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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Jean Paul...in what way could the WC do Craig a favor by altering his sworn oath statements?
  2. Craig Roger "was released from duty because he kept injuring himself." ? How long did Craig serve in the army total? 1 year, 2, 3? That's not a brief time. The army waited 1 to 3 years before discharging him? Was he self-injured half the time? Once a month? The quote from Craig's daughter above could be interpreted very negatively regards Craig's over-all mental or physical health history. Or, with more details maybe not? From what I remember reading of Craig he had such a tough and neglected early childhood ( in some northern Midwest state ) he ran away from whatever home situation he was in at some incredibly young age. Like 11 or 12? Rode trains? Found work on farms? On his own starting at that young age? Craig was so thin even in photos of him as a sheriff, that my guess is that he was at times starving as a young man or even a child. Poor as can be. But taking on the wide open world at the age of 11 or 12 alone, and somehow surviving while working hard physical jobs outdoors ( the winters are long and brutal in the Northern Midwest states ) and then trying to join the army while underage and doing so ... is a remarkable show of inner strength courage and character. Just trying to get a feel for the true character and make up of Roger Craig the man. A man who chose to speak out more than any other Dallas area policeman ( maybe the only one? ) about what he witnessed being right in Dealey Plaza and on the 6th floor of the TXSBD building minutes after JFK was killed there. And with claims that if true, revealed shockingly contrary information other than what the DPD was reporting to the media or not reporting at all. In so doing and later working for outside researchers investigating the case, he was literally committing suicide albeit a long drawn out over 12 years one. Whether Craig had some deeply scaring emotional issues starting from early childhood and that manifested themselves in his later adult life through his extremely risky decision to dangerously buck the good-ole-boy Dallas police and sheriff club and state publicly things that threatened their credibility and integrity standing to perhaps fill some self-image damaged hole and be somebody, or he just happened to have a heroic nature beyond those other officers...is a question I have pondered. I'm guessing Craig wasn't your typical racist deep South raised good-ole-boy that made up much of Southern City police forces in the 1950's and 60's. He was born and raised in Northern states which typically were not of that mind set to the degree that so many South of the Mason Dixon line men were. Imo Craig saw and heard things in his insider law enforcement position starting from 11,22,1963 that in the least revealed the reality that the great majority of Dallas police and Sheriff personnel hated JFK with a passion for his perceived stance on race issues and how this hatred may have influenced certain aspects of their behavior in the aftermath of 11,22,1963.
  3. 1,000 firearms confiscated in "one" year at "one" school district. Mind blowing.
  4. We don't need gun control. Only criminals do bad things with guns. Just heard this shocking news report/statistic on our local KCBS radio station out of San Francisco yesterday. A 7th grader shot an 8th grader with a gun two days ago at a junior high school in Oakland, Ca. The news report ended with this tid-bit... In the last year alone, the Oakland School district has confiscated....1000 firearms from their students! 1,000 ! No, that's not a misprint. And during the year before that...800! When I was a primary school student in the late 1950's through 1969 ( 12 years! ) just 125 miles South of Oakland, I never heard of even "one" firearm being confiscated at our schools. It's gun madness...even among our regular citizenry.
  5. Like so many other JFK event connected characters we are supposed to simply dismiss Roger Craig and his claims as nothing more than made up hokum from a man who was afflicted with deep attention needing issues. A man who wanted to be known for something grand and heroic. It sure didn't work out that way. Poor man died young, broke, physically injured broken with severe continuous pain, a ruined reputation and alone after losing his marriage.
  6. Thank you for making Ornato's intentions clear. One disturbing fact that isn't often discussed. Many of our agency, police, security, military personnel all across the country are ardent followers and loyal supporters of Trump. My guess more than half. And it is likely imo that some of them in some situations have done things to stall any legal actions against Trump. I'll guess that even a good amount of members of the Capital building police force on 1,6,2021 were Trump supporters as well.
