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Mervyn Hagger

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Everything posted by Mervyn Hagger

  1. Sort of like the sort of horse David Von Pein is backing. It's called 'Misdirection'.
  2. You laugh now with an unsure leer, because I know that you are thumbing through books, or more likely scanning with Google to see what comes up about Sefton Delmer. Might I suggest that you go first to the 1920 doyen of conspiratorialist nutcases, the man on the pedestal called "Sir Winston Churchill"? Read what he wrote about Jews and the Illuminati. He was the man who hired Sefton Delmer and from Churchill flowed the beginnings of the CIA and its Radio Free Europe under advice from 'Mr KLIF', Gordon McLendon. Yes, David, you have been conned for sure!
  3. JFK never said anything about "smashing the CIA", but he did promise to put the 'Bay of Pigs' Brigade banner on a pole flying over Havana while his brother was running the military arm of the anti-Castro CIA operation in Miami. It was known as the Special Group (Augmented) and their plan was called 'Operation Mongoose'.The Kennedys lied themselves into their graves, or rather Bobby caused the death of his brother by insulting a Mafia boss in New Orleans. JFK died to get rid of his nepotistic hiring of Bobby as his Attorney General. Caught up in this very simple assassination were the lies surrounding the ongoing charade involving Cuba that almost led to a nuclear World War III. Maybe that was the saving grace of the Kennedy Assassination?The Kennedy brothers were not who you think they were.
  4. No David, you don't get the meaning of 'psyops', do you? If you did you would know who Sefton Delmer is in this long-term story of misinformation, misdirection and confusion. You would know that Winston Churchill, no less, yes, THAT Winston Churchill, was the promoter of the 'Illuminati' nonsense all the way back in 1920 in a full page newspaper article that he wrote under his own name. In WWII, it was Churchill who took terrorism (yes, THAT kind of terrorism in which people are maimed and die and property is destroyed by means of stealth application), in order to create the SOE. The SOE began the SAS which begat the Green Beret's and the OSS which begat the CIA. But good old Winnie also hired Sefton Delmer, and long, long before Herbert W. Armstrong became a patsy for polemical broadcasting, and so a Catholic Priest began making pirate radio broadcasts from England aimed at fooling those nasty Nazis. Years later, Bobby Kennedy's SGA (the organisation you never heard of - oops!) and Operation Mongoose came up with the idea of a submarine surfacing off Cuba, launching star shells and pretending that Jesus had returned as promise to denounce the anti-Christ known as Fidel Castro. Religion and politics have always walked hand in hand, but David, you seem to be unaware of any of this. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. What have I revealed about your vaunted collection of JFK icons?
  5. Dr Hancock, the patient is now claiming to vaguely remember reading something about the SGA.
  6. Come on David, you have to do better than that to dig yourself out of the greatest blooper you ever made? Or should I write the greatest admission of truth that you ever told? You wrote that you didn't care, because you are not operating in the real world but in the nightmare delusional world of psyops. Now pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese, don't tell me that you don't know what psyops means! I know you might because while everyone else in the world knows that KLIF was a copycat top 40 station tweaked by PAMS jingles, you are under the impression that it was the greatest source of news and information on the Planet. I am now rolling on the floor in laughter. Excuse me while I try to regain decorum in your hallowed halls of Warren Wonderment. 🤣
  7. Dr Hancock, a patient named David Von Pein has just been brought into Emergency. He is suffering from acute delusion. He claims to know nothing about the Special Group (Augmented) or SGA, and yet he is rambling on and on and on about the wonders of the 'Warren Report' and the glory of JFK. I did say glory and not gory, but JFK is quite gory and quite dead. Can you see if it is possible to bring Mr Von Pein back into the reality of the real world, please? This is an emergency request.
