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Final proof that the mtorcade came to a halt !

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Mike, Over 70+ witnesses reported that same pow ... pow pow shot sequence, some saying that the last two shots were almost simultaneous. Actually, many of the those witnesses thought the first shot sounded like a firecracker or motorcycle backfire, so "Bang.........PowPow" might be more accurate.

I believe Toni Foster is reacting to the 2nd of the PowPow noises.


There are two single bullet theories in the JFK assassination. I know that one of them is wrong. I will not comment on the other.

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More photographic evidence to support two nearly simultaneous shots to the head.

The Mary Moorman photo was snapped at the time equivalent to Zapruder Frame 315, about 100 milli seconds after the shot at Zapruder frame 313 struck the president and before the second shot struck the president at Zapruder frame 318.

This is a blowup of the Mary Moorman photo. It is focused on the presidents head and I have inverted the colors to better contrast the outline of the presidents head with the background.

This photo was taken before the backward head snap.


In the following image I have marked the missing skull at the front right portion of the head caused by the bullet at Zapruder frame 313. The profile of the back of the presidents head is normal. Again this photo was taken before the backward head snap.


Now here is Zapruder frame 335. Taken about 1 second after the second shot to the head at Zapruder frame 318.

It is obvious the the back of head profile is not normal.

This photo was taken after the backward head snap.


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More photographic evidence to support two nearly simultaneous shots to the head.

The Mary Moorman photo was snapped at the time equivalent to Zapruder Frame 315, about 100 milli seconds after the shot at Zapruder frame 313 struck the president and before the second shot struck the president at Zapruder frame 318.

This is a blowup of the Mary Moorman photo. It is focused on the presidents head and I have inverted the colors to better contrast the outline of the presidents head with the background.

This photo was taken before the backward head snap.


In the following image I have marked the missing skull at the front right portion of the head caused by the bullet at Zapruder frame 313. The profile of the back of the presidents head is normal. Again this photo was taken before the backward head snap.


Now here is Zapruder frame 335. Taken about 1 second after the second shot to the head at Zapruder frame 318.

It is obvious the the back of head profile is not normal.

This photo was taken after the backward head snap.



This is the best photographic evidence I've seen so far supporting the idea of a double headshot. Very convincing!


--Tommy :sun

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It seems to me to be utterly and scientifically impossible for a healthy, functioning human head to eject absolutely no physical matter when being shot from any direction. If any film that has that back head snap does not imply such an ejection then the film should be questioned (regarding that specific matter) and never the medical/physical science.

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It seems to me to be utterly and scientifically impossible for a healthy, functioning human head to eject absolutely no physical matter when being shot from any direction. If any film that has that back head snap does not imply such an ejection then the film should be questioned (regarding that specific matter) and never the medical/physical science.

We are not dealing with a healthy , functioning human head.

This shot occurred after the shot at Zapruder frame 313.

And yes, there was matter ejected but we do not see it. Mrs Kennedy saw it.

That is what her hand wave is all about. She crawled on the back of the limo to retrieve it.


Edited by Mike Rago
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I submit that if we cannot see Kennedy's head explode with a considerable amount of matter exiting the rear (as Toni Foster and others recounted) then we should stop putting any faith in these films. We are fooling ourselves if we think posting gif after gif has any real significance. We have been duped, pure and simple. We are dogs chasing our tails, accompishing nothing. Even them proposed interpretation of the Moorman photograph is pure speculation about what is being seen and where the damage is. It is significant that there is a direct link to the limo stop and the lack of debris exiting the back of Kennedy's head. Ask yourself why the ejecta is missing, and the answer is the limo stop. Ask yourself why the limo stop is removed, and the answer is, to remove evidence of a massive exit of blood and brains to the rear toward officer Hargis (the same Hargis who claimed the limo stopped). When will we start believing those who were there?

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When will we start believing those who were there?

In my case ever since I heard eyewitness testimony. So much. So much alike.

The conspirators only countermeasure is to claim "how unreliable" eyewitness testimony is. Sure, things like hair color, clothing and such - but the head of the POTUS exploding and his brains, blood and matter hitting motorcycle cops in the rear?

No. If several people saw that , that is what they saw. And if they also recall the limousine stopping at that very important time, that is what they saw. PERIOD.

This is what happened - the government issued its fictitious report on the assassination. First generation researchers interviewed eyewitnesses and came up with a completely different set of events.