  7. I know it's been 57 years but I wish I was a good screenwriter. I still think a major A-list film on Dorothy Kilgallen's life would make for a fascinating and relevant film. Such a film could also bring the JFK assassination back into our societal consciousness in important reflective and thought provoking ways imo.
  8. Yes, almost all of Shaw's book "The Reporter Who Knew Too Much" is drawn from the article. Give credit where credit is due. I still give Shaw credit for keeping this important story alive on a much broader national scale than the article ever would, could or did. I don't know much about Lee Isreal's book on Kilgallen.
  9. Reporting on UFOs On February 15, 1954, Dorothy Kilgallen commented in her syndicated column, "Flying saucers are regarded as of such vital importance that they will be the subject of a special hush-hush meeting of the world military heads next summer."[30] In a May 22, 1955 report from London, syndicated by the INS, Kilgallen stated, "British scientists and airmen, after examining the wreckage of one mysterious flying ship, are convinced these strange aerial objects are not optical illusions or Soviet inventions, but are flying saucers which originate on another planet. The source of my information is a British official of Cabinet rank who prefers to remain unidentified. 'We believe, on the basis of our inquiry thus far, that the saucers were staffed by small men—probably under four feet tall. It's frightening, but there is no denying the flying saucers come from another planet.'" This article, which was separate from Kilgallen's column, appeared on the front pages of the New York Journal American,[31] the Cincinnati Enquirer,[32] and other newspapers. The Washington Post ran it on page 8.[33] Gordon Creighton, editor of the magazine Flying Saucer Review, alleged the information was given to Kilgallen by Lord Mountbatten of Burma at a cocktail party, but attempts to verify this were unsuccessful.[34]
  10. Like I have mentioned many times...Trump and his gang of followers are using the threat of violence to try to prevent Trump from facing criminal indictment justice. It's so blatant and open now...even top Republican legislators are getting in on this Mafia type intimidation tactic act! Mess with our guy and there will be violence coming your way. Get our message my friends? More and more the pursuit, honoring, protecting and implementing of our sacred Constitutional tenets is being held hostage by these thugs and their growing violence warning threats. Threats so prevalent they are coming in from every Trump area daily. Threats against the FBI and DOJ as well? Sounds like we are at risk of becoming a Mafia type controlled society. Afraid to stand up for and defend our own constitution against thuggery forces opposed to our greatest birth of a nation foundation? Which is it America...Mafia tactics Trump...or our own constitution?
  11. I think JVB went through some deeper emotional issues later in life. Or ones she may have always had but never dealt with? Like half the country! I think perhaps acquiring some celebrity through her Lee Harvey Oswald claims was an antidote to her perhaps unfulfilled and needing existence? Just guesses. No doubt that she is a very intelligent person. She speaks well in public. JVB claims she kept a gift Lee Oswald once gave her. She had shown this to her beloved sister "Debbie." JVB also claims she revealed her Oswald love affair to this sister well before she went public with it. This sister has never once publicly contradicted nor stated anything negative, dismissive or disbelieving about JVB and her LHO love story. And who would know JVB better than anyone besides her close bond sister? Kids are almost always kept in the dark when it comes to their parent's secrets.
  12. Really Pamela? True? Fascinating. Just another box check in a list of nefarious power threatening reasons to get DK neutralized perhaps?
