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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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Ministry of Transport of DNR from next week will start the passenger train on the line of Yasinovataya-Debaltseve-Lugansk.

It at a meeting with journalists was declared by the Minister of Transport of the Republic Semyon Kuzmenko.

"Approximately to days off we will already technically have opportunity to start up trains through Debaltseve, and soon we will see an electric train of Yasinovataya-Debaltseve-Lugansk, or Donetsk-Debaltseve-Lugansk" — he reported.

According to the minister, once a day is planned to carry out railway communication with the neighboring republic meanwhile.

"Flight there, flight back. So far it will be only the diesel train as electrification of ways to Yenakiyevo and in Debaltseve completely is absent. This that inheritance that remained to us from the Ukrainian army" — Kuzmenko told.

Regular flights will begin from next week.

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya

The situation in the cities of Novorossiya during a so-called truce remains the intense.

According to the Ministry of Defence of DNR, for yesterday's days AFU 33 times made attack of the territory of Donbass.

Among civilians the victims aren't present, but among Novorossiya's militia three persons were lost also six got wounds.

Under fire on the Mariupol direction there was a village of Shirokino. Also under attack there were settlements Spartak, Zhabichevo, Sand, the territory of the Donetsk airport, the Kiev district of Donetsk and Avdeevk.

We will remind, in Avdeevke battalions of chasteners and diversionary groups are now located. Provocatively firing at the city, they try to create illusion of what the militia breaks the Minsk arrangements.

In Gorlovka, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of DNR (the Nikitovsky area Zabaykalskaya Street), because of hit to the house of an explosive subject the fire began. Earlier in a militia of DNR reported about violation of a truce in Gorlovka from the Ukrainian military.

In total according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of DNR sappers in days neutralized about 60 explosive subjects.

In Sand, according to a militia, restlessly. The SBU carries out cleaning from rebels to Konstantitnovke where a few days ago drunk soldiers of AFU crushed the child.

Around Elenovki, Dokuchayevsk strengthening of the line of defense in case the Ukrainian chasteners will decide to move to the north Donbass is conducted.

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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Donetsk, 21 Mar — is GIVEN. AFU since the beginning of a truce of 180 times opened fire at the territory of DNR. About it at a briefing in the press center it is GIVEN the deputy commander the case of the Ministry of Defence of DNR Eduard Basurin declared today.

"For the entire period, since March 16, more than 180 violations of silence regime by the Ukrainian troops are recorded. Their tragic result — death 14 and wound of 25 more civilians and rebels of the republic" — was noted by him.

Thus only for last days the Ministry of Defence recorded 38 violations of silence regime by the Ukrainian security officers.

According to Basurin, now from AFU the number of violations of "silence regime" only increases.

The most intense situation remains on the Mariupol direction, near the settlement of Shirokino.

"The fighters of the nationalist battalion "Azov" deployed there a few days ago were strengthened by the battery the 122-millimitrovykh of howitzers of D-30 from structure of the AFU which are earlier allegedly taken away from the line of contact according to the Minsk arrangements" — Basurin reported.

According to him, this battery, using tactics of maneuverable actions, regularly carries out attacks of settlements of DNR and positions of a militia on all depth of the areas adjoining the line of contact.

"And attacks are conducted not only at night, but also in the afternoon then the battery changes the area not to come into the view of OSCE — noted the zamkomkorpusy.

"However yesterday the video footage of these impudent violations of "silence regime" by chasteners of the battalion "Azov", thanks to correspondents of agency Reuters, flew about the whole world. Yesterday observers of OSCE became witnesses of other barefaced violation of a ceasefire regime by the Ukrainian group. Being on positions of DNR Army in five kilometers from N of the item of Shirokino, the group of special OSCE observation mission in Ukraine within two hours in a row fixed as three Ukrainian tanks made more than 90 shots on east suburbs of the settlement" — the representative of military department told.

Donetsk, 21 Mar — is GIVEN. In a week the militia of DNR was filled up by 11 repaired AFU trophy tanks. About it at a briefing in the press center it is GIVEN the deputy commander the case of the Ministry of Defence of DNR Eduard Basurin declared today.

"Repair shops of the Donetsk People's Republic continued works on restoration of trophy Ukrainian equipment" — he noted.

"In a week it is put into operation of 11 T-64 tanks of various modifications, 7 MTLB multi-purpose armored conveyors, 6 artillery pieces of various caliber, including 3 self-propelled Carnation installations — the representative of the Ministry of Defence of DNR reported.

Donetsk, 21 Mar — is GIVEN. Growth of provocations of AFU in DNR is connected with desire of Kiev to achieve input to Donbass of peacekeepers of the West. About it at a briefing in the press center it is GIVEN the deputy commander the case of the Ministry of Defence of DNR Eduard Basurin declared today.

"We regard growth of provocative actions of Kiev as aspiration to discredit the OSCE Mission in Ukraine with the subsequent replacement of its mission by certain western peacekeepers" — he noted.

We will remind that on March 19 the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Vladimir Groysman delivered the signature under the resolution of parliament on the appeal to the UN and the European Union about introduction of peacekeeping mission to Donbass. On Tuesday, March 17, I am glad I supported the presidential draft of the resolution on the address on Saturday the UN and Council of the EU about expansion in the territory of the country of the international operation on support of the world and safety.

In Donetsk on it declared that introduction of any peacekeeping forces to Donbass contradicts the Package of measures on implementation of the Minsk Agreement.

As the envoy of DNR in Contact group Denis Pushilin declared, in the peace agreements signed in Minsk is accurately stated — process to implementation of the Minsk arrangements can be promoted by only one international organization. "It is the organization – OSCE" — he emphasized.

Donetsk, 21 Mar – It is GIVEN. The Ukrainian security officers contrary to these promises for the last week more than 50 times fired at the territory of the Donetsk airport where there is a humanitarian operation on search and evacuation of bodies of the dead. I declared it at a briefing in the press center today the deputy commander by the case of the Ministry of Defence of DNR Eduard Basurin is GIVEN.

"For last week 56 attacks of the territory of the airport from different types of arms are recorded there. From them 11 with application of mortars and tank guns it is noted during yesterday" — I told the zamkomkorpusy.

Donetsk, 21 Mar – It is GIVEN. Kiev increases near the line of contact of army which main part is made by recruits, deception directed on Dobnass. I declared it at a briefing in the press center today the deputy commander by the case of the Ministry of Defence of DNR Eduard Basurin is GIVEN.

"For the last weeks in the adjoining areas the number of the military personnel of the Ukrainian army and national guard considerably increased — told the zamkomkorpusy. — Generally it is the yesterday's recruits who passed short collecting which fraudulently directed on Donbass".

"Thus the number of the demobilized Ukrainian security officers decreasing from these areas – many times is less" — Basurin added.

He noted also that investigation of DNR constantly fixes a regrouping of the Ukrainian divisions in front areas, strengthening of their positions and a mining of objects of infrastructure along the line of contact.

Donetsk, 21 Mar — is GIVEN. The authorities of the Donetsk People's Republic obliged all legal entities of the country to accept for payment, besides hryvnia, dollars, rubles and euro. About it it is said in the statement of the Head of the Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Zakharchenko which arrived in it is GIVEN.

"The republic obliges all government institutions, and also the enterprises of other forms of ownership to take for payment for goods and services the above world currencies. Authorities of the Republic will take all measures for ensuring free implementation of calculations in a cash and non-cash form in all above currencies" — it is noted in the document.

Besides, in hryvnias, rubles, dollars and euro payments of pensions, grants and salaries will be carried out.

According to the Head of DNR, such steps are caused by that the power of Ukraine doesn't carry out points 8 and 11 of the Minsk protocol of September 5, 2014 (about national dialogue and recovery of the economy of Donbass — primas. It is given), and also points 7 and 8 of the Package of measures on implementation of the Minsk Agreement of February 12, 2015 (about access to the region of humanitarian aid and a complete recovery of economic relations of the region and Ukraine — primas. It is given).

"These points oblige Kiev to take actions for improvement of a humanitarian situation on Donbass, to recovery of its economy and a banking system" — Zakharchenko reminded.

"In the Republic there was the hardest economic situation. Deficiency of cash money supply in hryvnia is sharply felt. The population and business are compelled to make payments in the different available currencies, not only hryvnia, but also in dollars, rubles and euro. Tax authorities of the Republic in such situation are also compelled to accept in the budget payments and charges in various currencies" — depicted the current situation Head of state.

Zakharchenko emphasized that circulation in the country of four currencies will proceed until there is an economic and financial blockade of Donbass from Ukraine.

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Attention Mariupol.

Since yesterday round-ups of which children began ukrofashist want to take away in the retaliatory battalions. Check all places of a congestion of people, check documents and according to the lists take away in the unknown direction. Those who doesn't want to become a piece of meat in hands of ukrofashist and the body to clear of mines fields beyond Mariupol.то the request to start disappearing and following safety rules. To be exact to stop visiting places of a congestion of people and whenever possible without the necessary need to appear on the street.

Many couldn't leave for various reasons from the city and go to a militia and now there came time when you have to decide the destiny. Clear business that should be exempted the city urgently from this plague, but you have to understand that without support of a militia of it we won't be able to make. So children we keep and we wait when there comes time for this purpose to help a militia with liberation of Mariupol from ukrofashistsky plague.

Со вчерашнего дня начались облавы в Мариуполе

With Mariupol in heart, Soul to Donbass. Mariupol is Novorossiya!

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya

The rebel of DNR Army Maxim with a call sign "Hindu" told about the martial law near Mariupol, in the settlement of Shirokino.

On this sector of the front near Mariupol there was a new type of arms — the tank with the name "Black Panther", most likely foreign production.

The Ukrainian troops continue continuous attacks of the settlement of Shirokino from tanks, 80 mm and 120-mm mortars, constantly fire conduct the sniper of AFU.

On positions of invaders the powerful modern tank was noticed, fighters of the opponent call it "A black panther", allegedly it is the tank of production of South Korea.

The Ukrainian invaders stop attacks only for that time when there comes monitoring mission of OSCE.

Rebels hold the positions and provocations don't answer, adhering to conditions of the Minsk arrangements.

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya


If you consider necessary to publish, I ask anonymously.

Dear rebels and residents of Donbass! I write in hope that you will hear my cry about the help not only you, but also at least the part of those whose consciousness now is under the power of the Ukrainian pseudo-patriotism. I was born and I live in Kiev. Here my parents were born and grew up, here I gave birth to the daughter. I treat one of the most vulnerable to imposing of fascism of groups of the Ukrainian society - to youth. Ever since as protests in Kiev assumed a revolution scale, me surrounded, in the majority, radical people: my friends, colleagues, family...

Now I understand that excesses and injustice were created in we wash the house from my acquiescence. My country went crazy. Practically all lost mind and the Maidan mowed ranks even those who would seem the intelligent and absolutely not cruel representative of the Ukrainian people still yesterday. Lovely, dear rebels, I know the truth! I was here and everything saw, I remember day when at square of Independence a harmonous row someone built about one hundred thin guys with the covered faces. Students here already didn't even smell as "Mirnyi".

I remember from what party of barricades the first bottle with the burning cocktail took off - I saw everything, but I was silent. I didn't take up arms against mass hysteria, I fastidiously screwed up the face from blood-thirsty semiliterate children who seized upon government possession, but I was silent. Forgive me, I am the TRAITOR of the country.

Because of me on Donbass children perished: Volnovakh, Vanya, Polina - your blood and on my hands, and I can't live with it. You perish there because weren't afraid as I. You perish there together with the children because you know the truth and you know that the truth wages war on your party. It because of me now my country is forced and glumit a small group of unscrupulous pigs, headed by the king of oligarchy. I am kneeling to you, you are the Real soldiers and Defenders of the country.

I kneel before brothers from the occupied Kiev and other cities and areas who refuse to take part in murders of our children from Donbass. I am the inhabitant of Kiev who didn't absorb in herself hatred seeds to the sort, to the history and the country, I call All who else can be rescued from fetters of hatred and a chain of death - think again! Resist!

Исповедь заблудшей киевлянки ..

In the modern world, in the territory of the "democratic" country I can't express the thoughts and the civic stand, without being afraid thus of prosecutions from SBU and retaliatory battalions of the Right Sector. I can't be sure of safety of my child, after open statements about that that I the Russian. I politely remind of that that already once our flags towered over the Reichstag, but what price?! In war there are no winners, but in this war, as well as in that - to us the truth.

Our only exit - to wage guerrilla war, to create underground resistance with assistance of Novorosiya's army. To wage information war and to support the front by all feasible methods.
With Respect and Respect, Yulia, city of Kiev.

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya


yesterday, 18:44
The authorities of LNR expect to carry out military parade on May 9 - Carpenter's

The management of the Luhansk People's Republic plans to carry out military parade on May 9. It to journalists was declared by the head of LNR Igor Plotnitsky.

According to him, the authorities will try to make everything to organize celebration of the Victory Day in all regions and the cities.

"If it works, we will carry out military parade and we will organize celebrations. Is the wishing actors much to arrive from the Russian Federation", - I told Carpenter's.

He specified that there is a mass of plans concerning carrying out this year of the actions dated for celebration on May 9.

"We invite the mass of people. We are ready to make payments to our veterans in addition. At us big ideas for May 9 because it is a national holiday, a holiday of our general Victory", - were emphasized by him.

Luganskinformtsentr — on March 21 — Lugansk
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MOSCOW, March 22. /TASS/. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s statements about Donbass’ "inevitable re-integration" sound strange against the backdrop of Kiev’s actions directed at hampering the Minsk peace process, the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) envoy to the Contact Group Vladislav Deinego told Lugansk Inform Center on Sunday.

"I am ready to argue with the term ‘inevitable’ but this is a topic for a separate discussion," Deinego said. "Talking about re-integration as such, the algorithm is very clearly outlined in the package of measures on implementing the Minsk agreements signed on February 12, 2015. Ukraine systematically dodges implementing it, violates its norms and freely interprets the essence and logical structure of this documents. Such behavior is called ‘explicit and open sabotage and provocations’," the envoy added.

"Kiev cannot even admit that whole Donbass in unison, represented by two people’s republics, has risen against the tyranny of pro-fascist followers of [stepan] Bandera [ukrainian nationalist] as they seized power in Ukraine," the envoy added.

"The people are restricted in movement, food and necessities supply is blocked, banking and financial systems are blocked, economic and energy blockade is obvious. Systematic diversions and terrorist attacks, shelling of cities and town from heavy weaponry add colors to the already colorful picture of ‘friendliness and peaceful intentions’ of official Kiev directed at ‘re-integration’," he added.

In case of full implementation of the Minsk agreements, Ukraine has a chance "to upgrade, rid itself of Nazi followers and pro-fascist politicians and return to the path of democratic development," Deinego said.
Minsk agreements on Ukraine

On February 12, negotiations in the so-called "Normandy format" were held in the Belarusian capital Minsk, bringing together Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. The talks lasted for around 14 hours.

