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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. "He's Been Shot! He's Been Shot! Lee Oswald Has Been Shot!" The shocked shouted words of NBC television news reporter Tom Pettit who was on location in the DPD basement and just feet away from Oswald as he was shot by Jack Ruby the morning of 11,24,1963. The up close - point blank gun shot killing of Oswald ( the most important criminal suspect in America's history ) on the Sunday morning of 11,24,1963 right inside the Dallas PD building with two escorts at his sides and another 70+ armed security all around supersedes almost every other Oswald guilty or not debate in conspiracy suggesting importance imo. It was the viewing of local strip joint owner Jack Ruby leaping from the press line and blowing Oswald's guts out LIVE on national TV ( by what 50 million Americans including me ?) in that totally improbable DPD Oswald security failure situation that deeply wrenched the stomachs and immediately planted seriously strong seeds of conspiracy suspicion and doubt in the minds of those tens of millions of Americans ( and for sure tens of millions of foreigners as well) as it rationally should have. Whether or not Oswald was guilty of the JFK killing or not or worked with others or not became the secondary issue behind his live on national TV viewed, total trust shaking murder in DPD custody. The DPD's literally unbelievable negligence in protecting the most important criminal suspect in America's history in the worst possible way and with the worst possible results with Oswald's death is the single main event that triggered the greatest loss of trust in our government ever - lasting decades! Most American's like me didn't feel this suspicion, doubt and loss of trust until we saw Ruby whack Oswald in the DPD basement live on national TV that morning. That's how hugely important, effecting and damaging the DPD Oswald security failure event was.
  2. Tough facts of at least some inferred guilt implication on Oswald's part to get around Claude. However, isn't the larger question ( assuming Oswald had a part in the shooting ) whether or not there were others involved with Oswald? Think of the incredible amount of extremely lucky circumstances that allowed Oswald to do what he supposedly did at 12:30 PM on 11, 22, 1963. He was able to be allowed to visit and spend the night with Marina at Ruth Paine's house in Irving on a day Ruth, Marina and Lee had agreed he wouldn't and without any firm resistance by Ruth. Did Ruth ever share Oswald's stated reason for breaking this agreement? Or why she didn't protest? On top of this singular agreement breach luckily without Ruth's denying his stay, Lee also got lucky in getting away with sneaking into Ruth's garage without her noticing ( even while she was in the house ) to retrieve and wrap up his rifle? And then walk out with it the next morning to go to Buell Frazier's house. Luckily, B. Frazier didn't press Oswald too hard on the unusual package. Then again, Oswald got lucky in being able to get the wrapped package into the TXSBD and quickly up to the 6th floor to hide it, again without anyone stopping him to ask what he was carrying or why he went straight up to the 6th floor before going back down to the first floor to get his order pad and work order? The luck continues in that during many minutes before, up to and during the shooting, not one other employee just happened to have sauntered up to sixth floor. Perhaps to get a wide open birds eye view of the JFK motorcade? And one of the luckiest breaks for Oswald was JFK's motorcade passing right underneath his workplace. A work place perfectly suited for a sniper in it's turkey shoot higher up, left alone location and physical set up. Then, Oswald get's shooting lucky in hitting a bullseye onto JFK's 10 inch wide head target at 265 feet away and which is moving away from him at 11 mph, down an incline and side to side with JFK moving/turning his head toward Jackie right after he is first shot. A bullseye shot that almost every top marksmen in the world of known experts could not duplicate. Oswald gets lucky again in being noticed but let go by a gun pointing DPD officer in the 2nd floor lunch room. Lucky again in being able to just walk away unnoticed from the TXSBD and making it back to his room using public bus and private taxi transportation? Oswald's luck finally ran out when and if he had it out with Officer J.D. Tippit and then had an army of DP forces swoop down on him in the Texas theater. The luckiness of Oswald having the absolute perfect location to shoot the President is the most suspicious one imo. Oh, and the luckiness of absolutely no one checking higher up open windows on the parade route, or having anyone on any rooftops next to the parade route for sniper security. Innocent bystanders on the street below the TXSBD, just by looking around in idle curiosity or boredom spot a rifle holding man or men in a high floor window of the TXSBD building ( Arnold Rowland, Carolyn Walther ) but not one assigned security person spots this?
