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Lee and Me

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Based on my limited involvement with Martin and Howard I also do not think they had any sort of a profit motive. At the same time, Martin, who was well-established as a researcher before he encountered Judyth, could have been much tougher in vetting her statements prior to giving her any public endorsement. He just seemed mesmerized at the thought of unearthing the Holy Grail of the assassination. He has, of course, paid dearly for his sloppy vetting.

I have known Martin Shackelford since the THIRD DECADE CONFERENCE of 1991. When I last met him, at the 2003 Wecht conference in Pittsburgh,he shocked me when he told me he had been working with Judth. I had seen Judith in the MWKK video, and did not believe a word she said (including "a" and "the") but when we went to the restaurant Martin was spending money like a drunken sailor, which seemed out of character for a social worker on a limited budget.

I am not so sure that Martin was not motivated by the profit motive.

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Based on my limited involvement with Martin and Howard I also do not think they had any sort of a profit motive. At the same time, Martin, who was well-established as a researcher before he encountered Judyth, could have been much tougher in vetting her statements prior to giving her any public endorsement. He just seemed mesmerized at the thought of unearthing the Holy Grail of the assassination. He has, of course, paid dearly for his sloppy vetting.

I have known Martin Shackelford since the THIRD DECADE CONFERENCE of 1991. When I last met him, at the 2003 Wecht conference in Pittsburgh,he shocked me when he told me he had been working with Judth. I had seen Judith in the MWKK video, and did not believe a word she said (including "a" and "the") but when we went to the restaurant Martin was spending money like a drunken sailor, which seemed out of character for a social worker on a limited budget.

I am not so sure that Martin was not motivated by the profit motive.


Do you know why Martin has not been participating in the JFK-debate over the last couple of years?

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Based on my limited involvement with Martin and Howard I also do not think they had any sort of a profit motive. At the same time, Martin, who was well-established as a researcher before he encountered Judyth, could have been much tougher in vetting her statements prior to giving her any public endorsement. He just seemed mesmerized at the thought of unearthing the Holy Grail of the assassination. He has, of course, paid dearly for his sloppy vetting.

I have known Martin Shackelford since the THIRD DECADE CONFERENCE of 1991. When I last met him, at the 2003 Wecht conference in Pittsburgh,he shocked me when he told me he had been working with Judth. I had seen Judith in the MWKK video, and did not believe a word she said (including "a" and "the") but when we went to the restaurant Martin was spending money like a drunken sailor, which seemed out of character for a social worker on a limited budget.

I am not so sure that Martin was not motivated by the profit motive.


Do you know why Martin has not been participating in the JFK-debate over the last couple of years?

If Ray is correct, you may have answered your own question. The debacle of the unauthorized 2007 book which Martin underwrote could also be a factor.

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I'd recommend Judyth Baker's book, "Me and Lee," as it exposes some issues that the CIA and Cuban efforts were hoping to be able to knock off Castro with and the Soviets be none the wiser.

Judyth Baker does an excellent job of presenting the story of making up a cancer virus cocktail using the mutation methods of radiation. Radiation and cancer virus methods have been long known as a factor in many cancers.

If you want a signature plate copy and Thank You note, then check this site to buy the book:


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Guest Tom Scully

Stephen, just a Ferrie-tangential question: in 1963, were there Civil Air Patrol cadet uniforms?

Prior to reaching Houston Street, the Dallas motorcade was interrupted when a teenage male wearing a uniform ran out in the street. Secret Service subdued him. A suspected weapon may have been involved - but I may be in error there.

It's in a thread from c. 2006 on EdForum. It will probably come up in a search under Civil Air Patrol, as I asked this back then.

Wow, bear with me while I recover from my tirade in my post above...

Yes, there were uniforms. Most CAP cadets wore them, but some did not (in the New Orleans and Moisant Squadrons. I'm not sure how it was in other states, but I think most wore uniforms.


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I'd say Martin isn't around much because of the JFK Zionist issue.

How so?

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I'd say Martin isn't around much because of the JFK Zionist issue.

How so?

Hello Pam,

Some years back, perhaps around 2004-5, when I connected with JVB via email, there I ran into Martin. I was telling J about the Oak Ridge and Zionist issues. Basically all the same issues that I am speaking about on EF these days.