Simultaneously, a meeting of the Contact Group on Ukrainian settlement was held in Minsk, bringing together former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma and Kiev’s special representative for humanitarian issues Viktor Medvedchuk, both representing the Ukrainian side, alongside representatives of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR), Denis Pushilin and Vladislav Deinego, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s (OSCE) special envoy to Ukraine, Heidi Tagliavini, and Russia’s ambassador to Ukraine, Mikhail Zurabov, who acts as a mediator.

The Minsk agreements envisage ceasefire in Ukraine’s south-east, heavy weaponry withdrawal, prisoner exchange, local elections in Donbass and constitutional reform in Ukraine.

MOSCOW, March 22. /TASS/. The Ukrainian forces have delivered an artillery strike at a railway station in Donetsk, the defense ministry of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) said on Sunday.

"A direct hit was registered in a three-story building on the territory of the railway station around 11am [local time]. It is yet unclear what kind of projectile was used," the DPR defense ministry was quoted by the Donetsk News Agency as saying.

Donetsk, 22 Mar – It is GIVEN. Security officers of Kiev for the last days of 41 time opened fire at DNR positions therefore four fighters of a militia are wounded. About this correspondent. It is given declared in the Ministry of Defence of the country today.

"For days of AFU broke silence regime of 41 times, in a night nine. As a result of attacks near the settlement Sand are wounded four fighters of a militia" — reported in the Ministry of Defence.

Also added, "such number of victims during a truce, not an ordinary case".

In power department of DNR noted, "the military personnel of Ukraine, aiming on militia positions, fired at settlements". Under fire got the village of Shirokino, Kalinovka, Zhabunka within Donetsk, mine 6-7 in Gorlovka, and also the settlement Alarm.

"120 mm, machine guns, RPG, AGS, small arms shot from mortars of caliber 82. In the settlement Alarm from Nice at 19:15 yesterday, security officers involved artillery, but the system isn't defined" — told in the Ministry of Defence.

As a result in inhabited sector destructions are recorded, the peace citizens given about wounded or lost isn't present.

"Silence regime" on Donbass officially came into force on February 15 from 01:00 on Donetsk time. The requirement to cease fire was put in the Package of measures on implementation of the Minsk Agreement. This document participants of Contact group (DNR, LNR, OSCE, the Russian Federation and Ukraine) signed on February 12 during the negotiations lasting more than 16 hours. In DNR repeatedly declared that observance of a truce entirely depends on the Ukrainian party.

Donetsk, 22 Mar — is GIVEN. In the Ukrainian army since the beginning of year by 50 times the losses of fighters which aren't connected with military operations increased. It was declared by the Deputy Attorney-General, the chief military prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios.

"We received this year fiftyfold increase in noncombat losses, both irrevocable, and sanitary. Decrease in military discipline is the reason for that" — told Matios on air of Ukrainian of "the 5th channel".

Thus the prosecutor didn't sound concrete number of losses, having only called them "considerable".

Donetsk, 22 Mar — is GIVEN. The staff of OSCE arrived to the place of attack of the Donetsk railway station, reports the correspondent. It is given from an event place.

At the moment representatives of international mission fix the fact of hit of a fighting shell to the three-storyed building.

Situation still quiet. The territory is surrounded. Squads of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of DNR work at a place.

In conversation with the correspondent. It is given, the staff of saving department noted that, according to preliminary data, attack was conducted with the party Sand or Avdeevki. There was a direct hit in the administrative case of railway station "Donetsk".

Visual survey showed that the building is seriously damaged: the roof is punched, the covering of an external wall is broken, internal walls, a glazing are destroyed.
According to experts, the shell most likely punched a roof and is in the building. In the Ministry of Emergency Situations don't exclude that the speech can go about use of AFU of a missile system of volley fire. Exact data will be known later.

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According to messages of residents of the Velokomikhaylovsky region of Odessa region of Odessa region today, around 19-00 towards Slavyano-Serbki. Which to be on border with the Dnestr Moldavian republic I proceeded next colon with the Ukrainian military equipment and troops.

People report that it already third day as at night equipment, tanks, the armored personnel carrier and another moves towards Transnistria.

We will remind, recently Petro Poroshenko declared: "We paid separate attention to events in the Republic of Moldova, in particular to the Dnestr region. Agreed about coordination of our actions across Transnistria to promote defrosting of this conflict and to help the sovereign and independent state to renew the territorial integrity and to reintegrate the Dnestr region to Moldova".

As political scientists report and military experts at the moment are real danger of transfer of military operations from Novorossiya, in Transnistria.

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Donetsk, 22 Mar — is GIVEN. AFU in violation of agreements on branch of heavy weapon discovered art fire not only at the railway station in Donetsk today. Massive attack was recorded around N of the item of Shirokino, the deputy commander the case of the Ministry of Defence of DNR Eduard Basurin declared to journalists.

"In general in a day for this moment 36 violations are recorded. The most serious in Shirokino, here fired more than an hour from artillery of a position of rebels. Also there were attempts of breaks around Spartak and Avdeevki. From Sand to the region of "Volvo center" where there are positions of rebels, attack was also made" — he noted.

As a result five fighters of a militia got wounds.

The head of Council of ministers of the Luhansk People's Republic Gennady Tsypkalov doesn't exclude elections to LNR this year provided that Ukraine will coordinate procedure with the authorities of the republic, will change the constitution and will satisfy all conditions of the Minsk arrangements.

"I don't exclude that elections can pass, but on those conditions, according to those Minsk arrangements on which our management agreed", - Tsypkalov told, commenting on the statement of the president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko which was heard on Saturday who didn't exclude elections in Donbass until the end of the year.

"If arrangements are step by step executed, changes will be made to the constitution of Ukraine, elections will be coordinated with us then, perhaps, it will occur", - the prime minister of LNR added.

He emphasized that before Ukraine will make changes to the constitution, "senselessly to discuss possibility of elections".

We will remind that on February 12 participants of Contact group in Minsk signed the document providing in number of priorities ceasefire on Donbass about February 15 and the subsequent branch of heavy weapons which is earlier coordinated with heads of member countries of "the Norman four" (Russia, France, Germany and Ukraine). The so-called Package of measures also determines further ways of settlement by implementation of the Minsk Agreement, including, modification of the constitution of Ukraine and carrying out local elections.

In particular, according to point 4 of the Complex, by March 14 the resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine defining the list of the Areas of Donbass with the special political and economic status had to be accepted. However in time the document wasn't accepted. In this regard heads of DNR and LNR Alexander Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitsky addressed to the German chancellor Angela Merkel and the president of France François Hollande as to guarantors of the Minsk Agreement with a request to put pressure upon Kiev.

The president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko yesterday, on March 21, declared that elections on Donbass can take place until the end of the current year but after "all foreign military and Ukraine again are brought will begin to control border".

Luganskinformtsentr — on March 22 — Lugansk

Reintegration of Donbass is possible only with a Ukraine that has rejected fascism - Deynego


The last statements of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko can be characterized as "obvious and frank sabotage and provocations" - were declared to Luganskinformtsentr by the authorized representative of the Republic at the Minsk negotiations Vladislav Deynego.

- Said in interview to the Inter channel of Poroshenko that "only not to return, eat the Ukrainian territory with the weapon, tanks, "Gradami" and rockets other way: "In a diplomatic language it is called "reintegration", that is return of the territory to the sovereign power of Ukraine is simple. It is inevitable". How you can comment on it?

- It is apropos "inevitably" ready to argue, but it is a subject of separate conversation. And as for reintegration as that, so its algorithm extremely is clearly stated in "A package of measures on implementation of the Minsk Agreement", signed on February 12, 2015. From which performance Ukraine systematically evades, breaks its separate norms and is free treats an essence and logical structure of this document. I don't know how with a diplomatic language, and here in Russian such behavior is called "obvious and frank sabotage and provocations". Perhaps - "not constructive"? But let diplomats from Berlin and Paris puzzle as to regard such behavior of Poroshenko. Their heads acted as guarantors of adequate performance of the Package of measures.

But we will return to the term "reintegration". As explain dictionaries, "integration" is an association, connection, merge. Respectively reintegration is a repeated association, connection, merge. It is repeatedly possible to make only that already was, but for some reason stopped existence. And provided that there were no irreversible events which do repeated action impossible.

What do we have in our case? Ukraine conducts actually a genocide in relation to the population of "certain regions of Donetsk and Lugansk areas" (even to recognize that is all Donbass, in a uniform rush, in the person of two national Republics the risen against an arbitrariness of the pro-fascist followers of Bandera who seized power in Ukraine, official Kiev isn't able). The population is limited in movement, deliveries of the food and essentials are blocked, bank and financial systems, economic and power blockade is available. Systematic diversions and acts of terrorism (and how on another to call blasting the bridge in the Village Lugansk - the only place of cargo delivery in LNR?), attacks of the cities and settlements from heavy weapon add paints to already bright picture "friendliness and peaceful intentions" official Kiev, directed on "reintegration".

Only yesterday in LNR it is again broken power - and water supply owing to the next "friendly" actions of armed groups of Ukraine. That is, since morning - terror, and in the evening - "reintegration". In it all essence of sophisticated logic of the present authorities in Kiev.

However whether that is passed "a non-return point" which does real, but not poroshenkovsky, reintegration impossible? No! On condition of exact and literal performance of all "Package of measures" Ukraine has chance to be updated, be cleared of nazi henchmen and profascist politicians and to come back to a democratic way of development. And only in this case it is possible to speak about repeated association, connection, merge (the word "reintegration" as if rationally it sounded, let's leave out of processes of a unification of the Slavic world) to uniform, truly national, democratic state of all those territories which considered themselves part of Ukraine until recently.

- How you will comment on implementation by Kiev of norms of the Package of measures on implementation of the Minsk Agreement signed on February 12, 2015 and supported by "the Norman four" at the level of heads of states with its direct participation?

- So, we read point 9 of the Package of measures: "9. Restoration of complete control over frontier from the government of Ukraine in all zone of the conflict which has to begin in the first day after local elections and come to the end after comprehensive political settlement (local elections in certain regions of Donetsk and Lugansk areas on the basis of the law of Ukraine and the constitutional reform) by the end of 2015 on condition of implementation of point 11 – in consultations and in coordination with representatives of certain regions of Donetsk and Lugansk areas within Tripartite Contact group".

How understands this text of Poroshenko? It appears, "they (elections - Luganskinformtsentr's note) will take place only after from there all foreign military are brought, and Ukraine again will begin to control border. Not earlier". And this with the fact that Poroshenko was directly involved in coordination of the text of the Package of measures, and because of his obstinacy this process was dragged out practically for 14 hours.

There is an impression that not Poroshenko, but his double at the top level took part in work of "the Norman four". Or "double" sits somewhere deeply in his subconsciousness and constantly forces it to rush about, refuse the position stated earlier, to speak on the black - white. Or this "double" not inside, and somewhere it is very far, for example, over the ocean?


We will remind that on February 12 participants of Contact group in Minsk signed the document providing in number of priorities ceasefire on Donbass about February 15 and the subsequent branch of heavy weapons which is earlier coordinated with heads of member countries of "the Norman four" (Russia, France, Germany and Ukraine). The so-called Package of measures also determines further ways of settlement by implementation of the Minsk Agreement, including, modification of the constitution of Ukraine.

In particular, according to point 4 of the Complex, by March 14 the resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine defining the list of the Areas of Donbass with the special political and economic status had to be accepted. However in time the document wasn't accepted. In this regard heads of DNR and LNR Alexander Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitsky addressed to the German chancellor Angela Merkel and the president of France François Hollande as to guarantors of the Minsk Agreement with a request to put pressure upon Kiev.

Russia introduced on March 19 in the UN Security Council the draft resolution in support of performance of the Package of measures on implementation of the Minsk arrangements. According to the representative of the Russian Federation to the world organization Vitaly Churkin, the draft resolution purpose - once again to confirm need of observance of the Minsk Agreement and specifically that their part which concerns dialogue between Kiev, Lugansk and Donetsk concerning a modality of carrying out local elections.

Luganskinformtsentr — on March 22 — Lugansk

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Ukropsky promotion with might and main blows about "separatists-terrorists", and if so, each such hysterics is a question of that, for what independent bread fed intelligence services. Until recently their headquarters were in each city then still of Lugansk and Donetsk areas, there was at them a weapon, "wiretaps", informers and provokers, say, everything that was necessary for them for service. And even more. There was both a business, and powers "to wring out" everything that badly lay, and now … Well everything, literally all... will sometimes ask: "For what fir-tree bread, parasites?".

Also it is necessary only and to tell that supposedly we as mere mortals, gave all the best with might and main, but it is supernatural artful and nesmetno the financed intelligence services of Russia, "a damned empire of evil" led by demonic Putin, we were played because it was necessary to finance us better. And, having given out such speech behind a shot glass of gorilka and having wiped an avaricious officer tear a fat slice, the bedolazhny Ukrainian security officer will steep in a depression and … under a nickname "the spravzhny patriot" or "all truth about Novorossiya" will begin as cat with defect of a tail, to spoil in social networks under the guise of "information war for national information space".

Technologies of information war.

Feature of information wars consists that is system of the information diversions pursuing accurately designated political goals. It is conducted in total with diplomatic measures, financial operations and works as in an official information field, and informal. And still there is an interrelation with "the third sector" in the territory of the opponent, his charitable, human rights, religious and other organizations. Everything is used - from blogs to a drug traffic and subcultures. However, conversation not about it.

And here sit in the trolls Sbushniki-network and produce the sad nonsense which isn't maintaining criticism not only specialists on promotion, but also the simple meticulous inhabitant. What here the system of actions if укроз a brain doesn't allow junta to create at least two-step strategy for Poroshenko, and and nothing to speak about the others.

We will give an example.

In "Schoolmates" there was a heart-breaking post that allegedly certain "Bonnie and Clyde", "the Dagestan terrorist and the former Ukrainian prostitute", under the guise of the help took out from Novorossiya's territory of children from 5 to 15 years and sold on bodies abroad. And bodies buried under gravestones with an inscription (!) "biowaste". Problems at Russian-Novorossiysk customs really are, but just the return character: to pass from Novorossiya to the Russian Federation, it is necessary to fill a lot of documents if only the child doesn't go with the father and mother having all necessary documents of a state sample of Ukraine as in Novorossiya still for a number of reasons the dokumentoproizvodstvo didn't "become independent" yet. If single mother goes, the consent of the second parent which often in military confusion not to find is necessary, or he simply was lost. It is clear that it creates inconveniences, especially. if your house was destroyed by bombing by AFU. But the law is the law and differently it is impossible.