  8. David Von Pein I am astounded! You have actually admitted how deep your ignorance and brainwashing goes: "I've never in my life heard of anything called 'Special Group (Augmented)." Then you dare to add: "I haven't the slightest idea what that is, nor do I care." Huh? And YOU are the person who also wrote that it was just coincidence that these assassination lyrics were played just after JFK had his head blown off... "You know that once upon a timeI didn't need you soIt would have been so easy thenFor me to turn and goBut now there's no leaving youI know that for a factI'm at the point of no returnAnd for me there'll be no turning back" There was no turning back for JFK. He was dead. He came to Texas because he needed Texas votes and what he got was a death sentence instead. But you can't even discuss why RFK led to the murder of JFK because you not only don't know anything about the SGA, but you don't care. Now you have clearly identified yourself as some sort of spokesman for the cover-up. What you have got out of this I just don't know .... yet.
  9. Keyvan, you are in the right State to find the answers to the question "who ordered the hit." Your answer is in your last line "all they had to do". Yet this line of yours is a contradiction of your third line "if Mob was involved, they would have been assassinated within the week by JFK's Allies." Now you are turning RFK-JFK into a "Mob". Well its true there was an "Irish Mafia" but they did not order a hit because they were part of the crowd in Miami operating a CIA-Mafia-Cuban expat group planning to invade Cuba under the banner of AMWORLD that no one was supposed to know about. That is what opened the door to the opportunistic killing of JFK so that no one dare spill the beans. The answer is in your State, Keyvan and in New Orleans in particular.
  10. The trilogy of photos on the top line tell the story because they are followed by a second link that goes from target (RFK) to victim (JFK). What is missing is a picture of Mr Big in New Orleans who ordered the hit.
  11. Yes, David, we all know that Lee Harvey Oswald was on the radio in New Orleans during August 1963, but that was not what I asked you. What I asked you was: "Do you have one of Robert Kennedy holding a meeting of the Special Group (Augmented) with his brother John in attendance?" It seems that the Occam's Razor evidence points to a Mafia boss in New Orleans ordering the hit on JFK to shut up RFK. So do you have the audio-visual interviews with this man. Or shall I seek them out for you? After all, Lee Harvey Oswald was just a 'patsy', just like Don House.
  12. I love it David, I have really rattled your cage. You the man who praised to heaven the high standard of KLIF news reporting which set it aside from 'other' stations. So, do we gather from your response that you have never personally investigated anything at all to do with the murder of JFK on November 22, 1963? Are you claiming to have merely spent a lot of time collecting the audio and video works of other people? Have you EVER been to Dallas, or rather the addresses of relevance in the Fort Worth and Dallas Metroplex? You admit to knowing NOTHING about Gordon McLendon, and yet Gordon McLendon is at the center of the investigation into the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby, and you see to have a total disinterest in his links to the CIA and international geopolitics via psywars. Instead you play the Steve Martin card and invent a silly point number two. I told you not to do that David, but I guess you don't listen to anything that conflicts with your own cult beliefs. 😁 Oh, that's all. Well, maybe not. Here are the lyrics to the Tommy Roe Assassination Song ... Everybody, Everybody, Everybody's had a broken heart now Everybody, Everybody, Everybody's had the blues Everybody, Everybody, Everybody's blue when they're lonesome Everybody, Everybody, Everybody's had the blues One time or other everybody listen to me You lose somebody you love That's no reason for you to break down and cry I said a hey Everybody, Everybody, Everybody's had a lonely moment Everybody, Everybody, Everybody's had the blues One time or other everybody listen to me You lose somebody you love That's no reason for you to break down and cry I said a hey Everybody, Everybody, Everybody's had a broken heart now Everybody, Everybody, Everybody's had the blues Everybody, Everybody, Everybody's blue when they're lonesome Everybody, Everybody, Everybody's had the blues Everybody, Everybody, Everybody's had a broken heart now Everybody, Everybody, Everybody's had the blues Yes, that is what the DJ played to accompany the bullets whizzing into JFK's head. Kinda sick, don't-cha think? 🤔
  13. Looking at the evidence and for the Occam's razor solution, the finger points to the Mafia man in New Orleans who had a personal grudge against Robert F. Kennedy, and the easiest way to shut him up was to kill his brother. In that way Bobby's grudge would come to an end. Everything else spills off the SGA and Bobby's campaign to wage war on Castro's Cuba. But the reason why JFK died on November 22, 1963 is because his brother Bobby disrespected a Mafia boss to such an extent that the Mafia boss had enough. So indirectly Robert F. Kennedy was part of the chain that murdered John F. Kennedy. It is the most obvious and most direct and logical answer, but one that scared Hoover and LBJ crazy, and their craziness resulted in the Warren Report.
