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Benjamin Cole

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Everything posted by Benjamin Cole

  1. Kirk, Kirk, Kirk (spoken in descending tones): Yes, the real-time observations of "nobodies" carry more weight with me than synthetic M$M news. Sure, there some feeds of the scrum "overpowering" this or that lightly manned fence outside the Capitol. In some ways this is not media bias; obviously the most dramatic footage gets the news. But most people on Jan. 6 just walked in, and only one protestor carried a firearm (even that is not clear--it now appears the guy with a firearm was arrested outside the actual building, and that proceedings against him...have evaporated. So, it is alleged that one person carried a firearm onto the Capitol grounds that day, while all the police were armed, and one shot and killed a protestor. Oh, boo-hoo for that little weiner Pence. I hope he was wearing his adult diapers on Jan 6. Meanwhile...you know, like my late, great Uncle Jerry used to say: "This story gets fishier and fishier, and I am beginning to smell a rat." Add on: One reason to study the JFKA is to learn how government and media work together. What the public was fed through the M$M after the JFKA and then after the Jan. 6 scrum...is worth pondering.
  2. Yeah...instead of hanging around post-JFKA to be the patsy in a CIA plot, or get shot, LHO ran off and tried to escape! A loony lone wolf! DAP says so! That's a nugget!
  3. Things have gotten worse since 1989. The Donks, and allied media, have embraced and become embedded into the national security state---and even want to enlarge, and increase censorship of social media. When the Donks link arms with Liz Cheney...you know it the game is over. The ninth inning was played a few hours back, and we are in the parking lots now. See the Biden Administration and the release of JFK docs? I would call the Biden Administration explanation about why the JFK docs are not being released "pure excrement"---but excrement is useful as fertilizer, and I do not wish to denigrate excrement.
  4. Every time I read the actual primary documents on people arrested at the Capitol scrum...it sure seems different to what is reported in the M$M. This is Stephanie Baez, one of the "insurrectionists." OK, like many in the crowd, she live-texted and Instagramed etc, during her stay in the Capitol, thus providing irrefutable evidence of her participation in the event. Not too bright for an insurrectionist. The photo of her may have been taken by an informant, since it is not a selfie. Here is some of what Boez texted: . 2 old ladies were some of the first people in the capitol building and they had garbage lids, pushing back cops. Those are the Patriots of today. ... Actually some of the very first people in were 2 old ladies that had trash can lids to push back security. So bad ass. ... Lol I did! It was actually fairly peaceful when I went in, chanting, people talking to cops, placing stuffed animal eagles on statues. Aaannd police let us through the barriers, they only really messed up breaking windows. But its our capitol building, we pay for it. Some of the first people were old ladies armed with garbage-pan lids?! I never read that in M$M. But then...it does not fit a narrative, no? One part of the complaint against Baez is rather creepy, and I have seen this on other arrest reports: People are tracked by their smartphones. The federal government served a warrant on Google, which readily and quickly became a part of the police state by providing the location of Baez' phone during the time of the event. Oh, how nice. So, I have provided in this space some primary documents relating to the Jan. 6 scrum. The actual participants, in real time, were texting their observations. These real-time accounts are much different in texture than the M$M journalism, and I think provide a type of balance.
  5. Like Dick Gregory, Mort Sahl was someone I admired from afar, for his work on the JFKA. I always wondered about guys like Sahl and Gregory and what made them different. I look forward to to DiEugenio's treatment. Revising the JFK Cover Up: via Malcolm Blunt The above recent article by James DiEugenio at KennedysandKing another must-read, and a reminder of the vast oceans of perfidy, obfuscation and misinformation that followed the JFKA. The Biden Administration is planning to permanently wiggle out of releasing docs Christman season, 2022. What does that tell you?
