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Posted (edited)

About 9 minutes in Professor Fetzer claims "evidence" KENNEDY was hit twice in the head, where is the evidence that KENNEDY was hit twice in the head?

Professor Fetzer mentions the limo slowing or coming to a halt and conjectures that the only reason for this was to allow time for shots, but the obvious reason was that CLINT HILL immediately after Z-300 started to transfer to the limo, this would have been coordinated with the follow-up vehicle and GREER was obviously slowing in response to allow HILL to board the limo to determine what was happening in the back seat and specifically what CONNALLY was doing laying down on top of NELLIE.

Edited by Robert Mady

Between Z frame 312-313 JFK'S head is drive forward and at Z frame 313 he is drive backwards and to the left.

Posted (edited)

Mark, if you are referring to 312-313 to indicate two shots to the head, that evidence must be considered highly questionable or simply ignored as false, it is evident that the Zapruder film has been altered to project images of KENNEDYs wounds being produced by shots from the rear. The absence of frames at that juncture of the assassination is the most plausible explanation for the forward head movement. We KNOW GREER was decelerating the limo prior to Z-313, we KNOW HILL began to move to the limo immediately after CONNALLY laid back on top of NELLIE, HILLS action followed immediately after frame Z-300, with GREER decelerating the limo, our President stunned by the first shot would drift forward while the rest of the occupants merely instinctively braced themselves, GREER did not slam on the brakes he slowed down to allow HILL to move to the limo.

The perception that GREER hit the brakes as a result of the shot at Z-313 is inconsequential, the fact that HILL was moving to the limo prior to this must be considered to fully comprehend what was happening.

Our perception that the SSA had heard two shots from a high powered rifle till this time is unfounded and unfortunately is a highly tenacious remnant of news media propaganda inserted into our consciousness since 11/22/1963 which has prevented understanding the assassination.

The forward head snap is a false perception and out of context.

The problem with the head movement is it is not taken in context of what was happening with GREER and HILL and the limo slowing prior to shot at Z-313.

If you don't believe the Zapruder film was tampered with then you must have a plausible explanation for animated gif posted of the CONNALLY's movements between Z-314 and Z-323 and why Z-133 is not a start frame, just to name two anomalies out of many.

This animated gif is frame Z-314 and Z-323 these frames are about 1/2 second apart, this animated gif changes every 1/2 second, this shows the impossible movements of the CONNALLYS between Z-314 to 323


It also demonstrates that the testimonies and interviews the CONNALLYS provided is mostly fabricated BOLD FACED LIES, this animated gif absolutely impeaches the CONNALLYs as well as the WC/R assassination theory.

Edited by Robert Mady
Posted (edited)

Take care, do not be taken in by academics with tunnel vision that have continued to dissect 1 frame of the Zapruder film until all reality was lost from sight.

I have listened to a litany of conjecture about 9, 10 or even 11 shots being fired and KENNEDY hit four times, absolute non-sense. These guys come off as know-it-alls when they actually understand very little about the assassination even thou they can be persuasive with their methodology and word play.

IF you want to understand the assassination put the books down and most of the videos away, their messages will only lead you farther away from the truths.

If they had a clue, it would be simple and logical.

Just the idea of assassins firing 9, 10 or 11 shots is preposterous in that there could have been 9, 10 or 11 people injured as a result of this volley of fire. How 'they' going to pawn this carnage off on 1 guy with a Carcano? Plus this line of conjecture has snipers on virtually every roof top and bullets hitting all along the parade route. Why anyone gives this trash, time or real consideration is bewildering to me. This is the exact kookiness that prohibits the real possibility of uncovering and putting an END to the fiction produced by the WC/R.

Edited by Robert Mady


Great points about the media coverage, or lack of it. Many of us have long wondered why the rest of JFK's Texas trip was so thoroughly documented on film, while there is a glaring lack of professional footage of that fateful motorcade. The fact the press was uncharacteristically stuck far back in the motorcade is very suspicious.

I would also note that while throngs of spectators lined the sidewalks throughout the motorcade, Dealey Plaza itself was only sprinkled with spectators. Why weren't more people there? The mainstream media then, as now, failed to ask obvious questions or do any investigating at all. They dutifully accepted anything that the authorities said.

Posted (edited)

Brad, MARY MOORMAN and JEAN HILL were initially restricted access to DP by an officer but allowed to pass because of their affiliation with motorcycle police in motorcade per a TV interview with JEAN HILL.

BREHM and his son can be seen in BRONSON video on Main and Houston just prior to the motorcade, they must have cut across also at the last minute.

Not sure about BEVERLY OLIVER.

But if you consider that MOORMAN, HILL, OLIVER and BREHM / son had been successfully restricted access to DP the path of exiting bullets originating from the knoll and monument areas would have been clear of bystanders.

One of the necessary goals would have been to NOT injure bystanders because of the legal entanglements that could lead to unwanted revelations but also trajectories would be revealed.

TONI FOSTER and many more witnesses can be seen rushing into DP in BRONSON Film just before the fatal head shot occurs.

