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David Boylan

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Everything posted by David Boylan

  1. https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/Essay_-_Oswald_Legend_Preface.html
  2. Butler's buddy would have been the "Reverend" Roy E. Davis. He was also Imperial Grand Dragon of the KKK. If my memory is still working, Butler contacted him about the Wanted for Treason posters. Butler said he knew Davis and that Davis didn't print them. Roy Davis was also an acquaintance of Joe Milteer. Reverend Roy E. Davis https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=123128&search="roy_davis"#relPageId=6&tab=page Imperial Grand Dragon https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10490&relPageId=1120&search="roy_davis" Raigorodsky , Jack Revill. Raigorodsky was a friend of George DeMorhenschildt https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=123128&relPageId=6&search="roy_davis" https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=146185&relPageId=59&search=raigorodsky Davis used to publish the Fiery Cross back in the 1960's. It looks like Robert Shelton took over publishing. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=95659&relPageId=348&search="the_fiery cross" Interesting that number 23 in this doc on the MLK assassination was Roy Hargraves.
  3. Hey Greg, He certainly was. - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=124052#relPageId=6&tab=page https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=124052#relPageId=8&tab=page
  4. Hi Anthony, The Lake Pontchartrain crew were not your average guys. Most had and were later assigned CIA POAs (Provisional Operational Approvals). Some were members of the 2506th Brigade and saw extensive action as part of the invasion. Carlos Hernandez and John Koch Gene were part of a group of 10 sent by the CIA to Helsinki in 1962 to disrupt the World Youth Conference and possibly help to recruit Rolando Cubela (AMLASH). If you recall, Cubela was recruited to assassinate Castro in 1963 and was visited by Desmond Fitzgerald to assure him that he had backing from the highest levels of the US Government. Miguel "Mike" Alvarez Jimenez had been to New Orleans and surrounding areas as as a BOP trainee and leader of the AMHAZE raider team. Carlos Hernandez was also a member of the AMHAZE team but was designated as a member of a small infiltration team. As Stu Wexler has pointed out, there was a Miguel Alvarez on the bus to Mexico with LHO. There is no indication that this was the same Alvarez. Antonio Soto was a B-26 pilot during the BOP invasion. He was also a pilot in the Congo. Harold Weisberg speculated that Soto was seen with Oswald around New Orleans. Acelo Pedroso was an armaments guy for the BOP Invasion. He along with Carlos Hernandez and John Koch became members of Quintero's Commandos for AMWORLD. Victor Espinosa Hernandez was a BOP veteran and close friend of Rolando Cubela often visiting Cubela when he traveled to Europe. More later.
  5. John Koch Gene was a post-BOP recruit. His brother was at the BOP and was killed. Koch was one of the first recruits for AMWORLD. He was one of Quintero's Commandos along with Carlos Hernandez and Acelo Pedroso. Obviously, he and Quintero worked closely together on Operation Pepe. Koch, Carlos Hernandez and Pedroso were some of the exiles that were at Lake Pontchartrain when it was raided by the FBI in July 1963. Others were Antonio Soto, Victor Espinosa Hernandez and Miguel Alvarez. Juan Manuel Guillot Castellano aka AMBRONC-5 was very close to Manuel Artime, Rafael Quintero and Felix Rodriguez. Guillot was captured and killed in 1962. Castro had Guillot put to the wall (firing squad). The first AMWORLD camp in Costa Rica (Oct 1963) was named Camp Guillot after him. Pictured below.
  6. Bill, Looks like John E. Boyt was a Lt. Col. for G-2 III Corps (The Phantom Corps) during WWII. Page 45 or so. http://284thcombatengineers.com/documents/IIICorpsHistoryWWII.pdf
  7. One of the more interesting subjects that we turned up during our research was Robert Moore. Moore was Ted Shackley's Deputy Chief of Station at JMWAVE and was chief of maritime operations.Shackley had two DCOS - Moore and Jack Corris. Corris was tasked with Support Patterns. I have no idea what the heck are Support Patterns. Shackley had worked with Corris in Berlin. Moore was using the pseudonym of Frederick Inghurst at JMWAVE and stayed at JMWAVE as DCOS to John Dimmer (pseudonym of Philip Elmard) after Shackley went on to Laos in 1965. Moore was an early recruit to the JMATE/Cuba Project and was Col. Jack Hawkins' deputy prior to the Cuban Invasion and during the Bay of Pigs. According to Grayston Lynch, Moore was Chief of Ops for the Invasion Force. He worked closely with Ed Stanulus, David Phillips, Ed Hinkle and Jake Esterline. As a major paramilitary officer he worked closely with Manuel Artime and Carl Jenkins would have reported to Moore. Moore was also heavily involved in Operation Tilt along with Rip Robertson, Rudy Enders, Mickey Kappes and Tony Szorza. Robertson, Grayston Lynch, Enders and Kappes all reported to Moore. Enders later took over as Chief PM Maritime Ops in 1964. David Morales was also "hands on" for Operation Tilt and handled the air search for the "missing" Cuban exiles (Eddie Perez, et al). While speculative, we believe that Moore was the man that Bradley Ayers knew as Gordon Campbell. There is still some question as to whether the "real" Gordon Campbell passed away in Sept 1962 as noted by Rudy Enders.
