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Fair Play for Cuba Committee

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On page 6 and 7 of his fascinating article on John Hay Whitney Greg Parker offers some strong circumstantial evidence supporting the possiblitity that

FPCC may have been a CIA operation from its inception in 1960. It is well worth looking at these pages.



Thanks for the kind words on the article. One thing I could have made clearer was that Whitney, Barnes and Gibson all arrived back in the US from England in the earliest stages of the psywar against Cuba.

But the smart money says that the two Edmonde Haddad's are one & the same......

Robert, you can easily end up with egg all over your face regarding names in this case. But here, I'll go with your smart money.

The question is, does his presence in Dallas actually mean anything other than being a journalist sent to cover a major story?

FWIW, the station he was representing (KPOL) was a polka station. Roll out the barrel... ;)

PS I am one of those individuals who would like to get some clarification as to whether that guy on Barney Miller, is THE Stephen Landesberg who was spreading disinformation about Lee Harvey Oswald in the aftermath of Kennedy's assassination.

If memory serves (and my LONG term memory is pretty good), it is the same person. I'm not sure it's accurate to call his statements disinfo - though they weren't necessarily accurate, either. I believe he may have spent time "convalescing" in a State facility afterwards...

What was I saying about egg on face? What I was recalling was newsgroup posts from a few years back in which someone had claimed Landesberg (the comedian) had in later years, admitted past involvement with Oswald. This turned out to be false. Having now checked a bit further, the comedian is listed everywhere as being born in 1945. The Landesberg who was arrested was supposed to have been 23. Armstrong seems to dispute the 1945 birth date, claiming to have found Landesberg's birth certificate showing 1936 (though this doesn't match the person arrested, either)

There is also this article from the Fourth Decade which shows the person using the name Landesberg had actually had a number of aliases. The author doesn't seem to have ascertained which name was his true one.

One thing I did find curious in the article is there is no mention of the fact that LHO was in Russia in '61.

The comedian does seem to have been politically active in the '70, and to had a "thing" about psychiatry and psychiatrists -- but neither of those peccadilloes were exactly unusual for a Jewish comedian in that era.

Anyhow -- all this points to it being less likely than I thought that the comedian is the same guy - but not (quite) ready to rule it out just yet.

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There is also this article from the Fourth Decade which shows the person using the name Landesberg had actually had a number of aliases. The author doesn't seem to have ascertained which name was his true one.

One thing I did find curious in the article is there is no mention of the fact that LHO was in Russia in '61.

About 25 years ago, I decided that I needed to read every word of the 26 volumes, and in so doing encountered a variety of odds and ends in the official reports generated, including a document that commented on one Jose Lanusa of the DRE and upon one Stephen Landesberg, aka a number of names. It seemed as though the Landesberg allegations should be easily checked out, and I made a point of locating the microfilm news reports from the Times and the Village Voice, which was the best source of information on the topic.

While all my notes on this have long since been boxed up somewhere among all the JFK ephemera I've collected over the years, what I do recall from memory actually validated much of what was dismissed by authorities.

The Village Voice articles on Landesberg written just after the assassination reported that Landesberg had disrupted previous political events, using the name "L'Eandes." So I combed back through older editions of the Voice and, sure enough, there were reports of Landesberg shouting at speakers from the audience. Oddly, one such event - I believe honouring a city councilman of some such minor official - included as guest speaker an up and coming politico named Mark Lane. In short, the reports of Landesberg being an agitator had substance, because news accounts clearly indicated he had done so, well prior to the assassination. Those reports also depicted him as a smiling, charming guy who spoke with a southern drawl.

As for the allegations that Landesberg had worked in tandem with an "Oswald" in these disruptions, the Village Voice located one or more Greenwich Village merchants who recalled just such a person, who fit Oswald's description, irrespective of whether or not it really was Oswald. FBI seemed to have located the same Village habitues, according to the Voice coverage, yet in the interim I've seen no Bureau documents supporting this.

As Greg Parker notes, most of this transpired at a time when Oswald was either located in the USSR, or was otherwise accounted for elsewhere. As much as that should have resolved the issue for me, it did not. When taken alonside other documents and news reports - both official and otherwise - indicating an "Oswald" was active in domestic politics while the real LHO couldn't have been doing so [bolton Ford, the Ray Carney/Carnay story, Hoover's memo regarding somebody impersonating Oswald during his absence in the USSR, Oswald's alleged presence in Cuba, etc.], it seemed entirely plausible that somebody [or some persons] had used Oswald's persona in his absence. Or, that while the real Oswald remained Stateside, somebody else using his persona had been masquerading as him in Moscow and Minsk.

