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David Boylan

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Everything posted by David Boylan

  1. Rabney appears to be a psuedo. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10185-10043.pdf Looking for the true names of various people including Rabney. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/docid-32202503.pdf True names are not listed. Page 2. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10310-10013.pdf QJWIN knows Rabney's true name page 4. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/docid-32397242.pdf
  2. Jim, New Orleans. M E M O R A N D U M February 14, 1967 TO: JIM GARRISON, DISTRICT ATTORNEY FROM: ANDREW J. SCIAMBRA, ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY RE: INTERVIEW WITH ERNESTO [sic] RODRIGUEZ ----------------------------------------------------------------- On, February 13, Jim Alcock and I interviewed Mr. ERNESTO [sic] RODRIGUEZ at the Berlitz School of Languages, located at 1205 St. Charles Street. MR. RODRIGUEZ was very cooperative and said that he would help us in any way he possibly could. Upon showing him the "Crusade to Free Cuba" letterhead, he said he was a member of the city-wide committee which was primarily formed to solicit funds to finance the Cuban cause. He said that most of the American names that appeared on the letterhead were mainly put on there in an effort to make the crusade appear to be more respectable and legitimate and was primarily used to solicit funds. He said they did not take a very active part in the entire crusade. Upon showing him BRINGUIER's proclamation, he said that he did not know much about the groups on the proclamation and that the person to contact about then would be CARLOS BRINGUIER. He suggested that we contact MR. ORLANDO PIEDRA who worked for the Cuban Intelligence Force and may be able to furnish us with some files on various Cubans. He did say that all of the groups, in his opinion, are non-existent today. He said that BRINGUIER was delegate for the Student Directorate and LOUIS BRETO was a delegate for Alpha 66. He said Breto, however, is back in Miami. He says QUIROGA was very active in the organization and closely associated with ARCACHA SMITH. He said ARCACHA SMITH, however, turned out to be a bad hombre. He suggested that we contact CARLOS DELAVEGA who may be able to give us some valuable information. He said that he remembers RICARDO DAVIS very well and that, in his opinion, RICARDO DAVIS was a little bit crazy. He remembers DAVIS trying to get him to go into partnership with him to manufacture kites. It seems RICARDO DAVIS had a plan for a new type of kite which he thought would make a lot of money. When RODRIGUEZ refused to enter the partnership, RICARDO DAVIS became very angry and they had an argument and their friendship ended. After that RICARDO DAVIS went to Puerto Rico with his wife who was a native of Venezuela, and stayed there for a while and then returned to the U. S. It seems that RICARDO DAVIS went to Puerto Rico to go to work for some people who had an operation similar to the S&H Green Stamps operation. He says he that he knows that OSWALD knew about the camps across the lake as OSWALD had talked to BRINGUIER about the camps. He said OSWALD came to the Berlitz School of Language on one occasion and attempted to talk to him about the possi- bility if taking a language course and about Cuba in general. He told OSWALD that he was very busy at the time and that if he would return at a later date they could sit down and discuss the entire situation. OSWALD, however, never returned. page 2 He said that the could not ascertain from his conversation with OSWALD whether OSWALD was pro or anti-CASTRO. He did say that the FBI talked to him about the incident only a day or two after the assassination. He said ORLANDO PIEDRA was trying to locate CARLOS MARQUEZ' files which contained pass- ports and information on many Cubans. He said that he had heard that ARCACHA had taken some of the files. He said that he does not know where ARCACHA is at the present time. He says that he remembers FERRIE very well as he was such a funny looking man and most of the Cubans regarded him as a big joke. FERRIE was supposed to be trying to start a small commando group and used to hold classes in his apartment. The Cubans knew that FERRIE had been fired from Eastern Airlines because of his homosexual tendencies and they believed that the only reason he wanted to start a commando group was to lure young men into his apartment. He says that RICARDO DAVIS was one of the people who set up the camp across the lake and that he remembers that at one time there were two Cubans from Miami looking for DAVIS to kill him. It seems that RICARDO DAVIS had taken the money which was supposed