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David Boylan

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Everything posted by David Boylan

  1. Matt, If you have the time, here's a long file on Morales. 129 pages. Lots of redactions. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=157256
  2. Steve, Well we know that the last statement above is false. He did serve in the Congo and Rip Robertson was his case officer. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/180-10143-10345.pdf Here he is claiming that David Morales was there also.
  3. Biden getting some pressure from RFK, Jr and Patrick Kennedy. ‘An outrage against democracy’: JFK's nephews urge Biden to reveal assassination records - POLITICO
  4. Article quoting Larry Schnapf - https://www.politico.com/news/2021/10/24/biden-secret-jfk-files-517024
  5. Ron, Tragically - California drowned in the Pacific Ocean in 1997 at the age of 45 while rescuing his 12-year-old son Quinn from a rip current near his mother's home at Molokai, Hawaii. He managed to push Quinn (who survived) toward the shore. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randy_California
  6. Love the band. Randy California aka Randy Wolfe was given the name by Jimi Hendrix. Randy played in Jimmy James and the Blue Flames when he was 16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_James_and_the_Blue_Flames
  7. Ron, Crozier was by all reports a respected member of JMWAVE. He, unfortunately, was the case officer for the DRE. The DRE (Student Revolutionary Directorate) was composed of young independent minded members. In other words, the CIA could not control them. One example was when Crozier under the alias of Roger Fox accompanied 9 DRE members to the 8th World Youth Festival in Helsinki, July-Aug 1962. John Koch and Enrique Beloyra were so disruptive that the Finnish police "detained" Koch and Beloyra and banned the remaining members from speaking at the festival. Despite the ban, Carlos Hernandez, Juan Salvat and Anna Diaz-Silveira managed to speak and draw attention to Koch and Beloyra's detention. The Finnish police released them both on the condition that they leave Finland the next day. It didn't take DRE members (Salvat, Hernandez, Blanco) long before they caused an international incident by firing on the Blanquita hotel in Havana (Aug 24th). Both Czech and Russian officers were staying there. The purpose was to bring attention that Russians were in Cuba. They also reported that there were Soviet missiles in Cuba. The end for Crozier aka "the man in Miami" came when he asked Luis Fernandez-Rocha (AMHINT-53) and Salvat and three others to infiltrate Cuba on either Oct 23-24 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Ostensibly to report on military intelligence but told they might have to direct artillery fire. Their Today Show interview on Nov 12 and a newspaper article bought DRE members Fernandez-Rocha and Jose Lasa a face to face meeting with the Dark Lord himself, Richard Helms on Nov 13, 1962. Nestor Sanchez translated. Helms informed them at this meeting that there would be a change in their contact in Miami. (He would replace Crozier with George Joannides alias Walter Newby). He said that (Joannides) could come directly to him (Helms) if he needed any clarification. Fernandez-Rocha Report to Joannides aka Howard https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=18928#relPageId=3 Even after Joannides(Newby) replaced Crozier, the DRE were still doing their own thing. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=16129#relPageId=3
  8. A good point that John Newman brought forth was just how much Veciana left out of his interviews and book. He neglected to mention just closely he worked with Army Intelligence specifically ASCI Detachment A. His ASCI contact was Col. Milford Hubbard aka Patrick Harris. Veciana would sometimes room with Owen Darnell in San Juan. Darnell was a "confidential source" for ASCI and looked like the Maurice Bishop drawing according to Hubbard. Some notes I had: Veciana joined forces with Eloy Guiterrez Menoyo's Second National Front Escambray (SNFE) in Sept 1962. Guiterrez was an Army Intel asset. Veciana had been working for the CIA as a PM asset prior to joining with Guiterrez. Cal Hicks was his case officer. Hicks was working for Harvery's Task Force W in 1962. He later worked for JMWAVE as a paramilitary officer. He most likely was the "Cal" that Bradley Ayers met at JMWAVE. Cal Hicks aka Carl Hitch worked with Jim Peckich aka Jim Boulden/Jim Bender/Mr. Dimitry and "Harold Bishop" (Alias of Bishop) in Veciana's and Reynold/Reinol Gonzalez's attempt against Castro. After Gonzalez was released from prison he was debriefed by Carl Jenkins. - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=48268&relPageId=3 Gonzalez had worked closely with MRP, Manuel Ray, Rogelio Cisneros and Sylvia Odio's father Amador Odio who also used the name of Cesar Odio which was also his son's name. Gonzalez CIA cryptonym was AMCALL-1. Fonzi and Escalante interview regarding Bishop - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=146892&relPageId=25 John Newman pointed out that Veciana's primary ASCI contact was a US Army Captain using the pseudonym of Patrick Harris. Harris' real name was Milford Hubbard. Hubbard worked for ACSI OSD, aka Detachment A. Detachment A was a very small and secret office of the ACSI headed by Col. J.E. Boyt. Hubbard mentioned that Veciana would have been under control of the Miami Station (Army) headed by Major Junius "Duke" Watlington. Laureano Batista was also an asset of the ACSI Attachment A. Hubbard, when shown the sketch of "Maurice Bishop" stated that the sketch resembled Owen Darnell. Darnell was a source/spotter/assessor in Puerto Rico for Hubbard. Darnell was Hubbard's entree for SFNE and Alpha-66. He was close to Veciana and Veciana would occasionally stay at Darnell's place in San Juan. Darnell had previously lived in Cuba, spoke Spanish fluently and had a Cuban wife. Hubbard admitted to going to Mexico City on a tip from Darnell's wife. