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David Morales

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Thomas Graves! Back from the grave? Just kidding. Welcome back.

The "ballistics guy" was Al Carrier, who unfortunately no longer posts.

The fatal head shot coming from the south knoll area makes the most sense to me. Much better trajectory for a shooter than the north knoll, plus I've never been able to buy a shot from the north knoll (particularly the hat man position) hitting JFK in the right temple, then turning right to blow out the right rear of his head, instead of basically continuing straight. But what do I know about ballistics? I guess bullets can do anything, especially when you don't want them to.

"... Post from Al Carrier some years ago, 2004...( note: I never deleted my post)


Someone mentioned "Al Carrier" and his ballistic work. Here is a series of post dated 2004. They were quickly buried:

"... Al Carrier

Nov 25 2004, 11:46 PM

Post #1

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(" ... Beyond the headshot wound issue, I have also aligned this shot origin with the neck wound and have established it by showing Elm at a higher elevation]at this point and how the shot would have to penetrate the windshield through its trajectory.". ...) note:Found in body of below post

Reference All Carrier's post of Nov. 25, 2004:

"....I have been seriously researching the JFK Assassination for some fourteen years. What I bring into it is a background in weaponry, ballistics, crime scene investigative techniques and an understanding for sniper deployment and procedures. I have never accepted the official version of a lone sniper achieving the feat from a location 60’ above in the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. Then add to this official account, the capabilities of the weapon and shooter that was accepted by the Warren Commission and later the HSCA, it was ridiculous.

Wound ballistics became an immediate issue when I began researching the Kennedy assassination in order to determine a shot origin. While there is overwhelming evidence in my opinion of a shooter on the north knoll at the time of the assassination, I had issues with this angle of trajectory creating the head wound suffered by President Kennedy. The discovery of Badgeman by Jack White and Gary Mack in the Mooreman Photograph, witnesses who reported hearing shot(s) on the north knoll, Gordon Arnold’s reporting of a shooter there, as well as other sightings of shooters and smoke from that origin, leaves no doubt in my mind that shot(s) were fired from this location. That does not necessarily mean that the head wound was inflicted by this shot origin and in my opinion from my background in weaponry and wound ballistics, I believe that it was not.

There are issues to consider when determining a point of entrance. The greater fracturing of the skull will occur forward of the point of impact as the energy from the penetrating projectile will radiate forward along the trajectory path of the initial penetration point. As seen in the Zapruder film and after the lightening of the top of the head autopsy photos, a large defect was also found high on the head, right of midline and a flap of scalp and partial skull bone was attached to the flap. This is created when the penetration trajectory is shallow below the skull, creating the energy dispersion to push out against the fractured bone.

By noting where the skull fracture and flap begins, it is logical that the point of entry is close to that location. By following the trajectory back to the massive wound in the right portion of the occipital parietal, which was clearly seen at Parkland Hospital by medical personnel, it shows a true line of trajectory and shot origin.

The challenge to this line of trajectory in support of shot origin of the north knoll comes from many researchers and is supported by forensic pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht. Dr. Wecht believes that a shot fired from the north knoll, striking the right temporal/parietal region of the president’s skull would DEFLECT and turn outward (left), maintaining a wound cavity to the right portion of the skull.

The problem with this is that penetration from a rifle caliber projectile that is traveling in excess of 1800fps and most likely above 2400fps, would not deviate outward, but actually slightly inward through skull penetration. The ratio of diameter v. length of the projectile penetrating through a multi-layed resistant surface, such as skull plating, would actually create a rollover effect through surface penetration. This would cause the projectile to turn slightly inward instead of deflecting upon penetration. This has been proven in wound ballistic testing through the work of Dr. Martin Fackler over the past twenty years and accepted by the NIJ in studies of wound ballistics in order to determine effectiveness in ballistic resistant materials in ballistic vests.

The problem this shot trajectory creates is that it shows a shot origin that is in conflict with the witnesses who made a determination on shot origin by what they heard. This shot trajectory would place a shot origin in the region of the south end of the overpass over some sixty feet to the south knoll parking lot. No witnesses reported hearing a shot from this location, other than one who has came forward as being part of an abort team. This witness I will address later.

With 200 plus witnesses in DP at the time of the assassination and none focusing on shots from this location, most researchers write off the likelihood of a south plaza shooter. They also have concerns with this exposed location. This can easily be explained by a common practice by military sniper teams in both urban and rural environments.

Often, the most ideal location for shot origin, especially on a moving target, is a location that exposes the shooter the greatest. Making the shot is only half the objective, the other is escaping either undetected or without being molested. The military found a practice to overcome this obstacle and it has been termed “Canyon Shoot”. This practice utilizes multiple snipers from locations suited to draw attention to those origins where they cannot be accessed, or by allowing the terrain to confuse the shot origin to the enemy present. The term “Canyon Shoot” was unofficially adopted when Sgt. Alvin York utilized various shot origins and the echo effects of the terrain to fool the enemy into believing they were surrounded, when in fact it was only he who was shooting.

