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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Unaware? Mistaken? Ignorant? Take your pick. But don't choke on that NSAM 263 camel.
  2. Bob, I think you are referring to Tucker's misogyny, as it relates to the Abby Grossberg case, right? His "unprofessionalism" in the Dominion case-- lying about Stop-the-Steal-- was identical to what numerous other Fox talking heads did-- Hannity, Bartiromo, Pirro, et.al. Yet, Hannity didn't get canned for lying about Dominion. Also, misogyny and sexual harassment of women has been an integral part of Fox culture for years. So, I wonder about the story circulating today claiming that Murdoch fired Tucker Carlson, in disgust, after he called for a prayer at a recent Heritage Foundation meeting.
  3. Fair enough, Ron. Prouty was, apparently, mistaken about the history of these Japanese conferences. But that doesn't mean that he was "dishonest," as you have stated. A person can be mistaken without being "dishonest." In fact, my studied opinion of Prouty-- speaking as a psychiatrist-- is that the man was far from "dishonest." On the contrary, he was the only "Deep State" insider from the JFK administration who ever had the courage and integrity to come forward with important insights about JFK's Vietnam policy, and CIA and U.S. military motives for assassinating JFK. And he was risking his life to do so. In consequence, he has been falsely smeared by CIA propagandists for 30 years as a "crackpot," a mere "pilot," "anti-Semite," "Holocaust denier," wrong about Dealey Plaza security and the 112th, merely seeking to sell books, etc. None of these defamatory tropes about Prouty are true. At the same time, Prouty's musings about the Tokyo conference (and his misinterpretation of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle) are peripheral to his essential, accurate thesis about the CIA, Vietnam, and JFK's assassination. To use a Biblical analogy, let's not strain a gnat while swallowing a camel.
  4. Who would have been able to "explain" it to him, Ron? In other words, who scheduled the conference that just happened to coincide with the JFK assassination op, and when was it scheduled? Non-rhetorical question.
  5. Ron, Do you know who was involved in scheduling the November 1963 Tokyo Conference, and when it was scheduled? Also, it seems like a stretch to accuse Prouty of "dishonesty" for his speculations about the absence of JFK's Cabinet during the pre-planned assassination of JFK (and his own November mission to Antarctica.) His theorizing may have been incorrect about some minor JFKA details, but that doesn't mean that he was "dishonest." And, in any case, the essential aspect of his insights had to do with the drafting of the McNamara/Taylor Report, NSAM 263, and its subsequent reversal by NSAM 273, LBJ, and McGeorge Bundy. If I recall the details correctly, NSAM 273 had been drafted on November 21st, and delivered to LBJ by McGeorge Bundy on (?) November 25th. Prouty smelled a rat, because he had worked on the preparation of JFK's NSAM 263 policy. Prouty also theorized in his book on JFK, the CIA, and Vietnam, that only someone in a very high government position could have arranged many of the suspicious aspects of the assassination op, including the security lapses in Dealey Plaza, the scrubbing of the limo, and the pre-arranged material in the international media about Oswald as a lone assassin, etc.
  6. And, yet, no one has been willing to put a gag order on Mango Mussolini. They seem reluctant to set limits on his "right" to engage in stochastic terrorism.
  7. Outstanding article, Jim, about the accuracy of Prouty's insights into the history of JFK's Vietnam policy, and the accuracy of his claims about the obstructed deployment of the 112th in Dallas. The Prouty defamers, including Michael Griffith, keep striking out, while claiming that they are hitting home runs. As for Ron Ecker's article, I have two questions. JFK's Dallas trip was, apparently, scheduled in late September of 1963. 1) When were the Tokyo and Honolulu conferences scheduled? 2) Are there any examples, prior to November 22, 1963, of multiple Presidential cabinet members being simultaneously out of the country during a serious national crisis? If not, is it really accurate to describe Prouty as a "l-i-a-r" for saying that the absence of most of JFK's cabinet from the country on 11/22/63 was "unprecedented?"
  8. Jim, You're a walking encyclopedia about the JFK assassination. I have two questions for you, Larry Schnapf, and the forum. 1) Do you believe that Tucker Carlson has a "Deep State" source about the JFKA, as he claimed in his recent famous monologue about JFK's assassination and the records? 2) If so, any thoughts about what Trump and Biden are terrified of divulging about JFK's assassination?
  9. Yes, they aired some progressive Democratic talking points-- Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren stuff-- not exactly the kind of thing that Rupert Murdoch has ever wanted his right wing Fox subculture in the U.S. to hear about. Meanwhile, John, did you take the time to study that list of Politifact's Tucker Carlson whoppers that I referenced for you last night?
  10. Roger, If your theory that Tucker Carlson had no source (for his claims about the JFK assassination) is true, that's quite a whopper-- even for Tucker Carlson. Tucker has told a lot of well-documented whoppers on Fox over the years-- which I referenced here for John Cotter last night-- but I find it implausible that he would have fabricated the story about an inside "Deep State" source tipping him off about the substance of the suppressed JFK records. Some people on the forum have speculated that Donald Trump, himself, was Tucker's "source." At the time of Tucker's original, shocking monologue, I wondered whether Mike Pompeo was the "source," since Pompeo was Trump's CIA Director in October of 2017 when Trump decided in the eleventh hour to block the mandated release of the records.
  11. Leslie, I just saw a story claiming that 70% of Americans don't want Biden to run in 2024. I was hoping that he would graciously retire and support the eventual Democratic nominee.
