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Gary Mack has A LOT of explaining to do

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I would also like for Mr. Mack to explain why he wrote in The Third Decade that Gerald Posner "gave history a sham of a book" and pans it..back in 1993? Anything change?

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Little dogs that bark behind chain link fences always act more ferocious than they can be when the gate is left open...

What else is there to expect from a one trick pony - fair and intellectual analysis of the info?

Standard Dunkel MO = "History says...... and until you change history.... blah, blah, blah"


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What Dunkel and the video fails to show:

In 1963 there was no Blacktop, let alone inches of it blocking the view....

But LD isn't going to mention that.... or which anti-Castro Cuban was found with maps of the sewer system

and they PAY him for this....


Edited by David Josephs
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Well Roy... if you believe the testimony of anyone outside the conspiracy...

In Jim Garrison's investigations I gathered "On page 208 of "A Farewell to Justice" it states that then Dallas PD police captain Will Fritz stated that they found a map of the Dallas\Dealy Plaza sewer system in the apartment of CIA operative Sergio Arcacha Smith.

Would need to do more research or ask Jim D. But of the people to believe in this case, Lt Fruge remains at the top of the list. If the maps are there, Rose is involved and her story has elements of truth.

Louisiana State Police Lieutenant Francis Fruge is one of the principal witnesses in most accounts of the Rose Cheramie story.

Roy, isn't the point - the view from that location and its accompanying escape route options - coupled with accounts of a z film in which JFK "rises up out of his seat" at the head shot - make the "crazy sewer theory" plausible... it was one of very few angles where collateral damage was minimal... How many people said that shots sounded like a motorcycle backfire, a ground level noise... if one sewer shooter why not more?

In the end though Roy it is not rock solid, only highly circumstantial, appropriate and in context. I'll have to be satisfied with that...

Enjoy your saturday


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Well Roy... if you believe the testimony of anyone outside the conspiracy...

In Jim Garrison's investigations I gathered "On page 208 of "A Farewell to Justice" it states that then Dallas PD police captain Will Fritz stated that they found a map of the Dallas\Dealy Plaza sewer system in the apartment of CIA operative Sergio Arcacha Smith.

Does Fritz' alleged statement is a direct quote or a quote of Frudge stating that Fritz might have said that?

Here's what I see in another book by Jim DiEugenio (The Assassinations):

"Mr. Fruge asked if this Committee had found that diagrams of the sewer system in Dealy Plaza were found in Arcacha Smith's apartment in Dallas. He thinks that captain Will Fritz might have mentioned something about that, but that Mr. Fruge was not sure on this point." http://books.google.com/books?id=r5FBPpDzj0cC&pg=PA208&lpg=PA208&dq=a+farewell+to+justice+arcacha+sewer&source=bl&ots=3Irjbpaqds&sig=KyXxZXYLE0CI3m8xfCgCe-Soncw&hl=en&sa=X&ei=cTTkUu3aG8HgygPL14HYDA&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=a%20farewell%20to%20justice%20arcacha%20sewer&f=false
Edited by Andric Perez
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Fruge talked to Fritz in Dallas while he was following up on the Cherimie incident and in particular her drug deal report which was something still in progress at the time; the freighter was still on its way into Houston. His remarks are in regard to something he remembered Fritz commenting on during the call. I'm not exactly sure why that would come up in the conversation. I also have no recollection as to why Smith would have been immediately investigated by DPD immediately following the assassination; does anyone have a DPD record on that? All I can recall is that he was approached by DPD later in regard to whether he would provide information during the Garrison investigation as Garrison had subpoenaed him. It would be good to see someone lay out the chronology of these elements.

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There is a point that needs to be made here. It is striking that we spend a lot of energy - rightly - considering the possibility of Oswald's innocence, including discounting weak evidence; And yet, when it comes to people like Arcacha, Banister, Ferrie, etc., we will accept any evidence of guilt, no matter how weak, and even elevate it to hard fact. It's intellectual hypocrisy.

What the evidence relating to Arcacha and the diagrams amounts to is that person A (now dead) was unsure if person B (now dead) may have told him this. Hardly solid enough to elevate to a fact.

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Well Roy... given the virtual free ride the FBI/SS investigation gave these men in terms of incriminating evidence and their involvement... and person A & B are law enforcement officers related directly to the case...

then again.... FACTS are pretty hard to come by in any area... at least corroborated physical evidence... as opposed to the layered circumstantial the keeps leading to the same people.

FACT? not in a court. but you cannot deny that maps had been discussed, sewers discussed, and Smith/Anti-Cubans/CIA is at the center of it...

Conclude what you'd like... why do you think Fritz even mentions it at all - enough so that Fruge remembers it.?

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