In the case of Dealey Plaza, a shooter firing from the Texas School Book Depository would initially fire and the other shooters in the plaza would cue off the Depository shooter by startle reaction and fire a round immediately on top of the shot fired by the Depository shooter. Witnesses would detect the first sound and roughly identify a shot origin and this would cover the fire of the others shooters, deeper in the plaza. The echo effect of the Plaza would also aid in making the witnesses believe that it was shot reverberation that they were hearing deeper in the plaza. With another shooter firing from the North Knoll, this would direct witnesses along Elm and at the intersection of Elm and Houston to focus their attention on the area between the Depository and the Knoll. By utilizing startle reaction to cue simultaneous fire from three locations, three shots could easily sound like one.

The closest known witnesses to the South End Overpass/South Knoll position were James Tague who was positioned on Commerce under the overpass, two Dallas Police Officers and nine railroad employees atop the underpass over Elm, and Tosh Plumlee and an associate who were on the bank of the South Knoll. Tague did not hear a shot originate from overhead or to his left and rear, but his perception could easily have been hampered by the extreme echo effects of all shots reverberating under the underpass. The persons atop the underpass did not detect the shot fired to their left, but their attention was on the approaching motorcade and their attention was drawn to the shots fired from the north knoll, which was in the direct of the approaching motorcade and of nearly equal distance in comparison to the south origin. Plumlee and his associate, who he has reported as being sent to Dallas as part of an assassinations abort team, clearly heard a shot fired from behind them, that would put it in line with the shot origin I have been describing. Plumlee was also ex-military and was their to stop an assassination attempt, so he would be prepared for the sounds he was about to hear. He apparently also recognized the ideal location of the south knoll region as that is where he chose to station himself.

The most recent challenge to the South End of the Overpass/South Knoll shot origin comes from Sixth Floor Museum Curator Gary Mack. Mack has come forward with new reporter Bob Jett, who has claimed to have been in the South Knoll Parking Lot eating his lunch at the time of the assassination. Jett has stated that he saw no assassin and heard no shots fired from that origin. Jett was working at the time of the assassination. My question as to his credibility and presence is why did he not immediately report on air, witnessing the assassination? Why was he not called upon by the Warren Commission to testify as to what he saw and did not see? The Warren Commission directed questions at most witnesses as to whether they heard or saw anything suspicious in this region. Wouldn’t Jett have been the nail in the coffin they needed to disprove a shooter there?

Another established researcher who supports my belief of shot origin from the south end of overpass/south knoll region, is nationally recognized Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Expert and Instructor, Sherry Gutierrez. Sherry has presented at JFK Lancer November in Dallas Seminars in 2001 and 2003. In 2003, she partly focused on this shot origin. She has also produced threads on the Lancer Forum regarding this.

Beyond the headshot wound issue, I have also aligned this shot origin with the neck wound and have established it by showing Elm at a higher elevation at this point and how the shot would have to penetrate the windshield through its trajectory. This also explains the compromised velocity that would result in a shallower wound path. I have been challenged on this through photos including Altgens 6 and 7 and have provided arguments on both. Because this is already a rather complex subject, I will not go into detail on the throat wound.

Al Carrier ...". (End of Post)

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On paper, those who provided negative identifications could be accused of having vested interests but ultimately, I was persuaded they were being honest and open with me. I was particularly impressed by how helpful Chavez, Fernandez, Roman and the Morales family were in answering my questions and providing new images (Rita and Sandra are pseudonyms, by the way).

I now believe the two figures in the ballroom are Michael Roman and, probably, Frank Owens. The Bulova connection and the actions of Roman after the shooting are a bit strange but I don't now believe the man with him is Joannides.

The "Morales" identification is so disputed at this stage, I prefer to emphasise that Morales confessed he was in Dallas and Los Angeles and, after talking to his family, they have no alibi for his whereabouts on June 5, 1968. This is significant because generally Morales' family lived with him wherever he was posted, with the exception of his tour of Vietnam and his first year in Laos.

Brad Ayers, Wayne Smith and Ed Lopez are all highly credible and I found their IDs persuasive for a long time. While I personally now doubt it is Morales in the video, the new images of Morales his family provided made Ayers and Smith even more sure of their original IDs. Even if it isn't Morales in the video, his statement that he was there and his implication that he was involved must be followed through as far as possible. What more can be done to pin this down, I'm not sure.

I found the interviews with Morales’ two eldest daughters interesting. On page 462 Rita Morales claims that David Morales was at home on the evening of the assassination of JFK and showed no reaction to the death. This sounds very abnormal and suggests that he was keeping himself under tight control (something that all spooks have to do when the subject matter of an issue concerns their work).

Rita said in the interview that “when he wasn’t drinking, he was a good guy”. The only problem with this assessment is that he was an alcoholic.

Rita also says: “If my father got a direct order to do it, I’m sure he did it. He knew the people who could get the job done.” Doesn’t sound like a “good guy” to me.

