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Micah Mileto

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Everything posted by Micah Mileto

  1. I don't know if it's "proof", but there is like one scientific paper suggesting that bullets striking tangentially can result in a lot of missing skin, but there is no total scientific proof that shows only a tangential wound could leave so much skin on the bullet. Seems simple enough, a bullet scraping along the body is more likely to scrape off skin, but it is too hard to jump to conclusions with ballistics. Although I must say that your theory on the shooting is pretty good compared to others.
  2. Some might think of CE 567 as the "good brother", but CE 567 is the label given to not just the nose fragment but FOUR particles of (human?) tissue that are in the same container fragment. I could not find any evidence that the tissue was originally attached to the nose fragment. I am aware of nothing from the 1960's FBI investigation that acknowledged the tissue - no photograph, no written report. Robert Frazier told the Warren Commission that he wiped BLOOD off of the nose fragment, he mentioned nothing about tissue, and I am not aware of any blood sample that was catalogued onto evidence. The 1990's FBI re-examination of CE 567 only found non-tissue fibers embedded on the nose fragment. The tissue could have been a totally separate artifact that was added later.
  3. It couldn't just be "they lost the record"? There exist records that specifically prove the negative that Oswald and Truly were not paid?
  4. Is there any chance that this is simply a case of a record being lost, or does the record specifically say that Oswald and Shelly weren't paid? This is strange information because it sounds groundbreaking at first, but then again it might just depend on the public's limited knowledge on the very niche subject of 50's-60's-era payment records? Or no?
  5. Thanks for your reply. So it would seem that, not only does your 3D model refute the Single Bullet Theory, but it also refutes most other possible theories on the single assassin story. I was wondering, in the new 3D model, is there any opportunity for a clear shot from the Sixth Floor into Connally's official entry wound? I can't help but envision a scenario in which the government finally admits the SBT isn't true but still tries to resurrect the single assassin story by theorizing that Oswald shot slow-moving bullets made by removing powder from Carcano ammunition. Yes, it would contradict the previous official interpretation of Connally's reactions Zapruder film, but conspiracy theorists have also came up with strange ideas on when Connally was hit in the Zapruder film, so maybe objections would be droned out, and seem to the average person as just quibbling over a blurry video.
  6. Doug Horne says this 8 minutes in to part 4 of JFK: Destiny Betrayed. According to some kind of earnings records with the Social Security office, Oswald was not paid any money for the last quarter year before he defected to the Soviet Union. Any more info on this? Jim DiEugenio said that Doug Horne was partially afraid of being arrested if he gave out some information for the documentary - is this that info?
  7. See this: https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/27014-buddy-walthers-widow-and-al-maddox-on-a-bullet-found-in-the-grass-south-of-elm-st/ There are many such artifacts and alleged artifacts in the Kennedy case. There isn't an all-encompassing essay on this, yet, but let's see if we can tally up all of the possible extra bullets and shrapnel: Dallas County Records Building shell casing Lester bullet Rich Haythorne fragment Barbee bullet Roger Craig bullet Mike Nally's uncle's bullet The FBI's .38 snubnose pistol "James Files" grassy knoll shell casing 7.65 shell casing Railroad fragment Elm Street grass bullet Gary Louck's alleged Sam Kinney limousine bullet James Young limousine bullet Paul Landis limousine bullet Nurse Phyllis Hall "bullet lodged between his ear and shoulder" bullet Dr. Robert Shaw's "bullet still in Connally's leg" Henry Wade's Connally bullet Audrey Bell's Connally fragments Elizabeth Wright Connally fragments Nolan's Connally bullet Stinson's Connally bullet Connally's "bullet from my body" clanking to the floor Josiah Thompson's quote "I wish they would stop putting bullets on these stretchers" Tomlinson, O.P. Wright, and Darrel Pool's (?) magic bullet Johnsen and Rowley's magic bullet Agent Behn's Johnsen magic bullet Larry Newman bullet Elmer Todd's magic bullet - without his initials? National Archive photo "bullet claimed to have been removed" from the President's body John Hunt's "third headshot fragment" David Osbourne's JFK bullet Jerrol Custer's JFK bullet Paul O'Connor's fragment found in the President's "thorax" Tom Robinson's JFK fragments Dennis David's JFK fragments Sibert and O'Neill's "missile" receipt Belmont FBI memo on bullet "lodged behind the President's ear" J. Edgar Hoover's bullets mentioned in memo Honerable mentions: John Ebersole's "pellet" from when the President might have eaten "a duck or a rabbit", John Connally's Mexican Peso cufflink, JFK's shirt button (?), CE567 before the tissue sample was added (?), Walt Cakebread's substitute CE399(s) with different grooves (?), and all of the "millimeter or less" bullet fragments reportedly found by the pathologists.