The Bredovost reads off scale

The Bredovost for the rest also breaks all records! First, the administrator known in a network of an imidzhbord, and "prostitute" in general of a pripleten appeared "the Dagestan terrorist". Secondly, the photo of the dismembered baby doesn't keep within an age framework "5-15" and the photo, according to information of the Canadian TinEye service, for the first time appeared in a network on the ultraliberal American file hosting service of "chan4chan" located on the Hungarian server no later than April 1, 2013 when about any refugees from Novorossiya also the speech wasn't. Somebody filled in a photo under NobbyNobbs nickname. There, except "dismembered body". there is also a pronografiya, all types of the corpses, uglinesses and perversions, on nasty thing which aren't giving in to any description. It is characteristic that on a little-known file hosting service in the Runet even the European public fostering all types of sexual and mental deviations put a rating – 1, and "specialists" from SBU in this foul place, probably, feel as fish in water …

So, took a photo of a certain administrator of the site of anonimus, stuck a photo of the unfortunate "drawn" baby - and provocation is ready! By the way, this final product passed at a forum for trolls with such here text (the spelling of the original is kept): [vrez:center] "Is obvious the fact that the cattle started something suspecting. But on our happiness, it is all is called not as a "throw of hooligans", not simply as "throw", namely Ukrovbrosom. Cotton wool around sees now spies of junta and decoy provokers. But where to them to us. One Semyon can trawl group all day, and with ligivony to it not to master. They as kittens against group of special troops. It is time to replace strategy. The posts EXPOSING ukro-vbroser, and also vbroso-hysteria are expected. THROWS, around throws". [/vrez]

The small chest simply opens

The hysteria expected by them isn't present, and simply to eat the feeling of fastidiousness to a pathetic show when adult uncles sit on a salary in poor Ukraine and as a shkolota, memes, posts, demotivators, treda mold, thus having the nerve to call himself officers. After all the small chest opens simply: this "valorous" Sbushniki are ready to humbug the administration and teeth to hold "mice" if only not to "ring out" to "anti-terrorist operation zone" where they, according to the logic of things, have to expiate blood that circumstance that couldn't suppress "The Russian spring" in due time.

One of features of trolling and astroturfing is rather large number of members of web crews. It generates inevitable information leakages, especially, if the number of crews is estimated in hundreds, and even thousands. Therefore web crews work by the principle: the "professional minority" from intelligence services designing a message, and the "nonprofessional majority" which is beating the same message in networks, but not knowing neither about a source of financing of group nor about its communication with intelligence service. And introduction instructions are primitive and, as a rule, keep within the scheme: "The USA – the friend, the EU – the purpose, the donbassena – are defective, Rashka – the evil, Putin – root of all evil". However, "civil trolls" are given a task to be written too posts, but the propaganda structure is already developed.

The Russian people don't suffer neither jokes, nor lie about death

In a message about sale of children on bodies some stereotypes of mass consciousness and certain properties of mentality are used. We will begin with the black background symbolizing mourning. The attitude towards death at the Russian people sacral, not suffering neither jokes, nor lie. Posts on a black background cause a certain trust, and the red inscription like "Urgent repost" and so forth urges on to noncritical distribution by the principle "every minute is expensive, I will think over it then". Other stereotype is "impunity and excess of Caucasians in Russia". And, at last, a complex stereotype about "black transplantology". In it also negative attitude to rich, and hatred to the USA and Israel, that is archetypes of class fight, "cold war" and hostility to Jews (Zionists, kikes, etc.) connect.

The Russian people always concerned to children as to a shrine and the greatest good, and it gives that emotional energy of a message which then, on an idea of authors, is canalized and on Dagestanis (residents of the Caucasus in general), and on the power which as inspires a message, can't protect the Russian people from foreigners, and on "obvious" powerlessness (bribability) of officials, and on lawlessness in general about which all traditionally like to complain.

In the long term it is possible to assume that the subject about child abuse in a binding to Novorossiya will be untwisted soon. Perhaps it will be continuation of "zhutik" about transplantology, maybe, stories about that, "in what inhuman conditions" live (are born, treated, study, eat, move, etc.) children refugees or as snub them (operate, torture, humiliate, deceive, cripple, kill, etc.) schoolmates (Caucasians, Jews, perverts, cops etc.). Naturally, the general link in all this will become persistently put some idea about secret protection these nasty things from the authorities and Vladimir Putin or, at least, ё closing by them on all this an eye. And, as a final chord of all these provocations, shouts of State Department about human rights violation in "the barbarous country" and requirements of "impartial and honest" investigation at the international level.

To fight - it is honest and it is opened

How to resist to it? Honesty and openness of this subject. There has to be investigated and popular a subject of destinies of children of Novorossiya in Russia. Especially as Russia is than in this regard to be proud, after all the relation to novorossa there very kind and sensitive. Another thing is that Russians don't speak about it from modesty peculiar to the Russian soul.

Dmitry Molchanov
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Amusing svidomy hysterics on Kharkov

Kharkov will be taken by separatists in May!
Preparation for capture doesn't stop, power and executive power not Ukrainian. We move through the same posts, we pass searches (not reviews), but it wouldn't be bad, as if searched not only volunteers and volunteers.
Kharkov post: "Aydar?" - people in a militia form ask having surrounded the minibus.
- "No, volunteers" - I answer.
- "So what x - I in a camouflage,-t?" - militiamen ask.
"Were on different positions, in a bog, what not to spoil civil" - I try to explain.
- "Things to survey, consider that p-ets, arrived for a long time. In Aydare were?" - the two-meter security officer asks.
Two more approach: "What, from Aydar,-t?" The search began, Thank God on asphalt didn't shake out, vmestimy satchels was taught on a car floor.
We were late on a post about an hour, but we managed to transfer conversation to the quiet course. As it appeared, the search was carried out by "Berkut officers" in the past. Hate Aydar and the Right Sector. Willingly go to the Crimea, and speak: "And there everything is good, here and your children from Lviv some left".
At the word "s¾para" blow up anger: "Where-t s¾para? You that, all there at you d-@? you don't understand, what men stand up for the future there?"
And still, they very much love Kernes. On my statement: "H-lo did trouble", blow up:" And your Poroshenko hu-nko that does?
After calm we ask: "That do you want?" - "Narmalna to work, парядак in the country, obedience, earnings as in Rasei."
"And why didn't move to Russia?" - I ask. "And Russia here, the kid, is and will be". With such law enforcement authorities we WILL LOSE KHARKOV! ©

Taras Eleyko

P.S. Actually, the rupture of a svidomy template which faces reality where the considerable mass of inhabitants of the Southeast consider the Ukrainian power as occupational which hate is available and suffer as it was in the same Konstantinovka where hatred found a way out. Similar processes go and in Kharkov.

The main thing that at the time of an exit of this hatred outside, it was directed not on spontaneous revolt, and on purposeful overthrow of the power of junta.

Well, and about May who knows how war will go …

Colonel Cassad
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Donetsk, 23 Mar – It is GIVEN. Schools of the Donetsk People's Republic are completely provided with food for pupils. Reported about it it is GIVEN in the Ministry of Education and Science of DNR today.

"All schools are completely provided with free food at the expense of the products which arrived within humanitarian aid" — declared in department.

There added that for expansion of a diet parental committees at discretion give financial support of the republic to comprehensive educational institutions

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Photo report: An exhibition of the children's drawings "World" in the Makeevsky palace of children's and youthful creativity
March 23, 2015 16:46//It is updated: March 23, 2015 16:36

The public organization "Young Republic" opened on March 23 an exhibition of the children's drawings "World" in the Makeevsky city palace of children's and youthful creativity. According to the leader of "the Young Republic" Sergey Kondrykinsky, a reproduction of the best of the works sent by children are already placed on billboards in different settlements of DNR.





Donetsk, 23 Mar – It is GIVEN. More than 480 educational institutions of the Republic suffered from attacks of the Kiev security officers during the military conflict in Donbass. It during survey of a teaching and educational complex No. 78 was declared today to journalists by the Minister of Education and Science of DNR Igor Kostenok.

"During military operations more than 480 educational objects of the Republic suffered — he reported. – Some of them were exposed to attacks two and more times".

According to Kostenk, forces of the government of DNR and Control center of restoration repaired more than 100 teaching and educational cases which were injured during military operations today. "Building materials on reconstruction of higher education institutions, schools and kindergartens of the Republic, go from гумконвоя the Russian Federation" — the minister added.

Game of the Belgian studio LuGus it is impossible to Win this game, after a victory the list of the victims is published at the end and automatically there comes defeat. I consider very good message.

Donetsk, 23 Mar — is GIVEN. Ukraine breaks more and more key points of the Minsk Agreement and without intervention of leaders of the EU and the Russian Federation peace process in the region will be at the deadlock. Today I declared it the official representative of DNR in Contact group, the vice speaker of National Council of DNR Denis Pushilin is GIVEN.

"Without intervention of guarantor states peace process will be finally led up a blind alley as Ukraine broke and continues to break more and more fundamental points of the Package of measures (it is signed in Minsk on February 12 — primas. It is given). In particular, it is about the provisions concerning branch of all heavy weapons from the line of contact (item 2), monitoring of a ceasefire regime (item 3), the beginning of negotiations on elections in Donbass and definitions of areas with the special political and economic status (items 4, 12)" — he noted.

According to Pushilin, within Contact group now to resolve issues of peaceful settlement "it is represented very difficult" because of a nedogovorosposobny position of Ukraine. "After decisions of the Verkhovna Rada, attempts to meet within Contact group from Ukraine and OSCE wasn't" — the politician added.

Earlier today it became known that on Wednesday, March 25, in Paris will pass negotiations of "the Norman four" (Germany, Russia, Ukraine and France) at the level of political directors the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The meeting purpose — discussion of a situation in Ukraine.

We will remind that on March 16, Ukrainian I am glad I outlined the line of areas on which the special status extends, but I postponed its introduction until carrying out in the region of elections by the Ukrainian legislation. Thus at the initiative of radical part of deputies, DNR and LNR are recognized as "temporarily occupied territories". Kiev thus raised a question of introduction of peacekeepers to a conflict zone.

Leaders of two republics of Donbass on it declared that the authorities of Ukraine the actions violated the first article of the law on the special status of Donbass, at once 3 points of the peace Minsk Agreement signed by Kiev, and the question with introduction of peacekeepers breaks "all logic of the peace plan" focused on achievement of a compromise by two parties of the conflict at all.

In DNR and LNR in this regard declared that such decisions of the Ukrainian deputies won't be cancelled yet, "any compromises with Kiev are more impossible".

Poroshenko sent National guard to pacify the rebellious governor

Обмен любезностями олигархов начался!

Show is planned, the course public relations suggest to rely and become the observer of this unforgettable...

Обмен любезностями олигархов начался!

Today from the Ukrainian mass media it became known that the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko the Decree sent two additional battalions of National guard to Dnepropetrovsk.
This message appeared on the official site of department, and also on their page in the Twitter.

Обмен любезностями олигархов начался!

"According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine two battalions of National guard go to Dnepropetrovsk. The military units of National guard of Ukraine deployed in Dnepropetrovsk are transferred to the strengthened mode of execution of an active service" — it is noted in the press service of NSU.

Information on the direction of additional forces of NSU in the Dnepropetrovsk Region for the last some days in mass media appears not for the first time and connect similar information with the conflict between Kolomoysky and Poroshenko round oil branch of Ukraine.

Обмен любезностями олигархов начался!

War of oligarchs in Ukraine in the heat, it is also not excluded that it can develop into real military operations with participation of private army of the Dnepropetrovsk governor and regular armed groups of the President.

Обмен любезностями олигархов начался!

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya

As a result of dismantlings on a post under Volnovakhoy the captain of Security service of Ukraine is shot.
In a zone of retaliatory operation war between AFU and Security service of Ukraine and voluntary battalions began. Fight between security officers goes for control over streams of illicit goods which some enterprising offenders try to take from territories, uncontrollable Kiev.

In particular, on March 22 on a post under Volnovakhoy the military personnel of AFU stopped three trucks with illicit production. To help to drivers of a motorcade by kamuflirovanny car there arrived fighters of the battalion "Dnieper-1" under control to the governor of the Dnepropetrovsk area Igor Kolomoysky. The prosecutor and the employee of SBU also drove up to a post. Between the audience skirmish as a result of which one of national guardsmen shot the captain of Security service of Ukraine Victor Manzik began. The law enforcement authority died on the way to hospital. 11 people from whom withdrew nine machine guns, a machine gun, six grenade launchers and grenades were as a result detained, write the Ukrainian mass media.

The conflict between representatives of voluntary battalions and security officers on a front line in Donbass began because of repartition of the perspective market of smuggling. Both representatives of AFU, and national guardsmen have the plans for transportations of counterfeit alcohol and tobacco, for them it is quite good opportunity to earn additionally.

Interestingly, as patrons of voluntary battalions and AFU oligarchs Igor Kolomoysky and Petro Poroshenko wage the war in Kiev. We will remind, the conflict between two oligarchs one of which — the president of Ukraine, arose after on Friday evening Igor Kolomoysky accompanied by submachine gunners rushed into office of "Ukrtransnafta" with the requirement to return the previous head of the company Alexander Lazorko who, as we know, differed in big loyalty to the oligarch on a senior position.

In particular, exactly thanks to it Kolomoysky was enriched for 2,5 million hryvnias daily. Lazorko insisted on that the Ukrainian oil was in the storages belonging to Kolomoysky and at the expense of the budget paid to the oligarch this service.

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya
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Donetsk, 24 Mar – It is GIVEN. Two children became the victims of new attacks of settlements of the Donetsk People's Republic from AFU. Today reported about it it is GIVEN in the Ministry of Defence of DNR.

"As a result of a shelling in the Petrovsky district of the city of Donetsk yesterday the 10-year-old girl was lost on March 23, near Gorlovka the 14-year-old boy fell a victim of yesterday's attack" — the representative of defensive department told.

We will remind that a truce on Donbass officially was called on February 15. From this day AFU opened fire at the territory of the republic near 300-from times. As a result, apart from the victims for the last days, were lost 14 civilians and rebels, 25 are wounded.

Donetsk, 24 Mar – It is GIVEN. The Ministry of Defence of the Donetsk People's Republic in days recorded more than fifty violations of "silence regime" from the Ukrainian security officers, as a result of blows to the territory of the Republic is killed two and five rebels are wounded, reported is GIVEN in the press service of defensive department today.

"All in days 51 attacks from the Ukrainian security officers are recorded, including on the Donetsk direction 41 violations, on gorlovsky and Mariupol – on five violations" — the representative of the Ministry of Defence of DNR declared.

"In particular, there were 35 mortar attacks, four attacks from tank guns and 12 attacks from small arms — specified in defensive department. – Two rebels are killed, five is wounded".

MOSCOW, March 24. /TASS/. The members of the Russian ruling party, the United Russia, have proposed setting up a tribunal to focus on the war crimes committed in Ukraine, saying that hopes for the Hague tribunal are fading.

Addressing the plenary meeting on Tuesday, Russian political scientist Vyacheslav Nikonov, who heads the State Duma committee on education, expressed hope that Kiev’s war crimes will not remain unpunished.

BUENOS AIRES, March 24. /TASS/. U.S. has long been trying to drive a wedge between Russia and Ukraine, Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks said in an interview published on Monday by the Argentine newspaper Pagina/12.

"The U.S. has long been trying to draw Ukraine into the Western orbit, to pluck it out of Russia’s sphere of influence as a minimum if not to make it a NATO member," Assange said.

Under the influence of bureaucratic ambitions, Europe has gotten involved in the misadventure, too, he believes.

"The U.S. and Europe have allocated billions of dollars to set up nongovernmental organizations, with the aid of which they promised to help Ukraine curb corruption," Assange said.