If true he was home and showed no reaction, that in and of itself is strange. Everyone had a strong reaction - one way or another!....and he was well known to not like JFK. He also worked for the man - his commander in chief. No reaction is almost a 'reaction' [of covering his real ones] in itself!.......

As someone who was supposed to have kicked Che's head like a football after it had been severed from his body....and many other ' wet jobs', I think we can conclude he was not a 'good guy' except to his friends and family, perhaps. Morales certainly could have done it without any troubled sleep if ordered or if he was one of the plotters. All evidence seems to point to his involvement in both JFK and RFK assassinations and American coup d'etat.

Peter: What about the signed affidavit which Brad Ayers and I signed at your residence in Solano Beach, California about 1991? If I remember right, it covered details about Ayers and our knowing each other at JM/WAVE, Miami Station.., and what he and I knew about operations in Miami and the timeline when we knew it.

Would you care to expand on that certified document and what all was discussed at that meeting before we both went to south Florida. As you know Brad almost got Jim Marrs and I killed when we were down there..., or is it to secret for you to go into today.

Would you care to POST that document/affidavit or explain why you can't?

Edited by William Plumlee
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Thomas Graves! Back from the grave? Just kidding. Welcome back.

The "ballistics guy" was Al Carrier, who unfortunately no longer posts.

The fatal head shot coming from the south knoll area makes the most sense to me. Much better trajectory for a shooter than the north knoll, plus I've never been able to buy a shot from the north knoll (particularly the hat man position) hitting JFK in the right temple, then turning right to blow out the right rear of his head, instead of basically continuing straight. But what do I know about ballistics? I guess bullets can do anything, especially when you don't want them to.

I have had my issues with a grassy knoll shooter delivering "the head shot" from that angle, also. But if you read the excerpts from Doug Horne's book (put up by Bill Kelly, with permission) - in particular Horne's conclusion involving multiple finishing shots including a tangential shot to the rear from the right - there's some compelling material for a grassy (north) knoll shot along with a frontal from the south knoll.


Look for Kelly's post with Horne's chapter heading, "What it all Means"

I wish Tosh would look at this and comment if he cares to.

Edited by David Andrews
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Thomas Graves! Back from the grave? Just kidding. Welcome back.

The "ballistics guy" was Al Carrier, who unfortunately no longer posts.

The fatal head shot coming from the south knoll area makes the most sense to me. Much better trajectory for a shooter than the north knoll, plus I've never been able to buy a shot from the north knoll (particularly the hat man position) hitting JFK in the right temple, then turning right to blow out the right rear of his head, instead of basically continuing straight. But what do I know about ballistics? I guess bullets can do anything, especially when you don't want them to.

I have had my issues with a grassy knoll shooter delivering "the head shot" from that angle, also. But if you read the excerpts from Doug Horne's book (put up by Bill Kelly, with permission) - in particular Horne's conclusion involving multiple finishing shots including a tangential shot to the rear from the right - there's some compelling material for a grassy (north) knoll shot along with a frontal from the south knoll.


Look for Kelly's post with Horne's chapter heading, "What it all Means"

I wish Tosh would look at this and comment if he cares to.

sorry I posted the following on another thread by mistake:

"... • One shot from the right front (probably fired from well down the grassy knoll fence line, near where the triple overpass meets the knoll, at or near the storm drain behind the stockade fence) entered high in the President’s forehead above the right eye and just below his hairline, and exited high in the posterior skull, just left of the midline. ...".

My viewpoint (tosh): If you really look at the photos and film you can see that the President was looking slightly toward his left toward Jackie (S/W)... couple that with the slight curve in the road to the left at that point (about 2 or 3 degrees) and the downward slop of the road, puts the kill zone to the left toward the south side of the underpass of the above stated spot .. said to be around the storm drain and the west north knoll and fence. JFK's head had moved a few degrees to his left and the slight curve added a few more degrees. I believe this would be a right frontal shoot. Perhaps, a front throat shot from the south side of the underpass either over the windshield or through the windshield. I believe one shot near the south parking lot of the south knoll missed and perhaps is still behind the kill zone in the grass on the east side of the north area of the plaza.

As to a shooter from the storm drain? The distance to the kill zone would not be a shot that could be made. The angle would have been better than thirty degrees and would be a right back (above the right ear) frontal shot, because the President was looking slightly to his left when the fatal shot was fired.


This post has been edited by William Plumlee: Yesterday, 10:53 PM

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Thomas Graves! Back from the grave? Just kidding. Welcome back.

The "ballistics guy" was Al Carrier, who unfortunately no longer posts.

The fatal head shot coming from the south knoll area makes the most sense to me. Much better trajectory for a shooter than the north knoll, plus I've never been able to buy a shot from the north knoll (particularly the hat man position) hitting JFK in the right temple, then turning right to blow out the right rear of his head, instead of basically continuing straight. But what do I know about ballistics? I guess bullets can do anything, especially when you don't want them to.