to be spent for food and purchased very cheap food such as red beans and rice and kept the difference himself. He said that these people from Miami were serious as they had a gun on them. He says that he knows that ARCACHA and FERRIE were closely connected as they were together on many occasions. He said that MANUEL GIL should be contacted as he was very active in the "Crusade to Free Cuba." He also said that he can remember that at one of the meetings there was an argument between RONNIE CAIRE and some of the Cubans over the way that the finances were being expended. It seems there was a complaint that the money was being used to pay ARCACHA's personal debts. He said that he had heard from some Cubans that OSWALD went in the Trade Mart subsequent to the time that he distributed leaflets in the street. He said, however, that he had no idea of where he could have gone. He said that one thing that appeared funny to him was that at one time OSWALD was soliciting funds for his "Fair Play for Cuba" outfit and that his address for the outfit was 544 Camp Street, and that ARCACHA SMITH's address also was 544 Camp Street. He said the FBI showed him a photograph of OSWALD dis- tributing leaflets and that they were trying to identify a Cuban fellow in the picture who had his back to the camera. They told him that the fellow in the picture fit the descrip- tion of a person who was seen with OSWALD on a shooting range in Dallas, Texas. Mr. RODRIGUEZ could not identify the Cuban. He said that BRINGUIER and DAVIS knew FERRIE and also thought that FERRIE was a jerk. He said that BRINGUIER was very anti- CASTRO and was in the process of writing a book which he believes will hypothesize that LEE HARVEY OSWALD was a CASTRO agent.
  3. B.A., LHO did approach Arnesto at the Berlitz school about Spanish lessons. I bet there is a photo out there with Sforza, Morales and Rodriguez celebrating Che's death.
  4. Sfroza and Rodriguez getting office space with Morales (Zamka) - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=41125#relPageId=2&tab=page Both requesting clearance so they can work with Morales - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=41115#relPageId=2&tab=page Going to work for Zamka/Morales https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=41126#relPageId=2&tab=page
  5. Emilio's (JMWAVE, CIA, worked with and for David Morales) brother Arnesto (Cuban Revolutionary Council) was "well acquainted" with Oswald. Arnesto was also "well acquainted" with Carlos Bringuier who as we know was also "well acquainted" with Oswald. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=81679#relPageId=2&tab=page
  6. Ended up going down this rabbit hole. There’s a lot going on in this doc. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10109-10162.pdf I had to read it maybe 6-7 times. Some takeaways: “Frank” aka Frank Stevens aka “Enrique” is Tony Sforza. Sforza was involved in getting Fidel’s sister Juanita Castro to defect and exfiltrate from Cuba. VARONA is AMCONCERT-1 “That ‘Frank’ had certain responsibilities re Juanita Castro is very true. "Frank" was fundamentally responsible for the defection of Juanita Castro although Mr. VARONA furnished the lead. The "Frank"/' Juanita Castro relationship is now quasi-legendary.” “He did not fumble the very difficult handling of this controversial person. Mr. VARONA would have been in no position to know the load placed upon "Frank" by the Agency in trying to gain operational mileage from Miss Castro. Re : the information that "Frank" was in possession of information which could have resulted in the assassination of Fidel Castro, the following comment must be made: This refers to the Plan RAPHAEL which involved Mr. VARONA's brother. "Frank" was not the Case Officer on this operation, although he had originally recruited Mr. VARONA's brother in Cuba prior to his exfiltration. The Case Officer for the RAPHAEL operation, if one considers that there was a case officer, would have been Stephen P. Mangello.” Emilio Rodriguez handled VARONA before handing him over to Sforza. “…when Mr. VARONA arrived in the Florida area during March 1962, he was met by his Havana Case Officer: ”Frank" who continued to handle him until August 1962, at which time he was turned over to the Greek Case Officer he refers to. The Greek Case Officer handled him for approximately three years. Along about 1965, the Greek Case Officer turned Mr. VARONA over to Mr. Al McQuade aka Fred who handled Mr. VARONA until May 1968, at which time he was '-turned over to “Pepe'' introduced by "Frank" who served as an intermediary because of his previous connection with Mr. VARONA.” The “Greek Case Officer” was most likely Thomas Karamessines. “Re Mr., VARONA’s statement that the Cuban who holds the highest position for the Agency in