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Tony Krome

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Everything posted by Tony Krome

  1. Analysing reflective surfaces is very subjective. What seems like a dent could be various reflected shades. For instance, the shadow of the mirror mount stem could account for the dark streak at the arrow. The camera flash can also account for the lighter patch above the selectors, due to that area being at the apex of the rear mirror housing curve, and would then be most likely to reflect directly back to the camera lens.
  2. The effect of the shot that struck close by Tague, and resulted in injury, caused him to retreat behind the abutment. He may not have been consciously aware of that shot, but it contributed to his retreat. Tague's exit from his car, in that area was unexpected. So was it a deflected shot, or a directed shot?
  3. Putting up theories is a good idea. It opens the theory up for scrutiny which helps you forge on, modify, or discard. Regarding Tague; Mr. TAGUE. Well, I was standing there watching, and really I was watching to try to distinguish the President and his car. About this time I heard what sounded like a firecracker. Well, a very loud firecracker. It certainly didn't sound like a rifleshot. It was more of a loud cannon-type sound. I looked around to see who was throwing firecrackers or what was going on and I turned my head away from the motorcade and, of course, two more shots. Tague would have had the motorcade coming towards him on Elm. In order to turn his head away from the motorcade, to source the loud firecracker sound, he would have scanned the area that comprised the wooden fence, trees, and grassy slope. This is the area that multiple witnesses on the overpass saw smoke. The firecracker sound and smoke, I have no doubt, came from that general area. On the other side that area was Bowers who saw a flash of light and smoke. He saw no weapon, no-one saw any weapon. That area is the source of the firecracker/cannon type noise. That area is where Decker sent his deputies, the area where everyone ran to, the area where the smell of gun smoke wafted over the motorcade as it passed by. The smoke and loud noise in that area was a magnet for everyone, it was a cover noise, it was planned that way.
  4. Do you realise how many witnesses you need to discard with this theory that Oswald fired first and intentionally missed? There are dozens of witnesses that associated the first explosive sound heard with JFK raising his arms to his chest/neck and/or slumping. How many explosive sounds did Connally hear before he turned? The answer is one.
  5. Back to the Texas Theatre; The person that theatre employees suspected ran up into the balcony didn't just vanish. Note below that the Deputy Sheriff is heading up to the balcony level, and before entering the balcony proper, notes that that an officer is holding a white man. The movie was running at this time, yet there is a white man held by an officer outside the the theatre area, and before Oswald was arrested downstairs;
  6. Why would the "other parties" allow LHO to fire an intentionally missed shot if their aim was to assassinate the President? As far as the "other parties" were concerned, JFK could have easily ducked down low at the sound of LHO's gunfire. I seriously doubt that the "other parties" were positive that JFK would sit upright like a sitting duck waiting for the further rounds.
  7. McWatters and the cab driver have jackets on their man; Bledsoe saw a hole in "Oswald's" shirt at the elbow, which means no jacket; Mr. BALL - Now, what color shirt did he have on? Mrs. BLEDSOE - He had a brown shirt. Mr. BALL - And unraveled? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Hole in his sleeve right here [indicating]. Mr. BALL - Which is the elbow of the sleeve? That is, you pointed to the elbow? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Well, it is. Mr. BALL - And that would be which elbow, right or left elbow? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Right.
  8. Can you show us if the limo's length is exactly the same in those 2 frames?
  9. The above document has Rankin wanting to know why it took "40 minutes" to find the "shells" since he believed the Brennan information became immediately known to police after the shots were fired. Here is the timeline; 12:32 (approx) - Ochus Campbell overhears a construction worker (Brennan) telling a Police Officer (not Sawyer) about the rifle he saw in the window. 12:32 to 12:40 - Brennan is seen in various photos on the steps of the TSBD. 12:40 (approx) Brennan and Inspector Sawyer are seen talking in Sawyer's car in front of the TSBD; 12:43 - Sawyer is on the radio with the description of the wanted person and gun type. 1:15 - (approx) The shells are found where Brennan said he saw the rifle barrel in the window The above highlights the 40 minute delay that Rankin enquired about. The WC has Mooney finding the shells at approx 1:12. 12:32 to 1:12 is exactly 40 minutes. I believe the delay in finding the shells, and the obscuring of the first police officer that Brennan spoke to, are closely connected in the cover-up aftermath.
