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Robert Card

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    Medellin, Colombia

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  1. You've now reached the level of worthlessness of George Floyd. I think the mods must have you on ignore, which is where you're going to be with me from here on out. One thing I forgot, Floyd was also a porn star, but his movies have been taken down from Pornhub. A friend says he has them, but there are pictures available. Are you, and Ms Beckett aware of the brutality of how women are treated in the porn industry? Let's see, you've called me a scumbag, a psychopath, a sociopath, and a bey-otch. You have more replies coming in now that I've not read. Bye!!
  2. The question is more of why would the Police respond at all for a $20 loss. Most departments have a cutoff of various amounts, like $250 before they respond. So I don't know what a newspaper is, and I have no acknowledgement of the talking heads on TV, so where do I get my info? It's from a network of investigators around the world that have no NWO agenda like the NY Times or Wash Post, just truth from locals who know what's going on in their neighborhoods. It started with JFK back in the 1960's. We'd meet after a speaker, say, at the 92nd St Y in Manhattan. So what are the locals saying about Floyd, and Cheuvin who worked together at the El Nuevo Rodeo Club? Cheuvin worked there for 17 years. This club was used for trafficking of women and children from Mexico. The club also was used for laundering counterfeit money as well as drug sales. Floyd had been stealing too much of the counterfeit money, and was flashing it around. Cheuvin was brought in to do a hit on Floyd as he knew too much, and the fantastic corruption of the City of Minneapolis was about to be exposed. It's obvious that this was a planned murder, no cop in the country would illegally abuse a prisoner in handcuffs like that for 9 minutes. It happens of course, but Cheuvin was on a training mission. The other two cops that you don't see in the video were very new, one being on the force for 3 days, and the other on the force for 4 days, so no way would you teach newbies to choke someone to death on their first week on the job. The club and the local PD has been destroyed in the riots, .....destroy the evidence of the counterfeiting? Big clue is that when the EMT came up, two Minn State Troopers got out and picked up Floyd's body and put him in the ambulance. Why two State Troopers operating an ambulance? According to EMT officers, they violated all medical principles by not taking a pulse and doing CPR right there on the street. There's too much wrong here. Before you start jumping all over me, the Floyd family is on my side, and feels that this murder was intentional and was based on something personal from the Club. Floyd and Cheuvin knew each other very well, and according to co-workers, did not get along with one another. Cheuvin should be charged with murder in the first degree, but I doubt that will happen. I think he's going to pull an Epstein, and commit a false suicide. There's much, much more raw intel coming in right now, and it's hard to process all of it, so it may take a year for me to figure all of this out. The Club, and in fact, the whole block facing the street was destroyed in the riots. Odd for a riot to occur here, far from the city center, and just two blocks from where Jesse Ventura grew up. Before, the Club has the yellow sign on the right. After, the club would be on the right: https://ibb.co/pysRZxN
  3. ALL internet trolls are psychopaths, look it up, as you need a lesson there, too. I'm not a psychopath. I"ve presented all kinds of evidence which you cowardly ignored, except for declaring you're some kind of burnt out druggie. Who's t-r-0-l-l-?
  4. well good, maybe we'll hear 'I can't breathe' from you in the future, after all, you're an expert on 'Partying'.