One other item I found fascinating in the original FBI report that sent me down this road a quarter century ago continues to puzzle me. Landesberg/L'Eandes/Rizzutto insisted that he had served with Oswald at some southern military base [biloxi?], where one or both [sorry, but it's a bit hazy] had been involved in a white supremacist organization called the Magnolia Rifles. I've read nothing before or since indicating that there ever was such a clandestine group, but would welcome any information about said organization. Those who suspect that Oswald had a virtual career of trying to infiltrate so-called extremist groups [DRE, FPCC, CPUSA, SWP, ACLU, Birchers, US Nazi Party, et al] might find an actual precedent for those suspicions were it to emerge that Oswald had joined the Magnolia Rifles while still in the service.

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I want to bring together two quotes about the FPCC which have made me curious as to the degree of infiltration of the FPCC, and also will hopefully clarify some questions about how compartmentalization worked within the CIA.

On page 6 and 7 of his fascinating article on John Hay Whitne Greg Parker offers some strong circumstatial evidence supporting the possiblitity that

FPCC may have been a CIA operation from its inception in 1960. It is well worth looking at these pages.


Next, we jump to page 165 of Larry Hancock's Someone Would Have Talked (2nd Ed)

The second example further shows the scope of Phillips' interests and activities. During 1961 the Fair Play for Cuba

Committee (FPCC) was viewed by the CIA and FBI as a major vehicle for Communist advocacy, not only in the United

States, but also in Latin America. The FPCC was also suspected of being an infiltration channel due to its sponsorship

and advocacy of student travel to and from Cuba. In what appears to have been equal parts counter-intelligence and

propaganda, the CIA initiated a program to dangle a student into the FPCC, encouraging the student to use the cover

of being intereste instarting a new FPCC chapter. This action occurred whithin the three months before the Bay of Pigs

It involved Western Hemisphere and CIA Security Office use of an Agency employee who knew Court Wood, a student

recently returned from Cuba. Conveniently, this employee worked for WH/4 and the WH man supervising the operation

was Phillips. In fact, it appears that at this early stage, Phillips was in charge of both counter-intelligence and propaganda

efforts targeting the FPCC, successfully manipulating a young man who was in the process of organizing an FPCC chapter

and tracking activities to illegally travel to and from Cuba.

My questions here concern:

1) To just what extent the FPCC was CIA. Sure there may have been some activists, but is it accurate at this point to describe it as ONLY

partly controlled or infiltrated by the CIA?

2) How does the structure of CIA compartmentalization effect Phillip's dealings with the FPCC? Am I correct in interpreting from Larry's description

of Phillips that he had contact with the FPCC not only for two different purposes BUT VIA TWO DIFFERENT OSTENSIBLY COMPARTMENTALIZED


3) Did Phillips contact the FPCC for both a) counter-inteligence and :huh: propaganda functions from the same office in Miami? (Wasn't there an

a second CIA office-- one independent of JM-WAVE, and associated with "AMWORLD"-- called LORK?

Phillips "confession" is starting to ring a little hollow for me. Sure he confessed to involvement with part of a coopted plan, but might it have been a strategic confession, designed to make us think "Oh well, he's confessed to this trajic mistake, so he probably isn't guilty of more sinister stuff? ( I have similar feelings about LBJ's later belief in a conspiracy:it just seems it could be part of a psychological ploy, to allay still deeper suspicions.)

Theres a good chance these questions don't make any sense; nevertheless the two quotes are, IMO, very worth reading and might be useful in formulating other questions.

I am not sure, but I believe there is more than one Fair Play for Cuba Committee thread on the Forum....

At any rate, I posted this, verbatim list of original names of FPCC members from the April 6. 1960 New York Times full page ad, entitled "What is Really Going On In Cuba?" on a thread that recieved about as much attention as seeing an announcement for a matching towel set on the Home Shopping Network.....

At any rate, this is the list, with a couple of interesting tidbits thrown in........

See below......

Recently, after a great deal of frustration at being unable to locate the full page ad in the April 6, 1960 New York times entitled "What is Really Going On In Cuba." The advert as the Brits say, is very significant, if, for no other reason, than the fact that it contains the original 28 names listed as supporters of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, which are listed below........