  3. If there were others above and involved with Oswald in the JFK event they must have been having absolute heart pounding panic attacks not just because Oswald survived not being killed right away but even more so when he actually shouted to the world press "I am just a patsy." Killing Oswald ( even while he was in police custody ) must have been the highest and most desperate priority action of their own lives. One of Jack Ruby's early jail visitors after his arrest was who? Head of the Dallas Mafia? Joe Campisi. I could see Ruby wanting to see his sister, his Rabbi, maybe George Senator? Maybe a couple of his stripper girls who actually liked him. Maybe his loyal Carousel Club clean up man? But Joe Campisi? And you'd think a high profile criminal suspect figure like Campisi wouldn't want to be seen within 10 miles of the now world known killer Jack Ruby. He sure wouldn't want that kind of association publicity. Campisi stated to the FBI that Dallas County Sheriff Bill Decker actually contacted him and asked him to visit Ruby in his jail cell! What was that all about?
  4. Oswald had a propensity for reading. He was constantly checking out library books and actually reading them. From a young age. Marina testified that Lee read constantly during their marriage. He read newspapers more than just the sports pages. Even though his literary interests were less than broad and well rounded, he obviously was still pretty bright. And clear headed as well. In Oswald's Summer of 1963 New Orleans radio and I think even TV appearance, he was calm and well spoken. He even taught himself the Russian language? My point here is this. When Oswald yelled out to the press crowd in the DPD hallways the evening of 11,22,1963 "I am just a patsy" as he was being forcibly pulled away my sense tells me that he didn't say this generally weak guilt denying excuse out of some spontaneous unthinking desperation. I believe intelligent Oswald knew exactly what those words meant. They meant that Oswald felt he was set up! Oswald knew that he had been had ... and I believe he knew by whom. If I was in charge of interrogating Oswald I would have grilled him heavily regards his "I am just a patsy" public pronouncement. "Why would you say this specific claim?" Patsies are set up by others. Who set you up Lee?" Did Captain Will Fritz seriously follow up on Oswald's unusual patsy claim? When a murder suspect never waivers from his claim of innocence under what must have been extraordinary heavy pressure for hours and even days and you don't have any eyewitness testimony or hard physical evidence, how could Will Fritz loudly boast to the press ..."This case is cinched!" after just two days of investigation? When the physical evidence sent off to the FBI hadn't even been thoroughly checked out and returned? A really good defense attorney would have successfully instilled reasonable doubt in the minds of at least some jurors in an Oswald murder trial I'm convinced. Unless that jury was tainted from the start.
  5. 85% to 90% of our national media is totally afraid of losing 50% of their viewership and listenership audience and the equivalent in advertising dollars by reporting anything anti-Trump. IMO that is why Trump gets away with these huge crimes. If these crimes by Trump are downplayed to the point of not even reporting them or stating their true importance as is the case with this incredible election overturning coup/insurrection admission by Trump and his praise of the Capital Building attackers with suggested offers of pardons and all topped with calls for massive protests of his followers in cities and states where he is being investigated ... we really do not have a truth and democracy protecting 4th estate anymore. We've lost one of the most vital and important aspects of our democracy. Their running away from this responsibility reminds one of the cowardice of the local townspeople in the film "High Noon." What media does report the truth about Trump and the true level of his almost unbelievable crimes against our constitutional democracy ( little ole MSNBC and public radio? ) have what... a 10% share of our TV , radio, newspaper and magazine watching, listening and reading audience? This failure of responsible truth reporting by our last major guard of protection against losing our way to nefarious anti-democracy groups and their actions and lies ... is truly scary.
