John Bevilaqua Posted December 6, 2009 Share Posted December 6, 2009 (edited) A recent attempt to delineate all or most of the incidents related to foreknowledge of the JFK assassination left out about a dozen valuable occurrences. But the lack of any attempt to perform a cross-correlation of these incidents back to their source is also NOTABLY AND CONSPICUOUSLY ABSENT. Why? Because most of them involve either extreme right wingers, links to the Army or Army Intelligence or links to anti-Castro Cuban exiles. And the person who compiled this listing, from the rigorous work of "other researchers", not his own efforts, has always rejected out of hand any contributions from either right wing extremists, active or inactive Army regulars, Army Intelligence and for the most part the anti-Castro Cuban exiles. Just a bit disingenuous to say the least! Case #1: Cambridge, England – Telephone call. See: Bowen, Howard. (right wing extremist) There was testimony given in a Texas murder trial that there were twenty-five to thirty professional assassins kept in Mexico by the espionage section of the U. S. Federal Bureau of Investigation; that these men were used to commit political assassinations all over North, South and Central America, the East European countries and in Russia; that these men were the absolute world's most accurate riflemen; they sometimes took private contracts to kill in the United States; that the contact man for employment of the riflemen was a man named Bowen posing as an American Council of Christian Churches' missionary in Mexico; that you could reach Bowen through the owner of the St. Anthony's Hotel in Laredo, Texas. Albert Alexander Osborne, alias John Howard Bowen, alias J.H. Owen, a charter member and employee of the A.C.C.C., met Lee Harvey Oswald and accompanied him to Mexico City in late September of 1963. Osborne, alias John Howard Bowen, was discovered to have another person working with him who also used the alias John Howard Bowen. The second person also traveling as Bowen was Fred Lee Crismon, another agent for the munitions makers police agency, the Defense Industrial Security Command. Crismon also posed as a missionary and also used other aliases. Among the cognomens for Crismon were Fred Lee, Jon Gould and Jon Gold. Osborne and Crismon also bore a marked resemblance and appeared to be about the same age. Crismon was a Syrian immigrant and had been closely associated with Osborne since the 1920's. Crismon, Osborne and their riflemen charges in Mexico were based at Clint Murchison's huge ranch when not posing as missionaries in other areas of Mexico. Case #2: Cheramie, Rose – Jack Ruby associate. See: Louisiana State Police (HSCA) (Cuban exiles) Case #3: Dinkin, Eugene B. – American soldier in Germany, claims to have picked up on the assassination plot from Army Security Agency monitor of OAS, the Algerian French Generals, went AOL (sic) should be AWOL and tried to inform American ambassador. See : Russell, Dick, TMWKTM. (Army or Army Intelligence) Case #4: Grace, William – “Shortly before the assassination an executive of the Grace Lines was found unconscious in the street. Taken to a hospital, he mumbled that the president was to be shot. He had an appointment with Army Intelligence agents before he was found.” (Paris Flamonde, The Kennedy Conspiracy). Also : “An executive of the Grace Lines suffered a concussion after coming into contact with an Army Intelligence agent. While in a delirium he said, ‘The President is in danger!...”. [Also NoteLHO wrote to mother/brother he “made reservations on a Grace liner.” ] Grace Lines owner, Peter Grace was a Knight and sponsored The Knights of Malta chapter (right wing extremist and friendly with Willoughby, Fellers, del Valle, Corso and Douglas-Hamilton who were on suspect lists of Richard Condon, Bill Turner, and Dick Russell who are credible, believable and professional researchers and journalists) Case #5: Martinez, Jorge Soto – On Nov. 1, told Lillian Springler at Parrot Jungle in Miami JFK to be killed by “Lee, been to Russia, Mexico.” JSM lived in apartment above Mike McLaney’s garage, former Cuban Customs, worked at Fountainblu (sic) Hotel. Should be The Fountainbleau Hotel in Miami Beach, Florida. Cuban Exile Case #6: Martino, John – To his wife, on the morning of the assassination (See: Summers, Vanity Fair, SWHT), also Larry Hancock’s “Someone Would Have Talked.” John Bircher, right winger and friend of Revilo P. Oliver Warren Commission interviewee who was also named in THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE BY RICHARD CONDON Case #7: Milteer, Joseph - (RIP Feb. 28, 1974) Alias Samuel Steven Story. See: William Augusta Somerset – Agent 88 - undercover conversations. NO, April 63. Right Wing Extremist with J. Strom Thurmond's National States Rights Party and Willis Carto's Congress of Freedom Thurmond was in THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE Case #8: Odio, Syliva – See: Fonzi, Gaeton (HSCA; The Last Investigation)/ Russell, Dick (TMWKTM). Cuban Exiles Case #9: Oxnard, California telephone call – See: Peter Noyes, Legacy of Doubt; latest by Greg Parker. Ed Forum & Blog Case #10: Paine, Michael – Was talking about political assassination as JFK was being killed. Right wing extremist befriended George de Mohrenschildt who reported to Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE himself Case #11: Philbrick, Herbert – See: Jean Hill. Philbrick expressed foreknowledge of the assassination. Former FBI under-cover informant, right wing author, John Bircher, self-appointed citizen sentinel and minuteman against Communism Herbert Arthur Philbrick (May 11, 1915 - August 16, 1993) was a Boston area advertising executive who, while acting as a citizen volunteer, successfully infiltrated the Communist Party USA between 1940 and 1949 on behalf of the FBI[1]. His involvement began when he joined a Communist front group in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the Cambridge Youth Council. His suspicions aroused by the strange power structure and the positions taken by this group, Philbrick contacted the FBI. Encouraged by them, he began deepening his involvement in Communist activities, joining first the Young Communist League, and later, as a secret member, the Communist Party itself. He went on to write an autobiographical book, I Led Three Lives: Citizen, 'Communist', Counterspy, which was made into a movie. In addition, a television series called I Led Three Lives, starring Richard Carlson and Ed Hinton, loosely based on Philbrick's experiences, aired in syndication for three years during the 1950s. Later in life, Philbrick retired to the home of his youth, in the Little Boar's Head district of North Hampton, New Hampshire. He remained active, giving speeches and encouraging youth and adult citizens to exercise their political rights and power, admonishing his listeners to be ever-watchful against those who would undermine the