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Tony, finally found Doug Weldon's two videos HE IS, THE EXPERT ON A SHOT FROM THE SOUTH KNOLL...i believe they will answer many questions for you.........take care b

http://www.youtube.c...h?v=rhTxz4G0lyk YouTube - Doug Weldon - Part 16 of 16 look to the right there are several parts he is in....

http://www.youtube.c...feature=related THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY - PT 7 (THE SMOKING GUNS

Edited by Bernice Moore
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The first was Tom Wilson - with 30 years experience using imaging and

photonics techniques in the stell industry. He has now applied this

techniques - along with computer enhancement - to examine again the

Zapruder film. What was revealed - using high resolution pixel imaging

and Fourier analysis - was nothing short of amazing. In the head shot

frame - for example - one could actually see, with Wilson's techniques-

the image of the bullet, inside JFK's skull and its *track* moving from

the FRONT to the REAR of the skull. Undeniable high level, high quality

evidence that the shot did indeed come from the front - as we have been

maintaining all along. Showing the detailed iamgery, Wilson himself

found his eyes welling with tears. One could sense his painful awareness

of the lies and distortions we've been fed all these years, co-mingling

with his frustration that up to now none of 'officialdom' has taken his

work seriously or at least tried to replicate it.

After the Brazil demo, Tom Wilson was seen again - now examining the

autopsy photos with his techniques and comparing them with the

photonic/pixel densities in the head of JFK as disclosed in the pristine

Mary Moorman photo (aimed toward the GK, JFK's head visible from the


His imaging analysis showed where genuine human tissue was located in

the autopsy film- by comparing it with pixel densities in the

pre-autopsy condition (as exposed from the Moorman film). What was

revealed was nothing less than startling: massive sections of 'fake'

material covering nearly the entire rear of JFK's head (Wilson referred

to it was Mortician's plaster). This same material was also used in the

front of the head, to cover the entrance wound there.

Wilson's fine work, and detailed analysis, showed also what many of us

have been saying all along - that the autopsy photos are indeed fakes.

i think A DEEPER DARKER TRUTH is the 6th part in the men WKK...http://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/inde...Killed_Kennedy


Bernice, From what I've read the head was filled with plaster. On the Zapruder film, you don't see blood, etc, flying towards the back. That film has been altered, as most of us know. There is a black smudge over the back of Kennedy's head. And in the other film it's very gory, I'm told, and material goes backwards. The alterationists removed those frames. We're all used to seeing the Zapruder film at slow speed. When you watch it at its normal pace, it happens so fast! Yet I read they were only going 5 mph. Did you ever try to drive at 5 mph? It's like you're not moving at all. Greer stopped the limo because I read here that if Kennedy wasn't mortally wounded, the car was going to be bombed on the other side of the Triple Underpass? How true that is I don't know. I wish I knew who posted that.

The mortician also put some brown-colored gunk in the temple area to match his hair. When Jackie Kennedy saw him, she said, "That's not him" and walked away. Bobby Kennedy was with a friend and advisor. Bobby said, "It doesn't even look like him." His friend said, "It's not him. It's a wax dummy. Close the coffin."

Also, I saw pictures of when they exhumed President Kennedy's coffin in the middle of the night in 1967, with the National Guard all around; and in 1 picture Ted Kennedy was standing by the open grave. They were going to re-bury Kennedy in a better site in the cemetery. Jackie Kennedy was brought in after it was done. There was a big shot Catholic there.

Anyway, next to Ted on the ground was a round stainless steel container. I believe it contained what was left of Kennedy's brain. I can't find that picture now, though I've seen the others taken that night. I wonder, Bernice, if you have that picture? I had saved it to an old harddrive that had viruses some years ago. I wonder if Robin Ungar has it.

Kathy C

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The first was Tom Wilson - with 30 years experience using imaging and

photonics techniques in the stell industry. He has now applied this

techniques - along with computer enhancement - to examine again the

Zapruder film. What was revealed - using high resolution pixel imaging

and Fourier analysis - was nothing short of amazing. In the head shot

frame - for example - one could actually see, with Wilson's techniques-

the image of the bullet, inside JFK's skull and its *track* moving from

the FRONT to the REAR of the skull. Undeniable high level, high quality

evidence that the shot did indeed come from the front - as we have been

maintaining all along. Showing the detailed iamgery, Wilson himself

found his eyes welling with tears. One could sense his painful awareness

of the lies and distortions we've been fed all these years, co-mingling

with his frustration that up to now none of 'officialdom' has taken his

work seriously or at least tried to replicate it.