In Order of Appearance

James Baldwin

Simone de Beauvoir

Frank London Brown

Truman Capote

John Henrik Clarke

Pro. Robert G. Colodny

Richard Gibson

Dr. Maurice Green

Edmonde Haddad

Rev. Donald Harrington

John Killens

Sidney Lens

Norman Mailer

Julian Mayfield

Elva dePue Matthews

Prof. Eugene Noble

Rev. John Papandrew

James Purdy

Joseph Quintana

Alan Sagner

Jean Paul Sartre

John Singleton

Robert Taber

G. A. Thurston

Kenneth Tynan

Dan Wakefield

Sidney Weinstein

Robert F. Williams

Once one gets through the personages, there is then the task of name-checking.....which in this instance revealed a possible association that is a classic case of "would have liked to have known this on 11/22/63,"

Which brings us to Edmonde Haddad. Remarkably there was an Edmonde Haddad in Dallas from Friday through Saturday, but was not in the basement of the Dallas Municipal building at the moment that Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald.

WCD 85/p, 412; FBI report dated 12/5/63, of interview of Edmonde Haddad at Hollywood, Calif. (CD WCE 2044/p.459

On Feb 1 EDMONDE HADDAD advised he is a news broadcaster at Radio Station KPOL at 5700 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, California.........arrived in Dallas at about 4:00 P.M. Friday November 22, 1963, and left to return to Los Angeles at about 7:00 P.M. Saturday November 23, 1963. He was in Dallas long enough to note that the third floor of the DPD building on Friday night was "like a circus."

John Simkin has given us a great illustration on making assumptions about the same name.......


Two CIA agents named William F. Buckley


But the smart money says that the two Edmonde Haddad's are one & the same......

Which means absolutely nothing on July 27, 2007, but would have been an interesting tidbit if anyone wanted to know more about who killed Kennedy, that worked for the "investigative agencies" on 11/22/63...If someone had really wanted to be on the ball they might have talked at length to Edward Herman Baumgartner, who not only worked for Collins Radio, but also was associated with the soon to be "defunct" FPCC......



CD 1085, p. 2; CD 1085g, pp. 1-10; CD 1085h, pp. 1-2; CD 1085i, pp. 1-6; CD 1085j, pp. 1-3

DOB: June 7, 1928. POB: Indianapolis, Indiana. Army Serial No. US 55050121. Pro-Communist. Member of Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC). Worked at Collins Radio. (Note: The Rex, one of CIA boats used in raids on Cuba, was leased to Belcher Oil and then to Collins Radio.)...

Smart money also says that there might be some other interesting factoids in the above cited list......

Material posted on this thread taken from thread....Another FPCC Alumni in Dallas on 11/22/63...


There are some Forum members, including myself, who feel that the creation of the FPCC presented a very seductive arrangement for the U.S. Government to plant at least one or two intelligence operatives to penetrate the organization, which is why Taber and Gibson's names are highlighted.......And as most savvy researchers know by December 8, 1963 the Fair Play for Cuba Committee was basically "no longer a functioning entity," .......

PS I am one of those individuals who would like to get some clarification as to whether that guy on Barney Miller, is THE Stephen Landesberg who was spreading disinformation about Lee Harvey Oswald in the aftermath of Kennedy's assassination.


(Note: The Rex, one of CIA boats used in raids on Cuba, was leased to Belcher Oil and then to Collins Radio.)...

Smart money also says that there might be some other interesting factoids in the above cited list......

One can always find many interesting "factoids" in which the CIA has received the blame for many, many, good ole "free enterprise" system activities.

REX: King of Carnival.


Shall I again go into detail as to exactly how many of the players can be found here????????????????

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James, according to the documents I have the FBI was requested to obtain the FPCC information by a "mid-level" CIA officer in conjunction with a new project against the FPCC to be launched outside the U.S. The documents make it sound as if the FBI obtained the ifnormation not the CIA. I've never heard McCord brought up in conjunction with it.... actually one would think prime candidates for the CIA side would be either Phillips in his new Cuban position or Hunt in his new position in charge of Domestic Ops covert actions.

On a side note, given that Oswald was in the FBI files as an officer with the FPCC (per his claim in New Orleans), by their regulations he should have been kept on the Watch List - all officers or individuals involved in public demonstrations in support of targeted subversive organizations (such as the FPCC) were to be maintained on the Watch list for pick up in case of a national emergency.

