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Bill Brown

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Everything posted by Bill Brown

  1. Agreed. He was desperate at that point so he'd tell any lie that he felt he had to in order to separate himself from the rifle, regardless of how foolish the lie.
  2. A baseball bat moving toward a human head has kinetic energy. This is what is making the bat move toward the head, the kinetic energy. When the bat strikes the head from the front, the kinetic energy transfers from the bat to the head, moving the head violently backwards (in the same direction the bat was moving). The kinetic energy gets transferred from the bat to the head and it is this energy which causes the head to move violently backward. Now..... A bullet moving toward a human head has kinetic energy. This is what is making the bullet move toward the head, the kinetic energy. When the bullet strikes the head from the front, not enough kinetic energy is transferred from the bullet to the head to cause the head to move violently backward. Unlike the bat, the bullet keeps almost all of it's kinetic energy as it passes through the head (a very tiny amount of the kinetic energy will ripple out as a shockwave through the tissue). Because most of the kinetic energy of a bullet that has struck the head from the front stays with the bullet and is not transferred to the head, the head will not move violently backward. In other words, a bullet striking a head will not transfer enough of it's kinetic energy to cause the head to move violently. A baseball bat striking the head will indeed transfer almost all of it's kinetic energy and this will cause the head to move violently. A bullet's (lack of) transfer of kinetic energy. Learn it. Love it.
  3. I'm pretty sure you intend this as a rhetorical question but I'll chime in anyway. Oswald lied about living on Neely because he was going to lie about anything which connects him to the rifle. The Neely Street backyard photos connect him to the rifle and he was aware of that, of course.
  4. Thanks Steve. The idea was that the debate would be posted in the Facebook groups in 8 smaller segments. It was. I didn't feel like posting them individually here so I posted the raw, unedited version. As for your comment about "someone better than this", in my opinion, Matt D is the best they have, regarding the Tippit case; better than both McBride and DiEugenio. Before challenging me to this debate himself (yes, Matt D challenged me, wasn't my idea), Matt asked McBride to debate the Tippit case with me for his (Matt's) Facebook group and Youtube channel. McBride declined. Smart move on his part, in my opinion. Anyway, back to the thread at hand... why hasn't DiEugenio responded to the points raised by Myers in the blog post?
  5. Since (for whatever reason) Mr. DiEugenio brought it up... Below is the "debate" between Matt Douthit and myself, on the Tippit case. Warning, it's raw and unedited but very informative.
  6. Whatever you prefer. But, you shouldn't embarrass Matt D like that. I can post the entire thing right here if you like. Now back to the points raised by Myers. Do you care to respond to any of them? I posted them one at a time in order to keep some semblance of each point being "easy to understand and follow". If I were to post them all at once, one could get lost in the shuffle and we don't want one point getting overlooked, do we?
  7. You did the exact same thing in my Lee Oswald - The Cop-Killer thread on page 6. https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/27892-lee-oswald-the-cop-killer/page/6/ I didn't say a word. Quitcher bitching.
  8. More from the Myers blog: "This is where you probably cry “Uncle!” But for a lout and load mouth like Jimmy D it’s never enough. What is Jimmy is so sore about? Is it the fact that he is often irrelevant to the discussion at hand? Does he really know as much as he professes? Or is he afraid everyone will find out how little he does know? So much of what he writes amounts to little more than citations from other writers. More than once, I’ve been shocked at how little he knows about the minute-to-minute mechanics of November 1963. And he’s not the only one. No, Jimmy D will never stop trying to pull people down in order to get to the top of the pile. In the end, it’s hard to get mad at someone you just feel sorry for." I think this pretty much sums it up, unless of course Mr. DiEugenio would like to clear up any of the points raised in the above posts.