  14. The trouble is you don't know what you are writing about, do you? You seem to think that KLIF was a news station and not an entertainment station presenting information as entertainment. Have you ever watched McLendon's movies? Do you know anything at all about his involvement with make-believe sports radio; or Radio Free Europe, or radio in Ireland or in the Baltic Sea? You don't know anything about the man who is at the center of Jack Ruby's murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, yet you pretend to know everything. I do acknowledge the fact that you have assembled a number of audio and video clips which have been of use to me, but all you did was collect the various recordings and make them accessible. But as for generating anything new and of value, well you seem to have nothing to say. Do you? As for imagination, well I deal in facts in evidence and you seem to deal in a cult-link blind allegiance to mythology. Out of curiosity, when (year) did first go to Dallas and investigate anything for yourself? Visiting that 6th floor museum does not count.
  15. Yes, there is a LOT of rubbish out there and that applies to a LOT of books that get accepted as being credible concerning the murder of JFK, but they are not.
  16. Hi Greg, well, I don't want to tip my hand too much by revealing too much here, but I am not alone in noticing certain abnormalities in the manifestations of Herbert W. Armstrong as an evangelist, while two practicing Jews who fell out with each other (Rader and Kuhn), got HWA's son kicked out while Rader took over. Kuhn backed the wrong horse and got kicked out as well, but then he continued with his 'mission' in bringing about the growth of modern-day China for the benefit of some of the largest US corporations. Kuhn moved from HWA to PBS-TV who gave him his own series! But Rader was the man with CIA connectivity. A very talented man named Orlin Grabbe, one of I believe three talented brothers from Texas, made his own observations about Rader and CIA debriefing here: https://gavinru.tripod.com/pasadena_memories.html By the way, Orlin was one of the pioneers of crypto-currency and he left Ambassador to get degrees from some of the leading US universities. But 'The World Tomorrow' broadcast was a strange animal since it was not seeking converts or asking for money. Rader was controlling an ever growing money pot which Armstrong's comparatively small membership had only scant knowledge of. The CIA never dolled-out money directly but through shell companies. A good example is Radio Free Europe, a CIA operation finally exposed by 'Ramparts' magazine. Broadcasting was always the backbone of psywar propaganda going all the way back to the UK in World War I. It is the reason that most people have heard of 'Ultra' but not of Sefton Delmer. From Delmer's days alongside Churchill's SOE, emerged the SAS, commandos, OSS and CIA. The British offshore pop stations were a cover for something much bigger and Herbert's program was part of a plan. As I noted, I know a lot more about all this from various 'inside' sources which I am not prepared to reveal at this time. I will tell you that the mv Olga Patricia which was the home of the 'boss jocks and much more music' in 1966, was a CIA ship that became a pirate radio ship for a time after it was obtained with the help of Dr Manuel Artime Buesa. Even Bobby Kennedy's SGA links to McLendon's pirate ship that became known as the mv Mi Amigo. Dave Cash was a DJ on Don Pierson's Wonderful Radio London radio ship, and Tony Benn was given the task of shutting it down by Prime Minister Harold Wilson .... But there is much, much more to all of this and without knowing the history of North Sea gas and oil drilling, the connections do not become apparent. It looks like Armstrong is one story; pirate radio is another story and North Sea gas and oil is yet another story. But they are all a part of one story, as well as linking directly the topic on this Forum (the murder of JFK.) I thought I had better add this. The 'murder' that Tony Benn refers to, is NOT the assassination of JFK, but a murder involving one pirate radio station owner shooting another pirate radio station owner in his own home - with a shotgun!
  17. Bobby knew he was playing a dangerous game managing the SGA (Augmented), and the Mafia boss in New Orleans simply seized the opportunity and bumped off his brother Jack. When that happened Bobby had his legs cut from underneath him. Not only that, he could not explain what he was doing and what AMWORLD was all about. Bobby Kennedy was caught in the web of lies spun by his brother JFK and powerless to do anything about his murder. LBJ and Hoover knew what RFK was up to in Miami, and they had to slam a lid on this mess as fast as possible. They called it the Warren Report, and only a few diehards like David Von Pein promote its rubbish. Whether David really believes it depends upon whether he is being paid to say that he does. After all, the CIA needs someone to act as their defender of nonsense, and David is doing a darn good job.