He recalled numerous warnings on the part of Russia that the attempts to bring Ukraine into NATO might trigger a civil war in that country

Four persons became the victims of blastings on mines in the territory of LNR since the beginning of March, five got wounds. The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic Sergey Ivanushkin reported about it at a briefing in Luganskinformtsentre today.

"Four persons were blown up at us for this minute. It for March is also blastings on mines, - he told. - Five more people suffered. In total nine people" suffered from mines.

"A situation in explosive subjects quite difficult, and we urge all to observe the minimum requirements of safety", - the minister emphasized.

"We appeal to all inhabitants of LNR very attentively to behave outdoors, not to approach forest belts and reservoirs. Because "crop" (the area of a mining) very big", - was celebrated by Ivanushkin.

"We want to pay special attention to control of children. As, you understand how everything is interesting to them, and than it can end", - he called.

"It is necessary to understand that the mining, for example last summer, went even from air", - the minister explained.

"Special attention wants to be paid on country roads", - the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of LNR emphasized.

"On a site between Lugansk and Happiness the machine of LEO was blown up on a mine, trying to go round a blockage", - it cited one of recent cases as an example.

"The situation in explosive subjects remains quite difficult. You call on number 101 – we will accept demands (on mine clearing - Luganskinformtsentr's note)", - Ivanushkin called.

In case the USA deliver to Ukraine arms, they will be used by National militia of LNR against the Kiev security officers. It to Luganskinformtsentr was declared by the head of LNR Igor Plotnitsky, commenting on the decision of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the USA which on Monday urged the president of the country Barack Obama to send arms to Kiev.

According to Carpenter's, the decision the Congress of the USA accurately shows, "who doesn't want preservation, though fragile, but the world on the European continent who adds war fuel to the fire".

"I want to remind that all weapon with which the National militia of LNR is at war, is captured in fight at the opponent", - he noted.

"And if this weapon is put here, it will be used against those to whom it was delivered", - the head of the Republic is sure.

He emphasized that in Europe have to estimate actions of transatlantic congressmen correctly.

"I want to notice that the president Obama has a chance to become history the wise person and not to follow the provocative recommendation of the congress", - noted Carpenter's.

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The administration of LNR recorded kidnapping cases from the territory of the Luhansk People's Republic. According to the data which are available in LNR intelligence services of Kiev, and also representatives of nonconventional religious groups – scientologists, Baptists and Jehovah's Witnesses have a direct bearing on kidnapping.

The acting as the vice-chairman of Council of ministers of LNR Vasily Nikitin reported about it. According to him, the Ukrainian party under a pretext to save inhabitants and children of the Luhansk region from military operations takes out them on under control the Ukrainian authorities the territory therefore they completely vanish. In LNR declared that intelligence services of Kiev participate in the organization for export of adults and children of the Luhansk region, representatives of nonconventional religious groups – scientologists, Baptists and Jehovah's Witnesses, and also one of the volunteer organizations of Kharkov which members are nationalists and participants of the Kiev revolution.

"In the territory of LNR the organizations which mislead inhabitants of LNR work. They promise them a beautiful dolce vita in that territory and help to take out on that territory. Rather large sums of money as we learned are spent in order that to organize these actions. People collect all the last, sell if only only to leave. Actually it becomes clear that nobody waits for them in that territory. Earlier both adults, and children completely disappeared behind a front line" — Nikitin reported.

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya

The commander the shelf "Azov" Andrey Biletsky declared that he supports renewal of offensive actions near Mariupol.

According to him, representatives of the voluntary battalions "Dnieper", "Krivbass", "Donbass", and also many officers of Armed forces of Ukraine, marines see "need" of application of active military operations at the front.

"The speech not only about "Azov", I can judge it on talk with representatives of other voluntary battalions, parts which are here.

It is "Dnieper", "Krivbass", "Donbass", certainly. On talk with many guys from AFU, all understand need of approach, active actions. I think that the offensive spirit not only at "Azov", but also in other divisions at quite high level" — was declared by Biletsky.

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya

24.03.2015 In Odessa there was a mass fight to firing between "Right Sector" and Protection of building

Around the Odessa Fountain there was a mass collision of fighters of "Right Sector" and security guards of local building today. The group of aggressive swells of a radical organized criminal group which is now stronger than power department, rushed on the territory of building, crumpled protection. Firing, slaughter, a lawlessness came to the end with a set of wounds and grazes at security guards. Details become clear.

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya

"the Kolomoysky national republic" struck to the empire to "Roshen" serious blow, having bared Odessa. In the Odessa regional state administration which is directed by the colleague of the chairman of the Dnepropetrovsk regional state administration Igor Palitsa, declared that all security structures which since May of last year provided a law and order, left the region.

"I talked to the chairman of the Odessa RSA Igor Palitsey. I confirm and is authorized to report: all security structures which since May 6, 2014 in Odessa provided a law and order, are discharged of these processes from now on and left the city" — the adviser to the Odessa governor Zoya Kazandzhi, the ardent activist of a local Maidan reported on the page on Facebook.

"Periodically blamed of the head of RSA that safety in the city was ensured in the manual mode. But such mode when the trained and equipped people carried out patrol together with police officers, helped to avoid many unpleasant, to put it mildly, situations. And such measures were taken only because in the city, unfortunately, there were questions to those who, as obliges, had to be engaged in protection of a public order" — Kazanzhi declared.

Из Одессы ушли отряды карателей

In fact, this recognition of that Odessa was "occupied" by personal army of a zhidopatriot of Kolomoysky and terrorized Russian-speaking area. Now "impolite people" of the Dnepropetrovsk governor left the city. Kolomoysky's colleagues blackmail Poroshenko with destabilization of a situation in Odessa that is even more terrible than recognition of LDNR. The city too long lived in a dejectedness, and can flash protests in one day. Especially as in Odessa every day blew up offices of volunteers, shot military registration and enlistment offices and hung out Novorossiya's flags. Without the armed chasteners from Kolomoysky's battalions, without pravosek, Odessa can easily turn into an easy mark of "separatists" who are waited here. Moreover, to become that corridor which will connect the Crimea with the mainland of Ukraine. And if Poroshenko still is able to suppress revolt of an organized criminal group of Kolomoysky, to constrain revolts in Odessa or Kharkov if they flash, the authorities will be beyond the power. Without karbat of zhidobanderovets, with the AFU which lost war, with the demoralized militia Kiev won't cope with national protests which already ripened. By and large, "having discovered" Odessa, Kolomoysky set fire to a bickford fuse of homemade decentralization of Ukraine.

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya


The heavy artillery around Nova Vodolagi is established, Lipts and is directed it on Kharkov! Military bases are under construction capitally. Maps are attachednton Karamazov

Central news agency of Novorossiya

Реквием по Новороссии
I am convinced that in Ukraine absolutely mistakenly connect Novorossiya's emergence with activity of the Kremlin in Ukraine. Probably all forgot as V. Putin's statement for inexpediency of holding referenda on the sovereignty on Donbass and that actually these referenda differed from Crimean upon only that passed without the aid of polite people. At the same time on legitimacy referenda in the Crimea and Donbass are identical. For example the referendum in Lugansk, as well as in the Crimea, was declared by local government - regional council and its result was approved by the decision of presidium of regional council of the Luhansk region.

At that stage of opposition protests on Donbass relied more on anti-Maidan moods of the population, and Moscow and the Ukrainian oligarchs at the same time looked for points of control of the protest movement in the southeast of Ukraine. Financial expenses on the organization of a referendum Russia, unlike the Crimea, too didn't bear. For unconfirmed information production of voting bulletins was paid by Tsaryov, and other work was carried out by activists almost free of charge. Analyzing Bezler and Strelkov's statements, it is possible to draw a conclusion that they didn't coordinate the beginning of the active actions with Russia in any way. In other, that both of them now have no opportunity is on Donbass, according to Strelkov in the same situation now there is also Tsaryov and on it as well as on Tsaryov costs as a ban on emergence in federal Russian mass media and a ban on visit of Donbass, speaks about that that these people acted initially in a separation from a position of the official Kremlin, and now there is a risk that their opinion can go to a section with an official position.

Thus initially Russia wasn't adjusted on Novorossiya's emergence. But also in a consequence Russia using events in Ukraine and Novorossiya's subject for the solution of own problems, such as consolidation of society, increase of a rating of the power, discredit of opposition, from the moment of Novorossiya's emergence tries to push it into Ukraine back.

For the same reason for half a year, on Donbass not was the financial system is created, taxation isn't adjusted, there is no own currency. Agree, that a little strange looks, the republics being with Kiev at war the enterprises located in the territory of the self-proclaimed republics up to the last time don't interfere with that that, taxes to Kiev pay. The matter is that transition to rubles or creation of own currency, the system of taxation - all this economic independence of the republics. All this would finish a separation of Donbass from Ukraine that didn't include in the plans of the Kremlin. Pensioners and state employees who are short already a floor of year of money pay for all this.

Pay attention, it would be logical that negotiations with Poroshenko would be held by Novorossiya's representative expressing the consolidated point of view of the republics. Nevertheless such negotiator isn't present. The republics have no general army, there is no general government. Novorossiya's parliament actually stays idle. These stands behind everything not only the unwillingness of Kiev to conduct negotiations with Novorossiya, not only unwillingness of leaders of the republics shares powers developing allied structure, and and the first and second certainly is, but also desire of the Russian power to push the risen republics back into Ukraine on conditions, favorable to Russia. And it is easier to make it having transformed the republics to regions of Ukraine with the special status. Were the Donetsk and Luhansk region, and will become the autonomous Donetsk and Luhansk region of Ukraine.

Thus, summing up the result, despite that Moscow doesn't allow Kiev will finish with Donbass that for certain would cause negative reaction in the Russian society, nevertheless it at the first opportunity to finish the armed opposition, having returned Donetsk and Lugansk to Ukraine, will make it immediately. In all this it will be extremely important what Ukraine to which Donbass will be attached. In this Ukraine will burn alive opponents as in the Trade Unions Building in Odessa, there will be it same Russophobic as well as now or there will be other Ukraine where all living in Ukraine will be comfortable. Ukraine is now split. To make Ukraine the country in which the Citizens of Ukraine today dreaming of Novorossiya or of accession to Russia felt comfortable federalization of the country and a raising of the status of Russian to the second state could. But whether Russia will be able to press through such changes in the Constitution of Ukraine will show time.

Ivan Bezugly
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Срочная пресс-конференция главы ДНР: Российского генерала обстреляли из ПТУРА ВСУ в Широкино
Urgent news blew up Novorossiya's mass media and Russia. The contact group headed by the colonel general of Russia Alexander Lentsov got under attack from an anti-tank guided missile and a machine gun of large caliber to DNR, near the settlement of Shirokino.

At a column there were representatives of DNR and LNR, the Russian mentioned colonel general observing adjustment of the world on Donbass.

The contact group has to moved forward on a meeting with the general of AFU for negotiations on the termination of active military operations in the settlement of Shirokino and vicinities. In this district, as well as in many others, the truce called on February 15 wasn't observed also day by the Ukrainian fighters.

The observers of the OSCE Mission accompanying a column could be convinced personally of the fact of attack by fighters from Ukraine as important group in peace negotiations, and the general non-compliance with the Minsk arrangements by them.
Not the first time the OSCE Mission is exposed to attacks from the Ukrainian invaders of Donbass. So on March 6 this year employees of mission underwent tank attack from AFU and the area of the Donetsk airport. And on March 20 Donbass monitoring mission I reported that the staff of SBU chained in handcuffs of the observer of OSCE.

Attack of the OSCE Mission 24.03.15


The head of DNR held special session after the message on incident:


Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya
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The lack of an external enemy starts to reveal the stresses of internal contradictions. The repeated calls by moderate forces in the eastern anti-fascist free republics were never listened to. Now, while backed into a corner by minsk-2, the junta starts to implode.

The corporate fascist backers in washington are desperate that the junta resume attacks on the free republics.:

armed volunteer battalions heading for Kiev


KIEV, March 24. /TASS/. Some 10,000 miners are taking part in a protest rally in the city of Chervonohrad in western Ukraine’s Lviv Region, all seven mines of the Lvovugol enterprise have been shut down, the Confederation of Free Trade Unions (CFTU) of Ukraine reported Tuesday.

"Ten thousand miners have stopped work and entered a new phase of an early strike. They are demanding that closure of mines be stopped, and are insisting on the resignation of Energy and Coal Industry Minister [Vladimir] Demchishin," chairman of the Independent Trade Union of Ukraine’s Miners Mikhail Volynets said.

MOSCOW, March 25. /TASS/. Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko has dismissed Dnepropetrovsk Governor Igor Kolomoyskyi, the official website of the Ukrainian president said on Wednesday.

"Igor Valeryevich Kolomoyskyi is dismissed from the post of the chairman of Dnepropetrovsk regional administration," the decree published on the website says.

Valntin Reznichenko is appointed as acting Dnepropetrovsk Governor.

On March 22, several dozen armed men in masks seized the head office of Ukraine’s oil major Ukrnafta in Kiev. Earlier, Sergey Leshchenko, a lawmaker with the Pyotr Poroshenko Bloc, wrote on his Facebook account that Ukrnafta office had been blocked by servicemen from the Dnepr-1 battalion. "The entryway is blocked by people with guns. After a rather lengthy exchange, one of them - wearing a black helmet - said they were men from the Dnepr-1 battalion. He refused to say what the battalion of the Dnepropetrovsk’s territorial defense was doing in Kiev," he wrote.

Ukraine’s biggest oil company Ukrnafta accounts for more than 86% of Ukraine’s oil production, for 28% of gas condensate production and 16% of gas production. Naftogaz Ukrainy holds the controlling stake (50% + 1 share), 42% are held by structures of Kolomoyskyi, and eight percent are held by companies registered in Cyprus.

On March 19, Ukrtransnafta’s (another company owned by Dnepropetrovsk region governor Kolomoyskyi) supervisory board dismissed Alexander Lazorko from the post of the company’s board head and appointed Yury Miroshnik acting chairman of the board. Later reports said that the building of the company was seized by "gunmen led by Kolomoyskyi." However, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said that Kiev’s law enforcement agencies took Uktransnafta’s premises under control.

According to media reports, in April-May 2014 Ukrtransnafta pumped 675,000 tons of process oil from the county’s trunk pipelines without permission of the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining. Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk demanded then that the law enforcement agencies initiate criminal proceedings and prosecute those responsible for illegal siphoning off of oil.

Russia has initiated criminal proceedings against Kolomoyskyi on charges of organization of murders; the use of banned means and methods of warfare; abductions and also for putting up obstacles to journalists’ work. He has been arrested in absentia and put on the international wanted list.

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Donetsk, 26 Mar — is GIVEN. The number of the victims as a result of blasting the bus on a mine of AFU increased to four people. All of them are women. About it it is GIVEN declared an informed circle.

"Four women were lost, 12 people are wounded, seven were missing" — the interlocutor of agency reported.

According to him, presence of missing persons is explained by the fact that explosion was the extremely powerful as the bus was undermined on an anti-tank mine. The tragedy happened near a post of N of the item of Zaytsevo near Artemivsk occupied by Ukraine.

According to the specified data of a source, at an entrance to a post the Kiev security officers didn't pass the bus. As a result the driver made the decision to go to a detour and ran down a mine.