  6. Really interesting. Impressed with your research effort. I was always looking for more bio info on Francis Fruge but there never seemed to be very much. Still, he related his Rose Cherami story within days of first picking her up and I feel certain he told the truth as he knew it. Rose's JFK assassination comments to staff at the hospital wouldn't have generated any re-mention if they weren't so shocking and even unsettling to those who reported them imo. Maybe Rose's description of the men her transporters met at the Silver Slipper lounge were contradictory maybe not. A lot of Cubans were of mixed race. There were very dark African heritage Cubans. There were lighter skin color but still darker complexion Cubans. And very light skinned " European Spain" heritage Cubans. Look at Silvia Odio. Desi Arnez. Ever been to Italy or Sicily? Many there could pass as Cuban looking for sure. Rose was so mentally addled at that time I don't think her mis-identifying Cubans versus Italians is a serious credibility issue imo. One thing was for sure though. Seems the entire Gulf bordering South at that time from Florida to Texas was one long stretch of corrupt Mafia controlled seediness. Mafia owned strip joints, lounges, restaurants, fixed race tracks, drug running, human sex trafficking you name it.
  7. One could ponder that the "Bam-Bam" 2 shots right on top of each other sound as described by dozens of people right there in Dealey Plaza was one real shot sound followed by an immediate echo? The way Dealey is laid out it is in some way like a tunnel. However, the first shot ( supposedly by the same gunman who fired the second and possibly third shot and from the same location ) should have created a similar echo effect as well. And "no one" ever described the "Bam-Bam" sound from that first shot. The Dallas PD said they found "three" spent shells on the floor in the sniper's nest. Texas School Book Depository employee Harold Norman ( who was just 10 feet directly underneath the sniper's nest ) testified he heard ... "BOOM click - click" ... "BOOM click- click" ... "BOOM click-click" ... in an evenly spaced out sequence order with at least 2 seconds in between each of the three shots. However, the high witness number sound hearing testimony stated that the "Bam-Bam" sound was clearly different that not just the first shot, but also very different than the evenly spaced out 3 shot sound sequence with 2 seconds in between each shot as described by Harold Norman directly underneath the shooting lair. " Bam-Bam" almost right on top of each other is different that "BOOM click click" 2 seconds then "BOOM click click." Conclusion? Two shooters firing almost simultaneously with one hitting a bullseye into JFK's head.
  8. Jack Ruby attorney Melvin Belli. Someone Dorothy Kilgallen watched closely in the trial and spoke to at least once or twice as the photo's show. Interesting interview in 1968 and centered around Jim Garrison and his investigation. Belli trashes Dallas as a hot bed of "nut cases." Not the looney bin type, but the far right fanatical ones who funded those extreme right wing political groups ( who promoted JFK as a treasonous commie traitor ) with huge amounts of money. 9:44NOW PLAYING 1968 INTERVIEW WITH ATTORNEY MELVIN BELLI 2.7K views6 years ago David Von Pein's JFK Channel SOURCE: http://BayAreaRadio.org.