It was a "spagetti list" of J's, and I was just hitting the "Reply to All" and telling the Oak Ridge Crook story about their connection with Jack Ruby and how all those in on the JFK plot at the Y-12 nuclear weapons plant got to be called "The Crooks". It was a time when the US Govt was taken over by the same sort of Crooks and Terrorists that run Israel, and basically set up the operational plan for the CIA in 1947. Just like the Mossad is tolerant of their Crooks in high office, the CIA is pretty much the same thing with LBJ and those beyond him that well know the Who Struck Jack Story.

Martin came across with one of the worst personal attacks that I have ever had via email. I got the impression that he was the most ardent Zionist that I'd ever encountered, and perhaps Jewish in orientation. I'd have to refer back to those emails, to refresh the memory, but I had an extremely negative experience with Martin. Really bad name calling directed at me.

I think his purpose was to drive a wedge between my speaking to J, sharing information and details, but via several discussions with J things were worked out. I never associated with Martin since. Judyth was under some heavy attacks and I wanted to help her out, so I put up a web page about her LHO story and remained her supporter for telling her story ever since. Judyth is on the level and was very pleased to see Haslam lend her a hand and the final product is what the JFK research community needed to see. It gives a very good image of who LHO really was. I am very pleased she got to tell her story in a very well presented book. LHO was busy reading "Alex Heidel" books and so facinated with their roots of Judaism's issues that he used the name as an alias. If you are a serious JFK research type, one might know that there was a big ardent Zionist force behind the JFK plot and LHO wanted to understand why. Perhaps to diffuse the problem?

I suspect that Martin's J association, is in some way, perhaps keeping J from speaking the very obvious associations of the JFK hit with ardent Zionists working behind the scenes. Piper and Astucia are right on the money as far as the ardent Zionist associations with the JFK hit and cover up. And even in the times of DDE, he worked as President of Columbia University, where the Manhattan Project started, after the war and he got the very same offer as JFK for campaign funding. Every president after JFK took that offer and the Presidency is owned by Zionists. Even ole Nixon knew to pay the Zionists with tons of weapons to Israel, double what they needed, but talked about all the Jewish Boys around him. Even Israel called Nixon an anti-semetic, but he helped Israel more than almost any president. It is still a topic of debate.


When a politician panders to Zionists, he is guaranteed to win office, and if he doesn't pander, guaranteed to loose.


I think anyone can see just how America is controlled, plus exactly why getting down to Zionist Israel supporters, as the main funders and plotters in the JFK assassination, has been so difficult to expose. It is a huge network of these Crooks that run the US.

I don't know for sure, but I'd say Martin tossed in the towell as it became more and more evident and more and more prominent that the ardent Zionist issues in the US is what was the top eschelon that had JFK killed to slide coopertive LBJ in his place. The more he pushed away from the ardent Zionist factor on JFK, the more obviously he became another Posner.

The US has been slowly taken hostage by several elements, it started with the Inquisitions and games like the Sassoons using Alcohol and the massing of fortunes to take the economic lead. Share forces with the Mafia, Notice the Bronfman empire. Move in to Oil. Get the richest people involved in Permendex. As Israel became a factor, use those fortunes to elect the cooperative ones, or make the honest side loose. Take control of the US political system using combinations of corporation moneys and big banker and oil money. They control Congress using this method and generally the presidency, with one exception being JFK. As it got up to the 1987 time, even the nuclear business decided to get under their umbrella to cover up fluoride toxic effects just using the same games that Zionism used to cover up issues. Fluoride toxic effects even helped to subdue the American public, which made things even more easy.

There are a number of persons around that try to condition people not to connect the dots of ardent Zionism to the JFK assassination, and it is generally easy to spot. Just look for those getting the most heat on their books and their getting to the top of the Crooked System that took over the US politically. There is a reason the Piper's "Final Judgement" and Astrucia's "Opium Lords" book catch a lot of the Crooks Attention, because it gets to the root of those Crooks that had JFK killed. The Jewish Zionist Bronfman's and Bloomfield are the top of the gang that worked the Permindex system to off JFK. It was triggered by Oak Ridge and associations with Jack Ruby over the persistent issues of JFK working Peace and not War.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." —George Bernard Shaw

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on." --- George W. Bush

..."Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushs have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." George Bush Sr. 1992

These days the JFK assassinations research appears to have deterioriated into fishing for gullible persons to buy into the hocum that NASA faked the Moon Shot and use that as a launch pad into the Zapruder film is all fake, plus all the other films and photos were all altered to match an alleged Zapruder Film fake. Such utter nonesence sounds like the Bush quote above being tested on the JFK research community.