-- Larry

Larry, I seem to remember reading that the man who performed the break-in at the FPCC was none other than James McCord.  Is there evidence to support that?

I believe the reading of Oswald's letters to Lee were acknowledged in the report Quigley made in N.O., and were attributed to a "reliable informant tells us" or some such thing.  It's impossible not to take from this that the FBI was very interested in Oswald and his activities.

BTW, thanks for posting the info on Lee. With that info and Harry's description of Lee, it sounds like he was not the same guy who scuffled with Ruby.  The two Vincent Lees is apparently just another one of those coinkydinks.

On a side note, given that Oswald was in the FBI files as an officer with the FPCC (per his claim in New Orleans), by their regulations he should have been kept on the Watch List - all officers or individuals involved in public demonstrations in support of targeted subversive organizations (such as the FPCC) were to be maintained on the Watch list for pick up in case of a national emergency.

Which, by the way, just may have solved the "great mystery" as to why LHO left the Paine home, rented his own apartment under an alias name, and thereafter quite probably sent the Post Office and FBI hunting some mythological address to which LHO mailed himself an empty paper bag.

And which would also demonstrate a "pre-cognizance" of how the FBI as well as the US Postal system kept track of subversive individuals.

Which of course would also mean that LHO knew, the minute that he utilized the US Postal System to contact the FPCC, that he would be "branded" as being one of them, and thus leave that ole stinky scent on them as well.

Just as he insisted that an FBI Agent come to the Jail in New Orleans when LHO was arrested for handing out the FPCC phamplets.

Just as LHO left the first scent with Carlos Bringuier.

Just as LHO ran all around the Soviet Union leaving his scent.

Just as LHO went to a John Birch Society meeting.

Just as LHO ---------------on and on and on!

Those "old" surviving grey squirrels down here in the swamps are fully aware that they should jump upon the side of multiple trees and thus leave their "scent" here, there, and everywhere, if they are to survive and confuse the squirrel dogs who are attempting to locate exactly which tree in which the squirrel actually climbed and in which tree to look.

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I will chime in here and make a couple of points, that the savvy researcher will be able to decide are of importance or not......

The assertions of Thomas Purvis are basically correct as to the squirrels and such......If one is attempting to research the Rex, the Leda and plus another four similar ships of the CIA's navy and its connections one will discover that it has already been done by Warren Hinkle and William Turner in the book Deadly Secrets pps 148-164....In the year 2007, the triangle of Dallas, New Orleans and Miami, of which PD Scott prophetically alluded to in the good ole day's of the early 1970's.

Is anyone planning to write an article entitled The name Belcher in the Kennedy Assassination.......?

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RCD perceptively observes re reports of Landesberg having an "Oswald" disruptor in tow:

As Greg Parker notes, most of this transpired at a time when Oswald was either located in the USSR, or was otherwise accounted for elsewhere. As much as that should have resolved the issue for me, it did not. When taken alonside other documents and news reports - both official and otherwise - indicating an "Oswald" was active in domestic politics while the real LHO couldn't have been doing so [bolton Ford, the Ray Carney/Carnay story, Hoover's memo regarding somebody impersonating Oswald during his absence in the USSR, Oswald's alleged presence in Cuba, etc.], it seemed entirely plausible that somebody [or some persons] had used Oswald's persona in his absence. Or, that while the real Oswald remained Stateside, somebody else using his persona had been masquerading as him in Moscow and Minsk.

I believe that in all likelihood the first possibility is the strongest -- that Oswald's identity was for whatever reason being mixed up in domestic intelligence operations while he was in the USSR. While extremely unlikely, I am not willing to 100% rule out the latter possibility of the real Oswald's having remained in the US all along. (Probably should pull out my copy of Harvey and Lee before I think about this any further.) A third theoretical possibility, almost as provocative and certainly almost as remote, was brought to my attention recently by someone heavily mixed up in one of the incidents RCD mentions above: That Oswald, notwithstanding any official evidence that has surfaced in US or USSR files, did in fact travel back to the US to appear in person.

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RCD perceptively observes re reports of Landesberg having an "Oswald" disruptor in tow:

As Greg Parker notes, most of this transpired at a time when Oswald was either located in the USSR, or was otherwise accounted for elsewhere. As much as that should have resolved the issue for me, it did not. When taken alonside other documents and news reports - both official and otherwise - indicating an "Oswald" was active in domestic politics while the real LHO couldn't have been doing so [bolton Ford, the Ray Carney/Carnay story, Hoover's memo regarding somebody impersonating Oswald during his absence in the USSR, Oswald's alleged presence in Cuba, etc.], it seemed entirely plausible that somebody [or some persons] had used Oswald's persona in his absence. Or, that while the real Oswald remained Stateside, somebody else using his persona had been masquerading as him in Moscow and Minsk.