  13. As crazy as many label Judyth Vary Baker to be...I'm sorry, but imo there is enough in her New Orleans residency recounting to not totally dismiss several elements of her Lee Oswald knowing and maybe even sexual interaction story. Baker was in New Orleans at the exact same time as Lee. Lee often did go to the post office where she says she first saw him. Lee was always writing letters and receiving them as well and always through P.O. boxes. Lee did look clean cut as she described upon her first seeing him. Baker was in some way involved with Tulane University and cancer research and very easily could have met Alton Oschner if even for a few seconds long introduction. She did know or at least knew of Dr. Mary Sherman. David Ferry was truly involved in cancer research himself. He ran a rat lab right out of his funky apartment. Did Baker actually visit there? Could her description of it's layout and interior and even location be more detailed than anything previously published? Baker just happened to be hired by the Reily Coffee company on the same day as Lee Oswald? True or not? Just coincidence? Reily's being a known cover job providing entity for you know who. Baker wondered why she was given a secretarial position there when she had absolutely no experience with those kinds of duties. Same with Oswald cleaning and greasing coffee grinding machines. Baker and Oswald both took buses everywhere. Baker lived on the same bus line and took the same bus to and from Reily's daily as Oswald did? And at the same times? In the least, she and Lee were mere feet from each other on those months of bus rides and bus stop waiting. Oswald abused his duties at Reilys. Cleaning mechanical coffee grinding machines was not his thing. He would stay out at lunch and hang out at the next door parking garage reading gun magazines. His supervisor at Reily's said he acted like he could care less about his job there. Oswald is eventually fired because of his job negligence but also reportedly partly because of his Pro-Cuba leaflet passing downtown. Which by the way he was paid to do. Judyth Baker is fired from her position at Reilys also just days later? She says because of her close association with Lee. Many other things JVB has recounted regards LHO and New Orleans cannot be totally debunked as false or mere coincidence imo. Baker was a brilliant high school student. No debate there. Her Florida hometown newspaper articles detailed her accomplishments at that time. Baker never once lied or exaggerated anything about her fiance while she was living in New Orleans. She has written respectfully of him always. Judyth never claimed any other dalliances with anyone except LHO. She wasn't a loose sex starved flirt. She was intellectually driven. She claims only two sexual relationships in her young life. That's not many. Off topic I know. However, the TMWKK piece on JVB may sound "out there" to many and not worthy of filming and showing. She is obviously eccentric and has stated many questionable things. I have encountered many people in my life like her. Eccentric and outspoken but underneath those quirks...extremely intelligent. Some call this off-centered behavior bohemian. E. Howard Hunt made his tape recorded near death JFK "Big Event" confessional years after the TMWKK series came out. Yet in this he affirms some aspects of TMWKK episode of "The Guilty Men " in placing LBJ at the head of the conspiracy in partnership with Cord Meyer. Again, just more smoke to add to the fire search truth.
  14. BINGO, BRAVO, RIGHT ON! Trump is simply a spoiled rotten, temper tantrum throwing, adolescent emotional level stunted, pathologically self-centered, sociopathic mean spirited child/bully whose "only" standard of values is how much money one has. The more money you have the more you are a winner. The less money you have the more you are a loser. It's truly that black and white with him. There is no debate about Trump's single minded psychological and moral core. He insults anyone that crosses, criticizes or competes with him ( publicly and even to their face ) often with crude names. He makes fun of others in a sadistic hurtful way. He acts and talks like a Mafia Don. He intimidates and threatens others with coded words of implied retribution and even violence. He has cheated, swindled and stiffed thousands. He has cheated on his taxes for decades. He has cheated on his wives. He's sexually aggressive with women and in one reported case assaultive. He's been caught in thousands of l**s. He l**s obsessively and without one second of consciousness guilt. He cozies up to ruthless dictators. He insulted the honor and integrity of military sacrificing heroes like John McCain when he himself got 5 questionable draft deferments to get out of serving himself. He taunts and defies Constitutional norms and laws. He is the essence of nepotistic grifting with installing his family and their friends in paid high government positions who were totally unqualified for them. Please, Trump defenders...tell us Trump's good and moral side, will you? But he has captured half the country with an almost civil war accepting loyalty. How? IMO by cheering on and aggressively promoting long time deep seeded angers, fears and resentments half the country has harbored since the 1960's. Centered around race, immigration, guns, homosexuality, etc. Go down to the Capital Building and "fight like hell" my friends. Because "if you don't you won't have a country anymore." And I will march with you.