democratic form of government. Toward the end of his life, he owned and ran a variety store in Rye Beach, New Hampshire. Shunning fame, he confided that he never stopped traveling under assumed names and watching for people following him. Philbrick rarely discussed his time with the FBI and the Communist Party; his response to those who asked: "Read the book." Case #12: Rivera, Jose, Dr. (Col. USAR) – See: Adele Edisen (ARRB). Rivera not only expressed foreknowledge of JFK’s assassination, but also of his son Patrick’s premature death and that LHO would move into the apartment on Magazine Street, New Orleans before LHO knew. United States Army Reserve and Cuban exile Case #13: Underhill, G. Garrett – See: Turner, William, Ramparts. Also Military Intelligence Service (unspecified branch, but certainly NOT IN THE CIA) Who is the J. Garrett UNDERHILL referred to in Garrison's Playboy interview as a former CIA agent? He served with the Military Intelligence Service from 6 July 1943 to May 1946 as an expert in photography, enemy weapons, and related technical specialities. He was in infrequent contact with the New York office of the Domestic Contact Service, of CIA from late 1949 to the mid-'50s. The contact was routine. Mr. UNDERHILL was not an employee of CIA. Case #14: Emilio Nunuz Portuondo - Telephone call overheard by overseas operator. Portuondo was the Military Affairs Editor for none other than Charles A. Willoughby's Foreign Intelligence Digest. (Right wing extremist AND anti-Castro Cuban exile) Case #15: Homer S. Echevarria - Chicago only a few weeks before the Tampa and Miami failed plots. Bragged to friends that "we were going to take care of Kennedy" (Anti-Castro Cuban exile and member of 30th of November Movement) More cases to come... Are all these just examples of "convenient ignorance", "actual ignorance" or "deliberate obfuscation" on the part of this original amateur blogger who claims to be a professional journalist while just working for an Atlantic City Casino for 20+ years. Either way it does a disservice to the research community, to actively oppose the investigation of Right Wing Extremists and Army Intelligence, then to deliberately ignore evidence supporting this thesis. And to pass yourself off as a "free-lance journalist" when you have never made a nickel at journalism is just outright fraud and lies. Hypocrisy to the Nth degree? Selective attention span? Bad research? All of the above? Goldbricker on Philbrick? I vote for ALL of the above. The Shickshinny Knights of Malta include MY SUSPECTS, SOME OF DICK RUSSELL'S SUSPECTS AND MOST OF BILL TURNER'S SUSPECTS PLUS SEVERAL OF RICHARD CONDON'S SUSPECTS. I choose to go with them and ignore ALL "false or fake researchers conclusions" which are usually not consistent, unsupportable, biased, prejudiced and undocumented, totally undocumented. 1) Charles Willoughby 2) Bonner Fellers 3) Philip J. Corso 4) Lord Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton 5) Pedro A. del Valle 6) Patrick J. Frawley, Jr. VATICAN LETTER April 15, 1988 (870 words) Backgrounder from ROME KNIGHTS OF MALTA: KINGDOM OF SUPERLATIVES By Greg Erlandson National Catholic News Service ROME (NC) -- When Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie, a 58-year-old blue-blooded celibate judo expert, became the 78th grand master of the Knights of Malta April 8, he inherited a kingdom of superlatives. The new grand master assumed command of the world's most ancient chivalric order and the world's smallest sovereign state. His knights, including some of Europe's oldest Catholic nobility and America's newest captains of commerce, dedicate themselves to a worldwide charitable organization tackling leprosy and other dread afflictions. But at one time the order was the first pan-European fighting force, serving on the front lines of Christendom's war with Islam. The Knights of Malta were founded during the First Crusade by Blessed Gerard, a monk who ran a hospital for pilgrims in 11th-century Jerusalem. Little is known of Brother Gerard's background. At first the order was solely religious in character. Recognizing the need to protect pilgrims and to defend the newly conquered Holy Land from Moslem counterattacks, Blessed Gerard's successors became a military order in the 12th century. Recruiting members, usually noblemen, from throughout Christian Europe, the knights provided hospices and infirmaries for pilgrims and manned military fortifications in the southern Mediterranean against Islam's armies. Over the course of centuries, the order was driven first from Jerusalem, then Rhodes, Greece, by Moslem armies, and finally from Malta by Napoleon. Today the order's official title is the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta, and its symbol is the eight-pointed Maltese cross. A sovereign state having diplomatic relations with 50 countries, the order mints its own coins and issues its own license plates and passports. Its property, which enjoys extraterritorial status similar to the Vatican, consists of a palace on Rome's chic Via Condotti, just down the street from Gucci's, and a villa on the Aventine Hill a few miles to the south. The villa's front gate is a popular stop for tourists, who can spy the dome of St. Peter's Basilica across town by peering through its keyhole. It was at the villa April 14 that Grand Master Bertie, standing on an Oriental carpet spread out upon a pebbled terrace ringed by orange trees and date palms overlooking the Tiber River, received the congratulations of ambassadors and diplomats as chief of state. But the Knights are also a religious order, and the scholarly grand master, known for his linguistic skills and a royal lineage traced back to the 14th-century Scottish King Robert II, is a vowed celibate. In the order's parlance, he is a Knight of Justice and bore the title "fra"' (brother) before his election. Bertie is also related to the family of Sir Winston Churchill through an aunt who married into that family. There are only 44 Knights of Justice, all of whom must be able to prove their noble bloodlines and are bound by vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Only these ranks can produce a grand master. A second class within the order consists of the Knights of Obedience, who also must be of noble lineage and who are the equivalent of a religious third order. The third class consists of lay members and honorary chaplains divided into various grades, including Knights and Dames of Honor and Devotion, Knights and Dames of Grace and Devotion, and Knights and Dames of Magistral Grace, known in the United States as master knights. There are 12,000 members worldwide. Three organizations for the Knights and Dames of Malta exist in the United States, one of them headed by businessman Peter Grace. William Simon, former treasury secretary, and Lee Iacocca are also Knights of Malta, according to the Knights' Rome information office. As a religious order, the Knights