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/2018/180-10104-10394.pdf Two members of USAOSD (using assumed names) met w/Veciana on 1/22/63. · Purpose of meeting was primarily to gather details on a boat, used by org., which had been confiscated by U.S. Customs. V. was also queried on the capabilities and mission of the group, his role, and what assist. might be provided org. Veciana said purpose.org.'was to cause war in Cuba by conducting raiding ops., est. guerrilla groups in Cuba- to harass and destroy troops and strategic facilities as to make populace aware that overthrow poss. Envisions internal Cuban uprising thru external Cuban refugee action:. ' Does not desire direct u.s. participation, has no political aims, other than to overthrow Castro. This is reason v. did not cooperate. with other refugee groups, and why they did not desire to work w/CIA, because aims would be subiterted to political ones. Claims several military bases in Caribbean. Bases manned by small groups w/mil. experience. Also had assets in Cuba. Maintain Hq. in PR, Miami, and NY and plan to establish offices in Washington, Chicago and LA. Veciana contacted initially to contact two frogmen involved in attack on Russian target. Meeting arranged. · Capt. Hubbard and Col. King in meeting. Discovered V. working w/SFNE, thought given to consideration of utilization of v. for intelligence purposes as Menoya has ISR from 1961 and known to have contacts in Cuba. Picked up ISR from CIA 11/2/62. V. gave Army two rifles,. ammo. taken from Russians. Operation discussed but stymied by lack of clear policy on actions against. Matter brought to higher levels; i.e., General Landsdale. Some discussion of possibly passing info to CIA for their recommendation. This suggestion turned down by Landsdale, who felt CIA, when informed, then took over op. Also in no better position to determine national policy. Persons involved in discussions - Col. Boyt, Col. Rolfe, Cols. Albro and Boucher, Col. DePuy of Special Warfare and Generals Lansdale and Leonard. http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/NARA-Nov9-2017/104-10103-10158.pdf JMCOBRA 0490 (IN 63607) 2 Aug 68: VECIANA told Cuban Affairs officer Miami 1 Aug 68 that Orestes Guillermo RUIZ Perez (DGI) married to VECIANA's cousin, was dissatisfied with Castro . regime and· receptive to recruitment. VECIANA reported same·info. to Cuban Affairs officer in 64. In 68 VECIANA served with AID in La Paz. Guillermo Ruiz was expected to help Alpha-66 as far back as 1962. Veciana described Ruiz as a cold blooded killer. (bottom of page and next page) Barney Hildalgo claiming that he knew a Maurice Bishop and was good friends with David Phillips but they were not the same person. Was he blowing smoke to cover for Phillips? Darnell as ACSI Source https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=148763#relPageId=3
  9. W., this is a companion piece to Larry's Tipping Point. Well worth the read. Essay - The Wheaton Lead (maryferrell.org)
  10. Paul, You might not be too far off. The JCS would call this a "contrived incident." (#3) https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=149830#relPageId=3 Section F - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=162764#relPageId=54
  11. Jim, I do. It says nothing of an April 1963 visit. Page 235 mentions Sept 27, 1963. Pages 324-324 are footnotes about his trip to Mexico City. No mention of April 1963.
  12. Lisa spent a tremendous amount of time researching her book. Kudos to her.
  13. Memo about Bishop contacting Congress Bennett. Notice just where this memo went to. Seen by Jake Esterline. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=46731#relPageId=2 Memo from Domestic Contact Division. Copy to J. Walton Moore. Notice that Ray Bensco, former Dallas PD and CIA employee also knows Bishop. I wonder in what capacity? https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=61657#relPageId=2
  14. W. Here's the JMWAVE Org Chart. Redacted of course. - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=48903#relPageId=3 Here's a description of the various branches - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=48903#relPageId=2 This does not include those who had TDY (temp assignments) to JMWAVE such as William Kent and George Joannides.
  15. One of the long unexplained issues to me was just how did the FBI get Gerry Hemming's rifle so quickly? And have it fingerprinted? It was a Johnson 30.06 same caliber as a 7.65. showDoc.html (maryferrell.org) showDoc.html (maryferrell.org)
  16. I'm with Stu on this. I learn something new every time I read something by Peter.
  17. One way of looking at this (LHO) is that he and his handlers piggybacked on an existing operation. This would have, and did, caused a major coverup of the Mexico City ops. And in that world of coincidences, we find Tony Sforza visiting David Phillips in Mexico City 11/22-23. You'd think he had better things to do. 104-10075-10179: JMWAVE CABLE CONCERNING MARITIME EXFIL OF HEADQUARTERS ASSET 11/22/63: cable WAVE 8065 from WAVE to Director, slugline DYVOUR PBRUMEN: On 11/22, CIA maritime officer John Tilton was involved in the attempted exfiltration of AMCANOE-3 from Cuba, one of the most sensitive operations going, called off due to "heavy seas". On 11/22, the story is that Henry Sloman/Tony Sforza leaves WAVE this day to meet with AMHALF-2. "Henry J. Sloman arriving Mexi 22 Nov order meet with AMHALF-2. WAVE expecting priority message, *concerning maritime exfil of Headquarters asset, in NIEXIT pouch which presumably will arrive MEXI 22 Nov. Sloman will contact Choaden (Phillips) by phone either at station or home 23 Nov arrange pick up any material NIEXIT-3 may have received 22 Nov." (Note: AMCANOE-3 killed by Cuban government by Jan. 1964. Bill Simpich, State Secret, Conclusion).