  9. Despite Shaw's suggested credibility flaws, no one else has ever come close to putting in the energy and effort he has to keep Dorothy Kilgallen's life sacrificing JFK/Ruby truth seeking memory alive in our societal consciousness. I've watched several of Shaw's "Dorothy Kilgallen was murdered and why she and her JFK investigation mattered" presentations on You Tube over the years. He is really good at keeping his audiences engaged and curiosity inspired with his passionate manner of speaking and a tight and quickly moving script of the Kilgallen story. Pretty efficiently presented imo. Lots of interesting facts that are not in dispute. The laughably absurd and illogically staged manner of DK's death scene alone is enough to easily conclude she was murdered. Sitting up in a bed she never slept in? Almost fully dressed and with all her make up and hair piece still on? A glass of something placed farther away from her reach on a bed table next to her. A book she either read already or would not read sitting "upside down" in front of her? Her death in Manhattan but her autopsy performed by an outside Borough coroner? His audiences don't get bored with Shaw and his smartly practiced summary presentation. Yes, I too find a few of the side views and stories he shares as somewhat subjective and perhaps a little too sentimental. Dorothy from heaven chose him to make her story his mission? However, with no one else picking up the mantle and taking this level of effort by Shaw to keeping this very important life sacrificing JFK truth seeking story of DK from disappearing altogether ( which it has outside of Shaw's work ) my take is it's all we have so we might as well keep it in mind and not totally dismiss it over debatably worthy sourcing flaws. Your hero and mine ( Jim Garrison) was ripped apart 1000 X more than Mark Shaw in the credibility and loose fact department regards his own JFK conspiracy investigation. Yet, with admittedly some flaws in Garrison's investigatory facts work and public pronouncements besides his discoveries, we would never have known the massive amount of nefarious Warren Commission false and hidden truth's Garrison discovered and of Oswald's super important New Orleans life, activities and contacts up to just months before his moving to Fort Worth in the fall of 1963. And Oliver Stone's JFK was another effort ripped apart as filled with factual errors, omissions and false interpretations, yet look at what that film did to not only keeping JFK's murder importance alive in our collective conscience but inspiring a new investigative effort which again shown light onto dark truths Americans needed to know. I wonder how many anecdotal stories Mort Sahl shared to friends and even audiences regards the JFK assassination that were 2nd, third and even 4th hand accounts that were impossible to verify. I'm sure he didn't embellish them or exaggerate them, but he still found them worthy enough in his mind to share. And the exaggeration of trysts with Marilyn Monroe was a national past time with so many claiming this you wondered how MM had time to do anything outside of being bedded. Mark Shaw is way down the list of the most egregious MM story exaggeration story tellers imo.
  10. Eddy, Kilgallen had at least two of the same major enemies as JFK and RFK. Monstrous and ruthless in their self interest protecting power and aggressiveness The Mafia & Hoover specifically. However, it wasn't the Mafia who had Kilgallen and her closest confidant's phone's bugged. It wasn't the Mafia who inserted Ron Pataky into DK's closest intimacy life. It wasn't the Mafia who stormed into DK's residence before even the police to search for and take whatever they wanted. One thing I have learned in all my years of JFK, RFK and MLK truth interest "reading" ( admittedly not true deep research but at least enough study to draw some fairly logical conclusions imo) is acquiring an awareness of a much more pervasive level of corruption and influence into every aspect and level of American life and government throughout the last two thirds of twentieth century. Way, WAY beyond anything the average American in the 20th century has ever even contemplated. RFK with his book "The Enemy Within" was trying to inform us all to a major part of this dangerous reality. Even Presidents and their closest staffs so corrupt many ended up in prison or should have. LBJ and Bobby Baker / Billy Sol Estes and so many more including the entire Texas power control structure of Ed Clark, Big Oil et al. LBJ was a totally corrupt man. Nixon and his entire staff regards Watergate and which was just the tip of the dirty tricks and money laundering iceberg as we now know. His own vice president Spiro Agnew was totally Mafia owned! Don Nixon, BB Rebozo, Robert Maheu ... ? When Jimmy Carter was elected, for the first time a President finally tried to truly confront and control the American Mafia influence which was so widespread, it included such mind blowing corruption facts as thousands of NYPD personnel on the take. And with many other major city police forces similarly corrupted. Las Vegas totally owned and controlled by the mob. With Hoover's decades of non-action the American Mafia's wealth and influence grew to such levels they have often been referred to as one of our country's top 5 most powerful influence groups controlling even presidents, senators, congress persons, governors and on and on. Other major control groups have included Big Oil and so many other players ( Military contracts )in the Military/ Industrial/Corporate complex Eisenhower warned us about. Huge monoliths of corrupt self interests with wealth, power and influence way beyond our constitutional framework checks and balances common good. I really believe Dorothy Kilgallen for all of her sharp journalistic and investigative skills, talents, drive and courage to jump into righteous efforts to correct injustices when she saw them, had no clue as to the true vastness of the total state of American corruption power in her time. JFK as well in a strange fatalistic way. With the total Mafia world, Hoover and Dulles and who knows who in the highest rungs of our military, big oil, blind with rage exiled Cubans and 10's of millions of JFK rage segregationists all wanting you dead ... it was just a matter of time. Same with RFK and MLK. Dorothy Kilgallen just didn't understand what she was truly up against imo. A monstrous monolith of corruption so huge in size and influence it was one of our countries top 3 legacies of the 20th century imo.
