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No Chance For a New Inquiry Into the JFK Assassination!

Terry Adams

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“It remains this insoluble question because the absolute positive proof of what happened that day is probably irretrievable. The people who could ultimately clear it up aren’t around anymore,” says Robert Thompson, director of the Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture at Syracuse University. “It is one of the greatest American mysteries. ‘Who was Deep Throat’ was up there with it, and that’s over. And unlike the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster or Big Foot, we are talking about the death of a sitting American president. There is no bigger drama than that.”

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When you have nutjobs on both sides of the "research" fence, it's easy for the simple folk to lump in bigfoot and loch ness..

Keep in mind also that it is the job of big media to keep the uneducated populace distracted as well; Fukushima is dumping tons of radioactive waste into the pacific right now and the biggest stories this week are Kanye and a Crack smoking Canadian mayor...or whomever/whatever...

I scoffed at Wm Klly on here with his comment about "there are people looking into reopening/investigating JFK " whatever because

a) most people could care less.

B) it is now an unprovable/unsolvable case.

c) it is patently untrue. no one is looking into opening the case again. not in government anyway.

The waters of inquiry have been so muddied by buffoon and dilettante alike as to render any investigation useless.

Add to that the destruction of evidence, dead witnesses and a totally corrupt governmental apparatus in Americuh and all you have left is material for a "Maury Povich Presents" where Dave Von Pain beats a James Files nut over the head with his mustache until yes, we find out via DNA testing Dave is the father..of something...

In clinical or scientific settings, two minds with diverging opinions can look at what is presented and then test out what is likely the "truth" regardless if it contradicts their own stubborn dogma or fantasy...and come to one or more possible conclusions that hold water in this thing called "reality",,,
It's this very process that keeps cars on the road, planes in the sky and elevators from dropping into the basement and extends to physics, science, logic...all kindsa neat stuff...

But this neat stuff I'm talking about here extends to reality and not to the paracosm that is "JFK".

"JFK Land" is the province where uneducated opinion meets indignant entitlement...

Just look at some of the " I know you are but what am I " styled geniuses around here...and elsewhere...

And what about the fifteen other more important things to investigate? Let's start with wall street.

Kennedy is not important...he never was. His killing made him important and it shed a light on just how dirty and corrupt America is. That's what most people are actually fighting about...and that's why it won't ever get solved.

If there was definitive proof that LBJ had it arranged and there was a signed list of payouts and names, some nut would argue about it. The guy who found the list is a _______, the list is a fake etc etc...

So, no one is looking into it anymore except the few who are interested and those who can rape a buck out of Kennedy's corpse with a "new revelation!" or a "new witness".

Scumbags like Bumliosi and Posnurd.

Edited by Blair Dobson
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Your post #3, (above), is simultaneously insightful, frustratingly accurate and funny.

I don't mean this in a bad way but... have you taken over where Bill Hicks left off?

I'm sure you won't be silenced by a few stuffed shirts, keep it up. It's always a pleasure to read your posts.

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Your post #3, (above), is simultaneously insightful, frustratingly accurate and funny.

I don't mean this in a bad way but... have you taken over where Bill Hicks left off?

I'm sure you won't be silenced by a few stuffed shirts, keep it up. It's always a pleasure to read your posts.

I am flattered by the Hicks reference..

A sense of humor is essential or you end up looking like DVP and others arguing and carrying on like a buncha six year olds...

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What I want to know is---is that your real profile picture, Blair LOL:)

I find your posts funny and somewhat informative

its an old photo but yes that is me with a bozo cut.

there was some whinge about using real photos so i replaced the one i had ( my head pasted on Oswalds) with this one.

i tried to pm you..

i have read a ton of your stuff and respect the time end effort you put in..so please don't take my offhand comments about selling stuff here as sweeping "i hate you" statements....


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Well, thank you- that is refreshing to hear:) I held my breath when I saw you replied, thinking "here comes the flame fest" LOL.

Yes, you ARE the new Bill Hicks- I mean that as a compliment!

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-" Please provide evidence that this bullet couldn't have come from inside Cary Grants toupee, a can of soup or hand delivered by bigfoot": Blair Dobson.

Blair, thanks for posting about Bigfoot's possible involvement in the assassination. I, therefore, retract my statement that the killing of President Kennedy will never be looked at again...................

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The bigfoot aspect could explain why Oswald' s pubic hair is included as a Warren Committee exhibit. They probably wanted to prove the bigfoot connection via DNA sample in 2017!

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-" Please provide evidence that this bullet couldn't have come from inside Cary Grants toupee, a can of soup or hand delivered by bigfoot": Blair Dobson.

Blair, thanks for posting about Bigfoot's possible involvement in the assassination. I, therefore, retract my statement that the killing of President Kennedy will never be looked at again...................

Context is key Terry.. ;)

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The mystery of Deep Throat was solved!"

The JFK case can be as well. It won't if we all succumb to the disease of apathy and resignation. I still feel the pain and the anger and I will NOT go quietly!

I dunno Barry..

The math doesn't favor it..

take the bungling morons in Dallas, add that to the destroyed documents and outright lies by the CIA/FBI/wWCR and then add to that the James Files morons, the disinfo and top that off with some of the more outlandish claims LN and CT type alike and you have "an enigma wrapped in bacon served in a puzzling bun with special sauce and a sesame seed bun".

lets just say you managed to prove one tangent...let's just pick one and say "LBJ"...then you have almost 50 potential gunmen. Cubans, french gunmen, CIA gunmen, men from Powells unit , local cops...then you add the long list of mob trash...

In proving who the gunmen were alone, you slip and slide between mob and anti castro and military and police alone...they couldn't all be there.

so lets say to the exclusion of all others, you arrive at ( lets just say ) local cops and military guys from Powells outfit..

then what the hell was Brading doing there in the Dal Tex building?

that is just one example of the terrible beauty of why it won't ever get solved 100%

I'd love to be proven wrong about that I really would.

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