  15. These utility bills everyone here are complaining about have exploded to crazy high levels the last few years. It appears to be almost nation wide. Same here on the Calif. Coast. We also have the highest water bill rates in the nation. Gas is still 100% higher than it was a year and 1/2 ago. Food prices are double what they were 2 to 3 years ago. Just took my old junker car ( 2007 ) in because of a "Check Engine" light appearing and our bill was $369. $20 for the part ( oil pump switch ) $250 labor. Mechanic said it took 1 and 1/2 hours just "to find" the problem! Point is...half of our nation of middle class and lower income wage earners are being killed in all of the basic ( non-indulgent) needs cost areas. Biden has nothing to do with this across the board greed based corporate price hike madness. Heck, even fast food is 50% higher than just 2 to 3 years ago. Our local DOLLAR STORE just raised everything 25%! They are now the $1.25 store. I got a 1.3 % raise in my Social Security benefit check this last January. My Medicare co-pay charges were raised at the same time so now I am taking home "even less" than the year before. And we have to pay taxes on our Social Security income? Insane! Corporate greed ( 5% of America owns 85% of it's wealth including corporation and real estate ownership ) is to blame. There is no competitive free market with the basics anymore. Here every landlord colludes with others in keeping the rents here 300% higher than they were just 20 to 25 years ago. There are no other gas companies giving customers a choice of cheaper gas. Same with water and utilities. Food the same unless you can go to a food bank for some things. Car care cost, medical care, insurance rates... Along with the Corona Virus/Covid stresses and nation dividing and violence fearing Trump madness ... America is exhausted.
  16. Too bad Nigel Turner didn't get the Bill Harvey widow interview in one of his segments. Wow! The woman recounts her and her husband's hatred of JFK, Jackie and RFK. To a degree that is shocking.
  17. Simple question: Was the incredibly explosive "showering outward firework" collapse of the towers versus the non- exploding straight down fall collapse of building 7 solely because of physical structure materials and design differences? I mean look at the huge exploding out showers of the Towers. It really does look like there was an exploding force all the way down the towers. Almost volcanic eruption looking. Including a massive ash cloud spreading out for a mile or more? Reminds me of the old films of the Mount St. Helens eruption in 1980. But building 7? Clean as a whistle straight down pancaking collapse? And I ask again the questions I listed in my first post. No one answered those? Why? None of them were true?
  18. Vince...it's absolutely common sense to consider there must have been hundreds of people in Dallas and all areas of the U.S. that knew something intriguing about the main characters involved or other things they witnessed or heard regards the JFK event that never came forward to report or share what they knew. From day one there was real fear surrounding knowing or seeing or hearing anything related to every aspect of the events and the main identified persons involved. It was totally rational to have that fear. So many people who did come forward went through scrutinizing hell including secret agency, police and press hounding to the point that many eventually said if they had the opportunity to go back they would never had said a word about what they knew. And people do keep secrets to their dying breaths. Life and death or reputation damaging secrets especially. I know first hand of this reality. I could easily see someone who saw or heard or knew something earth shaking and contradicting of the official WC Oswald acting alone, lone gunman line and the Jack Ruby just went whacky line keeping what they knew even from their closest family. For their personal safety protection as much as their own. Beverly Oliver was only 16 in 1963! I don't think Beverly Oliver stripped. I know she sang. She hung around the strip tease girls. Seemed to like that type of wild, naughty nightlife energy. Sexy music, turned on guys. Older men with money and even cops! Maybe she got to drink beer. Sitting with a much older and animal wild stripper reputation Jada herself! More exciting than hanging with "boys" who couldn't even drive for sure. She got to sing! With an audience! Next best thing to visiting Hollywood itself! She looked older than she was. Big boned, kind of tall. Beautiful face though...and blond. Easy fun nature. Liked to smile and laugh...and again...sing. I sense she made herself available to older men. To what degree I wouldn't know. Beverly became religious in her later adult life. Good for her. I've seen some video of her not too many years ago talking about her church ministry life and activities. She's still singing! She did a wonderful "Amazing Grace" rendition in this video. I thought she was physically beautiful her whole life. I loved her big blond super extrovert happy energy.