  9. More from the Myers blog: "Regardless, Jimmy D points his readers to the work of Jack Myers (no relation) who claims that Tatum’s eyewitness account is suspect largely because he claimed to have seen Tippit’s killer from a distance of 10-15 feet and positively identified him as Lee Harvey Oswald. But wait! The gunman was never closer than 100 feet of Tatum’s position when he heard the shots and stopped his car, we are assured. Consequently, Jack questions whether Mr. Tatum was even a witness and that the inclusion of him in the Frontline special was producer Mike Sullivan’s own twist on the truth. Slow down, Hoss. Even a bone-head knows that Tatum drove past Oswald as he looked into Tippit’s squad car from the passenger side. That put Tatum at 10-15 feet from Oswald as he passed, just like he said in Frontline. (By the way, Tatum told me the same thing in 1983.)" Mr. DiEugenio, did you not know that Tatum's account has him passing within fifteen feet of Oswald as he (Oswald) talked to Tippit through the opened vent window? If you were unaware of this, then you should educate yourself on the very basics of the Tippit case before ever commenting on it further. However, if you were aware that Tatum's account has him passing within fifteen feet of Oswald, then why are you ignoring it when attempting to make your ill-advised point that Tatum was too far away for an accurate identification? I'm very curious about this.
  10. More from the Myers blog: "As for the Tippit shooting, Jimmy’s claim that I used Jack Ray Tatum as my chief witness in the 1993 PBS / Frontline special “Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?” infers that I had something to do with Tatum being on the PBS special. I was hired as a consultant and on-camera talking-head. Producer Mike Sullivan made all the decisions regarding the production. In fact, the Tatum segment was filmed before I arrived in Dallas to do my part." Mr. DiEugenio, do you care to address this and perhaps correct yourself?
  11. More from the Myers blog: "Jimmy D’s latest rant claims that Don Thomas destroyed my argument that Dallas Police Motorcycle Officer H.B. McLain would had to have been “riding at 200 mph to be in the correct spot” to capture the sounds of the gunshots as presented by the HSCA. Actually, what I concluded was much more sophisticated and destructive to the HSCA and Thomas. You see, we know McLain’s speed as he entered Houston street. It was 14.7 mph as he rounded Main onto Houston. We also know when this happened in relationship to the HSCA’s own acoustic timing – just 0.6 seconds before the first shot! And according to the HSCA, McLain was traveling at the speed of the motorcade – 10.5 mph – between shots 1 and 2. That means – if the HSCA’s acoustic evidence is valid – then McLain would have to accelerate from 14.7 mph to a speed significantly greater than 198 mph in just 0.2 seconds and then slow down to 10.5 mph before reaching the first shot position – all of this during the allotted 0.6 seconds! Does that sound possible to anyone with a fifth-grade education in science and physics?" Mr. DiEugenio, would you like to respond to this?
  12. More from the Dale Myers blog: "The credentials I hold in my chosen field are solid. My computer animation work was evaluated and vetted by Z-Axis Corporation in 2003. They concluded that the methods I used to match the path of the limousine to the Zapruder and other film and photographic sources were sophisticated and accurate; that I did an excellent job of matching the positions of Kennedy and Connally in the car; that my use of a straight line for the trajectory of the single-bullet was a reasonable assumption given the speed and relatively short distance the bullet could have traveled; that errors in wound placement based on the autopsy and operative reports of JFK and JBC were properly constrained by the use of an error cone which was well thought out and accurately created; and that the methods used to determine the source of the head shot were sound and logical. In summary, they wrote, “Mr. Myers has taken a comprehensive and reasoned approach to animating this event and has successfully incorporated many diverse visual records into a unified and consistent recreation. We believe that the thoroughness and detail incorporated into his work is well beyond that required to present a fair and accurate depiction.” (emphasis added) What does Jimmy D do with the Z-Axis Corporation’s report? He ignores it, of course! Instead, he substitutes a strawman argument that I am unqualified in the field of forensic science." Myers' animation work was vetted by Z-Axis Corporation in 2003. 'Nuff said.
  13. From the Dale Myers blog: "Jimmy D likes to point out that I don’t have the credentials of famed forensic scientist Dr. Henry C. Lee (as if I’m supposed to before embarking on the creation of a forensic animation) and concludes that I have no business discussing trajectories, wound ballistics, and the like. Ironically, then, Jimmy trots out Millicent Cranor, Pat Speer, Bob Harris, and others to take pot shots at my animation work. What are their credentials in the field of computer animation? Answer: Nada." I wonder if perhaps Mr. DiEugenio would like to address this by explaining the point he was trying to make when he mentions Cranor, Speer, Harris and others.