  5. I enjoy the banter too, but I'm strictly a lurker, as I can't handle that guy, David von Pein. There are some people that are just a waste of time. The problem is that when someone sees the Mainstream Media as a religion creating their reality. I can't discuss anything with them. There's a much more clear video available now of Gugino holding a phone down by the policeman's belt. He may have been trying to use the phone as a capture scanner to 'skim' and decipher encrypted communication signals of the police. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1268784881422786560.html Big-azz Jesuit Gugino is sure loved by the Jesuits. This is all I need to know. https://www.americamagazine.org/politics-society/2020/06/09/martin-gugino-catholic-peace-activist-not-antifa-provocateur-friends
  6. I guess the Admin's name is Ms Beckett, and she closed the thread and gave as a reason that 'it may be fake'. I realize that I had it a day before anyone else, but it could have been determined that the autopsy was completed on May 26, and released on June 3 with a simple google. Also, while I realize this is usually a free speech forum, there are limits. Autopsy pdf that may be fake, but it will get corrected later if it's wrong? A list of drugs that no one knows if he used or not? Just throw it out there and see if it sticks, right? Now Mr Caddy states here that 'it could be a fake'. Again, easily googled to find it was true, even as he posted this: I just checked the Drudge Report, Washington Post, New York Times and Raw Story and there is nothing about the autopsy you cite. I hardly believe it would be released on the day of his memorial funeral in Minneapolis. It could be a fake report. I read somewhere that it will take several weeks for the toxicology report to be completed. 'it may be fake', 'it could be fake', but the thread was closed using the word fake, and because some mods couldn't handle the truth. 'got high'?? you must not have looked up how dangerous fentanyl is, as I advised. so fentanyl, cocaine, amphetamines, heroin, THC, cigarettes, positive for CV-19. I'll use Mr Caddy's word, it could have had an effect on his breathing. also, if you look as Floyd is being taken out of his car, and is rounding the left rear, he drops a little white bag. what's in that little white bag he's dropping. i'll use Ms Beckett's term, it may be drugs. Character?? Yea, we're all scumbags here in Colombia, where we wouldn't give one second of thought to this guy. His gofundme stands at about $14,000,000 right now, and this is before the wrongful death suit is litigated. What, another 50, 100 million. Maybe he should be President. Deadbeat Dad....Floyd's kids had no idea that was their father, they had to be called by the mother to say, 'that's your dad'. Served 5 years for a brutal home invasion, where Floyd held a pistol up against the stomach of the victim. She was pregnant at the time. When she screamed for help, she was then pistol whipped about the head. Five other felonies as well. I'm proud to be called a scumbag by you.
  7. Mr Wheeler, they're not critical thinkers except in their JFK research, and that they do that very, very well. If anything current is not in the mainstream media, then they say it's not true. They said the autopsy report that I posted was a 'fake', when it could easily have been proven as true with a simple googling. If it doesn't fit their confirmation bias, then they say it's not true. Cognitive dissonance is quite painful. https://www.startribune.com/george-floyd-autopsy-report-released-he-tested-positive-for-covid-19-in-april/571000102/ you'e wasting your time.
  8. again, the Defense doesn't have to prove anything, it's up to the Prosecution to prove their case. all the Defense has to do is try and muddy up the waters and add reasonable doubt. it also depends on what evidence the judge will allow to be presented in the trial. a defense attorney may present the drug evidence, then maybe the 78lbs of impacted fecal matter and its affect on breathing, then an Israeli expert witness saying they he taught the cop to do that, and the cop was following procedure. the biggest problem the prosecution has is that the homicide charge has been upped to 2nd degree, and this makes it tougher to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. but the biggest factor is the fact that you Americans need to know that your juries are stacked. this could go either way because of corruption.
  9. i didn't miss anything, in fact, i have a lot of info here that's not been posted that bolsters my case. the ME report contradicts your statement that he 'turned his life around.' counterfeiting is no way to turn your life around. (remember, i'm just playing around here, i believe, as many do that this was a psyop. there's evidence that Floyd is still alive. lookup on youtube the ex-police chief that presents her case for this.)
  10. alright, a friend got back to me about the authenticity of the autopsy report, and he states that it was released to press, but the press only printed the first page. they had the whole thing. how is the nutwork going to keep the riots going with that bit of truth out there? btw, i have more info on the autopsy from my friend, and it appears that Floyd had 78 pounds of fecal matter impacted in his colon, and would often defecate himself in public as a result of not having any control over his bowels. he is reported to be a 10 year cocaine addict, had heroin that day in his system, and was a cigarette smoker. i'm told that the bowel problem is evidence of being a heroin addict, but i'm no toxicologist. IF ANY OF THIS IS WRONG, i will take it back, but we have to wait.
  11. what i'm doing here is giving an opinion from someone removed from the 1st world. we have our own culture here that is totally different from the U.S., so therefore, our opinions are different. i'm not saying it's right, i'm saying it's the way it is here. Character assasination?? With a record like this, what kind of character did he have? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8366533/George-Floyd-moved-Minneapolis-start-new-life-released-prison-Texas.html 6 time felon. that heinous home invasion he did of a pregnant woman is particulary disturbing. nothing this bad happens in mainstream Colombia, and if it did, he wouldn't be around long. we don't depend entirely on the police as we often time take care of our own problems, it's only $50 for a hitman here, so people are very polite. this pregnant woman's father, brother, or uncle would take care of this. i'm not saying this is right, although it's very effective at cleaning out the bad blood, i'm saying that's the way it is, that's the culture, and we like it that way. if you don't like this method, then you shouldn't be mixing cultures. your average Colombian could careless what happened to Floyd. they hate criminals.
