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Oswald Leaving TSBD?

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This is approximately how i see the prayer man standing position, credit to Jim Hawthorn for the graphic.

but Prayerman should be back in the corner a bit more, so that the middle of his head lines up with the steel window frame



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If you post a link i will have a look at it.

Hi Robin

Yes, you are renowned for your good work in the research field. I'm sure we've all seen your excellent galleries and commentary over the years.

But I was just wondering if you have any views on Stan Dane's GIF of PM in motion and what he is doing with his hands?

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just wanted to see a relatively stable version :
whoever it is doesn't seem to move much. At first I thought : clipboard, now no idea.

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Oswald had been there for barely a month

How many of all these people would have known him at all, let alone notice much of anything after what they just experienced while walking dazed back up to their jobs?

Wesley is there and fairly close to PM. He is sought out and brought to DPD with his 303 rifle and ammo... He is the man responsible for bringing Oswald home and helping him bring the rifle to do the deed, or so says the DPD to this frightened young man and his sister after finally tracking him down

Did Wesley see Oswald in the corner? My guess is he would never say so in a million years... if it was Wesley they were leaning on as an accomplice.

What amazes me is that no one has ever come forward to claim that was Oswald... not even hint at it. C Arnold comes closest by putting him inside those front doors as 12:30 approaches

He does look kinda large to be Ozzie - wide rather than large - but that could be a billowing shirt.

just thinking out loud


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Hi David

Except that PM is standing right behind where the TSBD door opens and anyone going into the TSBD would have been staring him right in the face as they opened the door. If he was a stranger on the day of the assassination don't you think he would have stood out?

Most of the TSBD employees are specifically asked, and specifically deny, seeing any strangers around the TSBD that day in their WC testimony and affividavits.

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Hi Robin

Apologies, I can't post the response I'm replying to on EF due to technical issues.

In reference to the graphic above showing BWF and PM, I take it you are one of those who believe that PM was 5 foot tall? I think Chris Davidson and others on here addressed that height issue a page or two back.

Just a comment about the graphic, the PM figure doesn't appear to have any feet or are they included in the leg measurements? He already looks disproportionately small compared to BWF - if he's given feet he would be even tinier.

The PM figure in Stan and Gerda's GIFs appears to have head, body and arms that are in proportion to the others on the steps. He does not appear to be diminutive. He just looks so much shorter compared to BWF because he is standing on the next step down from the top landing (where BWF is standing).

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Could be Vanessa

Given the fact that we can't see Prayer mans legs, we have know way of knowing which step he is standing on.

I don't think we will ever really know until we can source better resolution frames to work with.

The frames most of us are using now, were originally provided by me in a ZIP file that contained 110 - frames

but even those are not clear enough to give us the answers we are looking for

Edited by Robin Unger
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The Weigman gif is a 2frame/4second differential,time lapse.

PM appears to be filming/photographing and then stops.

Lovelady appears to take at least one step down.


Good find, Chris. It appears Lovelady was a couple of inches taller than PM, assuming they were both standing erect. How tall was Lovelady again?

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