  19. DVP, obviously you feel LHO did shoot at ( and hit and kill ) JFK at 12:30 PM on 11,22,1963. You have no doubts at all about the final official WC LHO lone gunman story line? That Oswald had absolutely no connection to others in his actions? That 1.25 an hour earning LHO all on his own planned and successfully carried out a world shaking remarkable 7 inch wide moving target bullseye shooting feat that defeated an army of JFK security planning and protecting forces by simply doing the following: Getting his cheap rifle out of Ruth Paine's garage and breaking it down and wrapping and taping it up in brown bag paper in a way that she ( and his wife Marina ) would be unaware because they were asleep in another room in her tiny home at that exact time. Placing the now wrapped rifle in a spot where Ruth and Marina would not see it before hand, unless he finished wrapping it up at the very last coffee drinking second before he walked out the door to Buell Frazier's house. He risked Frazier seeing the unusually long package on the back seat which he did. Then upon arriving at the TXSBD Oswald again risks someone seeing him carry into the building something that looks unlike a lunch bag. He immediately goes directly up to the 6th floor and finds some place to hide the rifle where no one could accidently come across it before he goes up at lunch time to build his book box walled in sniper's perch. During that half hour perch building and gun reassembling time, he gets ready testing his site, aim, gun positioning and who knows what else. Then after JFK's limo passes him and begins a downward incline driving farther away by the second, he sticks the barrel of his rifle out of the window and starts blasting away with ear blasting booms that can be heard by hundreds just below him and even more blocks away. Oswald finally gets it right on his third shot and begins a 9 second 100 yard dash out and off of the floor ( tossing his rifle into some book stacks at the same time) races down 4 flights of stairs with not one fellow employee seeing him...walks into the 2nd floor lunch room to quench his thirst with a machine dropped can of Coke ( or Doctor Pepper which was my favorite) and calmly stands there sipping this even when big frantic DPD officer Marion L. Baker burst in and aims his big gun at him until Roy Truly tells Baker - ahh he ain't nobody. Then it's on down to the building front lobby where Oswald guides future nationally known TV reporter Robert MacNeil to a pay phone...then out the door to a bus stop and soon there after a 95 cent cab ride ( Oswald generously told the taxi driver to keep the 5 cents change from a dollar bill ) home. Just another day at work? I agree that Oswald rushing into his room at mid work-day and arming himself and rushing out again with no logical reason or place to go looks guilty as hell. I believe someone knew in advance what Oswald was going to do that day. And that they did things to allow it to happen. No stationing of armed binocular equipped officers on larger downtown Dallas rooftops. No placing of even one binocular and radio equipped officer per block on the ground scanning open higher floor windows while JFK was driving directly underneath them. Not one officer placed between the TXSBD and railway overpass in the entire area behind the long grassy knoll stretch full of perfect fence and tree canopy hiding sniper shooting areas? Not one security agency person thought about checking on FBI well known pro-Castro, Russia defecting Oswald and his work location right above JFK's slowing limo right during the motorcade? And the violating of basic Presidential security motorcade protocols of no sharp angle, limo slowing turns like occurred twice in front of the TXSBD? And the ease of which Jack Ruby was able to get a deadly shot into Oswald's gut right inside the DPD building? No, nothing here folks. Just a rage filled minimum wage book stacker who got lucky and made an incredible expert marksman level bulls eye shot with one of the cheapest rifles available and then amongst hundreds of frantic bee hive disturbed, trigger happy lawmen and scared bystanders simply walks through them to hop a bus and then catch a cab to go home and change. Not one doubt DVP about all this happening without someone else's foreknowledge or assistance at all?
  20. Like too much of the JFK event background story world. Suspiciously strange. I have not seen any Marvin discrediting pieces that even half-way factually explain his alleged made up story and his motive for putting it and himself out there for the entire world to see. I wonder if Marvin's grand kids ( who he said meant everything to him ) now think he was not right mentally after reading reports that his TMWKK story was false and made up?