  12. haha, four of the biggest nonsense organizations that there are. the reason people have trouble with me is that i'm the only person you know that has no interaction with the mainstream media, whatsoever. i have no clue as to what's said in the mainstream. i don't watch TV, or read newspapers for even a minute a year. to tell the truth, that preliminary autopsy report probably is fake. to me, everything is fake until i see it up close. that was sent to me by a friend, so we'll have to see. when the official, and final medical examiner report becomes available, i'll most likely believe that's fake, too. in fact, i already do believe it'll be fake. there's too much wrong with this psyop.
  13. get ready for some more riots after the cop is found not guilty, as a defense attorney is going to have a field day with the autopsy report.....(attached) Floyd was postive for these drugs, although i don't know what the other drugs are so i didn't include them. do you have any idea how dangerous fentanyl is?? fentanyl methamphetamine cannabinnoids THC amphetamines morphine sickle cell anemia Covid-19 tested positive isn't Covid-19 an acute respiratory disease? does any of this have any impact on his death? btw, i don't believe any of this virus nonsense going around the world until i have more time to study it. the cop, and Floyd up to now are a false flag, just my opinion. oh yes, this is a JFK site. JFK and Jackie visited Bogota as part of the Alliance for Progress, and built a lot of homes here, that are still standing today. Colombians loved him. https://thecitypaperbogota.com/bogota/jfks-legacy-in-bogota-lives-on-55-years-later/15680 Autopsy_2020-3700_Floyd.pdf
  14. from the article: "Protests have led to some changes but they haven’t solved the problem. Money has been spent on body cameras, which have rarely had any impact. Similarly, training on de-escalation and racial sensitivity has made little difference." uhh, Multiculturalism doesn't work?? after centuries of failure, it's time to try a new approach, one that stops telling black people they have to act like white people. MC doesn't work.
  15. Yes, pretty well hopeless for many, but not totally hopeless, as there's a few that know the plan. Basically, it first involves just turning off the idiot box. Moving to another country while approaching retirement or actually in retirement is actually prohibitive. How can you use your Medicare if that applies to you? I have to pay out of pocket for most of my medical care. I first spoke Serbo-Croatian, then English, then studied French, then later studied Japanese in college. Learning Spanish in old age has been the toughest mental feat I've ever attempted, and I can't understand most people after 15 years. I know though that Colombia is safe because of the amount of CIA families moving here. I could understand one or two, but there are tons of CIA families moving here. My mind is open, but I can't think of any other reason except they're protecting their wives and kids. The work of the late Professor Rudolph Rummel, the greatest political scientist in history, is something that cannot be ignored. In this link, he proves that govt's are the biggest genocidists, and he calls this Democide, and doesn't count war deaths as part of the statistics. People should spend a lot of time at this website, there's a couple of books there in the links, and everything is backed up statistically. He doesn't even mention the Spanish Flu pandemic. Ron, who created the Spanish Flu virus, and where was it developed? 50 million killed? You may trust the nutwork, but I certainly don't. Really, this link is enlightening. http://hawaii.edu/powerkills/welcome.html I hesitate putting this next link because you need a lot background information first. I'm just the messenger here, and this is compiled from all kinds of models from the CIA, United Nations, IMF, Universities, and especially Henry Kissinger, who revealed this info many years ago. (Kissingers' blurt-outs have been removed from the web.) According to this model, the population of the U.S will be two thirds less in 2025. Looks like the BRIC's will defeat the West in World War 3. Deagel is a site like Jane's, and is supposedly run by Colonel/Doctor Edwin Deagle, former Director of Raytheon Microelectronics, and was assistant to the Secy of Defense. If this is true, then the future for the U.S. is grave. Don't kill the messenger here, which is me, look up the pros and cons to decide on the validity for yourself. http://www.deagel.com/country/forecast.aspx You don't think a NYC real estate developer will find his way into the Presidency, and start lobbing missiles around, do you? Trump is a nuthin, I mean c'mon. https://youtu.be/jkghtyxZ6rc
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