of Malta are historically tied to the Holy See, and the pope is technically the order's superior. His appointed representative to the order is Cardinal Sebastiano Baggio. Elected for life and subject to the approval of the pope, the grand master was invested with the title of prince in 1607 and has a rank equal to that of cardinal thanks to a decree by Pope Urban VIII in 1630. Today, that means little more than that he can be addressed as "eminence." A major concern of Grand Master Bertie is vocations, which he called a matter of "primary importance" for the order during his first official speech. But if the honorific titles and the red tunics, golden swords and spurs of the Knights' dress uniforms strike some as hopelessly antiquated, the order's charitable goals are demanding and contemporary. Reflecting roots as a hospital order and aid society, today the Knights run leprosariums throughout Africa and Asia, hospitals, nursing schools, centers for the elderly and handicapped around the world. The order operates in about 90 countries, including some of the world's poorest or most violent. It is particularly proud of its medical teams in war-torn Lebanon and El Salvador. The Knights see their modern aid effort as a logical expression of their chivalric code to serve Christ and the less fortunate. Even updated for the 1980s, this noublesse oblige is a tall order for the world's smallest state, but for Grand Master Bertie and his kingdom of noble knights, it comes with the territory. Edited December 6, 2009 by John Bevilaqua Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
William Kelly Posted December 6, 2009 Share Posted December 6, 2009 (edited) I await your Cross Correlation of each back to its source, what a great idea, as I'm sure it will serve as a relevant research tool for everybody interested in the foreknowledge. In the meantime I've taken up on the Draper chase. The Presidents Committee to Study the United States Military Assistance Program ("Draper Committee") was a bipartisan committee, created in November 1958 by U.S. President Eisenhower to undertake a completely independent, objective, and non-partisan analysis of the military assistance aspects of the U.S. Mutual Security Program (MSP). Members The Committee was composed of:[1] William Henry Draper Jr., board chairman of the Mexican Light & Power Co. and retired World War II major general, Dillon Anderson, Houston Lawyer, onetime presidential assistant for national-security affairs; Joseph M. Dodge, Detroit Banker, onetime Budget Director; Alfred Maximilian Gruenther, American Red Cross President, onetime Supreme Allied Commander in Europe; Marx Leva, Washington Lawyer, onetime Assistant Secretary of Defense; John J. McCloy, New York Banker, onetime High Commissioner in Germany; George C. McGhee, Dallas Businessman, onetime Assistant Secretary of State; General Joseph T. McNarney (ret.), onetime Commander of U.S. forces in Europe; Admiral Arthur W. Radford (ret.), onetime Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman; Oklahoma Oilman James E. Webb, onetime Under Secretary of State, onetime Budget Director. Records of the Draper Committee (U.S. President's Committee to Study the U.S. Military Assistance Program), Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library Nazi Hydra In America - Draper and McCloy Prescott Bush shared Draper's view on eugenics. In fact, late in Prescott's first run for office in 1950 he was exposed as an activist in that section of the old fascist eugenics movement. Due to that exposure, Prescott lost his first bid for office. In 1958, Eisenhower appointed Draper as head of a committee to study the proper course for U.S. military aid to other countries. A year later Draper changed the focus of the committee and recommended that the U.S. government react to the threat of the population explosion' by formulating plans to depopulate the poorer countries. The growth of the world's non-white population, he proposed, should be regarded as dangerous to the national security of the United States. Eisenhower rejected the recommendation. In the 1960s, Draper founded the Population Crisis Committee and the Draper Fund, and joined with the Rockefeller and Du Pont families to promote eugenics as population control. The Rockefeller family has been associated with eugenics since the turn of the century. In 1950 and 1951, John Foster Dulles, then chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation, led John D. Rockefeller III on a series of world tours, focusing on the need to stop the expansion of the non-white populations. In November 1952, Dulles and Rockefeller set up the Population Council, with tens of millions of dollars from the Rockefeller family. General Draper served as George Bush's (the father) population expert. While serving in Congress, George Bush chaired the Republican Task Force on Earth Resources and Population. As chairman of the Task Force Bush invited Professors William Shockley and Arthur Jensen to explain to the committee how allegedly runaway birth-rates for African-Americans were down-breeding the American population. On August 5, 1969, Bush summed up the testimony his black-inferiority advocates had given to the Task Force before congress. As a candidate for Congress in 1964, Bush had campaigned against the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. George Bush was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in 1972, where his friends urged the U.S. Agency for International Development to make an official contract with the old Sterilization League of America. The League had changed its name twice again, and was now called the Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception. The U.S. government began paying the old fascist group to sterilize non-whites in foreign countries. In Bush's 1988 campaign for president, General Draper's son William Draper III served as co-chairman for finance. The younger Draper is also involved in the United Nations depopulation efforts. George Bush's Treasury Secretary was Nicholas Brady. Brady was Frederic Brandi's partner from 1954 until he replaced Brandi in 1971. Brandi was the German who was Draper's co-director for the Nazi investments and his personal contact man with the Nazi German Steel Trust. In 1958, General Draper founded the first West Coast venture capital firm. His son continued in the venture capital founding additional firms in the 1960s. In 1981 Draper's son was appointed Chairman of the U.S. Export-Import Bank. In 1985, he was selected to be Administrator and CEO of the United Nations Development Program. Perhaps the words of Walter Lippmann best sums up the sabotaging of the denazification plan. On July 19, 1948, Lippmann wrote the words below. "Tough our German policy is in fact the determinant of our whole European policy, and will be decisive for peace or war, it is notorious that it has not been made by the President, or by Secretary Marshall, or