  21. So true. Under Trump...we have become a fearful nation. Really, seriously ... we have. Fearful of Trump's most blindly loyal followers committing violent acts against anybody their fearless leader tells them is a threat to him and them. Trump seems to love his power to intimidate his critics with the January 6th Capital Building attack sending a powerful message to us all ... "mess with me baby, and I'll send my boys after ya." Mafia Godfather speak. Dear G** ... a nation in the grip of fear? What a friggin nightmare!
  22. Oliver Stone's 1993 film "JFK" and Nigel Turner's TMWKK series were the primary triggers of my later life obsession about the JFK event. So many thoughts on the Turner pieces. Too many to share except in spurts if the thread stays in play. Generally agree with your grading reviews of the individual episodes but with many differing takes as well. But who am I to even comment on such? Having no film/documentary education background at all. And many of our most highly regarded JFK researchers here on the forum hate Turner's TMWKK effort. They trash it's structure, content, overly dramatic music scoring, etc. Worse than no integrity. However, for better or worse ... it's out there. It's been viewed by millions - educated, informed and not. Obviously there is something compelling enough in it's presentation to draw in that many viewers. I believe the high emotion sharing of witnesses is a big part of this. There is so much presented in TMWKK series ( much of which contradicts ) that it would be easy to dismiss the entire piece as simply too scattered. Yet, imo...that is common sense illogical, unreasonable and even irresponsible. Yes, there are 1,000 smoke cloud stories depicted and discussed. Not all of them with real fire underneath. However, enough are that they should be given their true truth value consideration. The series gives us much background information about so many peripheral characters and their testimonials that we would have never even known about otherwise. Heck, even Vince's work was given much more exposure from his inclusion in the series. Will post more but wanted to get one nagging question out of the way here with my first response post. Colonel Dan Marvin. Was his highly emotional shared story a figment of a damaged and delusional mental illness imagination? Perhaps brought on by a serious case of PTSD or guilt over some of the brutal things he had to do in his military career duties? If he made up his story, it was a doozie with many date and name details and his high emotion performance in sharing it was worthy of professional actor dramatic acting cudo's imo. What is the final assessment of Marvin? An emotionally broken person who creates false reality memories to cope with his trauma?
  23. RR...Coast To Coast AM was one of the few nationally broadcast media venues that kept the JFK event as a fairly regular discussion matter and with guests such as David Talbot ( the author of your initial thread subject book ) I don't see this as anything close to off topic veering. Every year almost the entire week of 11/22 Coast to Coast went big time with the JFK assassination as the main topic of discussion. That ended many years ago.
  24. Perfect label. The ship sinking iceberg is Trump's pathological ego. The more Trump obsessively pushes his delusional "I am not a loser" false reality. The more he looks like, sounds like and is...A LOSER! His brain isn't capable of understanding this reality.
  25. Years ago Coast To Coast Am radio talk show host Ian Punnett had David Talbot on regards his book "Brothers" which had just come out. I was an avid listener back then. I never called in to C2C but was so inspired by Talbot I sent a fairly lengthy e-mail to Punnett during one of the breaks. My first e-mail. To my surprise Punnett read my entire e-mail on air minutes later. Both he and Talbot commented favorably on it's main point contents. Which were ones I have posted here from time to time. Centered around the proposition that America was basically a much more corrupt nation and society than the average American ever contemplated. That this corruption, especially since WWII was one of our top 3,4 or 5 historical legacies during this time. And how this corruption ( to a great degree ) brought about JFK's demise. I quit listening to Coast To Coast AM a long time ago. I sensed it had been compromised by elements of the extreme right wing agenda. To much Jerome Corsi, Alex Jones and even Roger Stone political view input for me. I still feel this about that show. I always felt that under Art Bell...the show was not as compromised.
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