  8. Thanks Gary! That is what I suspected. The Mr. Archer referred to here was Desmond Fitzgerald and Boysen was of course, Henry Hecksher.
  9. Thanks Gary. And your 2 cents is worth more due to inflation. 🙂 Gary, do you know if the Adelaide and the Joanne were the same ship? Adelaide was also the name of Artime's girlfriend at the time. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=62358&relPageId=49&search=adelaida https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=155433&relPageId=216&search=adelaida
  10. Gary, We have not located the original personal letter sent by the COS to Zamka with the specs. But we keep trying! There were inquiries on AKLs sent to the US Navy during the summer of '63 for use by AMWORLD. Gerry Hemming did produce an interesting list of boats used by the CIA for Ops. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=105141&search=AKL#relPageId=119&tab=page
  11. Gary, Here is the link - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=31773&relPageId=2&search=pacy And thanks for all your help!
  12. What I found interesting was that Manuel Artime sent Frank Fiorini/Sturgis to Dallas in June 1963 to look at airplanes for sale or lease. Why Dallas?
  13. Matt, Good question! I believe PACY is an acronym for Panama City. The COS for Panama in 1963 was using the pseudonym of Cornelius Peuvion.
  14. Congrats! Now you can take a break from writing for a few weeks... 🙂
  15. Steve and Jim, I believe these were the pics that Veciana had in his possession that ended up with his roommate Felix Zabala. Zabala gave them to the FBI. Bart shared these.
  16. Here is a possibility - the AR-5. https://merdist.com/wp/2019/04/11/the-shot-from-the-front-part-2/
  17. That would be Col William Bishop at the Trade Mart. Or so he said.
  18. Jim, Let me know if you are still having issues.
  19. ATTENTION ALL HANDS! ALL-NEW EPISODE #169 HAS UPLOADED! CLICK THIS LINK https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-dallas-actions-tracks TO LISTEN/DOWNLOAD! We are joined by Special Guest BILL SIMPICH ("State Secret", "The Twelve Who Built The Oswald Legend") for a Fantastically Enjoyable conversation covering a wide spectrum of Assassination-Centric topics, including but not limited to: The Operational Head-Butting between US Army Intelligence and the CIA; more discussion of the hijacking of CIA Covert Ops by A.I.; The ghostly and powerful A.I. Agent who seems to have several shady connections to Dealey Plaza, and who shadowed Oswald's friend (Handler) George DeMohrenschildt to and from his Warren Commission Testimony; what a KGB Defector had to say about Oswald in Russia; new discoveries at The Mary Farrell Foundation, JFK Assassination Research moving forward and MUCH, MUCH MORE! JOIN THE CONVERSATION. Written & Hosted By Doug Campbell Recorded & Produced By Grant Wilson
  20. Stu, The guy with the arrow pointing at him, white shirt and tie?
  21. I'm may be mis-remembering. Wasn't he identified as Charles Steele? https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/docid-32261442.pdf Coincidentally, there was a Charles Steele listed as Secretary of Propaganda for Alpha-66. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=119726&search=army_intelligence#relPageId=20&tab=page
  22. Thanks Bart. Gupton's true name was William "Oswald was a useful idiot" Kent. Kent also used the name Robert Trouchard. https://www.maryferrell.org/php/pseudodb.php?id=TROUCHARD_ROBERT
  23. Capehart does appear to have worked for the CIA. Well at least as a contractor in 1973 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=14165 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=14172 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=152982 There was an inquiry on him 11/26/63 - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=14178
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