I believe that in all likelihood the first possibility is the strongest -- that Oswald's identity was for whatever reason being mixed up in domestic intelligence operations while he was in the USSR. While extremely unlikely, I am not willing to 100% rule out the latter possibility of the real Oswald's having remained in the US all along. (Probably should pull out my copy of Harvey and Lee before I think about this any further.) A third theoretical possibility, almost as provocative and certainly almost as remote, was brought to my attention recently by someone heavily mixed up in one of the incidents RCD mentions above: That Oswald, notwithstanding any official evidence that has surfaced in US or USSR files, did in fact travel back to the US to appear in person.


Unwilling patriot?

The death of Lee Oswald and his connection The Fair Play For Cuba Committee

was a boon to U.S. foreign policy, and especially to U.S. Intelligence agencies, as

what they considered a powerful international subversive-front operation {fpcc}

collapsed, and with it Castro's hope, to spread revolution across all Latin America.

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There is also this article from the Fourth Decade which shows the person using the name Landesberg had actually had a number of aliases. The author doesn't seem to have ascertained which name was his true one.

One thing I did find curious in the article is there is no mention of the fact that LHO was in Russia in '61.

About 25 years ago, I decided that I needed to read every word of the 26 volumes, and in so doing encountered a variety of odds and ends in the official reports generated, including a document that commented on one Jose Lanusa of the DRE and upon one Stephen Landesberg, aka a number of names. It seemed as though the Landesberg allegations should be easily checked out, and I made a point of locating the microfilm news reports from the Times and the Village Voice, which was the best source of information on the topic.

While all my notes on this have long since been boxed up somewhere among all the JFK ephemera I've collected over the years, what I do recall from memory actually validated much of what was dismissed by authorities.

The Village Voice articles on Landesberg written just after the assassination reported that Landesberg had disrupted previous political events, using the name "L'Eandes." So I combed back through older editions of the Voice and, sure enough, there were reports of Landesberg shouting at speakers from the audience. Oddly, one such event - I believe honouring a city councilman of some such minor official - included as guest speaker an up and coming politico named Mark Lane. In short, the reports of Landesberg being an agitator had substance, because news accounts clearly indicated he had done so, well prior to the assassination. Those reports also depicted him as a smiling, charming guy who spoke with a southern drawl.

As for the allegations that Landesberg had worked in tandem with an "Oswald" in these disruptions, the Village Voice located one or more Greenwich Village merchants who recalled just such a person, who fit Oswald's description, irrespective of whether or not it really was Oswald. FBI seemed to have located the same Village habitues, according to the Voice coverage, yet in the interim I've seen no Bureau documents supporting this.

As Greg Parker notes, most of this transpired at a time when Oswald was either located in the USSR, or was otherwise accounted for elsewhere. As much as that should have resolved the issue for me, it did not. When taken alonside other documents and news reports - both official and otherwise - indicating an "Oswald" was active in domestic politics while the real LHO couldn't have been doing so [bolton Ford, the Ray Carney/Carnay story, Hoover's memo regarding somebody impersonating Oswald during his absence in the USSR, Oswald's alleged presence in Cuba, etc.], it seemed entirely plausible that somebody [or some persons] had used Oswald's persona in his absence. Or, that while the real Oswald remained Stateside, somebody else using his persona had been masquerading as him in Moscow and Minsk.

Robert, this is from The Man on the Grassy Knoll: "Turning one's ID over to another is also not unusual - it is standard procedure for intelligence agents (and also smart criminals) to use aliases based on real people's names. It muddies the water much more for an outsider trying to make sense of their activities, because it confuses the issue of who the real players are." Of course, this doesn't help explain "Hidell", "Dritall", Hoffen or "Schieffer (sp?)...

One other item I found fascinating in the original FBI report that sent me down this road a quarter century ago continues to puzzle me. Landesberg/L'Eandes/Rizzutto insisted that he had served with Oswald at some southern military base [biloxi?], where one or both [sorry, but it's a bit hazy] had been involved in a white supremacist organization called the Magnolia Rifles. I've read nothing before or since indicating that there ever was such a clandestine group, but would welcome any information about said organization. Those who suspect that Oswald had a virtual career of trying to infiltrate so-called extremist groups [DRE, FPCC, CPUSA, SWP, ACLU, Birchers, US Nazi Party, et al] might find an actual precedent for those suspicions were it to emerge that Oswald had joined the Magnolia Rifles while still in the service.