As, we all get down to the Final Chapter realities of who really stuck Jack, that will weed out those that were up to no good. While there has been a whole lot of conditioning and extreme name calling to keep the JFK research community from collectively getting down to the ardent Zionist main issues on JFK, it is becoming totally evident that those that do that are helping those that Did Kennedy get away with a serious crimne against the JFK family and the American People. This Crime and those knowledgeable of it after the fact, are the ones that sent to US into this 20 year Cold War waste of money, and now drags the US into endless wars for Zionists and their war monger banker pals.

There is no doubt that Bronfman and Bloomfield were right in the middle of this JFK mess, and there is a huge number of these Zionist factions controlling the US Political process and taking away America's Freedom.

The issue really isn't Communism trying to take over the US, it is Zionism, which has a split political personality. Persons like Ben Gurion were basically farmers and worked farming from Kibbutze, Socialist like Farming Collectives, which is a Communist method. Israel is part Communist and part extreme Capitalistic, which makes things confusing to many. But those most up to no good these days, are those that sought to take the US Hostage over the concept of Zionism, adding in killing JFK, adding in Middle East war expansions, adding in the cover up for fluorides toxic effects on the US that helps to sustain the level of brain death that keeps the US citizens from rising up to do what Bush-41 stated:

"if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushs have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched."

These Crooks and their system needs to be tossed out of US political system, and the control of Govt returned to the American People, as per our Constitution.


Many of the JFK researhers fought down and dirty to keep Judyth from telling her story. Why? I was a critical piece that helps tie together the loose pieces, like a keystone piece. Ed Haslam's book on Dr. Mary's Monkey broke the ice for Judyth to tell her story, as the resistance of hate against her slowed.

Now, she has her story out there and the final hook ups of data can be done. Judyth and LHO were working on Alton Oschner's idea to cook up a lung cancer virus to make it look like Castro died of cancer and it was his own smoking that caused it. As we know, when it came time to play the project to final execution everything fell apart. We also know that JFK was working on Peace with Castro and there was a new level of understanding, so it was most likely JFK that tipped the plots hand. Since the plot was the keys to the city for how smoking causes cancer, if that project leaked out all the US smoking and cancer issues people would be sueing every tobacco company whose loved one died from cancer. It was also a very sensitive time to connect radiation and its mechanism for causing various cancers due to all the nuclear testing and JFK haulting atmospheric testing.

As we all too well know the DISC gang and Hoover were in on the game to go after JFK for screwing up the Castro hit and what the Joint Chiefs and CIA were calling Treason for leaking info not only to Castro but to the Russians. That way JFK could see how the Joint Chiefs and CIA were working him to do things via being too manipulative. JFK just went around the US Intelligence roadblock and started his own backwater channel with Kruchev. They eventually say why not, lets do space together and no weapons in space. It was a bargain that would shut down a whole lot of the defense industries.

It goes a little further in that Louis Bloomfield was related to Tobacco King Davis of Montreal, and he was one of the biggest Cigarettee producers. Bloomfield's dad like to experiment with tobacco and sounsd like they figured out its addiction properties and it would be a highly profitable business. Bloomfield was also teamed up with the Bronfman Gang in Montreal, who supplied liquor via Davis. The Family name Mortimer was common to both Bloomfield and Davis, as Davis was Bloomfield's Uncle. So, Bloomfield as some deep connections to these folks and PERMENDEX and Hoover. One of the issues that was exposed is JFK caught the Oak Ridge bunch helping the New Orleans Oscher bunch trying to off Castro with cancer. Both groups knew there was going to be a huge price to pay. So, they had to kill people like LHO because all the Kill Castro with Cancer Plot would come out and the whole of the USA would be asking questions about how Cancer Viruses cause lung cancer, and they the tobacco companies would be out of business. Bloomfield was not about to let Uncle Davis go down in flames for everyone taking not of how nicotine causes addiction and the addiction leads to cancer in the longer term. That the Nicotine is an addictive drug that takes advantage of human weakness for addiction to make money, but kills millions in the long term.