  10. The document below reveals that Rankin suspected that police should have known exactly where to look for rifle evidence immediately after the shots were fired. Rankin suspected that Brennan spoke with a police officer immediately after the shots, (as Campbell confirms) and wanted to know the "CHAIN OF INFORMATION" of the 12:43/45 Sawyer broadcast. The FBI/DPD hid that officer from the WC
  11. To put this topic into context, please compare the Brennan FBI statement and the Campbell DPD statement below; At the very least, Campbell, Brennan and a police officer are together immediately after the shots. This police officer, according to both above reports, had immediate knowledge of a rifle barrel seen high up in the building AND that the person holding the rifle is ostensibly still in the building. The FBI/DPD did not make a concerted effort to uncover this police officer, and the reason for this is apparent. It could be why the TSBD manager, Campbell was not invited to the Commission.
  12. Kelley's statement above is backed up by Sorrels; its very important to know that Oswald was shown a "book of identification" that indicated to him that the phone seeker was Secret Service. The same thing happened to Police Officer Joe Smith; Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir; I checked all the cars. I looked into all the cars and checked around the bushes. Of course, I wasn't alone. There was some deputy sheriff with me, and I believe one Secret Service man when I got there. I got to make this statement, too. I felt awfully silly, but after the shot and this woman, I pulled my pistol from my holster, and I thought, this is silly, I don't know who I am looking for, and I put it back. Just as I did, he showed me that he was a Secret Service agent. Police Officer D. V. Harkness was also confronted by "Secret Service"; Mr. BELIN - Then you went around to the back of the building? Mr. HARKNESS - Yes, sir. Mr. BELIN - Was anyone around in the back when you got there? Mr. HARKNESS - There were some Secret Service agents there. I didn't get them identified. They told me they were Secret Service. It is truly remarkable that Oswald and Officer Joe Smith were shown Secret Service ID within minutes of the shooting.
  13. There is a disconnect with Brennan's testimony. Here is Brennan; Mr. BRENNAN. I knew I had to get to someone quick to tell them where the man was. So I ran or I walked--there is a possibility I ran, because I have a habit of, when something has to be done in a hurry, I run. And there was one officer standing at the corner of the Texas Book Store on the street. It didn't seem to me he was going in any direction. He was standing still. Mr. BELIN. What did you do or what did you say to him? Mr. BRENNAN. I asked him to get me someone in charge, a Secret Service man or an FBI. That it appeared to me that they were searching in the wrong direction for the man that did the shooting. And he was definitely in the building on the sixth floor. I did not say on the sixth floor. Correction there. I believe I identified the window as one window from the top. Mr. BELIN. And then what happened, sir? Mr. BRENNAN. He said, "just a minute." And he had to give some orders or something on the east side of the building on Houston Street. And then he had taken me to, I believe, Mr. Sorrels, an automobile sitting in front of the Texas Book Store. Notice the big gap in the timeline? The Police Officer that Brennan refers to that "gave some orders" would be Inspector Sawyer. Sawyer does not park his car in front of the TSBD until around 12:34, where he speaks to officers and immediately takes the elevator to the 4th floor. Sawyer is back in front of the TSBD around 12:37 Sawyer is the one giving the orders after 12:37; Mr. BELIN. Then you got down and what did you do? Mr. SAWYER. I asked the Sergeant to doublecheck the security around the building, and then I took two patrolmen and stationed them at the front door and told them, with instructions not to let anybody in or out. The first police officer that Brennan "runs" over to can't be Sawyer, simply because Brennan would not say "I asked him to get me someone in charge, a Secret Service man or an FBI. That it appeared to me that they were searching in the wrong direction for the man that did the shooting" to Inspector Sawyer, as the building by that time was the focus of scrutiny, and the Inspector was obviously in charge. To work out who the first police officer was, we turn to Ochus Campbell, the manager of the TSBD; Since Brennan said he ran over, and