by the so-called policymakers but General Clay and General Draper, and in the Pentagon…"51 In 1949, John McCloy was appointed High Commissioner of Germany. McCloy was not the first choice. Lewis Douglas, the head of the Finance Division of the Control Council was. However, Douglas agreed to step aside in favor of McCloy. It appears nothing was being left to chance in post war Germany. The governing of post war Germany would be a family affair. The three most powerful men in post war Germany: High Commissioner McCloy, Douglas, Head of the Finance Division of the Control Council and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer were all brother-in laws. All three men had married daughters of the wealthy Fredrick Zinsser, a partner of JP Morgan. The Morgan empire would control the fate of Germany. What little justice achieved under the Control Council and General Clay would now be rapidly undone. Up until 1940 McCloy had been a member of the law firm Cravath, de Gersdorff, Swaine and Wood. This law firm represented I.G. Farben and its affiliates. In 1940, McCloy was appointed Assistant Secretary of War. At least three other individuals from the same law firm turned up in the War Department. Alfred McCormick and Howard Peterson both served as assistants to the Secretary. Richard Wilmer was commissioned as a colonel after the war started and served in a similar vein.61 Peterson later served as the finance chairman of the National Committee Eisenhower for President, 1951-1953. The career of McCloy is one sympathetic to fascism and warrants a closer look. Henry Stimson appointed McCloy as assistant secretary of war. Roosevelt had selected Stimson to head up the War Department in 1940 in an attempt to make the war effort a bipartisan effort and to blunt any criticism of the upcoming war by the Republicans. One of the first acts of Stimson upon taking over the War Department was to appoint McCloy as Special consultant to the War Department on German sabotage. Before 1940 ended McCloy was appointed as assistant secretary. As Secretary of State under Hoover, Stimson would surely have been aware of the cartels of I.G Farben and how the Hoover administration aided their formation. McCloy spent most of the 1930s in Paris working on a sabotage case stemming from WWI. In 1936, he shared a box with Hitler at the Olympics. In one of his first acts as assistant secretary of war, McCloy helped plan the interment of Japanese Americans. Once the war began, McCloy followed the American troops across North Africa. Such travel by an assistant cabinet secretary was highly unusual. However, McCloy's actions at the time partially revealed his motivation. While in North Africa, McCloy help forge an alliance with the Vichy France and Admiral Darlan. McCloy continued to follow the advancing allied troops across Europe and into Germany. In the closing days of the war in Europe McCloy made one of his most noted decisions. After sixteen planes bombed, Rothenburg on March 31 McCloy ordered a stop to any further bombing of the city. According to McCloy, his reason was to preserve the historical medieval walled city. Additionally, McCloy ordered Major-General Jacob L. Devers that he could not use artillery in taking Rothenburg. The city would have to be liberated by infantry alone regardless of the cost in lives of GIs. However, there are a few facts that McCloy and others since have conveniently left out. For instance, just two days before the bombing a German general with his division of troops left battered Nurnburg for Rothenburg. Together with the Nazi forces already stationed there, the general gave the order to defend the city to the last man. Also located in Rothenburg was Fa Mansfeld AG, a munitions maker that employed slave labor from Buchenwald. By late 1943, the slaughter of Jews was reaching a feverish pace. The allies were then in a position to bomb the concentration camps to stop the slaughter. John McCloy was almost solely responsible for blocking the bombing of the death camps. Allied planes were already bombing the industrial plants associated with Auschwitz. However, McCoy in written memos advanced a bankers' argument that the cost would be prohibitive. Such missions would risk men and planes with little reduction in the Nazis war effort. McCloy even banned the bombing of the rail lines leading to the death camps. In the late spring of 1944, Morgenthau was pressing the War Refuge Board to find an unused army base or some other haven to serve as temporary homes for a small group of refugees from Italy. Most of the refugees were Jewish. The question was put to McCloy, who responded brusquely that it wasn't the Army's business to take care of refugees. Morgenthau was outraged at McCloy's response and presented it at a cabinet meeting with Roosevelt in attendance. Roosevelt stated that under no circumstances should those people be turned away. Stimpson dictated a memo after the cabinet meeting that someone had accused McCloy of being an oppressor of Jews. McCloy confronted Morgenthau on the charge. Morgenthau didn't confess the remark directly but happily exploited McCloy's discomfort. McCloy soon responded to Morgenthau that Fort Ontario in Oswego, New York could accept 1800 refugees.141 The average American at the time would probably have granted the Jews sanctuary in the Untied States if he was aware of the truth. The fact is evidence of the Holocaust was kept from the average citizen and even from Roosevelt himself. The State Department would often wait for months before forwarding memos of evidence of the slaughter on to Roosevelt. By the time, Roosevelt read the memos it was too late to act on the intelligence in the memo. The prominent newspapers of the times either did not print a single line about the Holocaust or at best relegated a few lines to the back pages. In 1943, an eyewitness described Auschwitz to Supreme Court justice Felix Frankfurter. Frankfurter was Jewish but refused to believe the report. Western politicians were well aware of the massacre taking placing on the European continent. As early as 1941 military attaches were filing weekly body counts. The British were equally aware and adamantly opposed to aiding the Jews. Britain's Foreign Office had a greater fear of the Nazis allowing the Jews to emigrate to the west. Undoubtedly those fears could not be separated from British ruled Palestine. Both Britain and the Untied States were also well aware of the views in the Arab world towards Jews and the inseparable nature of a Jewish homeland and Mideast oil. On March 23, 1943, The archbishop of Canterbury, William Temple before the House of Lords plead for help for the Jews, and in response, the British government proposed a conference with the United States on the refugee question. The British Foreign Office had organized the Bermuda conference in such a way that no results would be produced. The State Department refused to allow any Jewish organization to attend. Jewish leaders then sent a list of proposals. 