I have had my issues with a grassy knoll shooter delivering "the head shot" from that angle, also. But if you read the excerpts from Doug Horne's book (put up by Bill Kelly, with permission) - in particular Horne's conclusion involving multiple finishing shots including a tangential shot to the rear from the right - there's some compelling material for a grassy (north) knoll shot along with a frontal from the south knoll.


Look for Kelly's post with Horne's chapter heading, "What it all Means"

I wish Tosh would look at this and comment if he cares to.

What It All Means

Summing up, the importance of our impact debris study is clear and incontrovertible: HSCA Staff Director and General Counsel G. Robert Blakey was wrong when he concluded that the shot from the grassy knoll, revealed by the HSCA acoustical study, had missed the occupants of the limousine, and that the fatal shot that killed President Kennedy was fired from the Texas School Book Depository. Not only was Blakey wrong, but I submit to you that since he had most of the impact debris information cited above available to him—except for the Willis family interview and the Floyd Boring revelation—he knew he was likely wrong, and proceeded to knowingly trumpet the wrong conclusion anyway. Why? Because to accept that the grassy knoll shot had killed the President, based upon a study of the impact debris and the motion of President Kennedy’s head and upper body in the Zapruder film (violently back and to the left), would have meant that he had no faith in the medical evidence from the autopsy. [The autopsy report and the photos and x-rays, remember, provide no clear evidence of a shot from the front, and only support shots from behind.]

To have admitted this, after all the investigating and interviewing done by the HSCA staff and its Forensic Pathology Panel, would have been to publicly admit failure. Formally concluding that the grassy knoll shot killed President Kennedy would have meant, essentially, that the HSCA not only had no faith in the autopsy medical evidence, but that it could also not explain exactly what was wrong with that evidence. Rather than do this, Blakey ‘buried’ as much of the medical evidence that conflicted with the autopsy report as he could—namely, the Ebersole, Finck, and Knudsen depositions; and the staff interviews of the ‘little people’ at the autopsy—by sequestering (sealing) this material for 50 years; and then he lied about the extent to which the autopsy witnesses agreed with the autopsy photographs on page 37 of volume VII of his report.

Thanks to the JFK Records Act, which opened up the HSCA files, the chicanery of Blakey and Baden has been exposed. It was this ‘big lie’ about the autopsy photographs—the brazen, dishonest statement that none of the autopsy witnesses disagreed with the location of the wounds in the autopsy images—that will forever damn the HSCA’s conclusions as intellectually dishonest and morally bankrupt. Rather than admit to the American public that the Committee had an insoluble puzzle where the evidence refused to some together—and explain why it did not come together and either continue the investigation until the matter was resolved, or turn it over to the Justice Department—Blakey and Baden cynically chose to endorse suspect medical evidence from the autopsy, and ignore and discount:

• the Parkland hospital medical witnesses to a blowout in the back of the head;

• the testimony of Secret Service agent Clint Hill that verified the Parkland observations; and

• the clear pattern of the preponderance of the impact debris evidence (Hill, Hargis, Martin, and the Harper fragment) pointing to a fatal shot from the right front.

Apparently, it was politically much easier for Blakey and his gang to announce the unpalatable conclusion that the Warren Commission had come to the right conclusion about Lee Harvey Oswald after all—that he had really and truly killed President Kennedy and wounded Governor Connally all by himself—than to admit that there were irreconcilable conflicts in the evidence that could not be resolved. To do that would have taken considerable courage, and integrity.

The HSCA’s fence-sitting provided the American people with a ‘modified limited hangout’ which satisfied no one: it gave us a ‘probable’ conspiracy supported only by an acoustics study, and yet the same unlikely murderer offered up by the Warren Commission; a presumed conspiracy with no names named, or motives explained; and a conclusion that all of the shots that struck Kennedy and Connally were fired from behind by Oswald, in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary in the Zapruder film, in eyewitness testimony from Dealey Plaza and Parkland hospital, and in theballistics evidence from the Edgewood Arsenal Firing Tests, published by the Army in 1965.

If the HSCA had possessed any cajones it would have stated up front that the irreconcilable conflictswithin the forensic and crime scene evidence suggested that a major coverup had taken place in 1963, and that it suspected much of the evidence in the case may have been ‘tainted’ in ways not yet detected, meriting further investigation by the Justice Department. Instead, Blakey and Baden took the easier road of arrogantly pronouncing that they had solved the case, and bailed out of their burning airplane as quickly as possible. Blakey’s golden parachute landed him a lifetime job as Professor of Law at Notre Dame. I’m not impressed. “For what hath a man gained, if he loses his own soul?”

The Head Wounds

Here are my conclusions, at this writing in 2009, about the shots to President Kennedy’s head:

• One shot from the right front (probably fired from well down the grassy knoll fence line, near where the triple overpass meets the knoll, at or near the storm drain behind the stockade fence) entered high in the President’s forehead above the right eye and just below his hairline, and exited high in the posterior skull, just left of the midline.

