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Benjamin Cole

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Everything posted by Benjamin Cole

  1. Great post. The fact that DPD police officers were searching a bus---and this is before Tippit has been shot---is an oddity in itself. Really? You expect a presidential assassin to escape by bus? You are not searching ordinary vehicles? Panel wagons, cargo vans? Yet LHO is on the record as saying busses are not bad for escaping, for that very reason, that they not thought of as escape vehicles. This all suggests that someone who knew LHO then tipped the DPD to search busses. That, and someone (I forget who, but a government employee) was taking pictures of that bus too. I totally agree that the witness testimony regarding LHO on the bus is weak. But LHO may have been on a bus at some point. My hunch has long been that the CIA knew right away something had gone very wrong in Dallas, and LHO had to be caught quickly. They fed clues to the DPD. As usual, the WC was a prosecutorial and disinformation agency, not an investigative agency. The WC should have subpoenaed many DPD brass, and under oath asked them and Mayor Cabell if they talked that day to the CIA or other national security agencies and about what. Seized phone records and so on.
  2. OK, in this episode of the "The Ochelli Effect" Carmine Savastano makes a fleeting reference to seeing a video, or filmed interview of Kostikov, in which the KGB/Embassy agent discusses his meeting with LHO. Does anyone know what Savastano is talking about? I think I have seen this Kostikov video also, but cannot remember where.
  3. If Henry Wade didn't think there was enough for conviction.... Wade was famous for saying (to the effect) "It doesn't take skill to convict a guilty man. It takes skill to convict an innocent one."
  4. Excellent article. I always like to say one reason to study JFKA in depth and in context is to learn how politics and media work in general. In the JFKA, we have LHO declared guilty within hours, and accepted by the media. An allegation or accusation becomes a conviction and confession. Remember this when assaying the modern scene. It is tempting to believe accusations and allegations that fit one's own narratives, or are PC at the time. The older I get, the more I revere the "innocent until proven guilty before a jury of peers" standard. The government can gin up a case against anybody, and any private citizen can file charges with the police or file a lawsuit. My take on the Dallas Police Department is that, Henry Wade-style, they started building a case against LHO immediately (the DPD template at the time), and were joined by the FBI and WC thereafter.
  5. Trump was a major disappointment. My guess is someone had some compromising info on Trump. But it may be Trump just acted irrationally or transactionally.
  6. At this late date, it sure looks like someone is still planting anti-JFKA research articles and books, and yes likely as PR prior to Biden's decision on whether to release 50-year-old docs pertaining to the JFKA. I used to think there must nothing in print that would be of value at this late date, due to scrubbing, and initial procedures to not put key matters into writing to begin with. Now, I am beginning to wonder. Maybe something is in the docs, when pieced together with other info would yield solid clues.
  7. Jeff C.- I entirely agree with you; the horrid prosecution of a Julian Assange, or a Carter Page, for that matter, is an example of the US Deep State in action. So, like I said, "What moral high ground?" Apple-Disney-BlackRock-NBA-Tesla-WalMart is happy with the US Deep State and the Beijing commies (who are even worse).
  8. Paul B: What moral high ground? The CCP has thrown a Hong Kong publisher, Jimmy Lai, into prison and left him there. For publishing newspapers. Google it. Did Apple announce it would back out of China? BlackRock? The NBA? HSBC? I happen to prefer largely free-market systems, and democracy. That said, one weakness of capitalism is that it is an amoral system (not immoral, but amoral). If Apple makes money working with commie dictators, then they will. But problems can arise when amoral multinationals control US foreign-military policy. As they do. This obvious moral failing is smoothed over 1,000 times everyday by corporate PR, or the painting of "Black Lives Matter" on NBA courts. Apple's PR is impressive--in image-making, they are against the 1984 state. Except in real life, not in China and Hong Kong. To be sure, many nuances to the issue, and there would be no winners in a nuclear war. That Trump threatened and upended the parts of the cozy relationship between US capitalists and Beijing is a fascinating tale. My guess is JFK would be a non-interventionist in general, and would have counseled all along avoiding too much commercial dependence on foreign nations, as dependence breeds entanglements.