Donetsk, 25 Mar – It is GIVEN. The Donetsk and Lugansk National Republics shouldn't see the ally in the former governor of the Dnepropetrovsk area Igor Kolomoyskom, I declared today the official representative of DNR in Contact group on peaceful settlement, the vice speaker of National Council Denis Pushilin is GIVEN.

"In my opinion, DNR and LNR shouldn't consider Kolomoysky the ally as it, unlike Alexander Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitsky, regards as of paramount importance personal enrichment and devil-may-carely treats citizens of Ukraine" — the vice speaker of parliament of DNR warned.

"Kolomoysky's resignation — the next compelled Poroshenko's step in attempt to moderate appetite of the feudal lord generated by "Maidan"" — Pushilin added and explained that during a coup d'etat of 2014 the present Kiev authorities were compelled to lean on the most radical allies who got out of their hand now. According to the representative of DNR, the situation with Kolomoysky is similar to the opposition of Kiev gaining steam with extremist "Right Sector".

Pushilin didn't begin to predict an outcome of collision of interests of the infamous oligarch with the president of Ukraine. "Further succession of events will depend on intervention of curators from the USA as it isn't necessary to hope for Kolomoysky's capitulation" — he explained.

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Labor unions of the Luhansk region supported the demands made by the striking miners of the Lvov, Volynsk and Donetsk areas in connection with a critical situation in the enterprises of coal branch of Ukraine. It is told about it in the appeal of Federation of labor unions of LNR.

"The federation of labor unions of the Luhansk People's Republic acts with support of fair requirements of Ukrugleprofsoyuz to the government of Ukraine to take urgent measures for urgent payment to employees of the coal industry of a salary and repayment of debt on it, and also prevention of closing of mines.

Employees of coal branch in Lviv, Chervonograde, Selidovo, Krasnoarmeysk, Novovolynsk, Lysychansk and other miner's cities and settlements are driven to despair and compelled to protest.

Representatives of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine "keep silent". The government of the country, being on the edge of the abyss which isn't able to extinguish debt on salaries of miners. The infinite tranches of foreign friends and curators going for maintenance of the military conflict in the country laid unreasonable under tribute for many years ahead of all recent in Ukraine. About what salaries can there be a speech?

Ukraine doesn't need coal, miners aren't necessary. Ukraine needs the weapon and gun meat! The government and the president need conflict continuation – it is possible to write off a lot of things for war. Both lack of funds for payment of salaries, and increase of municipal tariffs, and closing of mines. And guilty of all troubles of the present leadership of Ukraine are already appointed are "terrorists" and "separatists" from Donbass! And after all it is possible to support this information legend for many months, to put in mind and heart of millions of people who were earlier living in one country, hatred to each other, supporting and kindling it various information throws.

And we living on Donbass, continue to work. Children should be taught, – to treat patients, streets – to sweep, housing and objects of a social sphere – to restore, coal – to get! And each worker – both in the West, and in the east – has the right life, to work, to its worthy payment. The means which are daily spent for war have to be used only in the peace purposes, including on development of the coal industry.

Understanding all complexity of economic and social situation of miners, we express solidarity to workers of coal associations in their fair requirements.

We – for the world and economic development!".


We will remind, about 20 thousand miners of 17 state enterprises from three areas strike in Ukraine because of nonpayment of salaries by Kiev and in connection with closing of mines. The strike captured miners of the Lvov, Volynsk and Donetsk areas. A critical situation also in the territory of the "Luhansk region" controlled by Kiev.

In the middle of the street, having slightly moved a stern corner from the carriageway, costs T-64. More precisely, there is that from it remained – the burned-out case, squares of not worked dynamic protection, the peeled false boards of cumulative protection taken by a rust. The tower rolls at some distance, just opposite to the first house from which there was one base and the developed roof scattered on fragments of walls by a uniform layer of shredded slate.

The following estate escaped. However, in it there is no whole window and doors which are pulled out together with meat. In the yard, having wrapped wings of a rusty tin in the sky, the shed framework with remains of the burned-down tractor stood inside. It work consequences, perhaps, this the most padded rebels of the tank. As tell local, so in the settlement the Ukrainian soldiers had a good time – shot from tank guns the house behind the house. Just like that - for spirit and a raising of fighting spirit. Often shot together with people.

It is Chernukhino, the settlement which became a key point in the slammed Debaltseve copper, a finale clean to the winter military campaign lost by Ukraine.

The way to the settlement lay on the strategic highway "Kharkov-Rostov". Went as a part of the LNR Ministry of Internal Affairs voluntary and summary group. Passable by Anthracite, Side Platovo, the Red Beam, the Industry, Red Kut, Fashchevki, fighters only watchfully looked on the parties. Here - it is quiet. In these miner's cities and settlements Armed forces of our Republics created well strengthened posts and an extensive network of defense.

On an entrance – in forest belts, in ravines and on roadsides – the armored machinery remains are visible. Quite recently there were fights. On the way got to talking with participants of Debaltseve operation.

Here the fighter with a kind call sign "Angry", the serviceman of Rovenkovsky department of militia of the LNR Ministry of Internal Affairs voluntary and summary group. The man under forty. In appearance the most ordinary citizen, average height. Radical ровенчанин, veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Tells simply, without any posing and a vainglory.

- In militia I already almost the pensioner. To Chernukhino I go at own will. Protection of a public order and fight against marauding now here is important not to tell as. We carry constantly out rotation of staff and, according to colleagues, I accurately know how hardly now it is necessary civilians. Chernukhino got, of course …

- It – yes, you won't envy the people to Chernukhino, – the fighter of group of volunteers with a call sign of "Zhek" echoes "Angry". - Not for the first time I go on fighting here. With own eyes I saw, what yes as. Here any live place practically didn't remain. Yes you look, – he points by a hand to remains of the next estate which got under favor Ukrainian "воякив".

The main task of the LNR Ministry of Internal Affairs voluntary and summary group – not to allow disorderly conduct, the facts of marauding and any violence. Besides, during implementation of access control fighters are obliged not to pass on the under control territory of enemy saboteurs. Safety and quiet, peaceful life in the territories freed from invaders today for the leaders of the Republic – one of the major tasks.

While spoke with fighters, our "Gazelka" safely reached to Chernukhino.

The first days passed quietly. Got acquainted with the settlement commandant, the major of the case "National militia" of LNR with a call sign of "Parfen". On the first question: "Well, how you here?" he answered simply and capaciously: "Anything, we will stand!". On the second, not less, traditional: "Got?" after a short pause I answered also briefly: "There was a hell …"

Early in the morning I came to a post. It was attached near "Ball" - a two-meter giant stature the major of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the strong, thickset militia captain known as "Zaporozhets". At 06:00 there were first local. The thin chain of pedestrians and beaten splinters of cars stretched. Pedestrian approach militiamen, show documents. Right there thank children for their work and the help. Everything is sincere, spontaneous, sometimes with tears in the eyes.

Here that the forty-year-old woman, the inhabitant tells Chernukhino, mother Inna Podzharnaya having many children:

- Children! Many thanks to you, our militia. Didn't allow to be gone with children! At me everything was plundered. In the cellar there is no can of preservation. Potatoes and vegetables of a pomyorzla. A shell carried the house. If not they, with hunger of a peremyorla!

- For that time that were interrupted in Alchevsk, at us didn't remain here at home, anything, – with tears Inna in the eyes continues. – And to live now there is nothing, all under pure was plundered. Three little children on hands. Difficult, very difficult. And on heart hurts, what with us Ukraine made?! Thanks of militia for the help. I came with children to an arrangement, simply to disappear there was no place. I asked food. Children of a nadavala of dry rations, grain, sugar, preservation the of a house distance. Here that I did?

At a post worldly-wise "six" stops. The inhabitant Chernukhino, fifty-year-old Oleg Gasanov tells the simple story.

- I was evacuated in Stakhanov. Now I come here - I try to restore the house. Only from it almost remained nothing. Here I have a simple dream now – the world to us and the strong state. Yes to live without Ukraine. That they with us made – look! Threw into a scorching heat. Without chances of a survival. Here let now these poroshenka will be explained to us, the people which lost everything – native, friends, at home, the property and all sewed for years – as farther to be? I will answer – in any way! Look that they with us created! Same it is inconceivable! Who would think, believed in such, what they got up with us?

Irina Dengub approaches. The woman arrived from Perevalsk, the same problems, as other inhabitants have Chernukhino – the destroyed house, the destroyed economy, the destroyed life. In the face of a tear and despair. "Children only don't leave, don't throw us!" – she sobs.

In the evening – State of emergency. To an arrangement of group on Chinese "dyrchik" the uneasy young man – the father of two juvenile children Nikolay Stepin arrives: "Men, help out! At children high temperature. To Zorinsky hospital far and late …"

It is right, on darkness of the road isn't present. Militiamen right there find necessary medicines, mint, raspberry jam. All give to the father. And got acquainted. Nikolay then more than once stopped by at group the rovenkovskikh of militiamen. Much that told of "feats" of the Ukrainian military.

- It is possible to tell a lot of things, – Stepin speaks. – Here imagine: on the street day, and here in the center Chernukhino, comes out to Lenin Street the tank of fennel. I left and right there starts scorching without discrimination from a gun on houses. It they called "gulk" in Ukrainian. Who was lucky - that escaped to whom - No, then we buried those in kitchen gardens.

- Our Sosnovsky' family alive burned down in own house after such shooting ranges. Though I said to the grandfather Tola that he would leave with us to Alchevsk. And it in any. I spoke: "On whom I will leave the goats?" And burned down together the grandma. The kingdom to them heavenly, - is christened Stepin. – And still there were among our villagers also "informers", with giblets handed over the neighbors for just like that. For one for sympathy for Novorossiya. Especially in it any swine differed. Same obormota as addict Logvinov and алкашня families of Chechi. By the way, all of them got away together with chasteners.

- And what the Ukrainian security officers did with those inhabitants who were for us? – I ask Nikolay.

- Yes, that … Took out to landing. Forced to dig a hole for own grave. Then beat, were tortured over them. My neighbor suspected that he informs a militia. Long tortured. Brought home hardly live, with the broken ribs. All teeth of a povybita. But though it is live I remained, – Nikolay tells. - And still they poisoned water in wells with technical oils and chemicals. That at us, so with drinking water of a problem were. Mined much and in inhabited sector, and on the railway ways, on roads, on landings. Thank God, now sappers of a militia work. Speak, cleared of mines the most part of the settlement. Besides our militia doesn't allow to marodyorit. After all at chasteners practically all was taken out. Plundered without remainder – they even managed street gate to remove Chernukhino at inhabitants and to load on the of "Urala". Yes! Fennel adequately "released" us – with bitter irony Nikolay remembers.

Here the local resident, the railroader pensioner Elena Serpilina approaches.

- Oh that ukrovoyak here only didn't create and didn't speak concerning us, – puts in our conversation of Serpilin. - I remember, I came to shop, I stand in a queue for bread, and before us the Ukrainian soldier with a ridiculous nickname, as at a dog - "Zhuzha". So he drunk, the bastard, with such grin speaks that all heard: "If we begin to leave from here, we will raze everything to the ground". Near it there was a grandfather Sasha nearby. It has from these words a rage in eyes and it so skazanut that at "Zhuzhi" and hop descended: "Ah you are a swine zapadensky! Came to my earth and orders you establish? What you, a bough such, told if I at you in Ternopol bombed huts and peace people killed?" Here so sharply also I told, it is direct in a face. Thought, the khan to the grandfather will be. On the contrary. "Zhuzha" it was bent yes I left. We after all to Chernukhino generally had soldiers from the Western Ukraine and Dnepropetrovsk "Right Sector" – is told by the woman.

It is echoed by others, approached on conversation. "We even couldn't bury the lost civilians Christianly at them. Now with assistance of a possovet and commandant's office the funeral team works, corpses lift, in an identification are engaged also in a reburial. Kindergartens, school, power supply networks, all start restoring. People began to come back to Chernukhino. Our militia on streets of the settlement. Military and militia help us with everything. Both business, and products. Unambiguously it became easier. The main thing that isn't present attacks", – villagers in eager rivalry told.

And to such talk there was no number. It is visible that chernukhinets should have been uttered, remove simply from soul a stone of memoirs, to pour out outside all that trouble which held them by a throat all this time before release.

The main impression of a trip that the world surely comes back to the country road. Also this world on armored machinery and cars of fighters of the Case of National militia, and also other power structures of the Republic, such, as voluntary and summary LNR Ministry of Internal Affairs group collected from Rovenkovsky militiamen goes.

In total here – and people with the weapon, and chernukhinets - wait for the world.


Chernukhino – the settlement of city type in the Luhansk People's Republic. The settlement is in 63 km to the northeast from Donetsk, in 8 km to the east of Debaltseve, in 73 km to the southwest from Lugansk. Within the settlement the river of Chernukhino and its shallow inflows originates, on one of which for supply of the city with drinking and technical water in Soviet period the Chernukhinsky reservoir was built.

The railway station Chernukhino is located to the West from the main inhabited massif of the settlement. The largest enterprise – Chernukhinsky poultry farm. Also here coal mining is conducted. Prior to military operations the population of the settlement made 7782 people.

To the middle of August, 2014 I was under control of LNR. Settles down on strategically important joint of borders of DNR and LNR.

From August 14, 2014 to February 6, 2015 the settlement was occupied by forces of AFU. Since October 7, 2014, according to the resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Chernukhino officially passed into structure of the Popasnyansky area which at that time completely was controlled by troops of Ukraine.

Divisions of AFU were beaten out from Chernukhino during operation on elimination of the Debaltseve copper by a militia of DNR and LNR at the beginning of February, 2015.

Luganskinformtsentr — on March 25 — Lugansk

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Donetsk, 26 Mar – It is GIVEN. The joint center of control and coordination of a ceasefire regime developed observation posts at the airport of Donetsk and Avdeevke, the representative of the Russian Federation in STsKK colonel general Alexander Lentsov declared to journalists before departure to the area of the airport today.

"The same as yesterday it was made in Shirokino, we developed two more groups of supervision are Aeroport and Avdeevka groups" — the Russian general told.

He emphasized that at the moment the area of the Donetsk airport is the most problem site from the point of view of violations of a ceasefire regime, however recently intensity of attacks significantly decreased and makes about 15 cases per day.

Now attacks around the airport proceed. "At present the Ukrainian party continues attack from mortars" — explained the correspondent. The representative of the Ministry of Defence of DNR is given.

Besides Lentsov observers of OSCE and the representative of the Ukrainian party in STsKK colonel Andrey Lishchinsky took part in today's trip to the area of the airport. Participants of inspection reported to the press that the coordination center of observation work is placed in the territory of the Donetsk railway station.

The day before representatives of STsKK from the Russian Federation and Ukraine, and also the management of the OSCE Mission coordinated an arrangement of observation posts around Shirokino and the organization of communication between the parties. Positively estimated results of this work at OSCE.

Donetsk, 26 Mar – It is GIVEN. The Ukrainian security officers for last days of 41 time fired at settlements of the Donetsk People's Republic, two rebels are as a result wounded. Today reported about it it is GIVEN in the Ministry of Defence of the Republic.