This postulated shot was more from the front, than from the right side. The entrance wound caused by this shot was alluded to by assistant White House Press Secretary Malcolm Kilduff at Parkland hospital, when he put his right index finger to his right forehead, indicating the point of entry, and quoted Dr. Burkley (who had been in Trauma Room One and seen the wounds) as saying that “...it was a simple matter ofa bullet right through the head.” (See page 59 of Groden’s The Killing of a President, and page 408 of Trask.) This small entrance wound was obscured by the President’s long hair—his bangs—at Parkland hospital. Photographs of this entrance wound taken immediately after the President’s body arrived at the Bethesda morgue were seen by Dennis David and Joe O’Donnell in 1963, but never made it into the official record. What did make it into the record are the autopsy photographs of the surgical incision made to President Kennedy’s forehead high above the right eye when evidence of this entry wound was obliterated (i.e., removed by illicit, post mortem surgery) prior to the commencement of the autopsy (see Figures 60 and 62). Autopsy photos 17, 18, 44, and 45 (see Figure 66) depict the exit wound caused by this bullet: namely, the semi-circular beveled notch on the outer surface of the left posterior skull, high in the back of the head. The high fragment trail left by this bullet passed through the vertex of the skull can be seen in the two lateral skull x-rays.

(Figure 37 depicts the right lateral skull film; the left lateral has never been published.) This was probably an explosive mercury bullet—consistent not only with the large amount of missing brain tissue in the forebrain, but also with the cloud of fragments seen in the forward part of the skull in the lateral x-rays. The testimony of AP photographer James Altgens that a shot exited the left side of President Kennedy’s skull is consistent with the exit wound—the semi-circular notch in the skull plate—seen in Figure 66. In my opinion, the weapon that fired this shot was probably a rifle equipped with a silencer that fired a high velocity, customized, mercury bullet. This shot was probably not heard by S. M. Holland for two reasons:

(1) because the rifle was likely silenced; and (2) because it was pointed away from his position on the overpass, whereas the shots from the vicinity of Elm and Houston, and another frontal shot fired from near the corner of the stockade fence (to the immediate right-front of the limousine), sounded much louder to him—primarily because they occurred in front of him, rather than from well to his left.

• A second shot from the right front (fired from near the corner of the grassy knoll stockade fence), fired nearly simultaneously with the previously discussed shot from the elevated storm drain (where the stockade fence intersects with the triple overpass), hit the President above and slightly behind the right ear, and created a massive tangential wound (that represented both entrance and exit) in the right rear of his skull—the blowout seen by Clint Hill in the limousine, and by the Parkland medical staff. This postulated shot was more from the right, than it was from the front. It may be this large, nearly baseball-sized defect that is seen on the back of the President’s head in the Moorman Polaroid photograph (Figure 76). This shot caused both the massive tissue loss from the right occipital lobe of the cerebral cortex, and the damage to the right cerebellum, noted at Parkland hospital. A large section of the skull and scalp removed by this shot was apparently captured in mid-air by the Moorman photo, and ended up in the back seat of the car, as noted by Clint Hill.

The Harper fragment, from the middle of the occipital region, was likely exit debris caused by this shot, and the Weitzman fragment may have been also. The pattern of exit debris that hit motorcycle policemen Hargis and Martin, and covered the trunk lid of the limousine with bloody water, resulted from this shot. The shooter to the immediate right-front of the limousine who fired this shot—near the corner of the stockade fence on the knoll—must have employed a .45 caliber pistol to shoot the President, possibly employing a silencer. This is one of two possible explanations for the sound of a pistol that witness S. M. Holland associated with the smoke seen coming from the picket fence on the grassy knoll. I believe the smoke Holland saw was from the rifle fired well to his left, from where the fence meets the overpass (as if wafted down the fence line), but that the pistol shot he heard may have been caused by the .45 caliber weapon that caused the large tangential wound in the rightrear of the President’s skull. I believe that the .45 caliber slug that Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig saw lying in the grass near the manhole cover on the south side of Elm Street, along with biological debris, is this bullet—the missile that caused the large tangential wound in the right posterior skull. Dr. Kemp Clark, head of neurosurgery at Parkland, believed the large avulsive head wound seen in Trauma Room One was a tangential wound. I also believe that the aforementioned rifle shot from the elevated storm drain (where the stockade fence meets the overpass) and the .45 slug (fired from near the corner of the grassy knoll fence) impacted virtually simultaneously, creating a massive overpressure in President Kennedy’s skull that resulted in the ‘head explosion’ noted by several witnesses. In my estimation, the combination of high velocity, explosive ammunition used by the shooter near the overpass, and the larger, .45 caliber pistol ammunition used by the other shooter near the corner of the stockade fence—impacting virtually simultaneously—produced the violent, explosive pattern of exit debris that was propelled to the left rear of the limousine with such great force. The violent motion of the President’s head and upper body—back, and to the left—seen in the Zapruder film is probably accounted for by the fact that it is caused by a double head hit from the right front, with both shots fired from the same quadrant (the right-front), and impacting at about the same time. [Note: if the .45 caliber slug was not fired from the position 14 feet west of the corner of the stockade fence identified by Josiah Thompson in Six Seconds in Dallas, then it may have been fired by the so-called ‘badge man’ figure—on the other side of the fence corner—seen in enhanced blowups of the Mary Moorman Polaroid photo created by Jack White in the late 1980s. Jack’s work with the Moorman photo (in concert with Gary Mack, before he became a ‘lone-nutter’), and his explanation of the ‘badge man’ figure, can be seen in episode 2 of the 1988 documentary, “The Men Who Killed Kennedy.” Groden deals with this subject in his book on pages 201 and 204.]