62 Adolf Berle, assistant secretary of state proposed establishing a temporary safe haven for up to 100,000 Jews in an area of Eastern Libya. The President's Advisory Committee on Political Refugees also sent a list of proposals including using British Honduras as a sanctuary for Jews. The conference concluded with no decisions being reached. Roosevelt desperately wanted to help the Jews but was mislead by his own intelligence advisors, opposed by the British and Soviets and blackmailed by the Dulles brothers. The picture emerging of Roosevelt is a man under secret siege trying to avoid a rift among the allies. A rift, the Nazis would gladly exploit. As early as 1939 the ability of the same shadow government of bigots in corporate America and their cronies in Congress led to the defeat of the Wagner-Rogers bill. That bill was sponsored by New York Senator Democrat Robert Wagner, the same senator that first introduced the Social Security bill. On the House side, the bill was sponsored by Edith Rogers a Massachusetts Republican. Under the proposed bill, 20,000 Jewish children would be allowed to immigrate to the United States. In Congress, the bill was amended to require that other Jewish emigration would have to be reduced by the same amount. Out of frustration, both sponsors were forced to drop support for the bill. Similarly, President Truman would encounter the same shadow government in the post war years, who blocked any attempt to allow Jewish refugees to emigrate to the United States and nearly blocked the United Nations creation of Israel. Leading the charge to block post war Jewish emigration was none other than John McCloy. While still in Europe as Assistant Secretary of War, McCloy helped block the executions of several Nazi war criminals. He returned to the United States and on November 8, 1945 delivered a speech before the Academy of Political Science in New York. McCloy blasted the infamous JCS 1067 directive and the Morganethau Plan in an effort to prevent the decartelization of I.G. Farben and decartelization in general. He belittled the operating capacity of Germany's industrial plant. Note: the allied bombing of Germany destroyed--- at most --- twenty percent of Germany's industrial production. As Congress was being bombarded with a lobbying effort to go easy on Germany, the agents of the Nazis were proceeding according to the plan. Unfortunately, too many members of Congress were sympathetic to the Nazis. With out exception they were all either conservative Dixiecrats or Republicans. Nebraska's Senator Kenneth Wherry, Mississippi's Democrat James Eastland and Indiana's Republican Homer Capehart were just some of the many Congressmen that stood up and denounced the decartelization of Germany. Capehart was perhaps one of the more vicious in his speech before the Senate he blamed Morganethau for the mass starvation of the German people rather than the Nazis. He continued by claiming that the technique of hate had earned both Morganethau and Bernard Berstien the title of America's Himmler.63 While General Clay had reduced the sentences of numerous war criminals it was when John McCloy arrived as the High Commissioner of Germany that the doors of Landsberg prison were thrown. Even before McCloy arrived in Germany, he had blocked some executions of war criminals. Both Clay and McCloy acted with their respective advisory committees. General Clay was advised by the Simpson Committee. Sitting on the Simpson Committee were Judge Edward Leroy van Roden, of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, and Justice Gordon Simpson, of the Texas Supreme Court. The committee was appointed after Lieutenant Colonel Willis N. Everett, Jr., the defense counsel for the seventy-four defendants charged in the Malmedy massacre petitioned the United States Supreme Court that that the defendants had not received a fair trial. The Supreme Court ruled that it did not have jurisdiction but Everett's petition forced the Secretary of the War, Royall to appoint the commission. The only evidence that the Simpson Committee relied upon came from the defendants and German clergy working to free all war criminals. In post-war Germany the clergy was uniformly sympathetic to the Nazis. The dissenters had been sent to the concentration camps where many of them perished. The evidence the Simpson Committee gathered regarding torture of prisoners was incredulous at best. More often than not the evidence did not bear up to examination. In one case, the witness said he had saw from the window the torturing of another prisoner in a room across the courtyard. However, the window to the room in which the torturing was supposed to have taken place was not visible from where the prisoner said he was. Van Roden's ludicrous claims of torture were the beginning of the revisionist movement about the Holocaust. To be fair there were minor incidents of abuse of the prisoners but nothing to justify van Roden's bombastic claims. The Malmedy trials marked an extremely critical turning point in history. After the Malmedy trials, the faction sympathetic to the Nazis were clearly in control in both Germany and the United States. Furthermore, efforts to disrupt the trials were coordinated in both countries. The charges raised by the Simpson Committee were wholly without merit. Perhaps the best summation of the Simpson Committee to derail justice comes from the words of van Roden as follows below. "My conclusion is that the entire program of War Crimes Trials, either by International Courts, the members of which comprise those of the victorious nations, or by Military Courts of a single victor nation is basically without legal or moral authority... The fact remains that the victor nations in World War II, while still at fever heat of hatred for an enemy nation, found patriots of the enemy nation guilty for doing their patriotic duty. This is patently unlawful and immoral One of the most shameful incidents connected with the War Crimes Trials prosecutions has to do with the investigations and the preparation of the cases for trial. The records of trials which our Commission examined disclosed that a great majority of the official investigators, employed by the United States Government to secure evidence and to locate defendants, were persons with a preconceived dislike for these enemy aliens, and their conduct was such that they resorted to a number of illegal, unfair, and cruel methods and duress to secure confessions of guilt and to secure accusations by defendants against other defendants. In fact, in the Malmedy case, the only evidence before the court, upon which the convictions and sentences were based, consisted of the statements and testimony of the defendants themselves. The testimony of one defendant against another was secured by subterfuge, false promises of immunity, and by mock trials and threats."65 The words above of