  6. W.-- As I said, keep an open mind. There are truths and un-truths printed in the NYT...or lesser outlets. Hard to tell anymore. Would you believe nothing you read in the NYT? Are they mere Donk sycophants? Often, but not always.... This fellow's account is limited to what he himself saw. Credible source. If you read the primary documents, many, many of the rioters inside the Capitol texted in real time that they were "let in." That is the historical record, in arrest reports. Indeed, being provided as evidence by prosecutors in open court, to prove the rioters were inside the Capitol. But the Capitol Police and the DC Metropolitan Police do not report to Trump, but to Democratic Party officials. Does it not seem likely Jan. 6 was just a scrum and the 6,000-officer police departments, for whatever reason, were woefully unprepared, leaderless for a while, and then cleared everyone out after a few hours? A second option is that Jan. 6 was instigated by provocateurs, in conjunction with police, which would not be a first in history....
  7. https://thefederalist.com/2021/01/14/i-saw-provocateurs-at-the-capitol-riot-on-jan-6/ Another point of view. The author reports the DC National Guard was already on the streets Jan. 6. His account is plain, and he has credentials (read to the bottom). So at least some elements of the National Guard were already deployed, in addition to the nearly 6,000 officers at the disposal of the Capitol Police and the DC Metropolitan Police. How on earth could 600 unarmed protestors "storm the Capitol"? Keep an open mind...the M$M sure has an agenda on this one....Liz Cheney? Are you sure she will tell the truth?
  8. David J- I am perfectly willing to believe LHO was impersonated in Mexico City, sheesh, maybe even got an airplane back from down there. But why would KGB/Embassy officers make up a story about meeting LHO? Seems to me if they had never met LHO, they could say so. In fact, denying the LHO-Embassy meeting makes more sense. Admitting to an LHO meeting opens up the question if LHO was doing KGB bidding, as even recent authors have written entire books alleging. My take is LHO was a US intel asset, but he did in fact meet Kostikov.
  9. Well, I will need W. Niederhut's professional services if I read the Biden Administration statement regarding the JFK disclosure again. Amid all the breathtaking cynicism and perfidy, is another gem: Any information that an agency proposes for continued postponement beyond December 15, 2022, shall be limited to the absolute minimum under the statutory standard. This refers to the release of docs next year. Note the timing, based on "respect for the anniversary of President Kennedy's assassination." In other words, when the Biden Administration choses to again hide documents, it will be after Dec. 15 next year. Like Friday, Dec. 17 or 24? In other words, the Biden Administration next year plans to withhold key JFK documents and tell the public about it on late Friday in Christmas season. When nobody will be listening. The story will be dead in the new year.
  10. Egads. "Exhaustive." So, the HSCA that concluded there was likely a conspiracy...was just a flim-flam fly-by-night operation? And when you watch the Zapruder film....do not believe your eyes.
  11. Many thanks and big kudos to Lawrence Schnapf for efforts regarding the JFKA.
  12. Of all the fragile flowers on the planet, national security is the most precious, and the merest zephyr will rip all the petals off. The JFKA docs, some from the 1950s, still must hidden due to immediate and identifiable harm to national security. Carter Page is a threat to national security. Julian Assange is a threat to national security. Hillbillies in Afghanistan are a threat to national security. 600 lulus who occupy the Capitol for a couple of hours are a threat the national security. Facebook posts are a threat to national security. The US spends $1 trillion a year on the DoD and VA, but national security is ever on the precipice.... (However, multinationals doing hundreds of billions of dollars of business with communist China and kowtowing and transferring technology to the CCP is not a threat to national security.)
  13. Excellent post from Gil Jesus. We are reminded on just how garbled large portions of witness testimony are regarding the JFKA, and that the Dallas Police Department went into Henry Wade-style prosecution very early on.
  14. Announced on a late Friday, the time to slink back home through the slime, when all the reporters have filed copy for the week. The obvious patent fraud involved! We are nearly six decades from the JFKA. The US spends $1 trillion a year on national defense (DoD, VA), but these documents would imperil the nation.