Just prior to the double head hit from the right front, I have concluded that President Kennedy was shot in the head low in the posterior skull, from the rear, by a third shot (which was probably fired from the second floor window in the Dal-Tex Building). The evidence for this shot comes from the autopsy report; because the evidence found on the body was of a shot from behind and not from the front, it was accepted into evidence and was not suppressed, as was all evidence of the two shots from the right front. In Groden’s book The Killing of a President, on pages 31 and 185, provocative evidence is offered of a possible shooter in a second floor window of the Dal-Tex building. A shot from that location would have been nearly horizontal when it hit the President, and would appear to be consistent with having caused both the low posterior entrance wound in the skull—agreed upon unanimously by all three pathologists as being 2.5 cm to the right, and slightly above, the external occipital protruberance—and the fractured right orbit seen in the A-P skull x-ray and noted on the Autopsy Descriptive Sheet. Presumably, this bullet would have been removed from the cranium and disposed of during the clandestine post mortem surgery at Bethesda, because it was the wrong kind of ammunition (i.e., not copper-jacketed 6.5 mm ammunition fired by Oswald’s rifle). In fact, if Oswald’s rifle did not fire any ammunition whatsoever the day of the assassination, or was only used to fire blanks for diversionary purposes, then the task of the medical coverup would have been relatively simple: remove all metal from the body, since none of it would have matched Oswald’s rifle. Ballistic matches to Oswald’s rifle—fired ahead of time—would have been ‘planted’ and introduced into evidence fraudulently, as CE 399 and possibly even the front seat fragments, CE 567 and 569, appear to have been. The apparent double head hit (from behind and from the front) seen in the Zapruder film, and written about so extensively by Josiah Thompson in his book, really did happen, in my view. The first shot to strike the skull was fired from low behind the limousine, possibly the second floor window in the Dal-Tex Building. The second and third shots that hit President Kennedy in the head were fired from the grassy knoll area to the right front of the limousine, as discussed previously. The exit blast from the two frontal shots almost completely obliterated all evidence of the bullet that struck the skull from behind: as Finck noted in the Blumberg report, the entrance wound in the posterior skull, when he first saw it, was only “a portion of a crater,” and Boswell explained to the HSCA staff, to the HSCA Forensic Pathology Panel, and to the ARRB that the entrance wound in the posterior skull was located at the margin, or edge of the enormous defect in the posterior skull, and only a small skull fragment brought into the morgue late in the autopsy allowed the pathologists to complete the circumference of the entry wound in the back of the head. The entrance wound low in the posterior skull was not seen in Dallas because it was located at the lower margin of the large, avulsed exit defect. It was missed because President Kennedy was lying supine during treatment, part of his brain was extruding from that exit defect, and he was bleeding profusely from the head. It still was not noted when the body was washed after death, because it was located in the periphery of the large exit defect. No one would have seen it at Parkland unless the head had been shaved and an autopsy had been performed by Dr. Rose.

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Jesse Ventura was on Piers Morgan on April 4, 2011 promoting his new book 63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read.

Morgan asked: John F. Kennedy's assassination ... who did that?

Ventura: It was done by William Harvey, who was the head of the CIA's assassination unit at that time. David Morales was directly involved in it. He likewise is the man, the gentleman who killed Che Guevara, down in Bolivia in '67, when they put him up against the firing wall and killed him, and shot and killed him, Morales was part of that.

Ventura bases this on E. Howard Hunt's somewhat dubious deathbed confession.

Still, it was interesting to hear these names mentioned on prime-time CNN.


Check out the four part interview (the above is part 2 beginning with the JFK part).

It's good, even though Morgan uses a number of straw-man arguments, like (paraphrased) "You believe in every conspiracy!"

Edited by Steve Rosen
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And on CNN's American Morning on April 5, 2011:

Kiran Chetry: "63" for when Kennedy was shot, right? Why'd you write the book?

Jesse Ventura: Because Dick Russell and I felt 63 was a great number. That was the year Jack Kennedy was killed ... [On the show Conspiracy Theory] We had a confession. E. Howard Hunt confessed to his son St. John Hunt on his deathbed. He said it was called the "Big Event". He was on the fringes of it. He named who it was. It was William Harvey, who at that time was head of the CIA's assassination team, and David Sanchez Morales. And he is also famous for something else, you know what? He killed Che Guevara, in Bolivia, in 1967, when they put Che against the wall and executed him. Sanchez used to wear Guevara's Rolex as a trophy ... What does it matter today? Because if you can kill our President and get away with it, then what can't you do? I challenge you that.