  11. It's the Secret Service Agent story starting at the "5 minute mark" in the interview you might find suspiciously interesting. This standing in the middle of the 3 lanes Stemmons Freeway guy hijacks Meat Loaf's car?
  12. Mark Shaw's "Denial of Justice" Kilgallen/JFK Presentation at Commonwealth Club of San Francisco I don't need to hear any more about Mark Shaw's credibility issues. His "Dorothy was murdered" presentations are extremely compelling imo and centered around documented facts enough for me to strongly believe his conclusion of Kilgallen being murdered and to a fair degree his probable whos and whys. I've posted many times over the years that Kilgallen's murder was one of the most neglected stories of our times. The woman was a cultural icon of such national popularity, influence and inspiring career achievement that to have her life and courageous, even heroic life risking JFK truth seeking related death story basically totally ignored by the main stream media and even Hollywood is just a tragic loss to us all. And, again to a fair degree just another stark indication of how our society has been incredibly controlled by corrupt forces that have kept our collective minds misdirected away from the most important realities of what has truly been going on all around us since 11,22,1963 and still today.
  13. In this interview Meat Loaf shares another suspicious "Secret Service" man appearing story when the SS always claimed they had no other men present beyond those immediately around the JFK limo. No agents on the grassy knoll. None left standing in the middle of the Stemmons freeway or some other nearby roadway by himself flagging down random cars to hitch a ride to Parkland. Meat Loaf says he slowed to avoid hitting this standing in the middle of the road man and even stopping his 1958 Buick Special where upon this intimidating acting man slammed a badge against Meat Loaf's closed window and told him he was "Secret Service" and then took over Meat Loaf's car and drove it to Parkland where he exited and Told Meat Loaf and his two buddies Jimmy McWhorter and Bill Slocum to stay in the car. They didn't of course. But who the heck was this left over straggler, street walking, hitchhiking, car commandeering "Secret Service" man? Meat Loaf says the SS man offered him a hundred dollar bill for commandeering and using his car which he refused, but instead took just $5 which this straggler SS man gave him. So, where are Meat Loaf's two buddies Jimmy McWhorter and Bill Slocum today? And what did Meat Loaf possibly know about the JFK event that he couldn't reveal under threat of death? Guess we'll never know now that he has passed. I recall Woody Harrelson once stating something similar in an interview. That he knew things about the JFK event he couldn't reveal. Implying his life would be endangered if he did.
  14. Just viewed the Meat Loaf Interview by Huckabee. In this he mentions the two buddies that were with him at Parkland that day. Jimmy McWhorter and Billy Slocum. Are these two guys still alive?
  15. Same beefy build and height. Same face as the High School picture. Same upper lip/cheek/nose separation indentation crease line. Same jaw line. Same chin shape and length. Same nose size and shape with somewhat flattened nose bridge. Same exact hair cut with small combed right direction cow lick and color. Same lip shape with lower lip slightly plumper than top and fairly short overall width of mouth and lips. Same ears. Right age. As Joe Biden would say "Come On Man!" That is a match! Didn't Meat Loaf say he and his pals were standing right outside of Parkland right after JFK was brought there and soon there after declared dead?
