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Bernardo De Torres

John Simkin

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James wrote:

I am psychic, or was it psychotic? One of the two, I keep getting them mixed up.

James, why must it be one or the other?

Perhaps you could be a psychotic psychic! In fact I understand there are many psychotic psychics, half of which are females, all of whom are quite attractive. Therefore, there are plenty pretty psychotic psychics!

(I been workin' too hard!)

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James wrote:

I am psychic, or was it psychotic? One of the two, I keep getting them mixed up.

James, why must it be one or the other?

Perhaps you could be a psychotic psychic! In fact I understand there are many psychotic psychics, half of which are females, all of whom are quite attractive. Therefore, there are plenty pretty psychotic psychics!

(I been workin' too hard!)

Attractive LOL, Tim you need to get out more and get away from the computer and t.v LOL..

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James wrote:

I am psychic, or was it psychotic? One of the two, I keep getting them mixed up.

James, why must it be one or the other?

Perhaps you could be a psychotic psychic! In fact I understand there are many psychotic psychics, half of which are females, all of whom are quite attractive. Therefore, there are plenty pretty psychotic psychics!

(I been workin' too hard!)

A psychotic psychic? I like to think of myself more as a mystic madman meditating mindfully momentous mayhem.


Edited by James Richards
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  • 4 months later...

I have just had an email from Dawn Meredith pointing out that my page on Bernardo De Torres comes up blank on her computer. I checked it out. My page is still ranked No 1 at Google but like Dawn I got a blank page. When I checked I discovered the page had been deleted from my server. However, I still had a copy on my computer and I have now replaced the blank page. Bernardo De Torres clearly has some important friends. First he gets it deleted from Goggle's database. Then he gets in deleted from my server.

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This is becoming all too frequent John, perhaps we should write him a nicely worded letter to Chile.

Here is a photo of De Torres with the alleged mexico city oswald Saul Sague/mario Tauler Sague.

I got these from Wims site, you can find more on this link, http://jfkmurdersolved.com/phpBB2/viewtopi...p?t=76&start=15




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John Geraghty Posted Today, 10:28 AM

This is becoming all too frequent John, perhaps we should write him a nicely worded letter to Chile.

Here is a photo of De Torres with the alleged mexico city oswald Saul Sague/mario Tauler Sague.

I got these from Wims site, you can find more on this link, http://jfkmurdersolved.com/phpBB2/viewtopi...p?t=76&start=15



Which one is supposed to be Saul? The larger gentleman looks a little like him, but it's not the same man as photographed outside the Russian Embassy in MC in September of 1963.

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Hi all,

good picture John G - thanks for posting it. I'll check out the others later. I just tried testing the bd torres page on google and it comes up fine on my computer. Maybe it was a temporary glitch? Google can go weird sometimes but I do thinkit odd that you say this keeps happening. I know of someone who had a similiar experience with google a while back when she tried searching for 'Richard Nagell. Apparently she had put the name in once before and came up with a load of entries, then she tried again the next day and she got nothing at all. Was like that for a while she said then his name came up again but some of the ntries she had previously seen regarding him were not there anymore.

Quite spooky.

Is BD Torres still alive btw? I can't remember.

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Hi all,

good picture John G - thanks for posting it. I'll check out the others later. I just tried testing the bd torres page on google and it comes up fine on my computer. Maybe it was a temporary glitch? Google can go weird sometimes but I do thinkit odd that you say this keeps happening. I know of someone who had a similiar experience with google a while back when she tried searching for 'Richard Nagell. Apparently she had put the name in once before and came up with a load of entries, then she tried again the next day and she got nothing at all. Was like that for a while she said then his name came up again but some of the ntries she had previously seen regarding him were not there anymore.

Quite spooky.

Is BD Torres still alive btw? I can't remember.

The page was in the Google database and is ranked 1st of 2,920,000. That was not the problem. The page could be accessed but was blank. The text and two pictures had been removed from my server. It had either been done by Easynet, who host my website, or someone had hacked into the server. It seems that only this page was affected. I have now uploaded the page from my computer to the server and it now works okay.

Bernardo De Torres is still alive and living in the US Embassy in Chile. He is also protected by the CIA. However, I suspect this has more to do with the CIA involvement in the drug trade than the assassination of JFK.

This is what I say about Bernardo De Torres on my website. Which passage do you think he is objecting to?

Bernardo De Torres was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1934. He moved to the United States in 1955 and later worked as a private investigator in Miami.

De Torres was a strong opponent of Fidel Castro and during the Bay of Pigs Operation was Chief of Intelligence for Brigade 2506 where he worked under David Sanchez Morales. During the invasion he was captured and was not released until 24th December, 1962.

In 1963 De Torres resumed work as a private investigator. According to Gerry P. Hemming De Torres worked for Charles Siragusa, who was involved in foreign assassinations.

On 25th September, 1963, Silvia Odio had a visit from three men who claimed they were from New Orleans. Two of the men, Leopoldo and Angelo, said they were members of the Junta Revolucionaria. The third man, Leon, was introduced as an American sympathizer who was willing to take part in the assassination of Fidel Castro. After she told them that she was unwilling to get involved in any criminal activity, the three men left.

The following day Leopoldo phoned Odio and told her that Leon was a former Marine and that he was an expert marksman. He added that Leon had said “we Cubans, we did not have the guts because we should have assassinated Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs”. It is believed that De Torres was Leopoldo and Edwin Collins was Angelo.

De Torres later helped Jim Garrison in his search to discover the people behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Garrison eventually discovered that Torres was undermining his investigation and became convinced that he was really working for JM/WAVE, the Central Intelligence Agency station in Miami.

After leaving the Garrison investigation De Torres went to work for Mitch WerBell as an arms salesman in Latin America.

In his book Death in Washington (1980) Donald Freed suggested that De Torres might have been involved in the death of Orlando Letelier. Peter Dale Scott argued in Deep Politics (1993) that De Torres had links to the CIA and the drug trade.

While writing The Last Investigation (1993) Gaeton Fonzi interviewed Rolando Otero. He told Fonzi that De Torres (named "Carlos" in the book) was one of a five men team from Miami who was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

In his book Rearview Mirror (2001), William Turner claims that in 1977 the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) came to the conclusion that De Torres might have played a role in the death of Kennedy. He quotes a HUCA report that: "De Torres has pictures of Dealey Plaza in a safe-deposit box. These pictures were taken during the assassination of JFK".

In an article that appeared in Key West Citizen on 2nd September, 2005, Joan Mellen, claims that Angel Murgado was one of the three men who visited Sylvia Odio in Dallas . She also identified De Torres as "Leopoldo".

Bernardo De Torres now lives in Chile.

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yes the larger gentleman on the left seems to bear a resemblance. I do not know when or where these were taken. Anybody know? I'm looking in James Richards direction again!



I originally posted those photos some time back. I did look at the heavy set guy as a Mexico Oswald possible (Mario Tauler Sague) but have since concluded that it is not him. That photo was taken in mid September, 1963 in Miami. The occasion was a parade of the Antonio Maceo Battalion. Several members of Brigade 2506 were present as honored guests.

At this time, Interpen associate Ed Collins was travelling with Bernie De Torres.


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  • 4 months later...

Bernardo De Torres's daughter has just been in contact with me. Apparently he is not too happy about my web page on him and wants to correct some of the mistakes. For example, he does not live in Chile. He has answered some of the questions I sent him. In many ways, the questions he refused to answer were more revealing.

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