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Micah Mileto

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Everything posted by Micah Mileto

  1. And I would've gotten away with it, if it wasn't for you meddling experts in photographic/facial analysis here on the Education Forum
  2. In your opinion, should the average reasonable person listen to what this guy has to say?
  3. I don't think I want to admit on the internet how inspiring I think that is.
  4. https://blackopradio.com/archives2020.html Thoughts?
  5. I saw a Youtube comment that claimed Dr. McClelland was A. accused of real estate fraud, and B. lost his medical license. Is this true?
  6. Oh no, is this the same kind of anti-gun garbage?
  7. It seems like Bryce Miller had an exclusive interview to base his article on, especially considering the article's mention of Dr. Charles Crenshaw. I don't where where else his information could have come from.
  8. Any chance you know if this 11/30/1963 news story has an exclusive source, where it says "Perry decided further help in breathing was needed. The first bullet had opened the windpipe. Dr. Perry inserted a tube through the bullet hole"? https://www.upi.com/Archives/1963/11/30/Battle-to-save-president-was-futile-doctors-knew/6018385464725/
  9. You can use the program to publicly and privately chat via text, audio, or video. Most of the time, Discord servers are run by power-hungry losers who ban anybody who says something they disagree with. So discord is usually not allowed on Discord. Shoot me if I ever turn into that. Censorship is cancer.
  10. https://discord.gg/Zx8E5tV I don't know if any of you old guys like discord, but here's an invite link: https://discord.gg/Zx8E5tV It's good as a chat room as well as voice and even video communication.
  11. Ok, I tried making a discord server for JFK assassination debate. Invite: https://discord.gg/Zx8E5tV
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiOmXYdft7w 3 minutes into this video, Dr. McClelland claims that Grossman was indeed there.
  13. BTW, I don't know why Weisberg tried to theorize that a scalpel was used to cut the clothing, to me it seems equally likely the defects on the front of the clothing could've been made with scissors.
  14. Those "burn marks" are probably just a chemical used by the FBI to test for metallic residue, right?
  15. BTW Cliff, what is your stance on the defects on the front of JFK's clothing?
  16. There's actually a part in Humes' WC testimony where Allen Dulles himself points out the extreme sharp angle for the head shot shown in the Rydberg drawings.
  17. I searched "Clay Bertrand 1950-1963" on newspapers.com. Apparently there was a boxer in Louisiana named Clay Bertrand who made the papers a few times.
  18. Carrico did say that he thought it was likely that the slits in the shirt and the nick in the tie were caused by the cutting of the clothing. He didn't say it was done with a scalpel, though.
  19. Where can we see this? It's existed in it's finished form for well over 2 years, hasn't it?
  20. I tried searching through Weisberg's information on Carrico and Livingstone's info on Bowron, neither one ever specifically said a scalpel was used to cut the clothing.
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