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Andrew Prutsok

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    Miles City, MT
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    Political assassination, golf, and old films.

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  1. It was posted on Twitter about 40 minutes ago that David Talbot has suffered a severe stroke. https://sfstandard.com/2024/06/10/david-talbot-famous-san-francisco-writer-suffers-severe-stroke/
  2. Most of the players were dead 20 years ago. Dead people can't be libeled.
  3. And as for her authenticity, just look at all of those other Soviet immigrants and defectors she took into her home over the years.
  4. If Trump didn't pardon him it's because he couldn't come up with the $2 million.
  5. The point is that people like Mike Pompeo, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, etc. seem to be the only people he ever talks to. I've not seen a news report of him ever addressing a traditional Democratic constituency. He's funded by right wingers, supports abortion restrictions along with every ridiculous conspiracy theory Q comes up with. His entire campaign is a right wing astroturfed project to cause chaos, like Tulsi Gabbard. He and people like him should run as Republicans.
  6. No Democrat is going to take up the JFK assassination banner. I'm sure the issue is seen by them as boosting RFK Jr's campaign , and playing to Trump's Deep State rhetoric. It's a non-starter for them.
  7. Maybe even more unsavory stuff about Hunter Biden will be made public and he'll release the JFK documents to distract from it?
  8. I for one am always on the lookout for opportunities to kill people.
  9. WaPo and NYTimes -- along with every other major media outlet -- were crawling with intelligence people then, probably still are. Carl Bernstein had just reported on it in Rolling Stone not long before this stuff came out. Ben Bradlee and Bob Woodward were both Naval Intelligence. What is it they say about Naval Intelligence?
  10. Tracey is the "reporter," a few years back who whined about getting assaulted by Maxine Waters -- assaulted by Maxine Watters? He generally plays the part of an all around POS on Twitter, a Substacker likely funded by Russian bot subscribers, pals with Greenwald, Aaron Mate, a grifter.
  11. Oswald's feat was unmatched for 38 years, until 19 hijackers who had had a few flying lessons, out-smarted and out-maneuvered the entire US Air Defense System for several hours.
  12. Steve Landesberg and one of the Oswalds would infiltrate and disrupt left wing groups and gatherings.
  13. I'm not certain that "commonality" you refer too ever really existed, at least not to the extent we were all taught about The Great Melting Pot that was the United States in elementary school. Immigrants, even the ones from the "Non-Shithole Countries," as the former president referred to them, took generations to fully assimilate. There were over 1,000 German language newspapers in the country in the 1890s, nearly 200 years after Germans started arriving on these shores and still 75 years after the great immigration wave of the 1820s. These papers lingered on, with most of them shutting down due to World War I but others limped along into the 1940s. In the 1880s there were 5 German language newspapers in Cincinnati alone. I read once that the US was the fourth largest Spanish speaking country in the world. I don't know if that's true, but I bet we were once the second largest German speaking country in the world. My point is that even the people most of us here would recognize as sharing "commonalities" didn't come here and just automatically become good Americans. It took generations. Who's to say the experience of the Latinos -- documented and undocumented -- will be any different? The economic despair you reference, too, is not unique to California. Here in Montana, in the western part of the state, partly fueled by the popularity of the Yellowstone TV series, there has been a flood of wealthy people the last several years driving home and rent prices out of the range of normal people. Many there are sleeping in cars campers. Don't apologize for the doom and gloom. It's appropriate.
  14. And you don't think the radical leftists were infiltrated by the Feds? I would bet anything I could gather together that violence associated with the Occupy movement or "ANTIFA," was initiated by fed chaos agents. They've always done that with left wing groups because they threaten the powers that be with their demands for a more equitable distribution of wealth. What is their motivation for doing the same with groups like the Oathkeepers and Proud Boys? The wealthy ruling class doesn't want people violently advocating for lower taxes on the wealthy and less government regulation?
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