Judyth's book exposes how Cigarettes cause lung cancer and opens the door for tons of tobacco company loses. Tobacco companies had been running a scam like the Kettering Labs group was running to cover up the industrial damage effects to health from fluoride releases. RJ Reynolds started doing the same sorts of things and appeared to have hooked up with the Bloomfield DISC information network to spot problems and spy. RJ Reynolds used a Dr. Oppenheimer from German and a Frank Colby to cover up the dangers of smoking, and they held the Fort for the whole industry.




One can see they came here from Germany, changed their names from Jewish Cohn, and went to France, then Spain, then skipped to Cuba and stayed there 6 years, and then came to the US. Eventually ending up becoming the head cover up group for tobacco's health liabilties. There are endless causes of tobacco lawsuits with Colby having to tell stories to cover up tobacco problems.

Judyth's book beaks the trilogy effect that is the plot to kill JFK over tobacco liability, nuke weapons liability, and cancer mechanisms from industrial pollutants becoming highly public, as LHO exposed why the DISC gang was after JFK and did not respond to the CIA groups stand down order.

Nixon seems to have found out exactly who did what and went after Sarti in Mexico with the Drug war, and Nixon took on the tobacco crooks with anti-smoking issues, and putting in the EPA to soft peddle industry into not killing so many, yet fluorides remained a protected pollutant. Nixon distributed these issues into agencies, as they were problems and once they became exposed, it made sure they would not do him. Nixon got too most of the plotters slowly, perhaps not nailing the Canadians but making sure they knew that he knew the issues. Made for good leverage for politcal power.

Nixon was no dummy, as we went to Duke University and learned the arts of dirty tricks that lead to his Tricky Dick title. He also was right in the middle of the Duke tobacco kingdom that was much like the Davis Tobacco King counterpart in Montreal. The Montreal group was Jewish, many concerned with Zionism, worked for Oak Ridge and Lemay on nukes, were some of richest in the world, had vast oil properties.

The last bits to solve the JFK motives come out with Me and Lee.

Edited by Jim Phelps
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[Poster's note: It may be rewarding to read the comments appended at the end of the article. To do so, click on the link below.]

Oswald spied on group to save JFK, alleged lover says

By sonia verma

From Tuesday's Globe and Mail

Published Monday, Oct. 17, 2011 9:54PM EDT

Last updated Monday, Oct. 17, 2011 11:29PM EDT



In the spring of 1963, Judyth Vary Baker worked with Lee Harvey Oswald at Reily Coffee Company in New Orleans, starting their jobs on the exact same day. Ms. Baker says it was also the start of something much larger: a steamy summer-long love affair with Mr. Oswald that ended when the accused assassin of president John F. Kennedy was ultimately shot dead. Her story, described in a 600-page book entitled Me & Lee: How I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald, offers a detailed account of her romance with Mr. Oswald and what she says was a plan to save the president’s life gone awry. Ms. Baker, now almost 70, is visiting Toronto on what would have been Mr. Oswald’s 72nd birthday Tuesday in an attempt to clear his name.

Why have you chosen this moment to publicize your story?

I am sick of the lies that have been told about Lee. I saw the film JFK. I saw Lee was still being blamed. I realized I had to speak out. I lay out the evidence on the bed. I knelt down, I prayed to God. How in the world could I tell people this and stay alive? I shook from head to foot I was so scared. Also, early on I was told I would get a lot of money if I would say that Lee Oswald did kill Kennedy. I had refused. Later, I decided to write the book. I was going to give it to my son and. hopefully. after I died he would publish it. But then I realized he didn’t know a darn thing about what was real and what was not. I had to do this myself.

And why do it in Toronto?

I can’t go to the United States for my family’s safety and for mine. I’m hopeful that people will hear my story and understand that Lee was actually someone that tried to save the president.

What does your family think of you and your story?

One of my sons isn’t talking to me. He thinks I might have helped Lee kill the president.

Who do you believe assassinated JFK?

A coup occurred in the United States by people who wanted to get rid of Kennedy because they thought he was no good. Oswald was similarly demonized. They tried to say he was a lone nut. I am telling you he was someone who liked people, who loved children and cared about his country.

Take us back to the beginning.

How did you first meet Lee Harvey Oswald?