Again, very interesting to hear these shadowy names bandied about on a brightly-lit morning talk show.

The link is here (about 40 seconds in):


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  • 3 months later...
I think I may have found your Other "El Indio," among BEA's cast of characters.

Could "El Indio II" be Ernie Sparks?

This guy Ernie Sparks also reminds me of the "CIA Cowboy" in that little coastal town in Chile where the young American Harmon overheard coup operatives bragging, which cost him his life, as portrayed in the book and movie "Missing."

What do you think?


Bradley E. Ayers:

ERNIE SPARKS - "Sitting Bull" - The Other Indian?

Eventually, and old CIA training officer, Ernie Sparks, arrived and took over as chief of branch….Ernie dressed in Western style, with cowboy boots, jeans and open collared riding shirt. Often he would have a big revolver holstered at his side.

He was about 50, with gray hair, a droopy mustache, ruddy complexion, and piercing blue eyes.

He was portly but muscular. He could have been a Wild West movie character.

He had been nicknamed 'Sitting Bull' while serving as a training officer in Guatemala, preparing Cuban exile Brigade 2506 for the Bay of Pigs invasion. As the time went by I learned he had a penchant for booze, women and sports cars….."


Thanks for looking -- and for the pm.

While "Sparks" surely qualifies as a candidate, I recall that the other El Indio was literally of Native American heritage.

But it's also possible that I'm experiencing the so-called creative memory phenomenon. So let's keep looking; I'll mount a semblance of a search through my library and via the Internet.

Something tells me that Bill Turner and/or Gaeton Fonzi would have this info at hand.

And I'm convinced that this is an important story within the doppelganger-as-intel-op context.



While Sparkes might have dressed like a cowboy, I don't think they would have given him the nickname "Sitting Bull" if he wasn't a Native American."


I retract that statement, and no longer believe that "Ernie Sparks" is a native American.

Nor do I believe he is David Morales.

Does anybody have anything else on Ernie Sparks, the Guatemalan training camp instructor who helped shut down JMWAVE?


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  • 1 month later...
I have been ask a lot of questions about David Morales.  In the past I have just past them off.  Some ask me how Iknow he was not a player in the assassination of John Kenedy.  I know some will take unkindly with this post, but following is information that was given to an investigative committee in 1991 Senator John Kerry's  Iran Contra Re-Supply network ref; Dick Mc Call and John Winner.., close door session..." classified Top Secret Committee Sensitive".

Question:  How do you know that Morales was not involved in the Kennedy assassination?

I was told by Tracy Barnes,  John Martino, William "Wild Bill Harvey", and John Rosellie shortly after the assassination, that David was in Miami. 



Would you anticipate any further public disclosures of Kerry Committee discoveries if he is elected? Your last sentence is a mouthful: "I was told by Tracy Barnes, John Martino, William "Wild Bill Harvey" and John Roselli shortly after the assassination, that David was in Miami." I would love the chance to drag the details of that conversation out of you and put them down in a methodical manner. Doing that stuff off-the-cuff in video-interview format hasn't served you well, IMO.


Iknow he was not a player in the assassination of John Kenedy.

This is not true, Frank and David were there.

I was told by Tracy Barnes, John Martino, William "Wild Bill Harvey", and John Rosellie shortly after the assassination, that David was in Miami.


These are a bunch of guy's you should beleive.

Euclides Mendez, who was one of the leaders of Alpha 66 also later joined the Cubanos Unidos, Mendez is also known as "El Indio" who's real name was David Sanchez Morales.

I know this to be true because, I talked to Tomas Arrencibia over the phone appox. 6 months ago or so, he still lives in Miami, he verified that Morales was infact Mendez, also Morales use to come over our house in Hialeah.

Edited by Scott Kaiser
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On paper, those who provided negative identifications could be accused of having vested interests but ultimately, I was persuaded they were being honest and open with me. I was particularly impressed by how helpful Chavez, Fernandez, Roman and the Morales family were in answering my questions and providing new images (Rita and Sandra are pseudonyms, by the way).

I now believe the two figures in the ballroom are Michael Roman and, probably, Frank Owens. The Bulova connection and the actions of Roman after the shooting are a bit strange but I don't now believe the man with him is Joannides.

The "Morales" identification is so disputed at this stage, I prefer to emphasise that Morales confessed he was in Dallas and Los Angeles and, after talking to his family, they have no alibi for his whereabouts on June 5, 1968. This is significant because generally Morales' family lived with him wherever he was posted, with the exception of his tour of Vietnam and his first year in Laos.

Brad Ayers, Wayne Smith and Ed Lopez are all highly credible and I found their IDs persuasive for a long time. While I personally now doubt it is Morales in the video, the new images of Morales his family provided made Ayers and Smith even more sure of their original IDs. Even if it isn't Morales in the video, his statement that he was there and his implication that he was involved must be followed through as far as possible. What more can be done to pin this down, I'm not sure.