  12. Yes, and I'm still curious about Tucker's mysterious "source" in the JFKA case. I never doubted his story about having such a "source."
  13. Meanwhile, we're still waiting for Michael Griffith to tell us the "nutty" melting point of steel, and to explain why the Maryland bank of the CIA's Chief Operating Officer, Alvin "Buzz" Krongard, was identified as the major short-seller of United Airlines stock just prior to 9/11. Not to mention those visible serial explosions during the free fall collapses of the WTC Twin Towers. 🙄
  14. What do you folks think about Biden announcing his 2024 candidacy today? My own opinion is that he should step down and open the field to a new slate of Democratic candidates. He's too old.
  15. Yeah, Ben, I too wondered if Tucker Carlson getting sh*t-canned had anything to do with his recent public commentaries about the JFK assassination, and/or his interview of RFK, Jr. on Fox. From my perusal of the news articles this evening, no one in the M$M has broached the subject. The articles I have read are claiming that Tucker's firing had something to do with either the Dominion libel case, or his alleged misogyny. But we all know that misogyny has been endemic at Fox, and all of their talking heads participated in libeling Dominion. So, why now, and why Tucker?
  16. John, Are you denying that you're an anti-vaxxer, while once again "reporting" me to the moderators for posting an accurate comment about your stated opinions here? Surely, you jest. On the contrary, you have posted numerous comments on this forum attacking mRNA COVID vaccines and denying their efficacy-- while repeatedly refusing to discuss the vaccine efficacy data that I have referenced for you. Referring to people who have opposed the use of COVID vaccines as "anti-vaxxers" doesn't constitute "crossing a line," or an "ad hominem" attack. It's standard parlance. I'm reporting you to the mods for, once again, attempting to impugn an Education Forum member's reputation on false grounds. This is now the second time that you have pulled this stunt on our forum. As for the substance of my last post, it was a response to your false claim that Matt Allison had "cherry-picked" clips to make Tucker Carlson look bad. In response, I posted a detailed reference for you about Tucker Carlson's lies. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/list/?speaker=tucker-carlson
  17. For lads like John Cotter, who still don't seem to realize that Tucker Carlson has been telling outrageous lies on Fox television for years, here's a link to Politifact's catalogue of Carlson flamers. Worth reading. Fact-checks | PolitiFact Among the most outrageous were Carlson's repeated lies promoting Trump's Stop-the-Steal hoax, and his persistent denial that Trump had orchestrated and incited the violent J6 mob attack on the U.S. Congress, for the purpose of blocking the certification of Biden's election. Carlson has also told a lot of flamers about the COVID pandemic and vaccines. No wonder anti-vaxxer John Cotter views Carlson as "incisive." 😬
  18. Matt, Thanks for sharing these clips of the man John Cotter just called, "probably the most incisive and articulate T.V. host in the U.S. mainstream media." 🤣 I needed a good laugh today, and John Cotter's Irish wit provided one.
  19. Michael, I agree with your critique of totalitarianism, but the ideal alternative isn't a "misanthropic libertarian" Koch plutocracy. Rather, it is progressive social democracy-- truly democratic societies in which the government properly regulates the depredations of corporate capitalism to protect the public welfare. What the Kochs want is a return to the plutocratic Gilded Age-- a "libertarian" society in which the wealthy are allowed to plunder and exploit the poor ad libidum. The Kochs have long aspired to abolish Medicare and the New Deal. Read Nancy MacLean's opus, Democracy in Chains.
  20. Yeah, Kirk, but at least it's good to know that Comer and the GOP Sedition Caucus have their priorities straight. "Investigating" Biden and the globalist Donks is far more important than releasing the JFK files. Next, they should investigate the Ukrainian N-a-z-i-s who have been persecuting Putin. I'm sure that Ben and Tucker Carlson would agree... 🤥
  21. Tres Hombres is ZZ Top's best album, IMO. I know they had some hits in the 80s with their Eliminator album, but I prefer Tres Hombres.
  22. Gerry, What RFK, Jr. is condemning here goes far beyond mere "public views." These oil industry jackals have known for years that fossil fuel burning was frying the planet. But instead of trying to help the human race, they spent billions on climate change denial propaganda in the U.S. It's a bona fide crime against humanity. (Not sure about the U.K.) They deliberately lied about this gravely serious problem, and promoted a subculture of climate change denial here in the U.S., in conjunction with their Republican Party gofers, (and some Democrats, like Joe Manchin.)
  23. Gerry, Honestly, this video would make me more likely to vote for RFK, Jr. RFK, Jr. is spot on about Big Oil and the Koch/Heartland Institute's climate change denial bullsh*t. It's something that really pushes my buttons-- the heavily-funded betrayal of humanity for short-term oil industry profits.
  24. I have the DVDs of those old SNL episodes from the mid to late 70s, and I still enjoy watching them. They had a lot of great musicians on those old shows-- the Grateful Dead, the Rolling Stones, Billy Joel, Paul Simon, Joan Armatrading, Leon Redbone, Randy Newman, George Harrison, Talking Heads, Elvis Costello, etc. I bought the DVD sets partly for the concerts and partly for those great comedy performances by Steve Martin, Dan Ackroyd, John Belushi, Bill Murray, Gilda Radner, et.al. Andy Kaufman, Chevy Chase, and Al Franken also did skits in some of those old shows.
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