  18. Hi Greg, no offence taken. Herbert Walter Armstrong was born during 1870 in England, and he was an early pioneer promoting the SDA in England. However, he is not to be confused with Herbert W. Armstrong who middle initial appears to have no meaning. They are two different people. The Herbert W. Armstrong that founded Ambassador College was born in 1892 in Des Moines, Iowa where he attended a Quaker church with his parents. His wife became attracted to the Church of God (Seventh Day) which had spun-off another belief system five years before the Seventh Day Adventists were formed. The original trunk of that Adventist tree led back to the Baptist preacher William Miller who proclaimed the return of the Messiah in 1844, and when that did not happen, the Millerites splintered and created among other groups the Seventh Day Baptists. Herbert W. Armstrong was ordained as a minister by another Adventist splinter which became the Church of God (Seventh Day.) There are many other groups called the Church of God and they are not related. To this mixture Herbert W. Armstrong began to peddle a belief system originating in England and still promoted today called British Israelism. For a time, one of Queen Victoria's relations was its patron. This caused Armstrong to be kicked out of the Church of God (Seventh Day) and so he began his own congregation as an ordained minister of his former church. That is how it all began. Herbert W. Armstrong then started to preach on the radio using the format of a church service with hymns and prayers plus sermon. Then he began to get involved with prophecy as World War II began. He was convinced that Rome was headed by the Anti-Christ and soon Armageddon would come. He was disappointed in one sense, but they he began to predict a final recreation of the Roman Empire and he even speculated that Adolph Hitler was still alive. After WWII, he moved his small headquarters to the outskirts of Hollywood in Pasadena, California. He scrapped the radio church format, hired the announcer for 'Highway Patrol', 'Amos 'n' Andy' and bought a Hollywood instrumental jingle to close his monologue that was patterned after a news commentary with added references to the Bible. He then latched-on to a sales gimmick (he was a former advertising salesman in Chicago), and never asked for money on the air, and instead he offered all of his literature including a pseudo news magazine patterned after US News and World Report, free of charge to listeners. He even told them that if they tried to pay for the literature he would send their money back to them. Well it was during the middle of the 1950s when time buyer, accountant and soon lawyer Stanley Rader too over management and left Herbert to do the preaching. In the early 1960s he bought another millionaires estate in England (he had already bought one in Pasadena), and later a added a third in Big Sandy where you attended. For a time it even became an accredited university. Stanley Rader then groomed Herbert to become the 'Ambassador for World Peace without portfolio', and soon he was greeting kings, queens and heads of state throughout the developing world. In Europe Rader/Armstrong noted the emergence of Radio Mercur off Denmark broadcasting from a ship. That was in 1958. He had already gone on Luxembourg years before and his broadcasts were now being delivered in other languages. On Radio Monte Carlo his broadcast was beamed into the USSR in the Russian language. When Don Pierson of Eastland, Texas cloned KLIF as Radio London, Armstrong paid the bills with a half-hour broadcast every day from offshore using 'Big L's' 50,000 watts of power. Soon there were more stations based off shore and Armstrong was on most of them, sometimes three times a day in the morning, at noon and early evening. The message delivered on Armstrong's half hour monologue came to pass, when the UK voted to pull out of the European Union, just as Armstrong predicted that it would. Nigel Farage was still an infant when Armstrong began his offshore British broadcasts! When the UK passed a law that took effect on August 14, 1967 at midnight and terminated Armstrong's monologues, Stanley Rader upped the stakes and put Herbert's son Garner Ted on daily TV in the USA and other nations while creating a huge international cultural organization based in Pasadena at a new showcase theater, that the Los Angeles Times referred to as the 'Carnegie Hall of the West'. Just about every major star of the day (except for rock and roll performers), played there. Jazz, classical music, ballet all played there, and PBS-TV in the USA even transmitted a special show featuring Bing Crosby from the stage of that Ambassador College auditorium. Then Rader died followed by Herbert W. Armstrong and the entire organization imploded. Some tried to copy it. But underpinning it all for Stanley Rader was the very strong hint that Armstrong's core money for all of his mass media political propaganda was coming from sources related to the US Central Intelligence Agency. The brains behind the spectacular rise of Herbert W. Armstrong were two practicing Jews named Stanley Rader and Dr Robert Kuhn. Herbert had become a 'patsy' taken in by the fame and the glamour as he flew around the world in his private Gulfstream II.