I found the interviews with Morales’ two eldest daughters interesting. On page 462 Rita Morales claims that David Morales was at home on the evening of the assassination of JFK and showed no reaction to the death. This sounds very abnormal and suggests that he was keeping himself under tight control (something that all spooks have to do when the subject matter of an issue concerns their work).

Rita said in the interview that “when he wasn’t drinking, he was a good guy”. The only problem with this assessment is that he was an alcoholic.

Rita also says: “If my father got a direct order to do it, I’m sure he did it. He knew the people who could get the job done.” Doesn’t sound like a “good guy” to me.

If true he was home and showed no reaction, that in and of itself is strange. Everyone had a strong reaction - one way or another!....and he was well known to not like JFK. He also worked for the man - his commander in chief. No reaction is almost a 'reaction' [of covering his real ones] in itself!.......

As someone who was supposed to have kicked Che's head like a football after it had been severed from his body....and many other ' wet jobs', I think we can conclude he was not a 'good guy' except to his friends and family, perhaps. Morales certainly could have done it without any troubled sleep if ordered or if he was one of the plotters. All evidence seems to point to his involvement in both JFK and RFK assassinations and American coup d'etat.

Peter: What about the signed affidavit which Brad Ayers and I signed at your residence in Solano Beach, California about 1991? If I remember right, it covered details about Ayers and our knowing each other at JM/WAVE, Miami Station.., and what he and I knew about operations in Miami and the timeline when we knew it.

Would you care to expand on that certified document and what all was discussed at that meeting before we both went to south Florida. As you know Brad almost got Jim Marrs and I killed when we were down there..., or is it to secret for you to go into today.

Would you care to POST that document/affidavit or explain why you can't?

Rita said in the interview that “when he wasn’t drinking, he was a good guy”. The only problem with this assessment is that he was an alcoholic.

This happens to be true all three men, Frank, David and my father would get drunk and shoot off at the mouth, Frank loved to brag about his war stories, I can still remember some of what he talked about.

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Mr. Plumlee, I was wondering if I might ask youa question on the forum. If you would, and it would be greatly appreciated by me, what was the reason that you and Sergio walked up the hill on the south knoll and along the foot path to cross the rail tracks? Why didn't you both follow the easier path under the over pass to your parking lot? Thank you for your time, and all you posts. They have been invaluable.

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  • 2 years later...


I definitely agree. Weren't some of David Morales' friends and relatives from Arizona? I will be anxious to find out what your interviews come up with when you get ready to post them.

By the way, you have an excellent photographic collection that you have shared here. (Greg Kooyman)


Thank you for the nice words. Arizona may play an important role in all of this. Morales was connected to Carl Hayden's brother and some shonky business deals may have been the result. Morales was also supposedly close with Barry Goldwater which is an area I am currently looking into.

Let's not forget that Morales' close associate during the covert years was Arizona resident Tom Clines. William Seymour was born in Montana but spent a lot of time in Arizona where he currently resides. That's another story for another thread but it plugs back into Morales and his influence over local politics.



At 03:58 of this video, could the man scratching his neck be David Sanchez Morales?

Does anyone know who took this short clip of Oswald being arrested on August 9,1963 in New Orleans?

John "Jack" T. Martin?

James Douglas?

A New Orleans TV station?

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Thanks, Rex.

The Morales in Vietnam photos (1969 - 71) show that he lost some considerable weight compared to the Morales in Peru images (1966 - 67).

Images of him from the mid 1970's show that he put some weight back on.

Does anyone know who the tall bald guy is in the Vietnam images?



File this under "Better late than never" ...

The tall man is Colonel William P. Grieves, aka "Pappy", aka "P", aka "Colonel Bill."

Grieves was born in 1913. He served as a Colonel in G-2, the US Army's Military Intelligence Corps from 1935-1965.

In 1958, Grieves was the Executive Officer (XO) of the XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery (another source has him as the Commander).

That year, he co-founded the US Army Parachute team and was considered a member for 1958.

Grieves issued the first order which implemented the free fall parachuting club. Known as the STRAC/US Army Sport Parachute Team (SPT), it was active between 1959 and 1961. Their nickname is the "Golden Knights".

It is still believed that Grieves never became a Brigadier General (BG) because of his connection to free fall parachuting.

Instead Colonel Bill took on more shadowy work. Grieves came to Vietnam around 1965, on the cusp of retirement, with the mission of training the South Vietnamese Field Police under AID, where he was listed as a Security Officer and was stationed in Saigon.

Grieves clashed with the CIA management and contractors like Ted Serong, who wanted the controlling hand on the Field Police program Grieves was attempting to establish.

This work put him in front of David Morales, whose heavy presence in Vietnam was nominally under CIA Saigon station chief Ted Shackley (1968-1972).

Grieves is pictured below in 1958 with the US Army Parachute Team.

-- Steve


Douglas Valentine, The Phoenix Program (2000), numerous pages.

Who's Who in the CIA, Julius Mader / Thomas Bergner (1968).


(Thanks as well to the inimitable Zach Robertson).





Edited by Steve Rosen
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