LHO did his radar operator course at Keesler AFB, Biloxi.

The Magnolia Rifles was a Confederate company organized by the great-granddaddy of William Faulkner during the civil war as part of the Second Mississippi Infantry. Maybe a klansman who actually read a history book borrowed the name...?

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I have added the Lee Harvey Oswald interview with William K Stuckey on my page on the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. It is a very articulate account of his political beliefs. I have also added it to my page on Oswald.



Parts 2, 3 and 4 are here:

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I have added the Lee Harvey Oswald interview with William K Stuckey on my page on the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. It is a very articulate account of his political beliefs.

And here is a transcript, made by Mark Rowe for DPUK


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I'm a civil rights attorney in the San Francisco Bay Area, practicing since 1982. I’ve been fortunate to work in a field that has used its power to make a difference - the legal system is too often a sector that resists meaningful social change. I am also involved in the movement against US military intervention and for global justice. To that end, the JFK case provides an unprecedented insight into both civilian and military intelligence - gaining control over these entities is a big piece of the puzzle if we hope to see a world moving towards transparency and real democracy.

I occasionally write for Counterpunch and Truthout, and hope to get a book out relatively soon that will tackle a variety of subjects. One section I’m working on covers the efforts to get the US into war with Cuba - both before and after the death of JFK. To that end, I’ve studied the FPCC pretty closely, and hope to engage with others about how operations surrounding the FPCC tied into the work of Jim Angleton, David Phillips, and their friends, particularly in and around CI-SIG, the Mexico City station, and the FBI field office in NYC.

Is it your opinion that Oswald was working for the FBI/CIA when he wrote to the FPCC on 26th May, 1963?

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I'm a civil rights attorney in the San Francisco Bay Area, practicing since 1982. I’ve been fortunate to work in a field that has used its power to make a difference - the legal system is too often a sector that resists meaningful social change. I am also involved in the movement against US military intervention and for global justice. To that end, the JFK case provides an unprecedented insight into both civilian and military intelligence - gaining control over these entities is a big piece of the puzzle if we hope to see a world moving towards transparency and real democracy.

I occasionally write for Counterpunch and Truthout, and hope to get a book out relatively soon that will tackle a variety of subjects. One section I’m working on covers the efforts to get the US into war with Cuba - both before and after the death of JFK. To that end, I’ve studied the FPCC pretty closely, and hope to engage with others about how operations surrounding the FPCC tied into the work of Jim Angleton, David Phillips, and their friends, particularly in and around CI-SIG, the Mexico City station, and the FBI field office in NYC.

Is it your opinion that Oswald was working for the FBI/CIA when he wrote to the FPCC on 26th May, 1963?

I try to be very cautious on this kind of question. I do think that LHO was trying to penetrate the FPCC - the question is to what end.

The best evidence on any affiliation LHO may have had with the CIA at this time comes from Hunter Leake, one of the CIA chiefs in New Orleans who claimed that LHO reported to him in May 63 and that Helms had him drive all the LHO files to DC where they were never seen again. It would be good if there was a second CIA source from that time period. I'm also aware of James Wilcott's HSCA testimony, and remain fascinated by it.

It also appears that Fain and Hosty of the FBI had some relationship with LHO as well. As LHO told Fain in late 62 that he would report to him on any criminal activity, it would seem that he should have been listed as a Potential Criminal Informant or a Potential Security Informant from that statement alone.

I'd like to see more follow-up on Joan Mellen's findings that LHO was an informant answering to Cesar Diosdado in Customs.

I think what we do know is that LHO was at least an "asset" of both these agencies, meaning that the agencies were watching him very carefully to see who emerged from the shadows to talk with him, and treated that as information that they would act on.

When John Quigley of the FBI came running in August 63 to take Oswald's statement after his arrest for a misdemeanor, that says a lot.

When Marvin Gheesling took Oswald off the FBI watchlist hours before the twin October 10 cables that would have put LHO in the intelligence spotlights,

that says even more.

When John Whitten testified that "the effect was electric" when the CIA HQ learned that LHO had been arrested on November 22, that kind of says it all.

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