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David Boylan

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Everything posted by David Boylan

  1. Here's a great doc to do some further research on. I believe McCord was Wiley's case officer. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=148835&search=mccord#relPageId=1&tab=page Here's a few items I've picked out: McCord as Case Officer (to Wiley?) https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=148835&relPageId=97&search=mccord J. B. Matthews inquiring about Jack Rubinstein in 1958. Matthews was considered an anti-Communist expert. HUAC, Bircher, etc. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=148835&search=mccord#relPageId=15&tab=page J. B. Matthews https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._B._Matthews I think this relates to "Wiley" getting arrested in Havana as part of an operation to find out info about 3 CIA employees being arrested. Was this David Christ et al? https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=148835&search=mccord#relPageId=22&tab=page https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP09-02295R000100160001-8.pdf Heavily redacted but mentions that MRR, Artime's group, was heavily infiltrated by G-2 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=148835&search=mccord#relPageId=29&tab=page Mentions disrupting World Youth Festivals. Previously disrupted Helsinki. This would be the summer of 1962. We know that CIA sent members of DRE to do this. And we know that Rolando Cubela/AMLASH was also there at that time. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=148835&search=mccord#relPageId=32&tab=page They also sent Tepidino and Henry Sloman (Tony Sforza) to try and recruit Cubela yet again. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10215-10029.pdf
  2. Pate's statement to the FBI. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=58972&search=col_pate#relPageId=55&tab=page
  3. An old post here: Last week we reported Hemming’s identification of Nestor Izquierdo, a black Cuban member of Brigade 2506, as the spotter in the Dal-Tex Building. We also reported Izquierdo’s close relationship with Rip Robertson, a CIA operative who ran a CIA front company on Stock Island hauling packs of arms into Cuba before the Bay of Pigs. Robertson captained one of the two boats delivering members of Brigade 2506 into the ill-fated Bay of Pigs. Some believe Robertson may have been involved in the assassination, a belief fueled by a photograph of a man watching the motorcade in Dealey Plaza who bears a striking resemblance to Robertson, as well as by Robertson’s close association with flashy Mafioso Johnny Rosselli who was involved in the CIA’s plots to kill Castro. FBI reports indicate Rosselli met twice in Miami with Jack Ruby in the months preceding the assassination. Izquierdo was also close to Rafael Quintero and Manuel Artime. In August of 1963 Izquierdo was also an asset of JMWAVE.
  4. Evan, Any additional info on a .22 long? What rifle would typically use this? Can it be used with a silencer?
  5. Veciana and Guiterrez were both Army Intel sources. Army Intel used crypts that were prefixed with DUP. Veciana was DUP-748. Guiterrez was DUP-749. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=16219&search=army_intelligence#relPageId=7&tab=page Veciana's contact in San Juan was Owen Darnell. Darnell was both a spotter and a source of intel. He was close enough to Veciana that Veciana would sometimes stay at his place. SFNE/Alpha-66 would also try and collect Soviet military equipment from Cuba as part of Operation Treasure Hunt. USAOSD, (Detachment A) had a book were pictures and prices were listed. $5,000 for a pair of Soviet Infrared Goggles, etc. Alpha-66 Secretary of Propaganda was a Charles A. Steel. Interesting that one of the guys passing out FPCC pamphlets was names Charles Steele. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=119726&search=army_intelligence#relPageId=20&tab=page
  6. John Newman's article on Veciana. https://whowhatwhy.org/2019/03/21/antonio-veciana-mystery-man-in-jfk-assassination-part-2/
  7. The CIA and 902nd sharing info on dangles, double agents and photos in Mexico City. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=158940&search=902nd#relPageId=41&tab=page From 1976 but the 902nd was at Homestead Air Force Base Fla https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=69033&relPageId=7&search=902nd