Miami and who works directly for “Frank” is one Joaquin SANGENIS: this is again is embellishment. Mr. VARONA as obviously known for some years that Mr. SANGENIS heads the AMOT Organization. This is one of the WH/Miami Station’s several projects.” Sforza was going to be arrested the night of the Bay of Pigs invasion: “The night of the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Cuban Internal Service sent agents to the ASPRU home to pick up "Frank”. One colored and one white servant were at home at that time and they told the DSE agents that "Frank" was "a gay blade" and would not be home until early the next morning. The DSE left the residence leaving behind a note for "Frank” to report to their headquarters the following morning. In this context, it should be noted that "Frank's" cover in Cuba during the period in question was that of a professional gambler; a cover which served him well during most of his service there. “ Sforza aka Henry Sloman was hiding in Carlos TEPEDINO’s father home April 18-21, 1961. Tepedino (AMCLATTER-1) was very close to Rolando CUBELA (AMLASH-1). Sforza and Rodriguez were early recruiters of Cubela. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=43370#relPageId=2&tab=page http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10215-10108.pdf I believe this is the document that Ponchay (Jake Esterline) was referring to. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=104105#relPageId=5&tab=page Was this Plan Rafael? http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10506-10030.pdf http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10308-10021.pdf https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10308-10022.pdf Sforza checking on AMCROAK-1 http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10077-10307.pdf Emilio as contact for AMPANIC-7 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=39939#relPageId=2&tab=page
  7. (S) Kleinlerer and Mrs. Bloodworth returned to the apartment approximately 30 minutes after they had departed. Upon their return to the apartment, the conversation drifted off to normal conversation. Bouhe observed a radio in the apartment and asked Dymitruk why Kleinlerer had to purchase a new radio when the one that he had·given Kleinlerer would receive Moscow. Because of the conversation, Bloodworth became suspicious of Bouhe, and as such felt that the conversation should be reported. Bloodworth believed that the answers to the questions asked by Bouhe could have been obtained through the news media and aviation magazines, and may have been used as a lead-in for later questions. Bloodworth and his wife were invited to visit Bouhe in Dallas, but had not done so at the time of their interview by the FBI. (S) Based on information provided by Bloodworth, the FBI conducted investigations concerning Dymitruk, Bouhe and Kleinlerer. The results of the FBI investigation are surmmarized below: (S) A coded government agency which conducted security type investigations revealed to the FBI that Lydia Dymitruk was born on April .1926 in Rostov (nca), SSR. In -approximately 1942 she was deported by the Germans to a work camp in Germany. When the war ended, she entered a camp for displaced persons in Duesseldorf (LB4577}, Germany, where she met and married Pavel Lodwijk Verhelst, Belgian citizen (nfi ) On an unknown date, she entered Belgium with her husband and resided in Antwerp (nca). Belgium. She was alleged to be a member of the Union of Soviet Patriots in Belgium from 1948 to 1952. In 1952, while still married to Verhelst, she began living with Vasiliy Gavrilovich,. also known as a vel Kostenko, in Brussels (nca), Belgium. She was divorced by Verhelst in November 1953 and continued living with Gavrilovich until late J954 or 1955. C]avrilovich was allegedly born on 5 September 1922 in Tula {nca), USSR.· He served in the Soviet Anny in World War II prior to joining the "Vlassov Forces" in fighting on the side of the Germans against the Soviets. After the War, he lived in Germany and Belgium and was active in several anti-communist Russian emigre organizations including the National Labor Alliance (NTS). In 1955, .Gavrilovich was identified as a Soviet agent in clandestine contact with the Soviet Embassy in Brussels. In February 1957, he was expelled from the NTS and left Brussels for Moscow (nca) on 20 August 1957. Prior to leaving Belgium for the USSR, Gavrilovich reportedly revealed that he had worked for Soviet intelligence since 1942 and that he was trained in the Soviet Union for intelligence work and dispatched to the west as a Soviet agent (nfi). In a radio broadcast from East Berlin (UU9220), on 17 September 1957, sponsored by the Soviet Committee for Return to the Homeland, Gavrilovich bitterly attacked Russian emigre organizations in the West.