After the Brazil demo, Tom Wilson was seen again - now examining the

autopsy photos with his techniques and comparing them with the

photonic/pixel densities in the head of JFK as disclosed in the pristine

Mary Moorman photo (aimed toward the GK, JFK's head visible from the


His imaging analysis showed where genuine human tissue was located in

the autopsy film- by comparing it with pixel densities in the

pre-autopsy condition (as exposed from the Moorman film). What was

revealed was nothing less than startling: massive sections of 'fake'

material covering nearly the entire rear of JFK's head (Wilson referred

to it was Mortician's plaster). This same material was also used in the

front of the head, to cover the entrance wound there.

Wilson's fine work, and detailed analysis, showed also what many of us

have been saying all along - that the autopsy photos are indeed fakes.

i think A DEEPER DARKER TRUTH is the 6th part in the men WKK...http://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/inde...Killed_Kennedy


Bernice, From what I've read the head was filled with plaster. On the Zapruder film, you don't see blood, etc, flying towards the back. That film has been altered, as most of us know. There is a black smudge over the back of Kennedy's head. And in the other film it's very gory, I'm told, and material goes backwards. The alterationists removed those frames. We're all used to seeing the Zapruder film at slow speed. When you watch it at its normal pace, it happens so fast! Yet I read they were only going 5 mph. Did you ever try to drive at 5 mph? It's like you're not moving at all.IMO the Zapper snapper is a mess... I think the studies show from 7 to 11 miles, if I recall, but to me that is very slow, also..There is one small clip of the Nix which I have posted many times that shows a piece of material scull?? flying to the back of the limo ... Greer stopped the limo because I read here that if Kennedy wasn't mortally wounded, the car was going to be bombed on the other side of the Triple Underpass? How true that is I don't know. I wish I knew who posted that.As posted it is in Larry's new book, it was told by Hargraves, that has been around for a number of years it was researched on Rich's in the past, but nothing documented was brought forward, so as far as it went it was another myth....

The mortician also put some brown-colored gunk in the temple area to match his hair. When Jackie Kennedy saw him, she said, "That's not him" and walked away. Bobby Kennedy was with a friend and advisor. Bobby said, "It doesn't even look like him." His friend said, "It's not him. It's a wax dummy. Close the coffin."There were others who saw him that stated he looked like himself, I have always thought perhaps she just did not want anyone seeing him dead in his coffin..to her that would be very private..

Also, I saw pictures of when they exhumed President Kennedy's coffin in the middle of the night in 1967, with the National Guard all around; and in 1 picture Ted Kennedy was standing by the open grave. They were going to re-bury Kennedy in a better site in the cemetery. Jackie Kennedy was brought in after it was done. There was a big shot Catholic there. ( trouble with the colour.?? I don't know what you mean by big Shot Catholic, though I think the ArchBishop may have been there, and remember he had been a personal friend of the family for many, many years..if he had been protestant, i'm sure a minister would have been present to help the family, I do not know why the big deal seems to be often that the mention of Catholic is thrown in, by some...so what.?? that should make no difference imo..

Anyway, next to Ted on the ground was a round stainless steel container. I believe it contained what was left of Kennedy's brain. I can't find that picture now, though I've seen the others taken that night. I wonder, Bernice, if you have that picture? I had saved it to an old harddrive that had viruses some years ago. I wonder if Robin Ungar has it.That is another myth that has been around for ages. whether true or not, i do not know.that also was gone through many times,at Rich's, but nothing positive found, there are very good copies of all the re-internment photos, on the Lancer site,visit there they are available for all.....

;)take care..best b PS the re-internment also allowed them to transfer the babies coffins, in to be buried next to him in a larger plot..I think that was the basis of the move...b

Kathy C

Edited by Bernice Moore
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Yes, but it has other much more intriguing matters peripheral to that hypothesis.

Imo, the important thing is that it seems that large parts of Downtown Dallas was criss crossed by access tunnels (as long as the weather's ok) some possibly dating back to when Downtomn was Midtown.

The CBD has naturally shifted. And it appears these tunnnels connected important buildings basements, (many buildings replaced by ''Dealey Plaza''). I'm just trying to figure out the undergrouns layout in conjunction with looking at an anomaly that I can't explain, but there must be an explanation, of the cropped top quality Cancellare, unenlarged, the area at the conjunction of the Underpass and the Car Park.


Hi John; guess what, the Dallas tunnels, that over the years so many have scoffed at, well, they are there...I just knew it.....and ..the old DALLAS TUNNEL SITE has just been brought back on the web..updated and gathering more and more information.......enjoy, Jack Brazil, is exhonerated i am very pleased to say,he had always told the truth along with Penn..:D ....enjoy...........b...ps he also has some photos posted, very interesting...and he has two of the maps also posted...


Edited by Bernice Moore
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Yes, but it has other much more intriguing matters peripheral to that hypothesis.

