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Why did/do the Kennedys remain silent?

John Dolva

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Jon - are you aware of the fact that Robert F Kennedy Jr. went to Dallas in 2013 for an interview with Charlie Roae which has never been aired? The best coverage of that interview states that RFK Jr. claimed his father did not believe the WC and thought that rogue CIA officers were behind it. This was the first speaking visit since 1963 of any Kennedy family member to Dallas. RFK Jr. has also been recommending JFK and the Unspeakable to those who wish to read about the assassination of his uncle. Have you read this book?

I think the best explanation for the Kennedy silence is fear. 50 years is a long time to wait, and when one courageous member of the family finally came forward the press essentially didn't cover it, and in fact changed the story, putting words in RFK Jr's mouth that actually came from Charlie Rose. I believe it was the Dallas morning news which covered the story first, and all subsequent coverage twisted one part of the story in order to spin the word 'Mafia' as coming from RFK Jr rather than Charlie Rose, thus twisting what was said by whom significantly. So as you said on another thread Jon, the coverup is alive and well.

Edited by Paul Brancato
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From what I gather from a web search, Rose was not sent by a TV network for the interview. It was arranged with an audience by the mayor of Dallas, who then refused to release any recording or transcript, The mayor obviously didn't like what Kennedy had to say.

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Paul Brancato @ post #211: "I think the best explanation for the Kennedy silence is fear. "

Couldn't agree more.

Along these lines, I believe Teddy was politically assassinated at Chappaquiddick. It's clear from what's known the official story is a lie. A lie Teddy could not challenge and which ruined his chances to become president. The Kennedy assassinations coupled with Chappaquiddick had the feel at the time of being connected. That feeling, which is strong with me today, causes me to believe the official story of John-John's plane crash is a pack of lies as well. Yes, the cover-up continues. If one knew why, one would know why JFK was killed and by whom. IMO.

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If Teddy wasn't politically assassinated at Chappaquiddick, he was certainly politically neutered there. SOMEONE sent him a message...and he received it loud and clear.

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Ron - thanks for clarifying that it was the mayor of Dallas who arranged the Rose interview and refused to allow recording or transcript to be released. What is your source?

Jon - agree about John Jr.

I think we know which major crime family benefitted the most from the destruction of the political power of the Kennedy clan.

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Ron - thanks for clarifying that it was the mayor of Dallas who arranged the Rose interview and refused to allow recording or transcript to be released. What is your source?


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Jon, Mark and others- I think I demonstrated that Ted Kennedy was politically assassinated at Chappaquiddick, and that JFK, Jr. was assassinated in 1999, in Hidden History.

More Kennedys have died unnaturally than most of us realize, starting with Joe Kennedy, Jr.

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I believe that those who rule over us are inherently corrupt. I think "conspiracy" is a way of life with them, standard operating procedure. As such, once the decision to kill JFK was made, it was inevitable that RFK would have to go, as well, seeing as how he represented a tremendous threat. Even if they thought he honestly accepted their fairy tale explanation for his brother's death, they couldn't take a chance on him reaching the White House. Blood is thicker than water, and they know it.

As for Teddy, again- they couldn't chance him being elected president, and launching investigations into both of the assassinations. If I was able to establish, through a few simple interviews for my book, that JFK, Jr., despite his seeming indifference to the subject, was actually on a crusade to find out who killed his father, then those who assassinated the Kennedys certainly knew that.

The actual identities change- certainly most of those who made the decision to assassinate JFK were no longer in a position to decide to eliminate his son 36 years later. But just as corrupt business executives tend to promote only other corruptible people- those that are willing to "play the game," the ones who signed off on the deal had the same tried and true goals in mind. The Kennedys, when they were really in power from 1961-1963, demonstrated that they were not about to "play the game," to go along with the organized corruption. While most of the younger Kennedys seem like conventional establishment liberals, those who pull the strings behind the scenes cannot take a chance- thus the last-minute effort to sabotage Caroline Kennedy's appointment to the U.S. Senate. Caroline has never done anything to show she's the least bit curious about who killed her father and other Kennedys, but again they aren't going to take a chance on that. She is JFK's last surviving child, after all.

I really think these things often go down much like Oliver Stone depicted it in JFK. His line about "something in the wind" seems reasonable. At the upper levels of government and business, there seems to be an unspoken agreement not to question these things. But as to who precisely plans and executes them, I just don't know.

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Kennedy may have acquiesced to removal of the Diem government, but who directly contravened Kennedy's intentions by giving Diem up to be murdered in the weeks before Kennedy's death, as if Kennedy's intentions no longer mattered, or soon would not?

What political and social associations did this person and his family have, for generations?

What officer of which intelligence agency assisted this person in the Diem coup?

This is what was blowing in the wind.

Edited by David Andrews
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