  8. Steve, Saw this in a DOD doc page 26: "Bloodworth initially thought Bouhe might have been an Army Intelligence Officer, and was testing Bloodworth's security consciousness, and therefore Bloodworth was very careful in answering Bouhe's questions. however, Bloodworth also believed that Bouhe \rJas possibly a foreign intelligence officer, although Bouhe gave Bloodworth no indication of this, either by action or word. Only Bouhe asked Bloodworth questions. During lulls in the conversation, Bouhe and Dymitruk conversed in the Russian language. " http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/NARA-Nov-2017/docid-32263534.pdf And this headscratcher at the end: d. NIS dossier #D38-67-41 relates to Lee Harvey Oswald. Contents of this file have been the subject of various letters and memoranda in connection with HSCA requests. It has been standard operating procedures for the Navy to interview returning defectors when of interest to and under the jurisdiction of the Navy
  9. Bart, His testimony was released. I'm not sure if that helps. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/157-10014-10010.pdf
  10. Still heavily redacted but it's 213 pages.... http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/202-10002-10104.pdf
  11. Steve, Not sure if posted this in another thread. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=69112#relPageId=2&tab=page
  12. This is a good doc on DCI McCone's interactions about the Warren Commission. "DCI :All right, fine, and if anything along this line develops -- delighted you are serving on that committee. That will be a very important thing. Russell: I am certainly not delighted. I really think the President took unfair advantage of me. He called me and talked to me about going on that committee, who he could get on there and I didn't think any of the Supreme Court judges would serve and I told him I didn't think they should, so he said, well, they had to have a judge. I said well get , Madina (phonetic) or somebody like that and the next thing I knew he called me and said here is the committee I just announced to the press and he had me on there and there wasn't anyway in the world I could get out of it then. I haven't got time to do it 'in the first place and not of the disposition and I just don't like Chief Justice Warren either." 7. "The President noted with some considerable contempt the fact that certain people in the Department of Justice had suggested to him on Saturday that an independent investigation of the President's. assassination should be conducted by a high level group of attorneys and jurists, probably headed by Governor Dewey. President Johnson rejected this idea, and then heard that the identical plan was to be advanced in a lead editorial in the Washington Post. The President felt this was a deliberate plant and he was exceedingly critical. He personally intervened, but failed with Mr. Al Friendly and finally "killed" the editorial with Mrs. Graham." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- McCloy: 0. K. - Have. you seen that Buchanan book? DCI Yes, I have. I have several copies of it. I sent two or three copies over and then I got 2 more copies today and sent sent over there. McCloy: Sent over here? There is a new one out by Gunn. DCI Yes, I haven't seen it. McCloy That is in French. Talks about being translated from the English, but I can't find the English copy of it. DCI I'll check it out. McCloy: I am told it is more interestedly written than the Buchanan one, - I talked to this fellow Gen. Staylan. He is a French general somewhat related to the de Gaulle movernent and he is an active officer I ran into him somewhere along the line and I got to talking about the assassination with him and talked about the extent of all this todo. And one evening he said, well, I 'll tell you, you know I have·been associated with de Gaulle's govt. to some degree and thought to be in that camp. But he said, this assassination business and all these articles have now become sort of interwoven into the anti-American propaganda of France which is quite prevalent. DCI: Now, the difficulty is, that this fellow Buchanan is a very articulate on the radio and on TV. He has made several broadcasts and he has gotten his story over to the point that if your report doesn't dispose of it point by point, your report is a whitewash. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10322-10186.pdf
  13. Thanks Rob. The Post even quotes Lisa Pease. Lisa Pease, author of a forthcoming book on the investigation’s failures, said: “In ignoring the myriad evidence of conspiracy in this case, the LAPD and DA’s office created the seventh pantry victim: the truth. We have a guy in prison, provably by the evidence, for a crime he didn’t commit.” Should be a great book.