Campbell describes a construction worker, most likely Brennan, and a uniform officer, most likely Barnett, we have a little gathering on the Elm Street Island immediately after the shots. If the Darnell film is accurate, Baker is ruled out, as he appears to run from his parked motorcycle to the TSBD without stopping. If Campbell overhears Brennan talking to Barnett about a rifle sighting high up in the TSBD, it makes sense that Barnett then runs down the east side of the building checking the fire escape and rear entrance. Sawyer arrives at 12:34; Mr. SAWYER. Then I went on down to the Texas Book Depository. Mr. BELIN. Where did you park your car? Mr. SAWYER. In front of the Texas School Book Depository. Mr. BELIN. In front of the main entrance there? Mr. SAWYER. In front of the main entrance. Mr. BELIN. What did you do then? Mr. SAWYER. Immediately went into---well, talked to some of the officers around there who told me the story that they had thought some shots had come from one of the floors in the building, and I think the fifth floor was mentioned Barnett, was, by 12:34, one of the officers that had returned to the front of the TSBD. So Sawyer gleans the Brennan info from Barnett, then charges into the building and up the elevator. Sawyer, after returning to the front of the TSBD, then talks with Brennan direct. Brennan has that police officer saying "just a minute" and gave orders. Mr. SAWYER. That description came to me mainly from one witness who claimed to have seen the rifle barrel in the fifth or sixth floor of the building, and claimed to have been able to see the man up there. Following that chat, Sawyer is on the radio; Mr. BELIN. Now the next time that No. 9 appears is at what time? Mr. SAWYER. Immediately after 12:43 and before 12:45. Mr. BELIN. What did you say then? Mr. SAWYER. "The wanted person in this is a slender white male about 30, 5 feet 10, 165, carrying what looks to be a 30-30 or some type of Winchester." Mr. BELIN. Then the statement is made from the home office, "It was a rifle?" Mr. SAWYER. I answered, "Yes, a rifle." Mr. BELIN. Then the reply to you, "Any clothing description?" Mr. SAWYER. "Current witness can't remember that." Barnett gives a hint that he spoke with Brennan about a rifle extending out of the TSBD; We know Barnett did not immediately run along the east side of the TSBD after the shots. Here he is below in Wiegman; It follows that immediately after the above film capture, Brennan joins that group and asks the patrolman for someone in charge. Campbell then hears about the rifle. Barnett runs off, then Darnell shows Baker running.
  14. If it was Ruby that spilled to Kilgallen, he sealed both their fates, for they fell like dominoes. Nasty way to die. They must of had some juicy stuff on Pataky if he was the villain.
  15. The man that banged on the bus door; Mr. McWATTERS - ..... He was to me just dressed in what I would call work clothes, just some type of little old jacket on The man buys a ticket; Mr. BALL - Paid his fare, did he? Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir; he just paid his fare and sat down on the second cross seat on the right. I have read a lot about Oswald to know that he was quite frugal, and utilised bus transportation regularly. If Oswald was transporting himself between his home and the TSBD, you would expect him to have a bus pass. Buying individual tickets is not an economical method. The man that banged on the bus door, according to the WC, was Oswald. He had just walked 7 blocks up Elm to board a bus; Mr. McWATTERS - ..... As I left Field Street, I pulled out into the, in other words, the first lane of traffic and traffic was beginning to back up then; in other words, it was blocked further down the street, and after I pulled out in it for a short distance there I come to a complete stop, and when I did, someone come up and beat on the door of the bus "Oswald" had the opportunity, walking 7 blocks, to see that traffic was held up along Elm. So the bus he selects, and pays for, would obviously, to him, be caught in traffic. Not only that, his bus of choice would take him straight back to the corner of Elm and Houston. Further, and this is most bizarre, the bus right behind McWatters bus, was the Beckley bus. If you insist that it was Oswald that boarded the McWatters bus, then it is quite obvious he didn't live on Beckley. Mr. BALL - Seven blocks, Beckley is seven blocks west of Marsalis, is that correct? Mr. McWATTERS - Yes. Mr. BALL - Your bus line doesn't run down Beckley? Mr. McWATTERS - No, sir.