I was 19. He was 23. He had a pretty wife, a young child and had penetrated the Soviet Union as a spy. I met him in New Orleans. There was chemistry between us. We both had miserable marriages. We became lovers. I could play chess and knew some Russian and resembled his wife. I cared about my country desperately, like he did. Nobody cared about America’s safety and the president more than he did.

Lee Harvey Oswald was a spy, but you claim you also became involved in a CIA plot to kill Fidel Castro. What was your role?

I was working on a project that was sponsored by the CIA. I didn’t know it at the time. The idea was to inject Castro with a cancer-causing material and we actually isolated this material. The lab that I was working in – in an apartment – was actually part of a CIA ring of laboratories.

After the plot to kill Castro failed, the focus shifted to JFK?

The same teams that hated Castro hated Kennedy. Oswald knew if they couldn’t kill Castro in time that they would turn and kill Kennedy. Oswald decided to penetrate this group as a spy. He was invited to be among the group that was to literally shoot Kennedy. He was not a good shot. He suspected he was being set up.

You maintained your silence for many years. Why?

I saw Lee shot to death on television. Mary Sherman was involved with me in the cancer-research project. She was violently murdered the very day the Warren Commission came to New Orleans asking who wants to talk about the Kennedy assassination. Of course nobody who legitimately knew what was going on dared say a thing after you saw Mary’s body – set on fire, stabbed and her right arm missing.

Why should people believe you? What’s not to say you are somebody who is intelligent, but duplicitous, and concocted a very detailed story?

Why would I have given up my career and family and life when all I had to say was “Lee Oswald did it” and I’d be a rich woman? I loved him. I am going public with this story because of love.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

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Stephen, just a Ferrie-tangential question: in 1963, were there Civil Air Patrol cadet uniforms?

Prior to reaching Houston Street, the Dallas motorcade was interrupted when a teenage male wearing a uniform ran out in the street. Secret Service subdued him. A suspected weapon may have been involved - but I may be in error there.

It's in a thread from c. 2006 on EdForum. It will probably come up in a search under Civil Air Patrol, as I asked this back then.

Wow, bear with me while I recover from my tirade in my post above...

Yes, there were uniforms. Most CAP cadets wore them, but some did not (in the New Orleans and Moisant Squadrons. I'm not sure how it was in other states, but I think most wore uniforms.


David..FWIW..lho in the back with cap, for your collection...b

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[Poster's note: It may be rewarding to read the comments appended at the end of the article. To do so, click on the link below.]

Oswald spied on group to save JFK, alleged lover says

By sonia verma

From Tuesday's Globe and Mail

Published Monday, Oct. 17, 2011 9:54PM EDT

Last updated Monday, Oct. 17, 2011 11:29PM EDT


This interview has been edited and condensed.

I registered there and left a comment directing readers to my blog Finding Judyth at www.findingjudyth.blogspot.com.

I hope that information about my experiences with Judyth over the last seven years will help people to decide for themselves what to think.

It does seem in this interview that her credentials are not examined. It seems to me Judyth can only succeed in an environment where she blows in as a fait accompli. Her outrage at me, evidenced in her recent communications, seems to stem from my clarifying that I believe everyone needs to assess her credentials on their own.

Judyth has objective documentation putting her in proximity to LHO at Reily Coffee in the summer of 1963. But that is about all that is direct. Indirect evidence, such as handwriting in the margin of a book, has gone unexamined.

There are two themes at work in Judyth's statements -- one is the love affair, the other the bioweapon. The real mystery about the bioweapon may be how the timeline developed. When did Judyth first talk to someone about the bioweapon? When did she and Ed Haslam meet? What differences are there, if any, between the early version of MF+TMV and later ones?

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[Poster's note: It may be rewarding to read the comments appended at the end of the article. To do so, click on the link below.]

Oswald spied on group to save JFK, alleged lover says

By sonia verma

From Tuesday's Globe and Mail

Published Monday, Oct. 17, 2011 9:54PM EDT

Last updated Monday, Oct. 17, 2011 11:29PM EDT


This interview has been edited and condensed.


There are two themes at work in Judyth's statements -- one is the love affair, the other the bioweapon.

I would not call it a bioweapon. It is to big a word for a biological device to put someone to dead. It is a kind of poison, like botulinus toxin, or digitalis: the only difference is, that back in the 60ties it was not known that deadly cancer could be put in someone in an artificial way.