  18. Every member of the Cuban and Russian diplomatic staff, and those that supported them, were targets of recruitment. If I remember right, the CIA had already successfully recruited 14 assets. The preferred option was to recruit in place and therefore have a continuous source of old and new information. Mexico City COS Winston Scott was putting pressure on staff to recruit Eusibio Azcue before he was re-assigned back to Cuba on October 4, 1963 and thus out of reach. So, who was tasked with recruiting Azcue? Jose CASAS, AMOT-106. CASAS had previously worked closely with Tony Sforza and Emilio Rodriguez in Cuba. Sforza recruited his old friend CASAS who now lived in the US to make another late pitch to Azcue. For a good background on this, read Bill Simpich's State Secret, Chapter 3. State Secret Chapter3 (maryferrell.org)
  19. Northwoods never totally went away. Various Oplans , Ref 2 contained "contrived incidents." showDoc.html (maryferrell.org)
  20. Some extracts from Tipping Point: Ultimately when both Sforza and Rodriguez were themselves taken out of Cuba in the summer of 1961, they were moved into foreign intelligence positions at JMWAVE. Rodriguez's personnel file suggests that there was a special need to protect his identity because in addition to JMWAVE office access, he also performed covert activities outside the office. [ 269 ] Both men received CIA intelligence medals for their work inside Cuba, indicating an outstanding level of performance – especially for Rodriguez as he was only a contract employee during that service. [ 270 ] Given Emilio's family connections to New Orleans, including to individuals actually having been in personal contact with Lee Oswald, it is virtually certain that he was given information about Oswald's sudden appearance in New Orleans and Oswald's very public support of the Castro regime. If true, that would mean that by the end of summer, 1963 Oswald was not only known to JMWAVE though DRE reporting and to DRE case officers, but very likely to foreign intelligence and Cuban Intelligence Service (AMOT) personnel at JMWAVE. ...Rodriquez was himself active in counter intelligence field work. He was authorized to establish a residential cover in New York City and traveled there frequently during 1962 and 1963, in support of efforts against the Cuban staff at the United Nations. [ 272 ] He was given a cover as a consultant in electronics and electrical systems and due to the nature of his work was granted a Top Secret security clearance. While speculative, it is also possible that he traveled to New Orleans to build a dossier on Oswald and evaluate him from a counter intelligence perspective. Which leads to the speculation that the knowledge of Oswald, as a highly visible Fair Play for Cuba advocate and self-proclaimed head of an FPCC chapter, might well have played directly into the intelligence activities of JMWAVE in the fall of 1963. Specifically, both Oswald (or simply his "identity") held potential value for tasks being undertaken by Tony Sforza (AMRYE-1) who led the Cuban intelligence effort at JMWAVE, Emilio Rodriquez (AMIRE-1) the foreign intelligence officer assigned to counter intelligence work targeting Cuban diplomats, and David Phillips (newly assigned to SAS and tasked with propaganda efforts against the FPCC across Latin America). The tasks for all three individuals would have included Cuban targets in Mexico City.
  21. Emilio (AMIRE-1) was one of the principles of the "Stay Behind Network" that literally stayed in Cuba after the American Embassy was abandoned and continued to stay after the Bay of Pigs. Other members were Warren Frank (AMPARCH-1), Tony Sforza (AMRYE-1) and James O'Mailia (AMCRACKLE-1). Emilio was recruited by Henry Hecksher while in Havana. Hecksher was using the pseudonym of Nelson Raynock. John Newman covers the Stay Behind Network in Into the Storm. From John Newman's article - Antonio Veciana, Mystery Man in JFK Assassination, Part 1 - WhoWhatWhy Joe Melton’s Training Program for Veciana. While the CIA was laying the groundwork for Emilio Rodriguez to take over Dave Phillips’ propaganda operations in Cuba, the final chapter in Veciana’s 1959 notional Phillips scenario was unfolding. According to Trained to Kill, on approximately 30 October, the notional Phillips directed Veciana to return to the building where he had been polygraphed by Joe Melton and to come up to an office in a suite occupied by the “Cuban Mining Company.” Veciana got the name wrong but it was a mining company — the Moa Bay Mining Company.31 Veciana also noticed that a Berlitz Language School was on the first floor. The Berlitz school was run by Drexel Gibson. Veciana went up to the sixth floor and rang the bell. The notional Phillips and Melton ushered him into a small vestibule inside and closed the door.32
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