  14. Oct released docs on AMWORLD with reports by Jenkins. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10308-10080.pdf Jenkins report on Artime about sending Tony Izquierdo and Silvano POSO (?)Carrillo to Panama in 1965 (page eight) http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10163-10123.pdf
  15. CIA running traces on Evelio Duque and Herminio Diaz Garcia in 1973. Reports that Diaz was smuggling narcotics between Mexico and US. Frequently traveled between NY and Miami and always had lots of cash on him. Duque had POA from the CIA at one point. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10169-10006.pdf Informant states on 6/19/63 that a representative of Duque met with a representative of Santos Trafficante saying Duque wished to purchase rockets, explosives and detonators. Duque allegedly has received $25,000 from Carlos Prio Socarras for this purpose. Trafficante representative said he could get equipment but had to check on authenticity of Duque's plans and allegations that Prio had given the money. If items check out to Trafficante's satisfaction, material will be obtained and furnished to Duque. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/180-10096-10406.pdf
  16. Thanks B.A. Doug is awesome and a very talented musician.
  17. Just trying to keeep this in one place. Diaz with his attempt to go to Cuba again. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10169-10084.pdf
  18. I wasn't aware of just how deeply Pawley was connected to the CIA. It is agreed that an attempt will be made to locate Pawley's next of kin to request their permission to release information pertaining to his relationship with CIA. If the next of kin cannot be identified or located, the subject can be revisited. (Note: the information in the Congressional record or in the.book "Deadly Secrets" notes that there was contact and even support between Pawley and the CIA but does not identify the full extent of that relationship.) http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10331-10068.pdf Page 3 Meeting about the "Cuban Operation" PARTICIPANTS: DCIWJ:ID; C/WH/4; General Robert Cushman, Vice Presidential ·Military Aide; Mr. Walter Donnelly, Vice President of U.S. Steel; and Mr. William Pawley, Industrialist. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10315-10037.pdf Meeting with Jake Esterline http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10315-10037.pdf Pawley dropping names of people he knows. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/docid-32335524.pdf Raising money with Esterline http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10220-10117.pdf As a cutout. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10310-10010.pdf Working with CIA to tape record his meetings with Cubans. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10134-10052.pdf Getting reimbursed by the CIA for Radio Swan work. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10220-10119.pdf
  19. Larry, Silver's name was blacked out in the previous releases. This doc states that he worked for Harvey when Harvey was head of Staff D. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/157-10004-10138.pdf "ZRRIFLE To summarize at the outset, the following is the thrust of what Harvey would testify to regarding QJWIN/ZRRIFLE. Harvey regarded ZRRIFLE as the overall project crypt under which QJWIN as an asset operation was going forward. He had discussed with Silver the general assignment of exploring executive action capability, and the possibility that either QJWIN or that other criminals whom WIN helped to spot might be assets. He never did more than review some of them as possibilities in the course of his taking an inventory." ...Arnold Silver's relationship to the entire project was really threefold: (1) he was actively running QJWIN the asset, (2) QJWIN was spotting people whom Harvey assumes Silver was considering both for normal Division D type and executive action capability, and (3) explore the general concept involved for setting up such capability with Harvey. Also that ZRRIFLE was an existing crypt that Harvey borrowed.