"In days 41 attacks, in a night 13 are recorded. The main directions of attack — settlements Spartak, Zhabichevo, the city of Gorlovka, and also Oktyabrskaya mine and the area of the airport of Donetsk" — were reported in the Ministry of Defence.

According to the Ministry of Defence, attacks were conducted from mortars, tank guns, 152 mm of artillery pieces, antiaircraft installations, large-caliber machine guns and small arms.

"Losses among a militia were made by two wounded fighters around Spartak and mine 6-7 near Gorlovka" — the representative of defensive department added. Information on victims among civilians aren't present.

By Greg Butterfield March 24, 2015


Photo: Denis Grigoryuk/AntiMaidan

The town of Kostyantynivka in northeastern Donetsk exploded in rebellion March 16 after Ukrainian occupation troops driving a tank veered into oncoming traffic, smashed a traffic light and hit pedestrians on the sidewalk.

Polina, 8 years old, was killed instantly. Her mother was hospitalized in critical condition, while her younger sister escaped serious injury, shielded by the stroller she was riding in.

Witnesses at the scene said the Ukrainian troops — those loyal to the coup government in Kiev — were drunk.

As news of the tragedy spread, hundreds of residents poured into the streets, demanding the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the city.

Kostyantynivka is part of the independent Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) and participated in the May 11, 2014, independence referendum. It has been occupied by forces loyal to the far-right junta in Kiev since last summer.

The DNR and neighboring Lugansk People’s Republic encompass the Donbass mining region, formerly part of southeastern Ukraine, and are often referred to as Novorossiya.

Thirty people overturned a police car at the scene. Then residents marched to a hostel where the occupation troops are barracked. They threw stones, smashed windows and set fire to tires in front of the building. (TASS, March 17)

Meanwhile, dozens of protesters seized a local administration building, where they raised the black, blue and red flag of the Donetsk People’s Republic. “The people of Kostyantynivka want Novorossiya to send troops,” a local man named Alexander told the Russia Today news agency.

The U.S.-backed junta of oligarchs, neoliberal politicians and neo-Nazis moved quickly to suppress the revolt. The four soldiers from the tank were spirited out of town. The Ministry of Internal Affairs gave police authority to use deadly force against the protesters. A squadron of the fascist Right Sector was dispatched to the city to mete out punishment. (Sputnik, March 17)

By the morning of March 17, the spontaneous uprising was quashed. An unknown number of people were arrested. Locals reported that sporadic gunfire continued throughout the day.

“Police identified and detained a number of persons who actively participated in massive unrest and set fire to motor vehicles in the town of Kostiantynivka on March 16. Restrictive measures against them are still being taken,” reported Olga Yurasova, press secretary for the Ukrainian-controlled regional police force. (Tass, March 18)

One of those “disappeared” was Denis Chubaka, a local journalist and Communist Party leader. Chubaka was one of the first people on the scene after the crash, and his photos of the aftermath circulated on social media and news reports worldwide. He was “abducted by unknown persons in military uniforms” on his way to work March 18. (Fort Russ, March 19)

Despite the repression, and despite being denounced by Kiev as “terrorist collaborators,” more than 100 people came out again May 18 to the site of Polina’s death, creating a makeshift memorial of flowers and toys.

The police chief announced the arrest of two more men on March 20, Novorosinform reports. Those detained face up to eight years in prison.

‘Interrupted Flight’: Donbass children remembered

On March 17, hundreds of people gathered in Lenin Square in Donetsk, the capital of the DNR, for a rally entitled “Interrupted Flight” to remember Polina and other children killed in Kiev-Washington’s war against the people of the Donbass mining region.

People lit memorial candles at the base of the monument to Soviet leader V.I. Lenin and held signs denouncing NATO and the European Union for backing fascism in Ukraine. A giant screen over the square showed photos of children killed in the war.

As of Feb. 6, according to the United Nations, at least 59 children had been killed and more than 150 injured since the Ukrainian regime began its so-called Anti-Terrorist Operation. The U.N. records nearly 6,000 total deaths, but admits this number is unrealistically low.

German intelligence services estimated the real number of deaths at nearly 50,000. (Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, Feb. 8)

DNR officials, denouncing the behavior of the Ukrainian occupation troops as a violation of the latest ceasefire agreement that took effect Feb. 15, said that an offensive to retake Kostyantynivka would be considered if the repression continues.

Col. Cassad, a respected commentator on military matters in Novorossiya, explained: “The epicenter of the unrest was located in an area full of junta forces. … So without outside help, the unrest couldn’t lead to the deposing of the junta’s power in Kostyantynivka and to the spreading of resistance to the neighboring cities.

“The Right Sector militants and highly motivated military forces were brought into the city, after which the sweep and arrests followed. …

“Nevertheless, these protests showed that the occupation regime is based on naked violence, and if the junta suffers a military defeat, then our soldiers will be met as liberators in the settlements where the junta regime is removed.” (Colonel Cassad Blog in English, March 18)

Makeyevka, 26 Mar – It is GIVEN. Trucks of the next humanitarian escort of Emercom of Russia arrived to Makeyevka today, transfers the correspondent. It is given from a place of events.

As earlier declared in the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, the main part of freight of an escort is made by seeds of crops which will be used in a sowing campaign. Also freight includes medicines, necessities and food.

It is the 22nd escort of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations with humanitarian aid for Donbass. From the middle of August, 2014 to Donetsk and Lugansk more than 27 thousand tons of various humanitarian freights were delivered.

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(about two main reasons for emergence of civil war in Ukraine)

Really, the fascism in Ukraine — it is, or it isn't present?

I will note two facts.

Fact the first

Today already for anybody (except the most blind) not a secret that:

- AFU of Ukraine together with National guard and voluntary battalions, undoubtedly, under orders from Kiev and it is absolutely conscious, fire at houses of civilians of Donbass, destroy schools, kindergartens and hospitals, destroy infrastructure (gas pipelines, power lines, bridges, etc.), destroy the enterprises of Donbass;

- the Kiev authorities (too it is absolutely conscious) actually ceased to pay pensions and grants to pensioners and residents of Donbass;

- the Kiev authorities undertake absolutely real measures for implementation of full isolation (blockade) of DNR and LNR for the purpose of complete cessation of supply of inhabitants of these territories with the food, the gas, the electric power and all other goods and services necessary for life of people.

For comparison: Hitlerites in days of the Great Patriotic War did practically the same in relation to residents of besieged Leningrad.

Fact of the second

The Kiev authorities actively declare today that anti-terrorist operations for the purpose of preservation and restoration of territorial integrity of Ukraine carry out, for the purpose of return of all Donbass to structure of Ukraine (that they are at war against separatists).

I will separately note what exactly for it (for preservation of territorial integrity of Ukraine and against separatists) really is at war today a huge number of the military personnel of AFU, National guard and voluntary battalions.

Thus I will note the next major moment. It is known that Donbass (Moscow, Kiev, etc.) — it always:

- on the one hand, a certain piece of the territory, a piece of the earth with the woods which are on it, fields, buildings, constructions, etc.;

- and on the other hand, it always the locals who are constantly living on this piece of the territory (for which Donbass — the small homeland).

From here quite naturally such question follows: and for what preservation of Donbass as a part of Ukraine Kiev (and its armed forces) — for preservation as a part of Ukraine only of one territory of Donbass or for preservation as a part of Ukraine of the territory of Donbass together with his constant locals is at war?

Answering this question, I will note that if today's Kiev authorities were at war for preservation as a part of Ukraine of the territory of Donbass together with his constant locals, they surely would separate rebels - "fighters" from civilians of Donbass. And then they:

- surely refused attacks of houses, hospitals, schools, the enterprises, objects of infrastructure;
- surely pensions and grants paid civilians;
- surely refused introduction of the most real food, gas, power and any other blockade of Donbass;
- surely refused any other actions causing strong damage to civilians of Donbass and almost not causing any damage to rebels.

Having refused these actions, the Kiev authorities thereby directly would be told peace locals of Donbass: "We aren't at war against civilians — we are at war against fighters, and you, civilians of Donbass, are necessary to us as a part of Ukraine, and we appreciate you and we respect, you — our full citizens and therefore we do everything in order that you suffered during military operations with fighters" as little as possible.

But, alas, the Kiev authorities don't do all this at all. And moreover, they on the contrary do everything depending on them, that as much as possible civilians of Donbass, and respectively that as much as possible civilians of Donbass left from the territory of Donbass suffered (thus having cruelly begun to hate the executioners from Kiev).

And from this the obvious conclusion follows: fight of today's Kiev authorities for preservation of Donbass as a part of Ukraine:

- isn't fight for preservation as a part of Ukraine of the territory of Donbass together with his permanent residents;
- and is fight for preservation as a part of Ukraine only of one territory of Donbass (without constant locals of Donbass). Permanent peace locals of Donbass of today's Kiev power on Donbass are obviously not necessary. Therefore she (the Kiev power) actively kills them today, starves also cold, in all ways tries to expel literally from the territory of Donbass.

For comparison. Russia in Chechnya too waged war for preservation of territorial integrity of Russia. But this war from Russia:

- I wasn't war with fighters for preservation only of one territory of Chechnya as a part of Russia;
- and I was war with fighters for preservation of the territory of Chechnya together with all her locals as a part of Russia.

For this reason:

- the Russian authorities never stopped payments of pensions and grants in Chechnya (in spite of the fact that in Chechnya at that time often plundered them);
- the Russian authorities never entered any economic blockade against Chechnya and its inhabitants;
- Russia never blocked a stream of humanitarian aid to Chechnya;
- the Russian troops during fights undertook real measures not to allow causing damage to civilians of Chechnya (real humanitarian corridors for an exit of civilians were created, agreed about a conclusion of fighters from settlements, etc.);
- the Russian military personnel who committed crimes against civilians was brought to trial (for example, the whole commander of a regiment of the Russian army — the colonel Budanov was condemned for murder of the Chechen girl for 10 years).

And for this reason today the Russian authorities direct hundreds of billions rubles from the federal budget on restoration of Chechnya (and the vast majority of Russians doesn't object to it).

All inhabitants of Chechnya perfectly saw and continue to see all this. And for this reason in 2003 on a referendum they voted for finding of Chechnya as a part of Russia and for this reason they are one of the most politically active Russians today — defenders of Russia.

Purposes of the Ukrainian power and its puppeteers

The question is natural: why today's Kiev authorities which are at war for territorial integrity of Ukraine seek to cause in all ways as much as possible damage to civilians of Donbass and seek to expel literally from Donbass his constant locals? Why they obviously show, what they on Donbass need only the territory of Donbass (the territory of the Crimea) and obviously permanent residents of Donbass (permanent residents of the Crimea) aren't necessary? Than it speaks?

First, it, of course, can be explained to what so to behave in relation to peace locals of Donbass to the Kiev authorities us'ers advise (advisers from the USA).

Sense of this moment: such cruel behavior of the Kiev authorities in relation to civilians of Donbass, according to the usa advisers, leads not only to outflow of civilians from the territory of Donbass, but also to reduction of number of people in it, potentially capable to join the militia ranks (and respectively, leads to reduction of number of rebels and decrease in their fighting capacity).

Concerning this explanation It is necessary to tell the following.

a) It for the Frenchman or for the German attack of the enemy and destruction by this enemy of their dwelling, as a rule — an occasion to leave on a new residence and to live there, on a new place. For the inhabitant of the former USSR (imperial Russia) including for the resident of Donbass, attack of the enemy and destruction by this enemy of his dwelling is very frequent — a weighty occasion to throw everything, to take up arms and to go to hammer the enemy who destroyed his dwelling.

Thus, cruelty of the Kiev authorities in relation to civilians of Donbass doesn't reduce number of persons interested to enter a militia, and on the contrary, increases their quantity.

And this characteristic feature of "all Russians", undoubtedly, is known to us'ers.

B) From this it follows that the usa advisers, advising the Kiev authorities to show cruelty in relation to civilians of Donbass, thereby don't pursue the aim "to reduce number of rebels", and pursue absolutely other aims. What?

First purpose: it is obvious that they thereby create a powerful flow of refugees to Russia, and respectively, thereby create economic and political problems for Russia (refugees should be placed, fed, treated, employed, because of them in the Russian regions there can be a discontent of local population, etc.).

And the second, main, purpose: they thereby (the above cruelty, genocide in relation to peace local population of Donbass), undoubtedly, try to force Russia to enter the troops to Ukraine to make Russia a real, real aggressor. And it will allow the USA — despite all resistance and on all economic losses of Europe — to force EU countries to break the strongest economic relations between Russia and the EU, to expel Russia from a sales market of the EU and to win for themselves a sales market of the EU.

Well, and secondly, the aspiration of today's Kiev authorities to cause as much as possible damage to civilians of Donbass and to expel them from the territory of Donbass, certainly, can be explained also with one more major reason which sense consists in the following.

During the whole last 23 years of the USA by means of the NPOs (support of the edition of the necessary school textbooks, financial support of the necessary historians, political scientists and politicians with the necessary ideas, the necessary public figures of Ukraine, the necessary journalists, all support of nationalists, supporters Bandera and Shukhevich) and pro-usa Ukrainian politicians (like V. Yushchenko) literally cultivated and carefully grew up two things in Ukraine:

1) Ukrainian nationalism;

2) hatred to Russia and to so-called "Russians" (appeals "Ukraine понад all", "Glory to Ukraine", to "a moskalyak on a gilyaka", "who without jumping, that Russian", the myth about Famine-Genocide in Ukraine which is allegedly arranged for Ukrainians with Russia, the myth about 300-year slavery of Ukrainians as a part of Russia the myth that Russians in Russia — not Russians, but "descendants of ordynets", and they are all these things cultivated in Ukraine obviously aren't casual, and are just bright manifestation of the above work of the usa NPOs and pro-usa Ukrainian politicians).

And what arose in Ukraine as a result of the above 23-year-old laborious work of the usa NPOs and pro-usa Ukrainian politicians?

Consequences of cultivation of the Ukrainian nationalism

Answering a question of consequences of cultivation of the Ukrainian nationalism, first of all, I will note that the nationalism (any) of the specific person (any nationality) consists available (in formation) at this person of intolerance to presence by a number of any other cultures, customs and languages, except what are native for the most specific person.

Respectively, owing to existence of the above intolerance, the nationalist is always ready and always has desire to make the actions directed on replacement from the nearby habitat (from the area, the city, the state) strangers for it of cultures, customs, languages and their carriers (the nationalist is ready to reconcile to their existence only outside the habitat).

And respectively, owing to existence of the above intolerance:

- the Russian nationalist, leaving with the slogan "Russia for Russians" or getting to the power, seeks "to Russify" everyone and everything in Russia;

- well, and the Ukrainian nationalist, too leaving with the slogan "Ukraine for Ukrainians" or getting to the power, seeks "to ukrainizirovat" everyone and everything in Ukraine (to ukrainizirovat education, relationship of people with authorities, relationship of people at the enterprises, the film industry, culture, mass media, television, etc.).

So, what arose in Ukraine as a result of 23-year-old cultivation by the usa NPOs and pro-usa Ukrainian politicians of the Ukrainian nationalism?

