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Cory Santos

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Everything posted by Cory Santos

  1. Ben, The Hill coverage- which I enjoy daily- takes a hit when it mentions experts and only cites Gerald Posner. They might want to obtain some other contributors on this issue. Unless, you feel Gerald Posner is an expert? https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4197958-secret-service-agent-raises-questions-about-jfk-magic-bullet-theory/amp/
  2. The problem with your conclusion is you do not know when he put it next to the body. If he placed the bullet there after efforts to treat JFK ceased then it makes sense no doctors saw it. However, even if it was placed beforehand, depending on where he put it on the gurney it could easily have been overlooked in the rush to save JFK.
  3. Well, maybe he heard about how Abraham Bolden was being treated. One would have to be dumb to not take a hint. Either way, everyone is speculating. Fact is, his testimony makes what Captain Young say make more sense. Moreover the shallow soft tissue wound to the back which makes the autopsy information make more sense. This is not difficult.
  4. Ok. I am a lawyer David. Prove to me beyond a reasonable doubt that the bullet that the wc claims went through JFK and JC has a chain of evidence which would allow it to be admitted into evidence in court. You cannot. It does not exist. You are speculating. You have no clue how the bullet was found on that stretcher. None.
  5. Except this makes Captain Young’s story of finding a bullet all the more compelling.
  6. Lol I already mentioned the Nina but forgot the others. Lest I forget it was radio station WKRP broadcasting from Ohio letting the Clark S Griswald know that they needed to begin the second wave attack with the uss Merl Stubing. But alas, the Griswald did not make it as it was ordered to fall back by Admiral Adama of the seven colony fleet. This will be published in my seventy volume project with Cliff in the Onion.
  7. David just watched a new video interview of Jack Rubys sister Eva and her attorney from 1967. On YouTube. It was interesting. Sorry though nothing on Patricia Olga ship but I recommend you watch the interview.
  8. Ron, did you read the actual post?🙄 Mathew was quoting Robert. Matthew was not saying he (Matthew) was leaving. Oy veh!
  9. What if you are on to something. Seven teams of four hit men, plus LHO acting by himself, all coincidently and unknowingly hitting him at the same spot. The plaza was actually crowded with teams all wondering “hey, who is that?” Solves everything except, the ships the payricia Olga and the Nina and was docked in Corpus Christie. The uss elderidge even briefly appeared off the Texas coast. Why? Certainly because it was playing rock music of “I fought the law and the law won”.
  10. Wait. We wanted to see the big evidence you had. Don’t let Jim scare you off.
  11. I did get it. I was adding to your joke which I found humorous. But apparently you took it the wrong way🤦. Perhaps Mervyn has got to you?
  12. Yes Ron they played Pink Floyd on Radio SWAN on 11-22-63 at 12:31. Very astute observation.
  13. Mervyn 😏said: “But there were bucket loads of criminal conspiratorial plans that JFK and his pals were unleashing on the world.“ I ask 👽 Like covering up the alien presence? If not what were the plans? Were they Jesuit related? I read Count Dante once met JFK.
  14. David, do you have any video of the 1963 November Chicago trip? News casts, etc.
  15. Or perhaps you’re picking on poor David von Pein? Cannot help that your posts are so discombobulated that I cannot distinguish what your intent is. I know that I am not the only one. I am merely tryin to understand. Help us to understand you Mervyn. We want to know more about your evidence but you speak in a way that confuses so many of us here. Yet we all think you are on to something big.
  16. Wait, so there was no ship called the Eugene? I am so confused.
  17. No just mellow. Keep posting. I don’t want you messing up the guest house while I’m gone.
  18. Cliff! You just got here and already on internet arguing. I told you, mellow man. I made sure your wine chiller was full.
  19. Third page, at the top, reference is made to “Special Group”. It goes on to discuss the group.
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