  16. Connally said that on the 27th, 5 days later. There is a video, he is alert and lucid.
  17. Connally from his Parkland bed; If anyone in the front seat of a car wishes to view the rear seat area, they always turn towards the centre of the car. Connally did exactly that.
  18. Elsbeth st; Mrs. TOBIAS. She said she was Russian. Mr. JENNER. She said that in Russian? Mrs. TOBIAS. No; she said that in English, but she said, "My husband said it was bad and my husband told me if I said I was Russian people would be mean to me". Mr. JENNER. She made it known to you with her limited command of English--she said what you have now related? Mrs. TOBIAS. Oh--yes; she said it. I understood her real well. Then we see her in a TV interview, after the assassination, speaking English just fine.
  19. So how do we deal with the interrogation reports that mention the bus? The timeline has Oswald arrested, taken to DPD, then interrogated. Roger Craig has Oswald saying "I told you people I did" at around 5 to 5:30pm Friday afternoon. This would be after the first round of interrogation. Oswald has told something to the people in the first round of interrogation before Craig arrived. That something was relative to Fritz asking him, in Craig's presence, about Craig having seen Oswald's means of departure via a car. At this point, Fritz has both Oswald's and Craig's accounts that seem to suggest that a car was involved. It follows then, that the information was then passed on to Fritz's boss, Curry, who then passed it on to reporters on Saturday. The individual Bookhout FBI report from the 22nd indeed shows no mention of a bus. Following the Craig/Fritz/Oswald meeting, and in very short order, McWatters was dragged off his bus; Mr. McWATTERS - Well, they stopped me; it was, I would say around 6:15 or somewhere around 6:15 or 6:20 that afternoon. Mr. BALL - You were still on duty, were you? Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir. Mr. BALL - Still on your bus? Mr. McWATTERS - I was on duty but I was on a different line and a different bus. The DPD quickly arrange a lineup; Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir; when they stopped me over there and took me into the police department there, like I say, it was around 6:15 or 6:20, they took me down before the lineup there and asked me if I could identify anyone in that lineup as getting on my bus that day. Mr. BALL - Did they take you down and show you a lineup? Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir. But the bus driver fails to pick out Oswald as passenger. Instead, he picks out Oswald as the closest person that resembled the grinning teenager, Milton Jones; Mr. BALL - Who was the No. 2 man you saw in the lineup on November 22, 1963? Mr. McWATTERS - Well, just like I say, he was the shortest man in the lineup, in other words, when they brought these men out there, in other words, he was about the shortest, and the lightest weight one, I guess, was the reason I say that he looked like the man, because the rest of them were larger men than-- Mr. BALL - Well, now, at that time, when you saw the lineup-- Mr. McWATTERS - Yes. Mr. BALL - Were you under the impression that this man that you saw in the lineup and whom you pointed out to the police, was the teenage boy who had been grinning? Mr. McWATTERS - I was, yes, sir; I was under the impression-- Mr. BALL - That was the fellow? Mr. McWATTERS - That was the fellow. At this point, Fritz wasn't about to tell Curry about a busted ID on Oswald. Something more substantial was needed. Enter the bus transfer "found" on Oswald. If there was in fact a bus transfer in Oswald's possession at the time of arrest, Fritz would have known about it and related that to Curry. But we know that Curry only had the negro/car info when asked by reporters about whether Oswald got across town by bus. It appears, the bus scenario was developed from about 5:30pm Friday but hit a few bumps, for there a many versions of the Oswald journey; 1. A single bus ride home 2. One bus to another bus ride home 3. A single bus and a cab ride home In the end, they settled for number 3.