Maybe the cancer bioweapon project was a kind of deception operation to discredit the kid JVB and youngster Oswald to make them more dirigible.

BTW: JVB and Oswald started to work at the same day THREE TIMES. At Standart Coffee, at Reilys AND on October the 16th 1963. Ossi at the SBDB, JVB at Pen Chem.


Edited by Karl Kinaski
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My opinion is that LHO is probably inserted in the picnic photo. Its provenance is unknown.




FRONTLINE obtained this photograph from John B. Ciravolo, Jr., of New Orleans. Ciravolo was also a C.A.P. member in 1955 and says he was in the same unit with Oswald and was standing right in front of him in the photo. Ciravolo identified David Ferrie, while former C.A.P. cadet Tony Atzenhoffer, also of New Orleans, identified Oswald and Ferrie in the photograph, and Colin Hammer, who says he served with both men in the C.A.P., also identified both in the photograph.

FRONTLINE located the photographer, Chuck Frances, who says he took the picture for the C.A.P. Francis also said that when he was interviewed by the FBI, he told them Oswald and Ferrie knew each other, but he did not tell them about the photograph. The executor of Ferrie's estate, as well as Ferrie's godson, also picked out Ferrie.

After the Kennedy assassination, David Ferrie told investigators he never knew Lee Oswald. "I never heard David Ferrie mention Lee Harvey Oswald," said Layton Martens, a former C.A.P. Cadet and a close friend to Ferrie until Ferrie's death in 1967.

But when FRONTLINE showed Martens the photograph, he identified Ferrie. "It does indicate the possibity of an associaton," said Martens, "but if and to what extent is another question. Of course we've all been photographed with people, and we could be presented with photographs later and asked, 'Well, do you know this person? Obviously, you must because you've been photographed with them.' Well no, it's just a photograph, and I don't know that person. It's just someone who happened to be in the picture."

"As dramatic as the discovery of this photograph is after thirty years," says Michael Sullivan, FRONTLINE executive producer for special projects, "one should be cautious in ascribing its meaning. The photograph does give much support to the eyewitnesses who say they saw Ferrie and Oswald together in the C.A.P., and it makes Ferrie's denials that he ever knew Oswald less credible. But it does not prove that the two men were with each other in 1963, nor that they were involved in a conspiracy to kill the president."

There are TWO different versions of this photo print. The provenance of both prints is unknown. I looked and cannot find

my two copies nor my studies regarding them. The studies likely were three computers ago or lost in a computer crash.

I strongly believe that LHO was added to the photo. For example, just look at the gray scale. LHO is the only person

with a WHITE t-shirt. His whole gray scale differs from the rest of the photo. Was he the only one with BLACK hair and

a BLACK belt, when no other blacks are in the picture?



Good to see you back. Disagreements aside, I hope you have recovered well from your problems.

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You do have my empathy for what's going on with you and Baker, despite my not knowing the details. Baker can be touchy and insist on complete loyalty, and lash out when she doesn't get it. I think I now understand why she does this.

Thank you for your kind words.

I agree with your assessment of the treatment of anyone who in Judyth's eyes is less than a devoted sycophant. A few times since January I have wondered how those who survived Jonestown felt, then just put that thought down to raw nerves.

One last quick observation on Baker's behavior, something I have felt for some time now: I have never encountered a witness who behaves as Baker behaves.

To quote Dr. Henry Lee: "Something wrong."

There is nothing about Judyth that seems to be comparable with other witnesses. For one thing, she wears a lot of hats. A witness usually has a statement about what they have personally seen and heard and that is that. Judyth has things she says were told to her, other things she has apparently researched and brought forth on her own, so her environment seems very complicated.

Also, Judyth is using a genre that creates more problems than it solves; that of a dramatic narrative. What would be normal tweaking and editing of any other such project becomes, when it involves a witness statement, tainted with the possibility of sanitizing and correcting.

Then, of course, the research community was not really given a chance to set up the hoops that anyone claiming to be the Holy Grail of the assassination would have to go through to gain those credentials. Instead, it was pretty much hit over the head with the promise of a 60 Minutes episode; a fait accompli, as it were. Of course, that didn't happen, but the effect of having her statements vetted at that level undermined what the community itself ought to have been able to accomplish.

My, My.

Please Pam,

Give us one good reason as to why anyone should believe there is anything sincere about what you say here? Just one?

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