  8. Decent read on MI and army Intell. I don't see the 488th discussed. https://fas.org/irp/agency/army/evolution.pdf
  9. Hi Paul, I have not yet seen anything on the 488th but I'll keep looking.
  10. Here's one doc Steve. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=148763&search=autoboat#relPageId=7&tab=page
  11. More Colonels Steve. 🙂 Didn't Veciana mention that he visited Sam Kail at the American Embassy in Havana? Veciana was interviewed by JMAVE PM guy Cal Hicks, aka Carl Hitch, Calvin Carl. Hicks was under domestic cover as a member of the US Army. Owen Darnell, mentioned above, was a former captain for Lykes Steamship Co and was still employed by them in Puerto Rico. In that small world of LHO, this was the ship line that he used to go to Europe. He was also scheduled to use this company to go back to Russia Oct-Dec 1963. https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/mexico-city-part-2-the-trip-down-part-1 By our own David Joseph. His June 1963 passport application was approved and his passport issued. On this June 1963 application Oswald stated he would be leaving between Oct & Dec 1963 from NOLA on a ship (he took the SS Marion Lykes of the Lykes Brothers Steamship line from NOLA to Europe on his "trip" to the USSR in 1959) and he'd be gone 3 months to a year. Lykes Questionaire CE1948. The Lykes Brothers line is the same one taken by George DeMorenschildt on his trip back from Haiti thru NOLA to Dallas. (WC testimony of Mr. DeM GDeM testimony).
  12. Veciana was working for the ACSI - Asst Chief of Staff Intelligence for the US Army. Specifically Detachment A. The Miami Station was run by a Major Junius "Duke" Watlington. Veciana's contact in Puerto Rico was an Owen Darnell. Darnell was a spotter for Detachment A. The Second Front (SFNE) was run by ACSI. The CIA and ACSI often had to share assets and disagreed on how to go about it. Here's doc with Watlington, Lt Col. Causes and Reuteman (Shackley) discussing logistics.. https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10069-10185.pdf
  13. This is Ed Coyle's interview before the ARRB. He gives a a good account of the George Nonte weapons investigation. He also reveals his relationship with the FBI, SS, Hosty, and Dallas PD. He was 5 blocks down from the TSBD and had to "rescue: James Powell who was trapped in the TSDB. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=201232&search=col_boyd#relPageId=1&tab=page Coyle was primarily responsible for all security inspections for both military & contract personnel for the 112th. As a collateral duty, he was the 112th's liaison officer, meaning he would serve as the contact to other agencies. He told me that I need to understand the role of army intelligence at that time. According to Coyle, the Army had more resources at it's disposal than the FBI. He said the FBI would continuously obtain information on various organizations from information which groups like the 112th obtained. He said that in the event of Marshall Law, the head of Army Intelligence would be in charge of activities, so the Army had good relations with many agencies & at all levels. I asked Coyle for a general description of his actions on 11/22/63, to which he said the following:-he was on duty that day-he met with Jim Hosty of the FBI & a guy (he can't remember the name right now) from the ATF that morning at the ATF building to discuss a non-JFK related operation they were working on-when the meeting ended (around the time the motorcade was approaching the downtown area), he & Hosty were walking at which point Coyle asked Hosty if he was interested in standing on Main Street so they could see JFK...Hosty said he needed to stop by the bank & then left Coyle...Coyle stood on Main Street waiting for the motorcadeas the motorcade approached where he was standing (approximately 5 blocks from Dealey Plaza), he saw JFK but is embarrassed by the fact he didn't really pay any attention to Jackie or the Connally's because he was surprised that JFK's head appeared to be so out of proportion to his body-after the motorcade passed, he proceeded to his office building where he bumped into his supervisor named Lt. Steve Weiss while traveling the stairwell...They decided to have lunch & proceeded to stop by their office for a moment when they heard reports on the radio about the shooting-he thought it was a shame that Hosty took a lot of heat re: the assassination & (not of his doing) he wasn't even really part of the security preparations... In telephone conversation with Mr. Stephan Weiss (former lieutenant in 112th INTC Group Dallas office at time of the assassination, and former supervisor of Ed Coyle), Doug Horne was told by Weiss that he now desires not to discuss his assassination recollections any further. ARRB staff is