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Tony Krome

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Everything posted by Tony Krome

  1. The more I watch this gif, the more the limo rides like a flying carpet.
  2. In answer for the 2nd question, we bring in the full Altgens 6 photo, see how it misses the SS agents; I would think after exiting the bubble top, the power of the bullet would be greatly reduced. The first question regarding the power and type of bullet used is a good one. I'm sure there are others here that could offer more expertise. Ron's thinking is along the lines of a 22, and there are many specialty types of rounds in that calibre. A larger calibre round also makes sense in that it should match the penetrating holes left by the first shooter. I have the original shells found by the Sniper's Nest window as 7.65, to be later substituted by 6.5. I have a theory on why the substitutions occurred, but thats for another day.
  3. I read somewhere it was in reach of the rear passengers.
  4. The line of trajectory, if the first intended head shot through the windshield was successful, would be straight through the top of JFK's forehead and out through the rear of the bubble top. We have seen how easily the WC converted a frontal shot into a shot from the rear. So reverse the line of fire so that the bubble top is the first point of penetration, then JFK, then into the windshield. The beauty of it is, is that the vertical firing angle does not need to exact, they would bring deflection into the mix. Substitute the dark guy below with Kennedy;
  5. My take is that Kellerman would have been the agent that would have adjusted anything at the centre console whilst in a parade. The driver then has the responsibility of concentrating on driving. The Lincoln is a large vehicle and my guess is that it would involve a purposeful reach to adjust the controls in the middle of the dash. I just don't see Greer reaching. I see his hand on the transmission selector. As you said, Greer did everything wrong, but as far as the snipers were concerned, he did everything right.
  6. I refer to "the first failed head shot" as the shot that came through the windshield, deflected low, and hit his throat as seen in the photo you refer to. This was the shot that the limo had to be perfectly aligned for as it came down Elm. That shot failed. The limo then brakes for the sitting duck flurry. I do not have that sniper shooting again. The flurry came in from very professional back-up snipers that were scoping a stationary target or near stationary target. Those guys were that good, Jackie, who was expected to move towards JFK, was relatively safe. Hickey said the first flurry shot skimmed his hair, so I would suspect that would have been the right of JFK's hair, clear from Jackie. The next flurry shot comes in at JFK's right temple, again, away from Jackie. As for the first failed shot, I am leaning towards a smaller caliber bullet as you have suggested. I'm also considering that the windshield bullet is in fact the Tolson/Belmont bullet that was reported on the 22nd as being "lodged behind the President's ear". It would mean behind the right ear, above the neckline. And yes, there were more than 3 shots. Audibly, there were 3. Further, if the first shot was successful, the newspapers would have been reporting AP photograper, Altgens, as capturing the moment of JFK's fatal assassination. Now, look at my last photo, "Approx sniper view along line of trajectory". What do you see above where the limo would have been? Yes, its the Sniper's nest along the very same line of trajectory. This is how Oswald comes into play. The first frontal shot, along the same trajectory line, was always to become a shot from behind.
  7. I considered that too, but he doesn't seem to be leaning forward to reach. The other consideration is why change frequency? Nothing had happened at that moment. Youngblood called for a frequency change, but that was after the shootings.
  8. Greer appears to be adjusting the automatic transmission selector. The Croft photo is a few car lengths from the island curb where Truly stated the limo came close. Greer may be selecting the gear ratio under drive so that the limo could maintain a constant speed of approx 15mph to 20mph descending Elm without applying brake pressure. It was only after the first failed shot that brake pressure was applied. For those who believe the that a first frontal shot occurred through the windshield, the limo had to be aligned perfectly. For those that say why on earth would they plan a kill shot through the windshield? Here is the answer .... The intended kill shot was pre-planned with the possibility that the bubble top would be covering the limo Kinney: "At last check at approx 10:30am, the sky had cleared and that meant to us that the bubble top would stay off" The first assassination bullet was pre-planned to penetrate a shield. The ideal shield to penetrate would be the windshield with the target's head presenting no lateral movement as it approached along the line of trajectory. Approx line of trajectory; Brake pressure applied after first failed shot; Approx sniper view along line of trajectory;
  9. There's still a bullet to be found near Tague's position.
  10. The chart below shows panning a car at a 1/125 setting, background blurred
  11. They had no qualms about stepping out; Jean Hil: "We were standing on the curb and I jumped to the edge of the street and yelled, "Hey, we want to take your picture"
  12. Great, looking forward to it. Note how Mary photographed McBride. She has captured the subject but the background is blurry as to be expected. But the limo photo has no blur on the subject or background. We have 2 options; 1. Moorman took the limo photo and the limo was stationary. 2. The photo was not taken with a Polaroid
  13. It was in this link from page 1 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=62251#relPageId=104&tab=page
  14. It appears the pink closest to the camera is Jackie's hat which looks to be up against the rear of the jump seat. Maybe she has her knees on the floor between her seat and Nellies. Clint Hill's knees appear to be on the rear seat where JFK should be ... hmmm
  15. So Hoover had evidence that Marguerite Oswald maintained the Dallas post office box that the Carcano was shipped to .... interesting
  16. Was halfway through and heard you say Ferrie called the FBI looking for the CAP photo. Was that someone he personally knew?
  17. 1977, Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald movie Once Jackie left the interior of the limo, there should have been nothing to prevent the unconscious President from falling all the way over as seen in the reenactment photo leaving hardly any space. But she squeezed back in the limo somehow.
  18. Thanks, thats better, you can actually see the limo braking, then the front lifting slightly on acceleration. Simply lifting ones foot off the accelerator would in no possible way cause that heavy automatic vehicle to slow down that short a time frame while descending a slope. The Queen Mary has to brake in a similar manner. The cops had to slam on their brakes, they did not expect that!
  19. Certainly a clever way of locating. The drawback is that we need to pan right on the Hughes pic (obvious lamp-post) to the pedestal's line of sight. The bushes above Hill are not a definitive match, the rest looks good. I'm not a Z-Film fan, so any reference to it for absolute calculations are viewed with scepticism. Here's something for consideration, is it even possible to pan with a polaroid camera, track the limo moving adjacent to her position, and finish up with a photo that doesn't cause blurring of the limo or the background ? According to the instructions, no. You have to hold the camera steady, breathe in, and "slow click" the shutter. And thats the instructions for a still subject.
  20. In that Nix gif, the limo looks like only going a few miles an hour. On the day, further back up Elm St, it would certainly look as if the limo stopped due to not seeing the profile view of the crawl. In other areas of the Plaza, one could easily state the "motorcade stopped" due to the sudden braking of the motorcycles, the obvious braking of the limo and back-up car. Whenever I see that in witness statements, I know what they mean. The takeaway, for me, is that at the Limo's slowest point on Elm St, the moment Greer's foot is on the brake, the flurry of shots poured into the car. Greer's actions were an assassin's dream.
  21. I've seen this one before with the gradient corrected. The above film has the limo appearing to go uphill. To bring that limo to a crawl going downhill certainly involves a good amount of brake pressure.
  22. Chris, did any of your frames show what is described below? https://sites.google.com/site/lightboxzframes/inter-sprocket-area
  23. I think what we need to determine is how exactly Jackie positioned herself after returning to the limo interior. The reenactment photo showing JFK position seems logical.
  24. Yes, the photo itself determines the location of the cameraperson, but what photos/film are you relying on for Moorman's location?
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