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Cory Santos

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Everything posted by Cory Santos

  1. Is it still in the kitchen? I do think that one day I should be the recipient of it. I mean really.
  2. Get your film written and we can talk about the Cadi. And don’t forget to bring the Marilyn Monroe evidence.
  3. Tonight I was speaking with John Barbour who informed me that his third JFK film, “John Barbour's and William Shakespeare's Final Words on the Murder of JFK” will be debuting in Encino, California on November 22, 2023. So, if you want to go to the movies on November 22-which apparently is not an uncommon thing to do in the middle of the day-perhaps you can drive to Encino and watch it. Cliff, you can ride down in an Uber.
  4. That is not the interview I referred to. So that means twice in September he said this.
  5. Well there is an interview where JFK said he believed in the Domino Theory so I will accept what he said. However, if, as you suggest, he was not telling the truth or misleading the public, then if that is true one would have to throw out everything he said. I choose to believe what he said.
  6. Jim share with everyone. How did she consume 47 pills without water and without vomiting? I know in Fantasyland certain rules do not apply but I can assure you that you need to answer this point-which your quote of others work does not. Hence why I stated what I did about your reply.
  7. You have no clue what you just wrote. You really don’t because it has nothing to do with what I wrote.
  8. I just watched an interview of JFK from September 1963. He stated he believed in the Domino Theory. But he does smirk when asked about the CIA. Very odd.
  9. Joe the absence of drugs is no big deal, or so you will be told. Considering she took 47 pills- 4 times the lethal limit for barbiturates- without any water and did not regurgitate, if you believe this I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you. You are asking the right questions.
  10. Jim this is what I mean. First, on JFK you have no problem citing Summers. However with Marilyn you think his research is garbage. Second, he is citing these people from interviews he did. So attacking the other writers still leaves the problem of where these many relevant witnesses which he cited in the article all XXXXX? As to the article veering into the theories of the writers you noted, I fully understand and know exactly where that occurs. But I do not throw everything out as you do with this issue.
  11. Go ahead. Call each of these people XXXXX. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2022/03/marilyn-monroes-final-hours
  12. No Joe, I did not say that. Nor do I think any Kennedy killed her. She was killed however. I am just getting a good laugh at the sleuths who refuse to acknowledge that Monroe’s death was not a suicide or that the Kennedy’s had zero relationship with her or that she was not being closely watched for a reason by the FBI.
  13. Yes, which gossip rag are you referring to which she could have read? You cannot find one can you? It is ok I know the answer You assume so much yet discount more. Again, as Cliff warned me a long time ago, to some JFK did no wrong. He calls these people fanboys.
  14. As I thought. People want evidence and when they get it they can’t accept it. Oh geez lol.
  15. Joe, she wrote a letter to Monroe which was auctioned off for big bucks. Check out what she wrote. I am not avoiding your question. I just want you to Google it and arrive at your own conclusion without any influence from me.
  16. Sandy, with respect, in just looking at these posts over the years, no proof is enough for anyone on this forum on any issue once that person has made his/her mind.
  17. He left his ring. He left the TSBD without checking out. Clearly he was not clueless.
  18. How can you now say there was only one encounter still? Previously you wrote: Hi, Jim, A People magazine article, published on 16 October 2022, written by Tierney McAfee, reported the following about Jerry Blaine’s MM and JFK statements: Jerry Blaine, a former Secret Service agent in the Kennedy detail, told PEOPLE that he was with JFK during two known encounters the president had with Monroe — one at Lawford's Santa Monica home in 1961 and another at the party in New York End Quote. So is it one or two encounters Jim? If you stick to one, as you said above, then you ignore Blaine. That is picking and choosing your evidence. Fact, Monroe knew stopping shooting would affect her movie contract. Why would she risk that for someone she did not know- especially after the Misfits underperformed! Ridiculous to suggest. Fact, Jackie knew Monroe would be singing. That fact is why she found an excuse not to go. Fact, the photo of the three of them was only released in 2010 by Cecil Stoughton. Perhaps there are more somewhere or can you tell us definitely there are not? Hint, the answer is below so you might want to cheat. Let me be clear, I do not believe the Kennedy’s had anything to do with her murder. But since this is a forum where everyone casts speculative stones at good people and governmental agencies, maybe everyone should read this interesting article https://www.cnn.com/2010/SHOWBIZ/06/01/marilyn.monroe.birthday.photo/index.html
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