  9. W.- The "guilt by association" meme is older than either of us. Phone calls? Meetings? As I said, Trump the person is indefensible. But the idea of peaceful co-existence with Russia, or meeting with Russians, or even tacit co-operation with Russia on a transactional basis, is certainly defensible. (BTW, I think Putin is a thug). Trump seems to have grasped that the global security state-media blob wants an enemy, and that enemy is Russia. But being Trump, he bungled and garbled everything, stepped squarely into every booby-trap and road-turd possible. If Reagan was the teflon President, Trump was the velcro President. As a digression (but not really, stay with me), China's GDP is about seven times as large as Russia's, and their population is about 13 times the size of Russia's. China is the largest buyer of commodities on the planet, and everyday exhibits manufacturing prowess. China is run by overt communists, the CCP, and getting more commie by the day, and now claims the whole South China Sea as Beijing's, along with parts of India and Taiwan. Russia is run by klepto-capitalists, the kind the US power elites usually makes alliance with, and has a shrinking population, and a one-trick-pony economy of selling oil. But...until Trump, China was the good guys and Russia the dangerous bad guys. Many still see it that way. How did this happen? How did the Russian capitalist nation become the enemy, and a Chinese communist nation the good guys? Why? BlackRock, WalMart, Apple, GM, Disney, the NBA et al are tight with the CCP, using their manufacturing platform, or investing in China land, or hoping to sell entertainment product. Trump endangered that relationship. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/17/technology/apple-china-privacy-censorship.html And now the Donks are calling for more internet censorship. Russia meddled in the election, and the kooks are posting untruths. Anyone who opposes the Donks is a Moscow stooge or a racist. W.- We just have different views on this matter. That's OK. I thought George Will's column was establishment PR, and an angry shout from the national security state. Oh gee, do you suppose Will carries water for the establishment right?
  10. Hey Paul, nice to hear from you. I hate to be so cynical, but both establishment parties are deeply embedded into networks of sponsors, the media and, of course, the global security state. So who gets to direct the largesse of federal outlays, the capricious application of taxes, and also control the vast regulatory state and foreign-military policy apparatus? There is an old saying: "First you have a movement, or a real cause. Then the movement becomes politics. Then politics becomes a business. At last, the business becomes a racket." Washington long ago entered the racket stage. I am not here to defend Trump, or Trump's ugliest backers. Trump is not defensible as a person. But the mainstream media and establishment Washington had their long knives out for Trump from before the day he set foot in the White House. The Donks and 'Phants fight for control of the treasures, whether against each other or Trump. The whole Russiagate story is a cotton-candy confection, a nutritionless gossamer of fantasy that melts away into nothing. And the Wuhan lab leak theory was "debunked"? Really? I could go on. The narrative was what mattered, not the reality.
  11. The fight in Washington is over who controls the selling, and who is the honored buyer.
  12. Kirk- Your advice is divine. But this is no joke---these are the ads through which Russians collusionists tipped the 2016 election to Trump. So we are told. So be forewarned. Also, one of the Jan. 6 rioters-insurrectionists tried to sell Pelosi's laptop to Russia's SVR. See how the Trumper's are? They steal laptops and give them to the Russians. Just like the Biden laptop. So wipe that seraphic grin off your face, and get down to business. Trump-Moscow is no joke.
  13. Trump strikes me as a nut-job. The government can maliciously prosecute a nut job and his cohorts, and the media can maliciously prosecute anyone remotely connected to a nut job. As for the 'Phants or the Donks, please start a third party. I hope all 'Phants or Donks take Trump's advice, and do not run in the next election.
  14. Congratulations to the JFK Lancer team for "toughing it out" and still putting on the conference, and here is to success in getting to website up and running....
  15. W.- You mistake my motives. I am not defending Trump. I am viewing the modern government-corporate media state with a skeptical eye. You are skeptical of the approved party lines, government press releases, and media coverage of 9/11 and the JFKA. But now you cite a government press release?
  16. https://taibbi.substack.com/p/konstantin-kilimnik-russiagates-last?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTY3NzcwMSwicG9zdF9pZCI6NDI1MzIwNTksIl8iOiIvL3EyRCIsImlhdCI6MTYzNDE2OTU3MywiZXhwIjoxNjM0MTczMTczLCJpc3MiOiJwdWItMTA0MiIsInN1YiI6InBvc3QtcmVhY3Rpb24ifQ.0GW7AI3Yu4NYRULhQ6kQ5L_vP5K7mMkTqU0I76XNUzk "There is no there, there." Apologies to Gertrude Stein.
  17. I viewed from afar Dick Gregory, and enjoyed this review of the Showtime documentary. And yes, political assassinations are still not a polite topic of discussion.