  20. Some of the ZRRifle cash was given to a John Wallston aka John ROSELLI. 4. In a large manila envelope filed immediately after a dispatch to Luxembourg from the Chief, KUTUBE, dated September 30, 1963, is a large manila envelope marked "Documents in Receipt Supporting ZRRIFLE Activities." Within this envelope are several smaller manila envelopes, one of which is entitled "ZRRIFLE, Receipts for Accounting Submitted by WK Harvey, Receipt for Operational Phone Calls May 15, 1963." Within this envelope are two sheets of yellow legal size paper which contain lists of operational expenses submitted by 'rl.K. Harvey covering the period April 13-21, 1963, all of v1hich are to be charged as operational expenses to QJI'IIN/ZRRIFLE. These expenses cover hotel expenses in Miami and Perine, Florida, long distance hotel calls for these locations, plus $75 for a boat chartered for operational purposes at Islamorada, Florida. A hotel receipt indicates Harvey paid the bill of a Mr. John A.· Walls ton of 56510 Wilshire Buboulevard, Los Angeles, California, for the nights of April 17, 18, and 19, and a Miami hotel, probably the Eden Roc. These documents are the first indication of any activities within the U.S. with respect to ZRRIFLE. Apparently they did not involve QJWIN but rather other activity, perhaps directed at Cuba because of his location in Miami. Perhaps Harvey should be confronted with this listing and asked to explain it. These first two pages portray the objective of ZRRIFLE to be that of procurement of code and cipher materials by burglary and safecracking. However, subsequent pages·, particularly the last four legal size pages in this file, contain what appears to be the outline of something which could be the .establishment of an "executive action capability," although these words are not mentioned nor is the word ''assassination." A copy of these pages should definitely be obtained. Paragraph 1 of these pages reads as follows, "Legal, ethical, moral, operational problems; political nonattributability." Paragraph 2 reads in part: "Our own experience (Bangkok) (and affect on DDP) and experiences with KGB ... require most professional, proven operationally competent ruthless stable CE experience ops officers ... " KUTUBE/D - CIA "Staff D" responsible for SIGINT (Signals Intelligence - electronic intercepts), where the ZR/RIFLE "executive action" (assassination) program was housed. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/157-10003-10490.pdf
  21. On page 3 of this doc it mentions Silverthorne. Looks like a FOIA for Robert Borsage (and Lesar) mentions Silverthorne pseudo or true name on page 7 of the Borsage release. 1. The writer of the memorandum (see reference states in paragraph 2 that Lesar called the former's attention to a document listed in three places in the enclosure to reference A as nos. 38, 39, and 55. Lesar claimed that much more of this document had been released previously to [Robert L.] Boros age. (U) 2. The document in question, handwritten, 1.mdated, and with the title "Project ZRRIFLE" had been released previously in sanitized form as. JFK Exhibit F-522 in Volwne IV (pages 197- 203) of the HSCA Final Report (1979). The sanitization of the copies of documents nos. 00038-02592, 00039-02638, and 00055- 03471, conformed to the previous sanitization. At the time when this sanitization was made (in late 1978 or early 1979) it was not known that the ZRRIFLE document was one of several documents (81 to be exact) that were the subject of a litigation involving Robert L. Borosage and the Agency. (U) 3. To confirm the validity of Lesar's claim, the undersigned reviewed the Robert L. Borosage Case No. F75-0676. The Agency's file did indeed contain a copy of the 9-page ZRRIFLE document (number 42) .. The undersigned then reviewed the computer run describing the contents of the Borosage case file. The entry for document no. 42 gives no date and no subject. It describes the document only ~s a manuscript. Inasmuch as the document had been inadequately identi~ied in the computer system, it did not turn up in response to a querry to the computer for any previous releases of the ZRRIFLE document. (U) The undersigned compared the "Borosage release" with the document sanitized for the HSCA. There is a great deal of difference, not all of it to the Agency's advantage. The sanitization of the ·"Borosage release" was done in a slipshod manner, e.g., on page 6 of the document as released to Borosage the cryptonyms . KUBARK and KUBARKER appear in paragraph 3); on page 7 the cryptonym KUTUBE appears, also the true name or pseudonym SILVERTHORNE appears; on page 8 the cryptonyms KUBARK and LAURICLE appear; on page 9 see KUBARK and SILVERTHORNE, and on page 10 see true names: Sid [Gottlieb] and [Hortonl Telford. To be fair, it should be noted that Jim A's name on page 10 and COS, Luxembourg on page 4 were left in the release to the HSCA. COS, Luxembourg appears on page 198 of volume IV of the HSCA Final Report. Jim A's name appears on page 202 of the same volume. (OUO) 5. The undersigned has. sanitized a copy of the ZRRIFLE document as it was released to Robert.L. Borosage and has include any information released to the HSCA that was deleted in the Borosage release. The attached ZRRIFLE document may be passed to Lesar. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10425-10004.pdf
  22. Paul, you might be right. If my memory isn't quite full just yet, I think it was Arnold Silver that dealt with QJ/WIN. Edit - just found this. HARVEY uses agent QJWIN (recruited earlier by ARNOLD SILVER for use in an assassination operation against LUMUMBA) as the principle asset for ZRRIFLE.
  23. Steve, Interesting. Still no real answer?
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