preparing a letter to Mr. Weiss encouraging him to meet with Gunn/Horne during their visit to Texas.8. On March 11, Wray, Barger and Masih met with Office of Naval Intelligence officials at ONI's Suitland headquarters. https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/ARRB-Emails/ARRBmails10636.pdf I have only one puny comment: the letter can be construed as saying that Weiss has refused to discuss with us ANYTHING from the Montague call. However, if I understand his most recent stance correctly, it is that he doesn't want to talk about whatever-it-is that happened in 1982. I think that, as a matter separate from prying out any secrets he might have regarding the 1982 incident, we still want to pursue with him a fuller, more detailed account of his experiences on 11/22/63 and information about the 112th INTC Group. I think it would be advisable to make this distinction -- and maybe it's a way to make sure you do see him in Houston (i.e. if the other matter is still unresolved, use the Houston session to talk strictly about the assassination and his experiences, thus getting that information on the record AND presumably doing some confidence building at the same time to make him more amenable to opening up on the other topic. . .) https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/ARRB-Emails/ARRBmails46132.pdf
  14. De Vosjoli on French TV June 1975. Frank Sturgis was also a guest. https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10130-10088.pdf
  15. Motto was still not talking in 1977. And he was still badmouthing Abe Bolden. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/NARA-Nov-2017/docid-32252132.pdf
  16. Identified by David Butler. According to this Arturo Fernandez De Castro Rodriguez is the brother of MM-635-S https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32330440.pdf Which presumably makes him Juan Fernandez De Castro Rodriguez ? https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32330439.pdf
  17. Ron, JMATE as described at the Mary Ferrell website - Overall Cuban operations, including the Bay of Pigs project. Known as JMARC before this cryptonym became compromised in December 1960, and then became JMATE. Used for Cuban operations well into 1962. The P stands for pseudonym. I can only guess that they pseudos are for Rip Robertson and Grayson Lynch. Possibly Col. Frank Egan.
  18. Allen Dulles giving his commendations to the members of Project JMATE 11/18/61. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/NARA-Nov9-2017/104-10194-10035.pdf
  19. Interesting doc. A few new crypts. WIROTH-1, another CIA agent, tries to recruit QJWIN to join assassination gang. Station says WIROTH "exceeding instructions." WIROTH trained in small arms, demolition and "medical immunizations." Looks like they were going to use these "vials" against Lumumba. O'Donnell claims that when he got there, COS Leopoldville had vial of virus in safe to use against Lumumba. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/157-10004-10068.pdf
  20. Bill was indeed onto something. Some quotes about Valeriano: https://notesfromalonghotsummer.com/friends-and-enemies-the-philippines-and-cuba-during-the-cold-war/ When the United States began formulating a strategy to subvert the Castro regime, the CIA turned to two of their most successful black ops operatives at that time – Lansdale and Valeriano. These personalities would later play major roles in the controversial Phoenix Program in Vietnam. Col. Valeriano started helping train Cuban exile infiltration groups in Louisiana who were bound for the Escambray Mountains in Cuba. On the other hand, Lansdale led Operation Mongoose, whose aim was to assassinate Fidel Castro by all means necessary.
  21. I'm not sure if this is the same Harold Meltzer but he seems like a good candidate. Both BOMPENSIERO and FRATIANNO spoke in extremely critical and profane terms of HAROLD "HAPPY'' MELTZER and LOUIS TOM DRAGNA and 'his father, THOMAS F. DRAGNA. FRATIANNO, in particular, was quite bitter in his comments. Page 8 http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/docid-32306917.pdf Meltzer and Yazbeck http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/104-10308-10287.pdf Good read. Last page on Meltzer and Yazbeck. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/157-10003-10490.pdf
  22. Jim, I agree. Gayle presents very interesting and new info on Surrey, Odio and McChann. Well worth the read.
  23. Steve, I believe it can be found under the AMSANTA crypt. 🎁
  24. Who says the CIA doesn't have a sense of humor. 🙂 This is description of Rolando Cubela's (AMLASH) friend Carlos Terpedino. Kind looking face? Bow legged? https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10517-10121.pdf
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