  8. On the non-medical side, the answer is probably the fingerprints or the backyard photographs or the rifle itself. I mean, even when Bugliosi is believing that fingerprints were lifted off the corpse, where do you go from there? Imagine that headline in 1964. That should be like the first thing people learn when learning about the possibility that Oswald was framed. On the medical side, the autopsy photographs might have the worst chain of custody. Even if you don't want to say photos were faked, it's pretty hard to deny that photos went missing. I mean, John Stringer said he remembered some of his camera film going missing on the night of the autopsy, and that's like #1 of the problems.
  9. A fragment from the headshot, like the FBI originally theorized?
  10. Wait, I was not being sarcastic. I am also a free speech absolutist. I don't trust other people to filter information for me, and I cannot like anybody who presumes to.
  11. Teeny tiny points: At 9 minutes in of episode 3 of Destiny Betrayed, Cyril Wecht seems to imply that the condition of the cerebellum is a matter of choice between the statements of Parkland or Bethesda witnesses - but this is not just an issue of witness evidence, the government has photographs allegedly showing Kennedy's brain with the cerebellum intact. At 20:41, the actual sketch of one of the brain photos is shown on screen after Doug Horne talks of Francis O'Neill reporting a "half missing brain". Isn't the argument here supposed to be that the brain photos DON'T match the witness statements? The editing here accidentally gave a point in favor of the official story - like how one HSCA staffer compared the appearance of a damaged brain to a squished tomato. 28:53 on the deny in the chrome - no mention of the Secret Service agent who claimed the chrome was already dented before the shooting. 30:40 The viewer is not told that believing in a T3 back wound probably implies fake autopsy photos. 32:47 The graphic here implies that the pathologists suspected the bullet squeezed out of it's own entry wound after being submerged multiple inches within the body - not necessarily true, as it is physically possible for a bullet to just barely penetrate flesh. 33:31 I have never heard about a bullet falling into-and-out-of Kennedy's clothing. My only other criticisms are the thing about Burkley's signature on the face sheet, using Robert Knudsen as a witness, and using Michael Kurtz as a witness. Part 4 - Did I hear that right - there's no record of Oswald being paid for his time in the Marines???!!!
  12. It'll come, it's just like George R. R. Martin and The Winds of Winter!
  13. I don't know if anybody has posted a single all-encompassing takedown of CE 399 (that includes all known information), but it's more complicated than JFK Revisited makes it look. Tomlinson did say later on that he remembered telling his interviewer that CE 399 "Appeared to be the same" bullet that he remembered, Tomlinson also made contradictory statements about which stretcher he remembered finding the bullet on, and although O.P. Wright did say he remembered the bullet being pointed, Thompson admitted that the Wright at one point said it could have looked like CE 572 (a barely flattened 6.5 Carcano round). But after that, the extra punches mainly come from the conspiracy argument. CE 399 isn't even the worst-documented piece of evidence in the JFK case, it's average compared to the rest of the forensic stuff.
  14. I got it from Google images. Maybe it's a screenshot from a David Mantik presentation or a documentary. Maybe Mantik has higher quality versions of the harper fbi photos, his presentations always have
  15. Going by that new 3D model, a straight-moving bullet going into Kennedy's upper back would end up hitting Connally. All of the 3d models show that. So I do not see the lone nut argument for separate shots unless one of the 6.5 rounds were undercharged for some reason. Maybe somebody could even try saying that a single assassin tried tampering with his ammunition in an unprofessional attempt at suppressing the noise of the shot(s).
  16. Minor correction: At 16:23 of Destiny Betrayed part 2, the narrator says that the only photographs we have of the Harper Fragment were those taken in Dallas. Not true - the FBI made photographs in their lab when it came to them. Also, the viewer really should be made aware that believing in an occipital blowout directly implies the x-ray record would need to be somehow faked or altered.
  17. Is it physically possible to argue in favor of the official story without the Single Bullet Theory being true? We must be prepared for what happens if and when the SBT is debunked in a way that be scientifically proven, reproducible way. Such news might be underreported if the news reporters fail to realize how this proves a conspiracy. Journalists and the public will ask the question "Does this for sure mean a conspiracy, or is a lone gunman still theoretically possible?". It's a fair question, and there has been no all-encompassing study proving otherwise, explaining everything. I have wondered if a Lone Nutter could try arguing that a low-moving, undercharged 6.5 round struck JFK's back, deflected and barely exited the throat, followed by a separate shot to Connally. Has anybody thought of any other theories with one gunman firing the Carcano on the Sixth Floor?
  18. Mark Crouch is the reason why we have the Fox photos, right?
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niyDUSF02Zc& This video was unlisted, so it went unnoticed for a year. Now we at least know that this project didn't go unfinished. Now if we could just have Leiloglou's digital files, for all we know, we may have forensic proof of a conspiracy on our hands.
  20. Here's a web page published in 2020 discussing Mark Crouch: https://famousinterview.com/unsolved-mysteries/mark-crouch-interview-kennedy-assassination-researcher/ I think he died in 2016 but this is an old interview?
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