  20. That is correct. Always check the earliest reports. Connally was hit simultaneously as he turned to his left.
  21. Bookhout reported Oswald as saying he spent 5 to 10 minutes outside the TDBD. Split that time, 7 to 8 minutes, add the encounters with Baker and the "Secret Service agent", and you end up with approx 12:40, the same time that Roger Craig witnessed, who he believed was the man in Fritz's office, hailing a car outside the TSBD. Bookhout wasn't the only one to report Oswald out front with Bill. Fritz has the same in his notes. So it appears certain that Oswald did in fact say that. The WC has Oswald blocks away up Elm St boarding a bus at around 12:40. Do you wish to believe Oswald/Craig or go with WC/DPD/Bledsoe?
  22. If you believe that several Dallas Police officers were confronted with who they thought were Secret Service agents in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, then you must consider that the report of Oswald believing he saw a Secret Service agent to have some merit; Picture below shows phone location on TSBD first floor; Regardless of who that "Secret Service agent" may have been, the point is that Oswald related the same theme that members of the DPD later did. Oswald would have had no idea on Sunday morning, when he told SS Kelley, that other Secret Service sighting reports even existed. This statement was one of the last Oswald made before he was gunned down in the basement. We see that Oswald was by the front entrance, was asked where the phone was, points to the phone, and watched as the person approached the phone. We have an Oswald that is cool and calm when confronted by who he thought was Secret Service. We have an Oswald that is cool and calm when confronted by Officer Baker. What we don't have is a wild maniac according to Bledsoe
  23. That's exactly what I am saying; "My take is that Crafard was not there, Ruby was later at Parkland, and Andy had their backs" Andy was covering for both Crafard and Ruby who arrived back at the club at a later time than Andy suggested. I do not have Crafard anywhere near the Club when Andy said Crafard was snoozing while sirens were blaring.
  24. Crafard enlisted in the US Army in 1958 and specialised in anti-aircraft and underwent a eight week advanced missile training course. He stated he intended to watch the parade; Mr. HUBERT. Did you ask Jack's permission to leave to go watch it? Mr. CRAFARD. I think we both told Jack that we was going to go watch it. Mr. HUBERT. You and Andy did? Mr. CRAFARD. Yes; I believe so. Andy Armstrong could hear sirens getting louder; Mr. ARMSTRONG. Yes--I went in and I had to use the restroom, and so I went to the restroom and then I heard a lot of sirens and I listened to the sirens for a second or two and they got louder and they got more sirens, so I decided I would go get my transistor and see what was going on, and that's when I heard that there had been a shooting at the President or something like that. Somebody had tried to assassinate the President, or something, and then I run in and I woke Larry up--Larry was staying there. Mr. HUBERT. Who is Larry? Mr. ARMSTRONG. Larry Crafard. Obviously they weren't at the parade. But what happens when Crafard is woken up in the midst of sirens? Mr. ARMSTRONG. ... I told him somebody shot at the President, and Larry--I noticed the couple of times that I had woke him up he always went back to sleep and he did the same thing this time Crafard goes back to sleep to the soothing sounds of sirens and thinking aren't I supposed to be at the parade? Later, Andy stated that Crafard got up when he was told the President was actually shot. Or so Andy Armstrong said, the same Andy Armstrong that Jack Ruby listed as one of his closest friends. My take is that Crafard was not there, Ruby was later at Parkland, and Andy had their backs
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