Then the government took the time to "debunk" these witnesses - sometimes in a very harsh way.

Then researchers had to rehabilitate these witness and argue about them for decades now.

You are right. The time to believe them is NOW.

It seems credible to me that Greer would stop or almost stop the car if the fatal head shot came through the windshield. If there were shooters in front, where was he supposed to go? Then he did the only thing he could do, since there was no room to turn around, and that was to duck and take off. This reaction would suggest he was not complicit in the plot, i.e. he didn't stop or almost stop the car to wait for the head shot. He subsequently lied through his teeth, of course, wanting people to believe that from the plaza to Parkland he didn't notice that the windshield he was looking through was so obviously damaged. He was thus fully complicit in the cover-up, going so far as to give JFK's clothes to Rybka to stow in a White House locker so the clothes wouldn't be available at the autopsy. Greer had his instructions pretty quick.

Good catch, Ron. It has been demonstrated by the Ford glass worker, the intern (Ganges) and a photograph that there was a bullet hole (" through and through" ), although both sides will spend decades arguing this despite the credible witnesses.

Once that bullet crashed through the windshield from the front, lunkhead Greer was in quite the spot. However, Kellerman still could have, and should have leapt into the back as he was trained to do.

And the aforementioned having been said, Greer was trained to take some evasive action. Danger ahead - alright - I am going to cut him some slack, but he sure took off fast after Kennedy was finally finished off. And what were his TWO glances back for? And how did he have so much time and frame of mind to do so. A little slack is all Greer gets from me.

Edited by Peter McGuire
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in Blaine's book, it states clearly, the first action of the driver, at the first sound or sign of trouble, is to begin a zig zagging manuveur , to get the POTUS, out of siteing by an assassin' weapon, Greer did not, he only disobeyed, first the manuveur then the specific order from his superior, SSIC Kellerman to move it, he as you state did not till he saw for himself that the President head had exploded, then he moved, but he, they would have all believe, his actions followed SS evasive rules, they did neither, distorting history, imo the only who are detrimental to the Witnesses are the LNrs for obvious reasons, and or because their information, whomever, interferes with their theory, so they must try to destroy their standing and honesty by creating doubt,and have in many cases, but they forget how obvious they have and do appear on here and elsewhere when they use such tactics, and then they wonder why others do not trust them, or as some say look at them sideways, imo it comes down to s or get off the pot, when whomever distort what the witnesses say, they knowingly are trying to change history, and what actually occurred and are very aware of such, their later pretense of phony innocence, as what did i do ?? crap is as phony as a two dollar bill and they know it, so dismiss, what they post,or go around, ignore their obvious attempts at distorting history, too much of that has gone on..imo...b........ps if a witness has grossly distorted their information down through the years for say attentions sake,or, and that can and has been proven, then imo that is a very diffrent matter, but if basically their information has been the same or very similar, then imo the onysis is on the researcher, to not distort, for their theories sake......b........Information from Sherry; from Lancer........re matter.......Testimony Of Roy H. Kellerman, Special Agent, Secret Service Beginning At 2H61 states he WAS blood spattered. "Mr. KELLERMAN. Senator, between all the matter that was--between all the matter that was blown off from an injured person, this stuff all came over.

Senator COOPER. What was that?

Mr. KELLERMAN. Body matter; flesh..

Mr. SPECTER. When did you first notice the substance which you have described as body matter?

Mr. KELLERMAN. When I got to the hospital, sir, it was all over my coat."

Frazier testified on 2-21 & 2-22-1969 in the Clay Shaw trial. During his testimony he discussed what was found when the limo was searched at 1am on 11-23. "We found blood and tissue all over the outside areas of the vehicle from the hood ornament, over the complete area of the hood, on the outside of the windshield, also on the inside surface of the windshield, and all over the entire exterior portion of the car, that is, the side rails down both sides of the car, and of course considerable quantities inside the car and on the trunk lid area." I confirmed this information with him in a telephone interview a few years ago.

So, blood was found in ALL directions radiating outward from the President's injury, and it's NOT safe to say that there was no forward momentum of the blood and matter. HOWEVER, it appears the larger volume of blood was observed behind the President, consistant with a projectile traveling from the front.

An explanation of the mechanics of wound ballistics and bloodstain patterns created in a gunshot to the head may be found at http://www.jfklancerforum.com/sherryg/ sorry that link no longer works, but here is one with much of the blood pattern research quoted fyi...thanks b




Edited by Bernice Moore
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