human societal and global power affairs as they/we know it. That since WWII, we have been introduced to a new reality of humanity that now includes knowledge of and maybe even interaction with other life forms not of this Earth. This "ET" knowledge experience is beyond most of our imaginations. Who knows what it involves. However, if true, it must surely come with new realms of global wide humanity interests control and direction agendas different than anything in our past. To what degree and in what context I haven't a clue. But I sense that one of the biproducts of this possible ET interaction has been a quantum leap in technology knowledge. Again, beyond our imaginations. And this probably includes it's potential in weaponry? I also sense that the huge quantum growth of our secret government institutions ( trillions of no oversight dollars allotted since WWII and alluded to by Bill Clinton in at least one interview after he left office and maybe even Obama and Bush junior ) has come about mostly because of this new paradigm of technology leaping knowledge associated with this ET experience. It would surely be the single most powerful and best kept secret in our world today. If this scenario is even half true, I would assume there is a control group at the top of this super secret knowledge pyramid and that they could have more say about global affairs than any one single government, regime and leader who threatens to bring everything down world wide by themselves. Again, just a gut feeling musing, but we all do know now we have secret technology in this world that we would have a hard time believing exists, let alone is functional. Whoever owns and controls the larger body of this new mind blowing technology surely has much more world affairs control power than those that don't? It's a new world order all right. And one that might be needed to step in and prevent one government and leader from bringing down the whole shebang out of personal crazy power madness. "If the average person knew HALF of what is really going on in our world, they would probably go into their backyards and kill themselves."
  18. Who is the person with the white cowboy hat ( only person wearing one in the entire crowd picture ) red tie and dark grey suit just beyond the passenger door of the DPD car in the foreground? Odd, kind of creepy looking. Staring at the picture taker instead of the Oswald car loading scuffle? Is he from the DPD white hat wearing detective bureau? It's not Fritz himself.
  19. I saw Tilson on the Gerry Spence / Bugliosi Lee Harvey Oswald trial video doc. Wasn't Tilson's daughter with him during his supposed Ruby, black car chase event? If so, I wonder whether she may have backed up her father's story in it's main details?
  20. Sorry, but when witnesses "directly involved" with major players or other important aspects of the JFK/ OSWALD/JIM GARRISON investigation come forward with incredible claims that bolster Garrison's case, it seems they are just too often labeled as L****. Russo, Martin, Francis Fruge, Lewis, Habighorst, Bannister's secretary ( stating Oswald's presence ) etc, etc. When all other avenues of discrediting these pro-Garrison witnesses doesn't hold well ( Dallas witnesses as well ) the final tactic is to just say they are simply l****. Then you are left with either blindly accepting this final base assessment of these pro-Garrison witnesses "or" giving at least some consideration to the weight of logic, reason and common sense in determining whether this final discrediting label is more justified than not. I don't know the personal background of Officer Habighorst. However, if he wasn't making money or fame by sticking with his Clay Shaw alias stating claim even years after his personal one-on-one encounter with Shaw in the booking department of the NOPD...why put himself out there for ridicule and attack by publicly doing so years later? And regards these 5 other witnesses in the NOPD booking room who contradict Gabighhorst's Clay Shaw alias claim; weren't they all farther away from Gabighorst and Shaw in this booking interaction? Sean Coleman...you admit cropping this copy of the the Habighorst booking document. Why did you do this? Do you believe the document ( original and copy) is a phony? Do you personally believe Habighorst's Clay Shaw / Clay Bertrand alias claim? Or do you also prescribe to the "Habighorst is simply a l***" take?
  21. Then the above document is not real? It's not in the official NOPD record? NOPD Officer Aloysius Habighorst just made the whole claim up? Another nut case scenario?
  22. Is the story of the NOPD booking officer stating Shaw gave him the alias name of "Clay Bertrand" true or not? I know the judge in the Shaw trial would not allow mention of this officer and his claim ( and for sure the officer himself ) which if proven true would have blown Shaw's defense out the courtroom window.
  23. Whoever the tan coat / light scarf wearing women is, these consecutive photo shot sequences prove that she was right behind Brehm ( maybe 6 ft.? ) and had already settled into a stationary standing position long enough to lift and use her camera just as JFK's limo is passing bye right in front of her, Brehm, his son, Mary Moorman and Jean Hill. To bad she was never identified or came forward. She was one of only a handful of eyewitness just 20 foot away when JFK's head exploded right in front of them.
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