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Michael Clark

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Everything posted by Michael Clark

  1. Further, I was, again, watching the aptly named 12-1-66 Firingline episode. This was the interview of Mark Lane by William Buckley Jr.. I was struck by Jr's framing of Eisenhower, hypothetically of course, as a Communist. It was shocking to me, and it appeared to me to be an assertion of the existing psychological war on the American People.The assertion seemed outrageous to me and it's presence on national TV spoke to that above mentioned refrain of Shakespeare's MacBeth.
  2. I have been wanting to put a term out there, but I have not felt that I could intelligently integrate it into this discussion. It's meaning in literary criticism suggests, goes beyond, and ultimately falls short of the psychological results the Dallas Coup. The term is "Future Shock". While the term usually has more to do with the impact of accelerating industrialism on social psychology, I see, and am searching for, a comparable term that describes the planned, and actual, impact of the JFKA on the American and world psychology. The message was that our President could be assassinated, and his ideals and dreams as well as those of people who believed that peace and justice were attainable, would be killed and buried with him, with impunity. We were not meant to actually believe in the Warren Comission's findings. We were meant to believe that this could be done and their was nothing that we could do about it. Cicero called the assassination of Caesar a "Wonderful Banquet". With the assassinations of RFK, MLK, Malcom X, and a host of others, banquets became akin to McDonalds take-out. MacBeth's refrain of "Nothing is, But what is not" became the solace fed to an accepting populace.
  3. Crosshairs....... ret·i·cle ˈredək(ə)l/ noun NORTH AMERICAN a series of fine lines or fibers in the eyepiece of an optical device, such as a telescope or microscope, or on the screen of an oscilloscope, used as a measuring scale or an aid in locating objects.
  4. Bucky Effing Dent. As a kid I was a huge Yankee fan and I liked Bucky Dent. I happened to have been watching the game when he hit that big homer over the Green Monster. I had fingers crossed, I was praying, and it happened! I was jut one of those moments, and I was a young kid.
  5. I have an unshakeable Identificatiion with fighting guys in a lot of different scenarios throughout history. Foremost among those scenarios, for me, would be the Battle of Leyte Gulf. I would have liked to have been one of those sailors on a Task Force 77.4.3 destroyer. I identify with those guys who were called to the deck to witness the "retreat" of the massive Imperial Japanese Navy Center Force. I would have liked to experience that feeling of pride and joy slip to dread and fear as the realization that that Japanese formation was actually attacking, and that the protection, that you had thought was in between you and the enemy, had inexplicably disappeared. I would like to believe that the dread of that moment quickly turned to courage and determination as our pack of little destroyers headed off to face a fleet which included the largest Battleship ever, sporting the largest guns to ever be mounted on a ship. I want to be with those guys, even today.
  6. Thanks for posting that Roger. I am starting to see Landsdale as the replacement for "Generalissimo" MacArthur. Of course MacArthur was West Point, and maintained some semblance of respect and subordination to the President. Landsdale was CIA, and was out of the control of the President and Congress. Pretty Scary.
  7. Thanks Ron. In the comments, a newer (Feb. 2017), Longer (54 Min.) version is linked.
  8. This From Douglas Caddys recent post. Oliver stone speaking to "The Strategy of Tension"
  9. I am curious as well. I am seeing the bolt handle, which would move to a lower location if the bolt was closed.
  10. An interesting and relevant thread on Phillips
  11. If Larry sees this, I would ask if this manuscript has seen greater availability since 2008?
  12. Fletcher Prouty's "Guns of Dallas" https://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/GoD.html A post on the New Zealand Newspaper which Prouty said had Early, if not Pre, knowledge of the JFKA. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/14633-a-fresh-look-at-the-christchurch-star/
  13. Fletcher Prouty The Secret Team PDF download http://www.oplysning.org/uploads/9/1/4/3/9143605/cia_-_the_secret_team_how_they_control_the_world.pdf THE SECRET TEAM The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World L. FLETCHER PROUTY Col., U.S. Air Force (Ret
  14. Fletcher Prouty's book The Secret Team PDF download http://www.oplysning.org/uploads/9/1/4/3/9143605/cia_-_the_secret_team_how_they_control_the_world.pdf
  15. Eddy, I am saying that the fact that I accept the science does not mean anything.
  16. Thomas, I will not reply to you until I hear from the admins as to how members should address one-another. I don't care for you nick-names. I do not want to be bothered trying to one-up you in the nick-name game. Cheers Michael
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