Judge van Roden betray his objectivity. He disagreed with fully with the premise of international and the war crimes trials. Likewise, the judge sought to confer upon the defendants the legal rights present in civil cases. Neither Churchill or Roosevelt had intended the trials to be anything more than a trial by a military tribunal in which civilian rights need not apply fully. Upon returning to Texas, Simpson was offered the job of vice president and general counsel of the General American Oil Company. One of the obstacles to justice at Nuremberg was the quality of the judges and their own political motivations. One of the judges at Nuremberg was Robert Maguire from Oregon. In the fall of 1949, Maguire decided to run for Oregon's Supreme Court. In November 1949, the American Bar Association Journal published a speech delivered by Maquire entitled "The Unknown Art of Making Peace: Are We Sowing the Seeds of WWIII?" In the speech Maquire argued against further trials.120 Maguire's speech was an effort to appease the right wing of the Republican Party in Oregon to enhance his election chances. Similarly, McCloy had the Peck commission to advise him. The Peck Commission consisted of David Peck, a judge in the New York Appellate Division, Fredrick Moran, chairman of New York Board of Parole and Brigadier-General Conrad Snow. The Peck commission was only authorized to reduce sentences and not to challenge the legal decision of guilt. While the Simpson Committee was limited to reviewing the trials held at Dachau, the Peck commission was limited to the trials at Nuremberg. While McCloy blocked the executions of some war criminals before his appointment as High Commissioner of Germany, it wasn't until after his appointment as High Commissioner that he opened the doors to Landsberg Prison. McCloy insisted until his death that releasing the war criminals was not politically motivated. However, nothing could be further from the truth. The industrialists' trial, once considered to be of equal importance to the main Nuremberg Trial concluded as the Soviets blockaded Berlin. Even as the convicted directors of Krupp and I.G. Farben were being taken to Landsberg, they knew there was little prospect of having to serve out their sentences. Germans and the fascists within America believed that they were just the innocent victims of left wing fanatics. The Nazi's allies within the United States had been successful in smearing the trial as such. In Landsberg, the prisoners settled into a comfortable routine. Flick maintained control over his empire through weekly visits from his lawyers accompanied by whichever business associates that were needed. Flick also chosen Hermann Abs as his financial advisor. Abs was "rehabilitated" already with the aid of General Clay and was heading up the Reconstruction Loan Corporation. By the time McCloy arrived as High Commissioner there was a concerted drive to rebuild German industry as a bulkhead against he Soviets. Abs informed McCloy that the key to Germany's recovery and cooperation was the release of the industrialists from Landsberg. McCloy was also told the same by Karl Blessing, a war criminal that Allen Dulles saved. In fact, McCloy was told that by any German he cared to listen to.66 On August 28, 1950, McCloy received the recommendations of the Peck Commission. The commission had been appointed on March 20, 1950 and was controversial from the beginning. In fact, under various state laws it would have been illegal. Some of the cases that the commission was to examine had already been reviewed three times. Under most state laws, it was illegal to appoint a second appellate court to reexamine the findings of another appellate court. Nor would an appellate court have the authority to pardon criminals, they would be limited to reducing the sentence or commuting death sentences to life in prison. Nevertheless, the Peck Commission was given such authority. On the morning, the Peck commission reported their findings they stated they had examined the judgements upon all of the prisoners, along with interviewing them and their lawyers. While that sounded reasonable enough to the inexperienced, it wasn't. Even in a clemency hearing in front of a governor, the views of the district attorney and trial judge are presented. Yet not a single prosecutor or judge from the tribunals were consulted. Nor had the Peck Commission opened a single page of the transcripts and documentary evidence. In fact, the crates of transcripts and evidence made available to the commission were never opened. The only materials from the trials that were reviewed, were the verdicts, which spanned 3000 pages. The task of reviewing all of the material from the trials would have been an impossible task in the time McCloy allotted for the Peck Commission. The transcripts exclusive of the briefs and documents filed spanned some 330,000 pages. A speed reader reading the at the rate of 1,200 a minute would need seventeen months to get through the Nuremberg transcripts. 67 In reality, the Peck Commission served as nothing more than a politically motivated blue ribbon panel. McCloy use the commission's recommendations as an excuse to justify his actions in freeing war criminals. Both the Simpson and Peck commissions were politically motivated. The Nazis were counting on their agents and sympathizers in other countries--- including the United States--- to do their bidding after the close of the war. The conservative faction of Congress did not disappoint the Nazis. In fact, the conservative Republicans by the end of the 1940s had succeeding in perpetrating the myth that the Nuremberg war criminals were not criminals but were instead the victims of Roosevelt. By the decade's end, many people had come to accept that myth. This conservative faction was aroused to action by the Malmedy Trial and the false charges made by Nazis within Germany of torture and brutality. Included in this fraction was John Rankin and Harold Knutsen, the pro-fascist Minnesota congressman. Also, included were Francis Case Republican representative from South Dakota and John Taber Republican representative from New York. Edited December 6, 2009 by William Kelly Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Bevilaqua Posted December 11, 2009 Author Share Posted December 11, 2009 Boy, there is a pattern here somewhere... Let's see... Army Intelligence plus anti-Castro Cuban exiles and right wingers like the John Birch Society members in The Knights of Malta. I wonder if he even recognized that? Naw, not likely. You could put it right in his face and he would look but would not see. Army Intelligence plus anti-Castro Cuban exiles and right wingers like the John Birch Society members in The Knights of Malta. Army Intelligence plus anti-Castro Cuban exiles and right wingers like the John Birch Society members in The Knights of Malta. Army Intelligence plus anti-Castro Cuban exiles and right wingers like the John