  14. (Dale K. Myers, With Malice, 2013 edition, pg. 427) "Three and a half minutes after the Tippit murder, a Dallas County sheriff patrol unit radioed from the corner of Tenth and Jefferson, about 500 feet from the Marsalis bus stop where Oswald's transfer could have been used. if that patrol car was in the vicinity a few minutes earlier, it might have been enough to dissuade Oswald from hanging around until the bus showed up at 1:30 p.m." In other words (and it's admittedly speculation on Myers' part but it makes more sense than anything else), there is the possibility that Oswald walks the most direct route from the rooming house to Tenth Street. He's now walking east on Tenth, towards Marsalis, on his way to the only bus stop in Oak Cliff where the transfer would still be good. He reaches a point about two blocks east of Tenth and Patton (Tenth Street begins to curve to the right at roughly forty-five degrees). This curve prevents Oswald from noticing a sheriff's deputy patrol car until he (Oswald) is already at the curve. Having no idea at this point if his face has been plastered all over television, Oswald does not want to walk right past a patrol car so he turns around and is retracing his steps, now walking west on Tenth (back towards Crawford and then Patton). Oswald's about-face goes unnoticed by the sheriff's deputy and this possibly gives Oswald the confidence to do it again minutes later when he sees Tippit's patrol car approaching him... And it is this about-face which causes Tippit to pull up alongside. Back in March of 2020, I walked from the bus stop in front of the rooming house on Beckley to Tenth and Patton (south on Beckley, west on Davis, south on Patton). I reached the corner of Tenth and Patton in 12:25. Give Oswald a minute and a half to walk east along Tenth (after originally arriving at the intersection with Patton) to the point where Tenth Street curves and then give him a minute and a half to walk back to the point where he is encountered by Tippit, then we have Oswald standing beside Tippit's patrol car at 1:14-1:15 (if Oswald left the bus stop in front of the rooming house at 12:59 p.m.).
  15. A common sense, fact-filled response to DiEugenio's nonsense: http://jfkfiles.blogspot.com/2022/11/the-single-bullet-fact.html
  16. The broadcast was put out by Herb Sawyer who most likely got the description from Brennan.
  17. More from the Jack Myers article, linked by DiEugenio... Approximately 1:05:30 Officer Tippit, now sitting once again in his patrol car outside of the Top 10 Records store, suddenly hears his police radio crackle to life. There has been a reported fight and possible stabbing at the corner of 10th & Marsalis, several blocks east of where his patrol car now sits near the corner of West Jefferson Blvd. and Bishop Avenue. A man has supposedly been stabbed and thrown into the back of a blue car which drove away from the scene. Tippit puts Car #10 into gear and moves out in a big hurry. When asked, Jack Myers could not lead me to the portion of the police tapes where Tippit could have heard of any stabbing. Strike three.
  18. From the Jack Myers article, linked by DiEugenio... Approximately 1:04 p.m. Several blocks east of Top 10 and the Texas Theater, an unknown young white male about 5’8” to 5’10” and 165 pounds wearing a white shirt and light tan Eisenhower jacket begins to quickly walk west on East 10th Street. The man is in such a hurry that he catches the attention of those inside of Clark’s Barber Shop at 620 E. 10th as he breezes by that establishment’s storefront window. A pedestrian, Mr. William Lawrence Smith, passes the same man as Smith walks east to lunch at the Town & Country Café just a few doors west of the barber shop. (John Armstrong, Harvey and Lee, p. 841) The Clark's Barber Shop sighting, according to those inside, took place that morning; NOT after 1 pm. Strike two on the Jack Myers article.
  19. I find this laughable. It's like DiEugenio (along with Jack Myers) is unaware that Tatum's account has him passing the patrol car at a point in time when Oswald and Tippit were talking through the window, i.e. Tatum places himself within fifteen feet of Oswald. I corrected Jack Myers on this about a year and a half ago but apparently it fell on deaf ears.
  20. Gerry, you're absolutely correct and it's amazing that this had to be pointed out. Strike one on the Jack Myers article.
  21. At the 6:25 mark, re: JFK Revisited "The ultimate documentary on the JFK assassination" Hardly. Below are the two "ultimate" documentaries on the Kennedy assassination... Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald (Frontline) The Kennedy Assassination: Beyond Conspiracy (Peter Jennings Reporting)
  22. Did the HSCA tackle the issue? There was no "issue" to tackle; only misunderstandings by those in the CT community decades later.
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