  18. Joe B. Oh, I agree. As you know, many posit LHO never went to Mexico City, and if he did, he was impersonated at times. But, dang it, I saw this TV clip somewhere along the line....which indicated to me that Kostikov met with the "real" LHO...
  19. Thanks for posting. I see Eladio Del Valle named in the tabloid. He has always interested me.
  20. Surprisingly, the difference in pro-secessionists between the two political factions is rather small. That is, four of 10 Bidenites think secession is a good idea, and 5 out of 10 Trumpers. Maybe Massachusetts bolts with the Far West? And Texas and the South bolts also? I doubt there is much of a need for the hypermobilized global security state. The US military is presently a global guard service for multinationals, not to protect the US population. Personally, I think secession for any particular region is not practical, but then I think the hypermobilized global security apparatus is not practical either. A Hobson's choice, if you will.
  21. Also, has anyone seen a clip, I think on British TV, of Kostikov, the Russian in the the embassy in Mexico City, and his meeting with LHO? The clip shows Kostikov at a table discussing his meeting with LHO...
  22. California first state to mandate gender-neutral toy aisles for large retailers
  23. In Michigan of all places? Where all those armed guys took over the State Capitol and threatened to kidnap and kill the Governor? That's a recipe for disaster. Steve Thomas Steve T: Read up on who helped organize and finance the Michigan kidnappers. Buzzfeed: "The government has documented at least 12 confidential informants who assisted the sprawling investigation [of the Michigan kidnap plot]. The trove of evidence they helped gather provides an unprecedented view into American extremism, laying out in often stunning detail the ways that anti-government groups network with each other and, in some cases, discuss violent actions. An examination of the case by BuzzFeed News also reveals that some of those informants, acting under the direction of the FBI, played a far larger role than has previously been reported. Working in secret, they did more than just passively observe and report on the actions of the suspects. Instead, they had a hand in nearly every aspect of the alleged plot, starting with its inception. The extent of their involvement raises questions as to whether there would have even been a conspiracy without them. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kenbensinger/michigan-kidnapping-gretchen-whitmer-fbi-informant For the record, yes, I oppose all forms of violence, and support only peaceful reform through voting and democratic processes. A lot of people have concluded there would have been no "kidnap plot" without federal agent involvement.
  24. Robert- Man, sorry to hear. I am reminded how small and unimportant our political differences are (for 99% of us) whenever a fellow human has real problems. Yes, at this late date, "solving the JFKA" might not change much. We see mainstream media and even much of the new media co-opted by the blob, that is the confection of government, national security agencies and huge multinationals, and affiliated think tanks, foundations, institutions, centers, lobby groups, academia, media. But I enjoyed your posts, as someone who was trying not to think as they were told to think, by this or that major faction in the media. Good luck, man.
  25. Steve- Your assessment may be correct. And I am just one small citizen here, and what I say will have zero impact on anything. But here goes: One very important reason to study the JFKA is to learn how corporate media and government work together to manipulate public opinion after real or fabricated events. Maybe 9/11 was a terrorist attack, as depicted. It was then leveraged by government-media to get the US into two fantastically expensive and counterproductive wars, and kill a couple million people. In the case of the JFKA, we see how public opinion was shaped, perhaps even before, and very much after the JFKA. For sake of argument, let us assume LHO was a lone gunman---that does not change the heavy PR-fake-news-manipulation effort that went into ensuring that was your point of view. Plus a lot of hints that maybe the commies were behind it. (That is still going on.) That is what is happening on the 1/6 scrum. The public is being manipulated, and hysteria is being fanned. The 1/6 committee is political theater. We were told racist Trump supporters murdered Brian Sicknick by bludgeoning him in the head with a fire extinguisher, and that the scrum was armed and organized---and that what happened is a threat to our nation. Here is the woman who stole Nancy Pelosi's laptop, a Riley June Williams: She helpfully livestreamed her theft: Then, to add to the mix, she live-texted about it. Yes, she took "Nancy Polesis" laptop. Assuming Riley June Williams is a real person, and not a provocateur or actress....does she strike you as a threat the Republic? The Deep State, which can tax you at will, enter in foreign wars on behalf of multinationals at will, controls the media, and assassinates US presidents...wants you to be afraid of Riley June Williams. Why? https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases One sure gets a different impression of the 1/6 event when reading primary materials. Add on, from the "statement of facts": "W1 (an informant) stated that WILLIAMS intended to send the computer device to a friend in Russia, who then planned to sell the device to SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence service." So, Russia gets worked into the story. Maybe this strikes one as a little too pat.
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