Cultivation in Ukraine of the Ukrainian nationalism in the country was resulted by the following.

And partially in Central where there lives a significant amount (majority) of carriers of Ukrainian and the Ukrainian culture (both Ukrainians, and Russians on a nationality), for which Ukrainian and Ukrainian culture native, the Ukrainian nationalism, and respectively, aspiration "to ukrainizirovat" everyone and everything, certainly, found very broad support in the Western part of Ukraine.

In East part of Ukraine and partially in Central where there lives a significant amount (too the majority) native speakers of Russian and the Russian culture (too both Ukrainians, and Russians on a nationality) for which the Russian culture and Russian native, planting of the Ukrainian nationalism (intolerance to all non Ukrainian), and respectively, aspiration "to ukrainizirovat" everyone and everything, absolutely naturally led to the following:

- originally, in the first years, they (planting of nationalism and aspiration "to ukrainizirovat" everyone and everything) caused in people (both at native speakers of Russian and the Russian culture, and at very many sane Ukrainians — carriers of Ukrainian and the Ukrainian culture) simply deaf irritation;
- then it already began to cause very strong irritation and very notable resistance in the above people;
- well, and in days of February revolution in 2014 when Rada cancelled the law on languages, it already caused simply explosion.

That this moment was more clear, I will note: after revolution and cancellation of the law on languages inhabitants of the East of Ukraine (all nationalities) demanded for themselves federalization not only with a main goal of ensuring equitable distribution of cash flows between the center and regions, but also with not less main goal of receiving for itself is right independently (without intervention of the center) to solve at itself language and cultural problems.


- in the west of Ukraine (and partially) artificial planting of the Ukrainian nationalism and "Ukrainization" of everyone and everything found broad support in the Center;
- well, and in the east of Ukraine (and partially in the Center) they caused serious rejection.

About what it speaks?

It means the following: long-term work on planting in Ukraine of the Ukrainian nationalism was resulted by absolutely clear split of all Ukraine into two parts, into two irreconcilable camps: on ardent supporters of the Ukrainian nationalism and "Ukrainization" of everyone and everything (The West of Ukraine and partially the Center) and on ardent opponents of the Ukrainian nationalism and "Ukrainization" of everyone and everything (The East of Ukraine and partially the Center).

That is, as a result of this work active preparation for kindling in Ukraine of civil war in the form of artificial creation in the country of two irreconcilable camps (two irreconcilable opponents) capable at any time to engage with each other was carried out.

Consequences of formation of hatred to Russia

And what resulted from 23-year-old work of the usa NPOs and pro-usa Ukrainian politicians on formation in Ukraine of hatred to Russia (to "Russians")?

As a result of formation in Ukraine of hatred to Russia and to "Russians" in the country there was a following.

In the west of Ukraine (and partially in the Center), where:
- there lives a significant amount (majority) of carriers of Ukrainian and the Ukrainian culture;
- positions of uniatsky church are strong and positions of orthodox church are rather weak;
- inhabitants well remember Stalin repressions of 1939-1941;
- in connection with these repressions inhabitants with pleasure in tens of thousands voluntary entered a Hitlerite division CC "Galichina";
- lives a huge number of those inhabitants, whose grandfathers were at war not only on Hitler's party, but also within many post-war years (till 1954) were at war against the USSR in groups of Banderovites;
- and in Soviet period there was a lot of hatred to Russia and "Russians"
— in this part of Ukraine (which besides it is rather badly connected by economic, political, cultural and related relations with Russia) people with pleasure believed in nonsense about Ukrainian "Famine-Genocide" (which really in the 30th years I arose not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia, in Kazakhstan and in some other republics of the former USSR), about 300-year slavery of Ukrainians in Russia and in other similar waste products of the usa NPOs and pro-usa Ukrainian politicians (like V. Yushchenko).

As a result of in the West Ukraine (and partially in the Center) at rather large number of people (especially at youth) hatred to Russia and to "Russians" was really created (who allegedly arranged "Famine-Genocide" in Ukraine and which 300 years "oppressed" Ukrainians).

Thus, it is worth emphasizing the major moment here: hatred not to Russians, and to Russia (to its inhabitants, irrespective of a nationality) and to "Russians" who live in Russia was created.

Hatred to Russians or to Tatars in Ukraine isn't present.

In this regard I will note the curious moment: the person who always has some nationality, artificially "to appoint", for example, the Russian or the Ukrainian it is impossible. In too time it is possible to fix "москалём" anyone — though the Ethiopian living in Africa. So it is very convenient to have "enemy" under the name "Russian" as in "Russians" (and also in "kolorada", "quilted jackets", etc.) it is possible to write down any person, for example, of the competitor on business, the objectionable politician of any nationality, the neighbor having the good apartment, etc.

Well, and what with the East of Ukraine?

In the east of Ukraine (and partially in the Center), where:
- most of inhabitants (both Ukrainians, and Russians) — carriers of the Russian culture and Russian;
- positions of orthodox church are strong;
- where lives a huge number of those inhabitants, whose grandfathers actively were at war against Hitler;
- there were no Banderovites;
- were born, many heads of all USSR (N. S. Khrushchev, L. I. Brezhnev, etc.) grew and worked;
- never was hatred to Russia and to "Russians"
— in this part of Ukraine (which besides till 1917, during hundreds of years, I was the integral component of Russia and which is very closely connected by economic, political, cultural and related relations with Russia) people were simply unreceptive to waste products of the usa NPOs and pro-usa Ukrainian politicians.

Therefore in the east of Ukraine (and partially in the Center) work on formation of hatred to Russia and to "Russians" in general was inefficient, and inhabitants of this part of Ukraine generally kept the strongest sympathies for Russia and for its inhabitants (to "Russians").

Thus, in the west of Ukraine (and partially in the Center) for 23 years at many people (especially at youth) hatred to Russia and "Russians", and in the east of Ukraine was created (and partially in the Center) such hatred didn't manage to create (and moreover, it wasn't succeeded to liquidate obvious sympathies for Russia).

And what consequences of it were?

The first consequence of it, undoubtedly, was that for many inhabitants Western (parts Central) Ukraine (for which Russia and "Russians" became the "hated enemies" who arranged in Ukraine "Famine-Genocide" and 300-year slavery for Ukrainians) literally all Ukrainian political and non-political figures of the past fighting against Russia, and respectively, fighting against "Russians" (Bander, Shukhevich, Mazepa and even the Swedish king Karl of X11, and for some residents of Ukraine and Hitler), right there became "heroes".

And it isn't important that they in reality were Swedes, Germans, the German Abver's agents and CC that they recited the military oath not to Ukraine, and personally to Hitler — it is important that they actively struggled with "Russians". If "heroes" struggled with "Russians", so. And all here. Any objections. For objections — lustration. Immediate. In a trash can.

On the other hand, it is natural that for the vast majority of residents of East Ukraine (and partially the Center) all above "heroes" as were Swedes, Germans, traitors, Abver's agents and CC, Hitler's servants, so them and remained.

Thus, the first consequence of it was that the residents of Ukraine infected with hatred to Russia and "Russians" and at the residents of Ukraine who aren't infected with the above hatred had absolutely different heroes.

Absolutely accurate and absolutely artificial division of Ukraine (on the relation of people to Russia and to "Russians") on two besides absolutely irreconcilable to part became the second quite natural consequence of it, of course, again:

- on those (irrespective of their nationality) who hates Russia and "Russians" — it generally inhabitants of the West of Ukraine and partially the Center;
- and on those (too irrespective of their nationality) who sympathizes with Russia and to "Russians" (who left to hold a meeting under flags of Russia) — it generally inhabitants of the East of Ukraine and partially the Center.

That is, in result and this work (on incitement of hatred to Russia and "Russians") active preparation for kindling in Ukraine of civil war in the form of artificial creation in the country of two irreconcilable camps (two irreconcilable opponents) capable at any time to engage with each other was also carried out.

Well, and the third quite natural consequence of this work was that the residents of Ukraine (first of all, the Western Ukraine) infected with hatred to Russia and "Russians", seeing the former positive relation to Russia and "Russians" of those residents of Ukraine (first of all, East Ukraine) who remained not infected with a hatred bacillus, of course, gradually (within 23 years) started changing (towards deterioration) the attitude towards these residents of Ukraine.

Sense of this moment: the residents of the Western Ukraine infected with hatred to "Russians", seeing that residents of East Ukraine are positive to Russia and "Russians" (come for meetings with their flags, cooperate with them, etc.), naturally, absolutely naturally started perceiving such residents of East Ukraine as "supporters", "helpers of hated Russians", and respectively, began to perceive them as "enemies" (by the principle: if you are on friendly terms with my sworn enemy "москалём", so you too become to me an enemy).

As a result for many inhabitants Western (partially — Central) Ukraine (hating Russia and "Russians" and besides suffering from the Ukrainian nationalism) residents of East Ukraine slowly and gradually (within 23 years) started turning, and today already completely turned, it isn't simple in supporters of "Russians" and Russia, and turned into enemies, in "quilted jackets", "kolorad", "cattle", etc. for which, according to the above residents of the Western Ukraine, there is only one road: "a suitcase - the station - Russia".

So, as a result of 23-year-old work of the usa NPOs and pro-usa Ukrainian politicians on planting in Ukraine of the Ukrainian nationalism and hatred to Russia and to "Russians" in general there was a following.

The first. In the west of Ukraine (and partially in the Center) the huge number of people (first of all, youth) turned into the full ardent Ukrainian nationalists intolerant of all non Ukrainian and aspiring in any ways to force out from Ukraine all non Ukrainian, "to ukrainizirovat" everyone and everything in Ukraine. On the other hand, in the same regions of Ukraine the huge number of people caught hatred to Russia and to "Russians", and then — hatred and in relation to those residents of Ukraine who kept the sympathies for Russia and "Russians" (and who because of it turned for the above people in "quilted jackets" and "kolorad").

At the same time in the east of Ukraine (and partially in the Center) the huge number of people (all nationalities) under the influence of repeated (within 23 years) attempts to force out all non Ukrainian (first of all — to force out all Russian) and attempts "to ukrainizirovat" everyone and everything turned already into rigid opponents of nationalism and "Ukrainization" of everyone and everything. On the other hand, in the same regions it wasn't succeeded to create at the vast majority of people (all nationalities) hatred to Russia and to "Russians".

Thus in Ukraine it was succeeded to create artificially two big groups of people which are seriously conflicting among themselves:

- the Ukrainian nationalists infected with hatred to Russia and "Russians" (living in the basic in the West and in the Center of Ukraine);
- and the opponents of the Ukrainian nationalism (both Russians, and Ukrainians) taking a liking for Russia and "Russians", who turned because of it for the above Ukrainian nationalists in the "quilted jackets" and "kolorad" (living in the basic in the east and in the Center of Ukraine).

It had to lead to emergence in Ukraine of civil war sooner or later, and it led to a war.

The second. I will emphasize the following fact: any Ukrainian nationalist differs in the intolerance to other cultures and to other languages, and he isn't ready to suffer existence near himself, in the habitat, other cultures and other languages (first of all — Russian and the Russian culture as the second for the prevalence in Ukraine).

Also I will emphasize other fact: any Ukrainian russophob (any nationality) hating Russia and "Russians", too differs in the intolerance to presence of the people near it (especially — the residents of Ukraine) respecting Russia urging to be on friendly terms with Russia and the more so carrying a St.George's Ribbon and flags of Russia.

What follows from these facts?

Follows from these facts that the Ukrainian nationalist infected with hatred to Russia and "Russians", seeing presence near it, in its habitat (in its area, the city, the state), other culture and other language, seeing presence at its habitat of the people who are openly stating the sympathies for Russia and for "Russians", certainly, won't sit, idly. He will surely act (here intolerance inherent in it will push it on actions).

And what actions he will make?

Of course, he will surely make actions on "Ukrainization" of everyone and everything in Ukraine and on formation at people of hatred to Russia and "Russians" (on formation at people of love to Bander, to Shukhevich, Mazepa, Hitler and Karl of X11).

It is asked: and how he will be engaged in "Ukrainization" and formation of hatred to Russia and "Russians" (formation of love to Bander, to Shukhevich, Mazepa, Hitler and Karl of X11)?

It is obvious that in the conditions of absence at it of the power and the weapon, and respectively, in the conditions of lack of opportunity for use of violence over people, he, of course, will be engaged in "Ukrainization" and formation of hatred to Russia and "Russians" by means of use of belief of people.

It means that it will be in all ways to convince both authorities, and the people surrounding it (including "quilted jackets" and "kolorad") of existence of an urgent need of "Ukrainization" in the state of everyone and everything (and differently the state will collapse) and that Ukrainian can only be the only state language, and Russia and "Russians" — immemorial enemies of Ukraine and Ukrainians.

In the conditions of existence at it civil, nonabsolute, the authorities, in the conditions of lack of the weapon, he for "Ukrainization" and for formation of hatred to Russia and "Russians", undoubtedly, will start exercising the power which is available for it, for example, will start entering violently training at school and HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS only in Ukrainian, to enter document flow in authorities and in all other establishments only in Ukrainian, etc. He will start copying for schools textbooks of history to present Russia and "Russians" eternal aggressors, "invaders", those people who suit "Famine-Genocide" for Ukrainians who were always "enemies" for Ukrainians, etc.

And in the conditions of receiving the full, absolute (military) power over people and receiving the weapon the Ukrainian nationalist russophob overwhelmed by the above intolerance won't be engaged in belief of people any more, and will directly enter for people very cruel nationalist and Russophobic laws (rules), it is very cruel to punish people for violations of these laws and rules (it is cruel to punish for any attempts of promoting of the non Ukrainian culture and not Ukrainian, for any attempts of infringement of the Ukrainian culture and Ukrainian, and the more so — for manifestation of any sympathies for Russia and to "Russians").

That directly means the following: I supported giving to Russian of the status state, so you will be beaten, well and if walked with a flag of Russia or with a St.George's Ribbon, already, maybe, you will be not only it is beaten, but also it is killed.

The question is natural: and what the Ukrainian nationalist infected with hatred to Russia and "Russians" in the conditions of existence at him will do to the full, absolute (military) power over people and the weapon in case the above people who aren't infected with nationalism and russophobia start showing armed resistance of above violent "Ukrainization" and to the above violent compulsion of people to hate Russia and "Russians" (to violent compulsion of people to love to Bander and Shukhevich)?

Answering this question, I will note: in case of the above armed resistance for the above nationalists inevitably there is the following situation:

- "Ukrainization" and education of hatred to Russia and "Russians" by means of belief of the people (who aren't infected with nationalism and russophobia) are absolutely inefficient, and respectively, are impossible;
- well, and "Ukrainization" and formation of hatred to Russia and "Russians" at the above people (who aren't infected with nationalism and russophobia) by means of threats and the armed violence encounter from their party armed resistance, and respectively, become too impossible.

It is obvious that in such situation — a situation of active and successful armed resistance (as it now is on Donbass) — any "Ukrainization" and any education of russophobia become in general impossible.