Edited by Robert Mady

Inexplicable lack of film, press car shoved uncharacteristically several cars behind the presidential limousine, coverup ensuing immediately after the event. Why would we spend our time analyzing the little film we have? Vince Salandria was right when he said that we almost can't help but examine minutia because the alternative is so painful.

Posted (edited)

Also of curious interest is BEVERLY OLIVER, she has a movie camera to capture the motorcade, although OLIVER has selected THE most advantageous location to capture the assassination, BUT she stands in a position where she is partially shielded by BREHM, why is she not at the curb like MOORMAN and HILL where she would have had a more unobstructed view? Was she concerned about stay bullets?

BEVERLY safe behind BREHM?


Supposedly Two shots fired from a 6th floor window with a rifle and here is BREHM, undistracted, applauding the President, wake up people your perception of the assassination is just WRONG!

BEVERLY OLIVER is also somewhat hidden under a scarf (disguise) and she does not come forward to be identified as a witness or to claim her confiscated film for years. Seems like she realized the gravity of the situation after <being> where she should not have been, BEVERLY became scared and disappeared herself.

Me thinks BEVERLY OLIVER knows more about the assassination than we know.

Curious also is her connection to RUBY, everyone seems to be coincidentally connected to RUBY???

Add this

Mr. SPECTER. Have you seen any other films of the assassination?
Mr. KELLERMAN. Yes; I saw a black-and-white, but I didn't--I saw a black-and-white film. However, I didn't get enough out of it there to--

It is obvious to me that KELLERMAN blurted out this information without thinking, this was not supposed to be divulged, this is why he stumbles for words after letting the secret out. SPECTRE immediately changes the subject.

Where is the honest published researcher demanding to know where this black-n-white film is?

Who has asked KELLERMAN what he meant by this?

Edited by Robert Mady
Posted (edited)

Paul, details require context, the assassination is not understood even worse it is utterly misunderstood which leads to wild guess theories to explain the mysteries and the minutia. This hurts all efforts to bring the truth to light.

Once the assassination is understood the details become self-evident.

Case in point 1 frame Z-312 and subsequently there has developed an 11 shot wild kooky guess theory proclaiming to explain the assassination.

The guess was wrong from the start but continued to compound out of all bounds of reality.

IF it is not understood what happened, a researcher MUST start over and reanalyze the information from scratch, the evidence has always been available to discern the truth.

There are 4 films of the assassination along with photographs and over 200 witnesses accounts, if you can't discern the truth from this evidence you are looking in the wrong direction, I promise you this is true!

Edited by Robert Mady

Robert - what have you learned about the perpetrators from studying the films?

Posted (edited)

Paul, perpetrators...CIA / Mafia - LBJ / HOOVER ???

What does that have to do with understanding the mechanics of the assassination?

It initially matters not who pulled the triggers in determining how the assassination occurred.

What must be fundamental is to first determine how the assassination occurred, where the shots came from, wounds caused and where the limo was located during each shot, this realization gives a perspective that allows the perception to awaken to correlate almost all testimony with all photographic evidence, it promotes the ability to uncover how the truth was twisted to build the lies..

When the realization occurs on how the assassination happened the WC/R theory is no longer viable or defendable, I believe this realization will eventually force the government and media to admit their lies and force a fuller disclosure.

You can not know how backward we have perceived the assassination until you realize the truth.

It took me 49 years to go beyond the news media and Pundits misconceptions, lies, deceptions and befuddlements.

The reason I was able to find the answer is because I continued to ask fundamental question that had no answers, so I went back to absolute basics and started analyzing the films photographs and affidavits from square one, like it was a new unknown event, I listened to what the witnesses said, instead of trying to maneuver what they said into a preconceived notion of the assassination. Testimony I had previously perceived as confusion became clear and corroborative with other testimony and photographic evidence, I was shocked to discover the truth was never hidden it had just been obscured.

I realized that the lies and propaganda was so ingrained it had me locked into a single mode of thinking which prohibited me from looking at the assassination in any other way. This is how I see everyone on this forum and JFK forum, locked into a mode of thinking that has no resolution and does not square with the majority of evidence.

Edited by Robert Mady

In brief, what is your opinion on the assassination? What have you learned from studying the basics at Dealey Plaza?

For me, the fatal head shot shown in Zapruder was enough for me to move beyond Dealey plaza. I think it was enough for many early investigators. But I am sincerely interested in what intense study of the event itself reveals.

Posted (edited)

In the simplest terms the assassination consisted of four shots, all of them coming from the right or JFK's side of the limo, from grassy knoll and monument areas, utilizing multiple shooters.

The fatal head shot should be a wake-up call for anyone with even basic knowledge on the assassination.

Although the Z Film depicts brain matter being projected forward we know based on multiple witness accounts that the brain matter was projected back and to KENNEDYS left, HARGIS could not have been sprayed as a result of a shot from the rear...

Also if governmental and news media testimonies are disregarded, testimonial evidence is overwhelming that the shots came from the knoll and monument areas, this conclusion is supported by all film and photographic evidences.

Edited by Robert Mady

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