  16. Wow! The young man on the right sure does look like Meat Loaf. Great photo search sleuthing. Wonder if Meat Loaf's surviving wife might have an opinion on a match? Or some other surviving relative or maybe an old friend or acquaintance of Meat Loaf at that time?
  17. Oh no. Not at all. A relatively small and isolated fire ( relative to so many other large area ones the last few years ) 15 miles South of here. And by the way, the only way we have been able to stay here on the insane highest cost of living Monterey Peninsula since the 1990's when real estate and rent exploded 1,000 % has been to live a minimal life of bare month to month expense sacrifice. Renters for 40 years. 3 of us have to combine our incomes just to pay the rent! But, I was brought here in 1952 when rents were so normally reasonable anyone ( even a single person washing dishes ) could make it here. We arrived with probably $200 to $300 ( father's last one month paycheck? ) in a 1940's Plymouth sedan. Mom and Dad and seven boys ( me in diapers as I was 1 year old ) all in that car with everything we owned to boot! Kids heads, arms and feet were sticking out the windows of that car as it was the only way we 7 boys could be crammed inside! It was just like the Joads sputtering into California in "Grapes Of Wrath" with everything they owned in and on that old jalopy. Somehow, we got into an old rundown small two bedroom home with one bath and within two to three years our wayward alcoholic binge father just couldn't keep it together any longer and drifted off. Mom stayed and with help from welfare, occasional help from friends she had made and doing domestic work for a retired Osteopath across the street she was able to keep us boys together and housed and staying here in this safe little town for kids called "Pacific Grove" until the older boys at 17 and 18 started joining the service. I really don't know how my wife and I have been able to stay here with rents at $4,000 to 5,000 a month now for homes and one bedroom apartments starting at $2,200 a month with first, last and security deposit move in fees. Every month we feel stress wondering if our rent will go up another $1,000 to $1,500 and it's off to some place like Kansas for us. Anyway, just a little reality of life check here on the California Coast for those who may want to know of such.
  18. Trump is such a private country club with black servants indulged, spoiled elitist. Hey boy, bring me another plate of butter and glass of water and tell your boss to call the golf barn to get my clubs and cart ready in 30 minutes. "Yes Massa." That life is a million miles removed from the real lives of the majority of Americans. Yet, half the working class poor in this country think Trump really cares about them and will lead them to the promised land?
  19. Vince's immediate and humble willingness to stand corrected as soon as more solid evidence is presented that disproves his initial speculation in this matter is an appreciated sign of integrity imo. Still, "gun shop owner/gun buff" Constable Seymore Weisman's firm IDing of the rifle as a "Mauser" just minutes after it's discovery will always be a strongly suspicious alternate truth thorn in the side of the official rifle discovery story.
  20. While the first word on the top left may very well be "Rifle" could it also maybe be "arrive." To me, the first letter looks as much like an "A" as an "R." If the second letter in the top left word is an "i" as in "R - i - fle" it looks completely different than the "i" in the next word "into" and the two distinct "i's" in the third top right word "building." Also if the last letter in the top left word is an "e" it's sure a tough one to figure.
  21. Googling Orvis Wesley Aday brings up nothing? Obituaries, etc. If there was an obit wouldn't it have mentioned him being a Dallas Police Officer?
  22. Steve, they absolutely should be. This is a criminal action. So clear there is no doubt and argument otherwise at all. But like 99% of everything Trump and his cult followers do that is illegal, nothing ever comes of these crimes in the end. Massive money tying up charges for years until the courts just seem to give up and things just go away.
  23. Hey! Whoever is in the first post photo...this is my stomping ground! I live one mile from the Monterey Wharf! Have gone there a million times since 1952 when my family moved here. See it almost daily. JB
  24. McClellan's high level surgery doctor credentials may mean a lot in his opinions on JFK's wounds but his personal opinions on the character of Garrison verses Specter? No more credibility worthy than any person on the street ... imo.
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