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Oswald Leaving TSBD?

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Ray -

I do not post that I think it is the black man's arm - do I?

I left that uncolored because even though it looks like the same material as Lovelady's shirt - and does appear to be his arm... it simply looks unnatural and cut off as BA observed.

We agree that the white of the sirt of the man behind him does butt up against his shoulder

Here is an extreme close-up of the white shirt, cheek and shoulder and a version farther back with more contrast

The shadow on the left shoulder comes from where?

(btw - due respect to the image makers here... most of what I post is my work. I try to give credit where due if I post other's work - sometimes I don't know the source)



Edited by David Josephs
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Just like to add that Charles Wallace came up with this matter in 2005.

Titled: Oswald cleared in JFK shooting!


Thanks to Ed Ledoux for the link

It appears that CW was referring to the Lovelady character if you read the first post on that page... not the last.

CW has to make this assumption: which I do not see any evidence for in those frames... and we all know that PM is still in the dark corner at the same time

The opening frames of Wiegman show

Shelley, Lovelady, and Calvary at the traffic light pole and in the same

frame Oswald is standing on the top landing in the middle of the TSBD

entrance way.


Edited by David Josephs
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Just like to add that Charles Wallace came up with this matter in 2005.

Titled: Oswald cleared in JFK shooting!


Thanks to Ed Ledoux for the link



If you are referring to the figure known as PM man, I'm fairly sure Charles was not the discoverer.


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I'd still like to know how Gloria Calvary made it all the way up Elm St. to the traffic island, from down by the Stemmons Freeway sign, before Baker made it to the steps of the TSBD; especially when you can see Gloria Calvary, post-assassination, still down by the sign in the Darnell film.

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Ray -

I do not post that I think it is the black man's arm - do I?

Sorry if I misunderstood you, David. I thought that's what you meant.

I left that uncolored because even though it looks like the same material as Lovelady's shirt - and does appear to be his arm... it simply looks unnatural and cut off as BA observed.

butt up against the area of the shoulder you arrow.

We agree that the white of the sirt of the man behind him does butt up against his shoulder

No, I don't agree. The white shirt does not but up to the part you arrow.

Here is an extreme close-up of the white shirt, cheek and shoulder and a version farther back with more contrast

The shadow on the left shoulder comes from where?

It is not a shadow. It the right lapel of the jacket of the guy to the right (as we look at it) of Lovelady.

(btw - due respect to the image makers here... most of what I post is my work. I try to give credit where due if I post other's work - sometimes I don't know the source)



Edited by Ray Mitcham
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David, this article is the first notable write up regarding the whole situation covering that area.

PM, the term that is, was made up by Sean Murphy who picked up this part of the case after (!) and delved deeper in it. Around 2007 (Wallace's post is from 2005 if I am not mistaken)

Chris, if you know who is then please state and link, there is already enough conjecture in these threads as it is.

Thank you.



Very few people knew of this Weigman version back when it was available.

Sean was working on a timing project back then (relating to Lovelady/Altgens) and asked for help.

I created a disk image of the "Death In Dealy Plaza" program DVD back in October of 2005. Sent Robin Unger a copy way back when.

The quality of photos/movies was much better than what had been previously available. imo

When Sean inquired about Lovelady, we were more concerned about the Lovelady/Oswald scenario in Altgens, than anything else.

PM,as he was named by Sean sometime later I believe,was known to us back in 2007, we just didn't associate his possible importance until Sean Murphy followed through with his fantastic work later on.

This is how I remember it evolving,if someone has earlier information for PM, I'm not aware of it but can "stand to be corrected".


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I always thought it interesting how the white shirt appears to be simultaneously in front of and behind lovelady/oswald, and how the upper part of the shirt cuts off the bottom left of the jaw, looking obviously pasted in, to me at least.

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I wish there were a portrait artist here who would assess the blow-up in Ray Mitcham's post #1985.

To my untrained eye, the figure could be Marina's husband or Lovelady. I lean toward Marina's husband, given the apparent lean-ness, sharp-ness, and not so bony structure of what I see.

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Working on something... The image above is far from correct...

Does this make a bit more sense - or ??


Edited by David Josephs
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I wish there were a portrait artist here who would assess the blow-up in Ray Mitcham's post #1985.

To my untrained eye, the figure could be Marina's husband or Lovelady. I lean toward Marina's husband, given the apparent lean-ness, sharp-ness, and not so bony structure of what I see.

How's this Jon?


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Working on something... The image above is far from correct...

Does this make a bit more sense - or ??


That's exactly it. David. Makes sense once it is coloured properly..

Which side of the central railing was Lovelady on?

Is he holding onto something with his left hand?

I always thought Lovelady was standing just to the left of the center railing.

If he's holding onto something with his left hand in Altgens 6, he must be holding onto the railing on the left wall with it, which seems kind of awkward.

--Tommy sun

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Working on something... The image above is far from correct...

Does this make a bit more sense - or ??


That's exactly it. David. Makes sense once it is coloured properly..

Which side of the central railing was Lovelady on?

Is he holding onto something with his left hand?

I always thought Lovelady was standing just to the left of the center railing.

If he's holding onto something with his left hand in Altgens 6, he must be holding onto the railing on the left wall with it, which seems kind of awkward.

--Tommy sun

Great question Tommy...

I thought that too yet he is not in the middle in Hughes... but later, much later... I think he was just behind the black man there... and moves over by Couch/Darnell which is after Altgens6

That's him at the top right in a Hughes frame blowup... or that's PM


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Working on something... The image above is far from correct...

Does this make a bit more sense - or ??


That's exactly it. David. Makes sense once it is coloured properly..

Which side of the central railing was Lovelady on?

Is he holding onto something with his left hand?

I always thought Lovelady was standing just to the left of the center railing.

If he's holding onto something with his left hand in Altgens 6, he must be holding onto the railing on the left wall with it, which seems kind of awkward.

--Tommy sun

Great question Tommy...

I thought that too yet he is not in the middle in Hughes... but later, much later... I think he was just behind the black man there... and moves over by Couch/Darnell which is after Altgens6

That's him at the top right in a Hughes frame blowup... or that's PM



Nice collage.


--Tommy :sun

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