Birch Society members in The Knights of Malta. Army Intelligence plus anti-Castro Cuban exiles and right wingers like the John Birch Society members in The Knights of Malta. I wonder if he even recognized that? Naw, not likely. You could put it right in his face and he would look but would not see. Charles Darwin's son was right after all. N'er do wells will always be N'er do wells. Boy the Shickshinny Knights of Malta and the entire Order of Saint John of Jerusalem (OSJ) were just loaded with pro-Nazi retired Military, mostly Irish or British apparently, hell bent on defending the Mother Church against the onslaught of heathens and the advances of the Communist hordes. Nice work if you can get it. Does that guarantee you a ticket to Heaven, in their minds at least? Or praise, support and rewards just here on Earth? St. Peter said to Charles Willoughby at the Pearly Gates: "And what did you do with your life, son?" "Well, I defended the Church against the advances of Communism in Korea, Viet Nam and in Latin America and Europe and kept the offering basket circulating for decades in all those countries without interruption! I also had over 500,000 Godless Communists killed! Any of them here? And the missionaries in those countries converted millions to Catholicism with the cannons booming in the background. My entire life was devoted to Killing Commies for Christ and converting the rest." "Well done my son. Enter into the Kingdom of Christ!" Amen, brother. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brian Benson Posted December 15, 2009 Share Posted December 15, 2009 Hi John. Loved the post up through Case 15. Very good and to the point. Kinda lost me after that. But have to other things to throw in. Not sure if they exactly fit. I think The Torbitt Document conclusions says that . . . . In letters smuggled from jail, Jack Ruby constantly said that Nazis and Fascists were behind the Kennedy murder. Also, there is the whole Lee Oswald, Richard Nagell, Harry Dean group. Dean has said that he was infiltrating a John Birch Society splinter group involved in the assassination. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Bevilaqua Posted December 16, 2009 Author Share Posted December 16, 2009 Hi John. Loved the post up through Case 15. Very good and to the point. Kinda lost me after that. But have to other things to throw in. Not sure if they exactly fit.I think The Torbitt Document conclusions says that . . . . In letters smuggled from jail, Jack Ruby constantly said that Nazis and Fascists were behind the Kennedy murder. Also, there is the whole Lee Oswald, Richard Nagell, Harry Dean group. Dean has said that he was infiltrating a John Birch Society splinter group involved in the assassination. Yep, they fit all right. Most people deliberately take Ruby's attempts at fingering the Dallas Birch Society and Edwin Walker specifically then later these mysterious and probably unnamed Nazis and Fascists as evidence of an unstable and misdirected mind. Au contraire. He really knew all the players, their sponsors, and the major plotters. And because he was basically coerced into snuffing Oswald for fear of being further implicated himself through his associations with Oswald, he even thought that he had contributed to an impending increase in anti-Semitic activity, leading possibly to a renewal of the pogroms against his Jewish brethren. They gave him an out by giving him the heroic story about how he was saving Jackie from further grief and anguish and he fell for it. It is what I call the Hero vs Schmuck alternative quandary. "Jack, you kill him then you are a hero, you let him talk and you become a Schmuck and the second fall guy for helping out in the whole plot." You're choice, Jack, Hero... or Schmuck. I think that Dorothy Killgalen got those letters and was going to break the whole case wide open as she bragged to her friends but then she died shortly thereafter of a mixture of barbituates and alcohol. Pretty suspicious to say the least. No documents found either. There are at least 10 incidents indicating the active presence of Nazis, Fascists, neo-Nazis and Nazi sympathizers being involved with the plot and at least 10 people who have made it their lifelong project to go into denial about these contributions for obvious reasons. The Winnipeg Airport Incident and the Walker phone call from Deutsch National Zeitung primary among them. Then you can add the visits by Art Young's America First neo-Nazis and GLK Smith's grandson to JFK confabs. Plus the links of Prouty and his friends through Willis Carto and The Liberty Lobby into the Fascist sub-culture. The most obvious might be the history of the 4 eugenics families like the Drapers, the Bushes, the Farishes and the Grays, all with massive Intel links into US agencies. Then there is Anastase Vonsiatsky and Yaroslaw Stetsko, and Spas T. Raikin, and all the other members of Shickshinny Knights of Malta like Willoughby, Sir Barry Domville, Pedro del Valle, Bonner Fellers, Philip J. Corso. Every 5 years or so another member of the Armed Services Committee of SKOM gets pegged as a Nazi retroactively or linked to the Draper nexus retroactively. Now those documents are worth digging for because they change our perception of history. Why are there so many active opponents of this search for The Nazi Connections to the JFK Assn? Because they have many friends in high places within the JFK research community that's why. Look up Shickshinny Knights of Malta, The Pioneer Fund, The Human Ecology Foundation and let me know if you find any more tidbits. If you have time to dig into the background of The H. Smith Richardson Foundation please feel welcome or their namesake patron himself. Thanks for the examples posted earlier. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Michael Clark Posted April 18, 2017 Share Posted April 18, 2017 The 6th paragraph of the first post mentions the Defense Industrial Security Command; something I have never heard of. A quick search brought up nothing. I am wondering if DISC had a locus, vector, or focus around General Dynamics, Bell, Fort Worth, I.B. Hale, The FBI, Bobby Baker, Michael Pane, etc. ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Brancato Posted April 18, 2017 Share Posted April 18, 2017 Michael - Thanks for resurrecting this thread, which in some ways relates to Steve Thomas's recent thread on the strategy of tension, and to an older one of his on the presence of Colonels (Army) and reserve military in Dallas. If only Trejo would read and digest. He might come to the conclusion that the main thing wrong with his Walker theory is that it doesn't go far enough. He is so intent on denying links to JCS, Dulles, and thinks that the radical right is somehow separate from portions of the military and CIA. Also Michael, the analysis in this thread of the Vatican's secret structures is why I worry about Pope Francis. It is already clear that he has many enemies around him. We had another Pope like that who lasted just a few months, killed no doubt by the Vatican banksters and P-2. Steve Thomas - hope you are reading this. P-2, Licio Gelli, strategy of tension in action. Leads directly to Angleton, Shackley, Harvey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Michael Clark Posted April 18, 2017 Share Posted April 18, 2017 (edited) 10 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said: Michael - Thanks for resurrecting this thread, which in some ways relates to Steve Thomas's recent thread on the strategy of tension, and to an older one of his on the presence of Colonels (Army) and reserve military in Dallas. If only Trejo would read and digest. He might come to the conclusion that the main thing wrong with his Walker theory is that it doesn't go far enough. He is so intent on denying links to JCS, Dulles, and thinks that the radical right is somehow separate from portions of the military and CIA. Also Michael, the analysis in this thread of the Vatican's secret structures is why I worry about Pope Francis. It is already clear that he has many enemies around him. We had another Pope like that who lasted just a few months, killed no doubt by the Vatican banksters and P-2. Steve Thomas - hope you are reading this. P-2, Licio Gelli, strategy of tension in action. Leads directly to Angleton, Shackley, Harvey. Yes, I am still reading through this thread. I agree that you, Trejo and I are sniffing around the same lobby, so to speak. I have come to the conclusion, however, that Trejo's interest in this case is rooted in the defense of the Paine's, the CIA, and the super-rich wannabee slave-lords, with Walker as a safe, expendable target and distraction. BTW, which Pope do you speak of? Edited April 18, 2017 by Michael Clark Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
David Andrews Posted April 18, 2017 Share Posted April 18, 2017 From the first post, the only foreknowledge story I don't know is Herbert Philbrick's. Can anyone fill in details? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Thomas Posted April 18, 2017 Share Posted April 18, 2017 4 hours ago, Paul Brancato said: Michael - Thanks for resurrecting this thread, which in some ways relates to Steve Thomas's recent thread on the strategy of tension, and to an older one of his on the presence of Colonels (Army) and reserve military in Dallas. If only Trejo would read and digest. He might come to the conclusion that the main thing wrong with his Walker theory is that it doesn't go far enough. He is so intent on denying links to JCS, Dulles, and thinks that the radical right is somehow separate from portions of the military and CIA. Also Michael, the analysis in this thread of the Vatican's secret structures is why I worry about Pope Francis. It is already clear that he has many enemies around him. We had another Pope like that who lasted just a few months, killed no doubt by the Vatican banksters and P-2. Steve Thomas - hope you are reading this. P-2, Licio Gelli, strategy of tension in action. Leads directly to Angleton, Shackley, Harvey. Paul, Thanks. Yes, I did. I'll need time to digest this. 1) Did John, in his original thread leave out Marita Lorentz? 2) Case #3: Dinkin, Eugene B. – American soldier in Germany, claims to have picked up on the assassination plot from Army Security Agency monitor of OAS, Has anyone ever seen any of Dinkin's intercepts? I know he's been talked about over the years, but I wonder if anyone has ever seen the "product" of what he intercepted. 3) I would add Little Lynn. After the assassination, she was scared to death. I believe she knew more than she revealed. 4) Elizabeth Cole Steve Thomas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ron Ecker Posted April 18, 2017 Share Posted April 18, 2017 6 hours ago, Michael Clark said: The 6th paragraph of the first post mentions the Defense Industrial Security Command; something I have never heard of. A quick search brought up nothing. I am wondering if DISC had a locus, vector, or focus around General Dynamics, Bell, Fort Worth, I.B. Hale, The FBI, Bobby Baker, Michael Pane, etc. ? It's from the Torbitt Document (published as NASA, Nazis and JFK), p. 27. DISC was the Security Division of NASA headed by Werner Von Braun. It was the "police and espionage agency for the U.S. munitions makers." Organized by J. Edgar Hoover and William Sullivan, it was headquartered at Muscle Shoals Redstone Arsenal in Alabama and on East Broad Street in Columbus, Ohio. DISC agents included Oswald, Ruby, Banister, and Ferrie. Moreover, Permindex's Louis Mortimer Bloomfield of Montreal, Canada was in charge. It's all perfectly clear. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Michael Clark Posted April 18, 2017 Share Posted April 18, 2017 17 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said: It's from the Torbitt Document (published as NASA, Nazis and JFK), p. 27. DISC was the Security Division of NASA headed by Werner Von Braun. It was the "police and espionage agency for the U.S. munitions makers." Organized by J. Edgar Hoover and William Sullivan, it was headquartered at Muscle Shoals Redstone Arsenal in Alabama and on East Broad Street in Columbus, Ohio. DISC agents included Oswald, Ruby, Banister, and Ferrie. Moreover, Permindex's Louis Mortimer Bloomfield of Montreal, Canada was in charge. It's all perfectly clear. Thanks Ron. Wow! That is thick with familiar names. Here is a PDF of the Torbitt Ducument. Subject Index Files/N Disk/Nomenclature of the Assassination Cabal-Torbitt Document/Item 02.pdf Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ron Ecker Posted April 18, 2017 Share Posted April 18, 2017 8 minutes ago, Michael Clark said: Thanks Ron. Wow! That is thick with familiar names. Here is a PDF of the Torbitt Ducument. Subject Index Files/N Disk/Nomenclature of the Assassination Cabal-Torbitt Document/Item 02.pdf I don't want to leave the impression that I believe it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Michael Clark Posted April 18, 2017 Share Posted April 18, 2017 2 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said: I don't want to leave the impression that I believe it. Assuming that Torbitt believed in what he was writing, It's a courageous effort; Hoover was still alive and in charge. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Brancato Posted April 18, 2017 Share Posted April 18, 2017 8 hours ago, Michael Clark said: Yes, I am still reading through this thread. I agree that you, Trejo and I are sniffing around the same lobby, so to speak. I have come to the conclusion, however, that Trejo's interest in this case is rooted in the defense of the Paine's, the CIA, and the super-rich wannabee slave-lords, with Walker as a safe, expendable target and distraction. BTW, which Pope do you speak of? Pope John Paul 2nd. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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