  15. Perhaps the Biden Administration is seeking posthumous approval from JFKA-era CIA'ers to release docs.
  16. Announced on a late Friday...that when White Houses release news they want buried. (CNN)The White House announced late Friday that it would further postpone the release of more documents related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, pointing to the "significant impact" of the Covid-19 pandemic. President Joe Biden issued a memo that said the national archivist recommended he "'direct two public releases of the information that has ultimately 'been determined to be appropriate for release to the public.'" The first will be an "interim release" later this year, with a second, "more comprehensive release in late 2022," the memo said. The memo said that the Covid-19 pandemic has slowed down the process of reviewing whether redactions continue to meet the "statutory standard." Kennedy's assassination prompted a whirlwind of questions from the public and researchers, plenty of conspiracy theories and reflexive secrecy from the government. Over the years, millions of documents have become public, offering researchers an opportunity to pore over not only records related to the Kennedy assassination, but also a variety of other topics, from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s life and slaying to pivotal moments in the Cold War. In 2018, former President Donald Trump extended the deadline for the public release of the assassination files to 2021, citing "identifiable harm to national security, law enforcement, or foreign affairs." Trump's move came on the deadline he previously imposed in 2017 for the full release of the files -- barring national security and privacy concerns -- after the 25-year-in-the-making deadline imposed by the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act, signed by President George Bush, came to pass.
  17. For anyone who is interested, at the 1:46 mark, the three Embassy employees, including Kostikov, talk about the meeting with LHO. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cjwKxuie2o
  18. As usual, I wonder who is the true author of such commentary, just as one wonders about Wikipedia entries. This looks like planted commentary.
  19. Get ready for censorship. "Not stopping 'Stop the Steal:' Facebook Papers paint damning picture of company's role in insurrection" ---CNN headline BTW, if Facebook posts genuinely organized an insurrection, then there is a clear track record of social media posts and texts pointing to the guilty organizers (who evidently felt no need to act surreptitiously). Has anyone in mainstream outlined who posted on Facebook, what was said, and how many people followed whatever instructions were in the posts? Is there a there, there? I still wonder the 6,000 police officers of the Capitol Police and DC Metropolitan Police were doing on Jan. 6. They appeared to stand down.
  20. Thanks to Lawrence Schnapf for his efforts in this regard. Let us hope for success.
  21. David: Many, many thanks. That has been driving me crazy. To be sure, in the world of Spy v. Spy (if you are old enough, think Mad magazine), who knows who is ever telling the truth, or a version of the truth? Still, Kostikov himself says he met LHO. My guess is LHO did show in Mexico City, but that there was also an impersonator. Some say Kostikov was just an ordinary Embassy employee, not KGB, and that "Kostikov was KGB" was fabricated by the CIA to bring the hammer down on investigations into LHO---the "World War III virus" posited by John Newman. Who knows? Thanks again. We have some participants in the JFKA saga on record and on film, such as Veciania and Kostikov. For me, these personal statements carry more weight, but maybe they shouldn't.
  22. Fair enough. I look forward to your taxi ride post. Hey, I like your work. But it does seem to me LHO could walk seven downtown blocks in seven minutes.
  23. Great letter. I wonder who Biden will turn to for advice on this. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/bidens-first-family-corrupt-or-merely-crazy Unfortunately, there is a ocean of compromising material out there....Biden may get an offer he cannot refuse.
  24. I saw it! "James DiEugenio." Congrats and more importantly congrats on helping to create this documentary, which we are all dying to see.
  25. "They claimed that in that seven minutes, he walked seven blocks where he encountered the bus."--GJ How long are the blocks? Downtown city blocks? LHO was a young man, made it through Marine boot camp, was not fat or disabled, etc. One block per minute? To me, the oddity is that DPD'ers were already searching busses, and not other vehicles...someone tipped them off early in the game... To be clear, I am not saying the WC report is correct on this matter. But if LHO was on a bus, it makes sense in some regards. I posit LHO was set up as a patsy, and his ride from the scene evaporated, or he sensibly chose not to get into an escape vehicle with the guys who just set him up as a patsy. So...lacking much in the way of good options, perhaps LHO took the first bus that promised to get him away from the area. The bus mired down, and then LHO hailed a taxi, and armed himself, accurately suspecting people were out to kill him (as happened soon enough). Is there another timeline for LHO in the immediate aftermath of the JFKA? How did he get to his rooming house? I am not contesting what you have said. But what are better explanations for LHO's whereabouts, post-JFKA?
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