  19. I am listening to these lyrics spun courtesy of David Von Pein: You know that once upon a time I didn't need you so It would have been so easy then For me to turn and go But now there's no leaving you I know that for a fact I'm at the point of no return And for me there'll be no turning back I told myself you'd always be A habit I could break But now a day without your kiss Would be so hard to take You just can't get off a train That's moving down the track I'm at the point of no return And for me there'll be no turning back Once I could have said goodbye but that was at the start Now I think I'd rather die than be the one to say, we'll part Maybe you will break my heart Or maybe you'll be true No matter what the future brings I've got to see it through Maybe your love for me is nothing but an act I'm at the point of no return And for me there'll be no turning back Yeah, for me there'll be no turning back .... what a sick tune to play the moment that JFK was dying after having the rear of his head blown off and spattered all over his wife. But that is the Gene McDaniels record that KLIF played and David Von Plein wants us to keep on enjoying. 🤐
  20. How can I assume that I am right? Like everything else you write that is gibberish.
  21. Greg, You made several mistakes in your reference to Ambassador College at Big Sandy, Texas. One in relation to the Church that paid its bills: The "Worldwide Church of God" was NOT "a spinoff branch of Seventh-day Adventism." Its founder was a brought up by parents with Quaker roots, and you write "I detoxed and reformed core values for life through attendance at Friends Meetings over the coming years. I was part of it until about age 23. What can I say. "It seemed like a good idea at the time"? I detoxed and reformed core values for life through attendance at Friends Meetings over the coming years." Greg, the 'Friends' are popularly referred to by the name of Quakers, because the 'Friends' are Quakers. To claim that Ambassador College had Nazi connections when its founder relied up two Jewish advisors is ridiculous. One of them was Dr Robert Kuhn who helped to establish the 'Carnegie Hall of the West' at Ambassador Auditorium, and the other one was Stanley Rader who made it possible for Herbert W. Armstrong to be the name of a Constitutional Studies chair at UCLA. Rader also made it possible for Armstrong to be named an 'Ambassador for World Peace without portfolio' and became very much a part of Israeli political life; a friend of several members of the Japanese government for which he received the highest award possible from the Japanese Emperor that is given to a non-Japanese citizen. He gained friends on the World Court and he received an award from a former king of Belgium (to name but a few of these awards). He was also one of the very first to pioneer the movement against industrial pollution of the air, water and food, and maintained a bio-digester and experimental farm at Big Sandy. In addition to that he was among the first to be publishing articles about 'Climate Change', and that was during the 1950s. Finally, there is a lot support the idea that Herbert W. Armstrong was in fact a CIA asset and his broadcasts were sustaining features of Radio Swan, later renamed Radio Americas. I believe that you should revisit your own past because it seems that you do not understand where you were or who you were rubbing shoulders with during that time, or for that matter Herbert's connections to the Society of Friends. 😉
  22. Your collection is very useful. Do you have one of Robert Kennedy holding a meeting of the Special Group (Augmented) with his brother John in attendance?
  23. Good question David. I suppose my editor did not catch the typo before my comments went Online.
  24. My comments are not about David Von Pein as a person. I have never met him and I know very little about him. As I previously stated, he may be a very quiet, kind, generous individual as a human being. I am very appreciative of the fact that he has gathered together a huge library of material in one place which I can access, consult and use. My criticism is restricted to his own use of that same material in support his own view that the Warren Report is correct in its conclusions. In view of all of the material now available from other sources such as Mary Ferrell, the conclusions of David Von Pein are difficult to fathom, unless the idea is factored in that he has an underlying reason for promoting such a cultish and close-minded dogma.
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