And it is obvious that in such situation the Ukrainian nationalist, sick russophobia, appears before a simple choice:

- or in general to refuse any (both nonviolent, and violent) "Ukrainization" and formation of russophobia at the above people showing armed resistance and thus to agree with presence near itself non Ukrainian (first of all — the Russian) culture and the non Ukrainian (Russian) language, to agree with presence near itself the "quilted jackets" and "kolorad" which are directly sympathizing Russia and "Russians" (and thus to restore the world in Ukraine);

- or to take exhaustive measures for elimination and full exile of the above people ("quilted jackets" and "kolorad") from the habitat and thus after all to solve already such, fascist, way a task of "Ukrainization" and of formation of russophobia at all people who are in habitat of the Ukrainian nationalist (and thus to wage war before elimination and full exile of "quilted jackets" and "kolorad" from the habitat).

It is asked: in what way, from two above-stated, the above-stated, possessing the power and the weapon, Ukrainian nationalist infected with hatred to Russia and "Russians" will go?

Answering this question, I will note once again that the Ukrainian nationalist, especially — (russophob) infected with hatred to Russia, isn't ready to suffer in the habitat (in the area, the state) the non Ukrainian culture and not Ukrainian, and he especially isn't ready to suffer in the habitat of the people sympathizing Russia and "Russians" (to suffer "quilted jackets" and "kolorad").

Just for this reason the nationalist is a nationalist, and just in it, in this intolerance, and the essence of the nationalist consists.

And it means that at emergence of the above choice the Ukrainian nationalist will inevitably go in the second way — by acceptance of exhaustive measures for elimination and full exile of the above people ("quilted jackets" and "kolorad") from the habitat.

Well, the Ukrainian nationalist infected with russophobia in the habitat isn't ready to suffer the non Ukrainian culture and not Ukrainian, and he especially isn't ready to suffer in the habitat of the people sympathizing Russia and "Russians" (to suffer "quilted jackets" and "kolorad")! It isn't ready!

Such is essence, such is characteristic of these people.

And these to suffer intolerance and unavailability just and are the second, most important reason, that today's Kiev authorities, certainly, which are in completely nationalist and Russophobic, all ways (a shelling, nonpayment of pensions and grants, blockade, etc.), try to destroy the resisting residents of Donbass, all ways try to expel them from the native earth. Certainly, to expel first of all to Russia according to well-known to us the slogan "suitcase-the station-Russia".

So, today's, completely nationalist and Russophobic Kiev authorities try to destroy in all ways the resisting residents of Donbass and in all ways try to expel them from the native earth.

Also they do it because of two main reasons:

- because so advise them to do the usa advisers who seek to create economic problems for Russia by means of creation of a powerful flow of refugees to Russia and to involve Russia in war on Donbass;

- and because today's Kiev authorities consisting generally of the Ukrainian nationalists infected with hatred to Russia and "Russians" aren't ready to suffer at all in the habitat (in the area, area, the state) the non Ukrainian culture and not Ukrainian and the more so, aren't ready to suffer in the habitat of the people sympathizing Russia and "Russians" at all (to suffer "quilted jackets" and "kolorad"), especially what show armed resistance to process of "Ukrainization" and formation of hatred to Russia and "Russians" (to process of formation of love to Bander and to Shukhevich).

And as today's Kiev authorities really try in all ways to kill civilians of Donbass and it is simple to expel them from the native earth, they thereby solve:

- not a problem of return to structure of Ukraine of the territory of Donbass together with all residents of Donbass;
- and returns to structure of Ukraine only of one territory of Donbass without his civilians solve a problem (without "quilted jackets" and "kolorad").

It is asked, what there is it?

In the years of World War II a main goal of Hitler (because of which he actually also began the campaign to the east) was that other, as "release for Germans of vital space".

And for achievement of this purpose Hitler planned (after a gain of Russia, and Ukraine too):

- on the one hand, to destroy considerable part of the population of Russia (and Ukraine too);
- and on the other hand, to move the survived residents of Russia (and Ukraine too, including Banderovites) to the Urals.

Respectively, the lands freed from people (and, by the way, first of all, the fertile lands of Ukraine) he planned to occupy Germans.

Such is there was a plan of the fascist Hitler.

From here the question is natural: and than return to structure of Ukraine to the territory of Donbass without civilians of Donbass is (to whom today's Kiev authorities directly were told for a long time: "a suitcase - the station - Russia")?

And it too is that other as release (from "quilted jackets" and "kolorad") the same vital space (the territory of Donbass).

And, release of this vital space besides (by Hitler's example) is conducted:

- on the one hand, by means of physical destruction of part of residents of Donbass (by means of attacks, blockade, hunger, nonpayment of pensions, etc.);
- and on the other hand, by means of compulsory resettlement of the survived residents of Donbass to Russia (too it is desirable to the Urals, far away from Ukraine).

The only difference from the plan of the fascist Hitler — only that the vital space (under the name "Donbass") the Kiev authorities is obviously exempted (from "quilted jackets" and "kolorad", from people of the second grade) not for settling by Germans, and for settling by "shchiry Ukrainians" (people of the first grade).

The earth after all shouldn't be empty, isn't it?

It is asked, what it is such?

It is obvious that it is the most usual and most real fascism. And the clear water, absolutely Hitlerite, described by it, Hitler, with own hand in the book "Mayne Kampf".

So, whether there is a fascism in Ukraine?

Answering this question, I will emphasize: here it isn't necessary to look at existence or absence at someone fascist swastikas, fascist banners and fascist greetings. These external signs can't be reliable indicators of existence of fascism in Ukraine (or in Russia).

But here very much even it is necessary to watch at the actual actions of people, especially what have the power and the weapon.

And what show the actual actions of today's Kiev authorities, the actual actions on Donbass of the Ukrainian nationalists and russophobs who came to the power in Ukraine?

They obviously show that on Donbass today's Kiev authorities consisting of the Ukrainian nationalists infected with hatred to Russia and "Russians" make — through use of AFU, National guard and voluntary battalions (by means of attacks of civilians, blockade introduction, etc.) — the most real cleaning of the territory of Donbass from local civilians (from "quilted jackets" and "kolorad"), the most real gain for themselves (for "shchirykh" of top-quality Ukrainians) "vital space" in the form of the territory of Donbass, completely free from "quilted jackets" and "kolorad".

And making a gain of it of "vital space" (under the slogan "Donbass either Ukrainian, or Deserted"), today's Kiev authorities thereby are engaged:

- first, than other, as realization in practice of fascist idea of Hitler about a gain of "vital space";
- and secondly, than other, as transformation himself in the full-fledged fascists realizing the most important, most main idea of the fascist Hitler in practice (for which realization Hitler launched the whole world war).

So the fascism, and full — ideological, based on the Ukrainian nationalism and russophobia, on intolerance of nationalists and russophobs to presence at the habitat of the non Ukrainian culture and language, and also "quilted jackets" and "kolorad", in Ukraine is. As there is in Ukraine, and already long ago, "the highest race" ("shchiry" Ukrainians) and "the lowest race" ("quilted jackets" and "kolorada").

And for comparison I will note that the German fascists in Germany too had an intolerance — intolerance to presence at the habitat (in Germany and in the won countries) Jews and communists. And too was division of people into "the highest Aryan race" (Germans, Italians, etc.) and "the lowest race" (Jews, Slavs, first of all — Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, etc.).

So, "nothing is new under the Moon".

Alexey Maximov,
Central news agency of Novorossiya

[note to self : needs marxist analysis]

"Three AFU tanks in defiance of the Minsk arrangements came on Kondrashovki's territory from the Ukrainian back. This fact was recorded from our observation post",

The fighters of homemade "Azov" who joined ranks of group of national guard I broke the truces mode around Shirokin. Residents of Azov uploaded on the Internet the video on which the ambassador of negotiations of fighters drawing blow to a house in Shirokino is shown, according to this "division" of fighters, the headquarters of "separatists" exactly there settled down.

On frames of video negotiations of fighters are clearly audible: according to their assumptions in one of houses in peace Shirokin there are headquarters of a militia. Already in a few minutes the first explosions sound - the national guard strikes blow to the purpose. As a result of the attack opened by security officers of "Azov", the dwelling is filled with a smoke and fire.

By the way, literally on the eve of March 25, 2015 the deputy head of the OSCE Mission in Ukraine Alexander Hug and representatives of the Joint center of control and coordination of a ceasefire regime in Donbass from DNR, Ukraine and Russia coordinated branch of heavy weapon and observance of silence regime in the village of Shirokino. At a meeting from the Ukrainian party were present the general of AFU Rozmaznin, and the lieutenant general Lentsov spoke on behalf of contact group Russian Federation.

We will note in spite of the fact that the representative of AFU coordinated the mode ceasefire with STsKK and OSCE, a regiment of national guard of Ukraine "Azov" doesn't hurry to submit and carry out the arrangement. Most likely the decision of the general of other military structure, isn't for commanders and fighters of national guard the direct instruction to action.

Yesterday the deputy head of the OSCE Mission in Ukraine Alexander Hug and participants of STsKK on control of a ceasefire regime on Donbass from DNR, Russia and Ukraine, in common agreed on possibility of branch of heavy machinery from Shirokino both parties.

After the put-forward initiative the leader of an organized criminal group "Azov" Andrey Biletsky declared the disagreement with the made compromise solution and is ready "to battle for the homeland until it is released".

Joined the huntovsky Ministry of Internal Affairs "Azov" submitting to "Right Sector" it is recognized in Russia as the extremist. "Right Sector" — merger of the radical nationalist organizations of Ukraine. The movement united separate extremist groups which took part in one of the first protests of Euromaidan in November, 2013. The main political goal of the movement – creation of the national Ukrainian state and national revolution. In November, 2014 the Supreme Court of Russia recognized the Ukrainian organizations "Right Sectors" and UNA-UNSO extremist and forbade their activity in the territory of the Russian Federation.


Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya


Near the city of Selidovo (about 30 km to the northwest from Donetsk) in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic occupied by the Ukrainian security officers the movement of a column of military equipment in the direction of the capital of the republic is noticed today. I reported about it to Donetsk news agency an informed circle.

"Today in the first half of day around Selidovo the column of heavy machinery following in the direction of Donetsk was noticed — the interlocutor of agency told. – As a part of a column about 10-15 tanks and about 20 artillery pieces of various caliber".

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya

In Artemivsk which is nowadays occupied by Ukrainian "authorities", city militia formations in common with summary group of a criminal investigation department and the Organized Crime Control Department from Kiev detained the man and the woman, it is from the Chernigov area. They were presented by volunteers, but security officers found the whole arsenal of the weapon in a car.

Were in total withdrawn: machine guns of joint stock company 5.45 - 4, the F 1 grenades, cartridges. The issue of a capture into custody of both suspects of arms trafficking is now resolved.

Cases of similar emergence of the weapon from the territory of retaliatory Ukrainian "anti-terrorist operation" on Donbass became frequent in all territory of Ukraine.

So, in Khmelnytsky the fighter who brought the whole arsenal of the weapon and ammunition from Donbass was arrested. "Contract employee" of retaliatory AFU, 22-year-old хмельничанин, having arrived to holiday, I took 2 shoulder RPG-26 anti-tank launchers, 4 RGD-5 grenades, 35 pistol cartridges of caliber of 9 millimeters.

По территории Украины разносится оружие с зоны карательной "АТО"

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya

I want to tell about the tragedy of the Turkic People in the decaying remains of the monster who was once called "Ukraine". And also, you learn, what real face of traitors and Dzhemilev's geeks, Chubarova and all of them colleagues and accomplices from a gang "Majlis". They constantly speak about horrors of deportation and repressions. There were all these horrors. But that they bring to the people today - even more terribly!

In all territory of the former Ukraine and, in particular, in LNR and DNR, there is a set of places of local moving of the Kazan and Crimean Tatars, Meskhetian Turks, Azerbaijanians and many other Muslim people. Communities and diasporas are in Donetsk region – in settlements Makeyevka, Slavyansk, Semenivka, Hrestishche, Nikolaevka, Malachar, Red Estuary, Kramatorsk, Druzhkovka, Konstantinovka, Mariupol, Granite, Gorlovka, Artemivsk, Shakhtersk, Thorez, Snow. Many mosques are in DNR under the influence of "mufti" with a Maidan Said Ismagilov who openly supports junta.

In the Luhansk region places of local moving and a community of Muslims are located in Lugansk, Alchevsk, the Red Beam, Anthracite, and Sverdlovsk. All of them now appeared in the most difficult conditions of a survival. The destiny of the settlement "Granite" of Donetsk region can be an example. The infrastructure of the settlement is destroyed, chasteners forbid to carry out a sowing campaign, houses of locals are exposed to plunder. Soldiers of AFU go by tanks on a Muslim cemetery, having arranged the positions there.

Recently drunk chasteners shot at night on light of a candle in a window of one of houses, and with this shot killed the girl – the Tatar. It is actually impossible to leave from "Granite" – bridges are blown up, roads are blocked. Chasteners on posts take away the last property of refugees "in favor of anti-terrorist operation". At protection of the property against robbers from AFU many Muslims and the Russian residents of the settlement were lost. People were tortured, threatened with punishment over families, children were put under a sight.

From among local traitors it is made divisions полицаев. As well as at the time of the Great Patriotic War, they walk the streets, houses, are enough locals, scoff and select property. Practically all of them are connected with activity of the enemy of the Crimean Tatar People Moustapha Dzhemilev. Some are praised by that their relatives serve in retaliatory battalions. These politsa stopped one man on the street, ordered to show the passport. Then they threw the passport on the earth and when the person bent down to lift it, started beating feet and butts. Beatings and robberies took place nearly an every day – even plastic windows pulled out from apertures, leaving people in the winter in the empty and open house without heating.

As a result, now in Granite hunger began. Observers of OSCE have to fix similar violations. But on a post near the village Granite observers weren't let to the village at all. The commander of AFU advised observers to be developed, allegedly for safety reasons.

About it "Majlis" is silent, the traitor and the enemy of the people Dzhemilev is silent. Doesn't want to tell about it aloud pocket medzhlisovsky "muftiate" of THOUGHTS of the Crimea and its "mufti" Emirali Ablayev. Mister Ablayev own income and implementation of orders of the enemy and traitor Dzhemilev worry more. And to "politicians" many still it is unprofitable to bring up this question.

In the Crimea, at the suggestion of local government, the organized gang "Majlis" slowly revives. And recently the vice-prime minister of the Crimea Ruslan Balbek declared that all mosques, all cult constructions will be transferred, by order of Aksenov, to branch of dzhemilivsky Majlis in the Crimea – the pocket muftiate of "DUMK" headed by the selling mufti Emirali Ablayev. Meanwhile the Tatar people suffer oppression and a grief in Novorossiya, from the same Ukrainian полицаев which handed over in the Crimea patriots in SBU and which today the Crimean power again returns on a position of supervisors-kapo over own distressful People as in Hitlerite extermination camps.

But the National Movement of the Turkic People of Tavriki didn't die yet. I ask to whom crimes of a gang of Kiev aren't indifferent and damned blood-suckers from Majlis – extend this bitter truth. Let people know that Tatars, Turkic peoples – not enemies to the Russian world. And let all will see, what dirty games are played by today's politicians.

Tana Cholkhanov
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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