Imo, the important thing is that it seems that large parts of Downtown Dallas was criss crossed by access tunnels (as long as the weather's ok) some possibly dating back to when Downtomn was Midtown.

The CBD has naturally shifted. And it appears these tunnnels connected important buildings basements, (many buildings replaced by ''Dealey Plaza''). I'm just trying to figure out the undergrouns layout in conjunction with looking at an anomaly that I can't explain, but there must be an explanation, of the cropped top quality Cancellare, unenlarged, the area at the conjunction of the Underpass and the Car Park.


Hi John; guess what, the Dallas tunnels, that over the years so many have scoffed at, well, they are there...I just knew it.....and ..the old DALLAS TUNNEL SITE has just been brought back on the web..updated and gathering more and more information.......enjoy, Jack Brazil, is exhonerated i am very pleased to say,he had always told the truth along with Penn..:D ....enjoy...........b...ps he also has some photos posted, very interesting...and he has two of the maps also posted...

DALLAS TUNNELS NEW SITE http://www.dallastunnels.com/

Great Bernice. Must be lots of anecdotes to follow up on. A site worth bookmarking. Thank you.

edit typo

Edited by John Dolva
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  • 6 years later...

You will find a High Res copy of the image here.


When you study the image you will see that the person is actually outside the truck and not in sitting in the back of the truck. The truck is passing him by.

There should be threads on this Cancellare image and the topic of this man.


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3 hours ago, James R Gordon said:

You will find a High Res copy of the image here.


When you study the image you will see that the person is actually outside the truck and not in sitting in the back of the truck. The truck is passing him by.

There should be threads on this Cancellare image and the topic of this man.


Thank you James.

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I took some photos of and from the South Knoll today.  First time I've ever really explored it.  While coming to believe one could be possible after reading Sherry Fister's book and some internet comments that seemed reasonable I was still skeptical.  I still am, but it seems more reasonable now.  I doubt one primarily from the wounds and back and to the left.

A shot for a professionally trained and experienced sniper, even placed at a particular point of a head or body it wouldn't be a problem with a good scope.  Someone like Chris Kyle would probably laugh about how easy it would be.  It's roughly 100 yards with only a little elevation change, throw in little to no wind...  In addition to at least two good places to shoot from cover, away from the crowd, getting away would be easier than from the "Grassy Knoll".   But I still cant see a shot to the right temple blowing out the right rear of the skull, that would be an almost facing shot.  I.E. JFK would have to have his head turned far to the left which I've never seen in Zapruder or pictures.  I also have trouble with my limited understanding of physics how back and to the left form the South Knoll would work. 

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The late Sherry Fiester firmly believed in a shot from the South Knoll.

I was involved in a debate with her a few years ago. A shot from the South Knoll is much more problematic than one from the North Knoll. You do not have an open target, The occupants of the car - and especially Jackie who is looking into JFK's face - are now restricting a clear shot. In addition the windscreen now is a problem.

Theoretically it is an interesting idea, but when you look at the practicalities it becomes a much more problematic. 


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Does Frank Cancellare's photo have any relevance to what happened in the assassination?  We see in the photo two motorcycle policemen.  They are the Mid Motorcade Motorcycles.  They were in the 21st position of the motorcade.  They were on Houston Street when the assassination occurred.  The two men are DPD J. W. Courson and DPD Clyde Haywood. 

The reason I note the two motorbike cops is Cancellare's photo is taken several minutes after the assassination.  It could be as much as 3-5 minutes.  This engenders the question would any assassin on the South Knoll or in the parking lot or under trees hang around that long after the assassination? 

Frank Cancellare was in Camera Car No. 2 and in the 11th position of the motorcade.  These folks were held up on Houston for several minutes possibly 2 or 3 minutes. 

Anyone seen in the parking lot or under the trees could very well just be bystanders looking to see what was happening on Elm Street.  The same goes for the guy standing by the truck.  He may have left he truck and stood by the bed to see what's happening.  Or, he could of walked up there from another vehicle.

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1 hour ago, James R Gordon said:

The late Sherry Fiester firmly believed in a shot from the South Knoll.

I was involved in a debate with her a few years ago. A shot from the South Knoll is much more problematic than one from the North Knoll. You do not have an open target, The occupants of the car - and especially Jackie who is looking into JFK's face - are now restricting a clear shot. In addition the windscreen now is a problem.

Theoretically it is an interesting idea, but when you look at the practicalities it becomes a much more problematic. 


Much More.  There was a guy there today selling pictures and dvd's under an umbrella (yes, really) today about Muchmore.  Robert Groden was not there but a guy with a satchel with copies of his magazine in it was there and approached us opening one and talking about the guy on the fire escape stairs of the Dal-Tex building.  I've thought for many years stair-man was a spotter. 

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