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2 hours ago, George Govus said:

Simkin's account of the Zapruder film includes the business with Life Magazine printing key frame stills out of order, and Hoover's acknowledgement of same.

But Mr. Simkin was simply wrong. As Pat Speer has already correctly pointed out in this discussion, the "printing error" concerning frames Z314 and Z315 of the Zapruder Film had nothing to do with LIFE Magazine's 11/29/63 issue. Instead, it had to do with a printing error in Warren Commission Exhibit No. 885.

Those two Z-Film frames (Z314-315) are printed in reverse order in CE885 (at 18 H 70-71).

Here's the portion of Vincent Bugliosi's JFK book, Reclaiming History, dealing with the subject of the "reversed Z-Film frames" (click to enlarge)....


Also see....

This April 6, 2016, Education Forum post written by David Lifton pertaining to the "printing error" referred to by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

Edited by David Von Pein
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14 hours ago, Mark Ulrik said:

Instead of blindly trusting Simkin's account, why not navigate to the actual pages and see for yourself? Scans are easy to find online, and I even posted a link above. Hoover's letter concerning the "printing error" (in the WC volumes) is also easy to find. Let me know if you don't know where to look.

opinions are just like ********, everyone has one, sometimes 3 or 4. Why should anyone trust your amateur hour suggestions? Of course, you can shed light on your subject matter credentials, right here... surprise us, most lone nuts run the other way when backed into that corner...

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Just now, David G. Healy said:

opinions are just like ********, everyone has one, sometimes 3 or 4. Why should anyone trust your amateur hour suggestions? Of course, you can shed light on your subject matter credentials, right here... surprise us, most lone nuts run the other way when backed into that corner...

Hi David. I was suggesting that they take a look themselves instead of blindly trusting someone else's account. Sorry if that rubbed you the wrong way.

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On 6/2/2023 at 4:17 AM, George Govus said:

James Wagenvoord, the editorial business manager and assistant to Life Magazines Executive Editor, realized that a mistake had been made: "I asked about it when the stills were first printed, (they didn't read right) and then duped for distribution to the European and British papers/magazines. The only response I go was an icy stare from Dick Pollard, Life's Director of Photography. So being an ambitious employee, I had them distributed."

So the reversal did take place in Life, but not in the version printed in the U.S. If Simkin is to be believed. Was the only thing I was pointing out.

And then the same "mistake" occurred in the WC volumes. O-kay.


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