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Ruth Paine

Paul Trejo

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What policy differences over Vietnam are you referring to?

Charles Koch and Robert Love thought our participation in Vietnam was counterproductive and actually was a Communist trap to involve us in a lengthy war we would never have the will to win. Welch and the JBS wanted "victory".

Much of the correspondence between Koch, Love, and Welch re: the May 1968 anti-Vietnam advertisement in their local newspaper ("Let's Get Out of Vietnam Now") which Love and Koch paid for along with their JBS resignation letters is contained in a larger selection of correspondence which I donated to Internet Archive here:


Edited by Ernie Lazar
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So Paul, what is your term for today's power elite? You can't be serious when you say America has no royalty. If you mean they don't have royal titles or heraldry I get that. I think it's ok to use the word royalty to describe Americas ruling families...

Well, Paul B., I'm quite sincere when I say that America has no royalty. At best "royalty" in the USA is a metaphor; a literary term that describes those in *temporary* economic and political power -- but that is really an abuse of the term, since the term has a long history, thousands of years old, strictly referring to heredity rule by families.

The USA has no royalty, and no aristocracy. We have no blue-bloods. We have no families who rule by heredity. The children of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson or Franklin Delano Roosevelt do not have heredity power. If they can get elected by the People, they can rule for short terms. Period.

As for economic power, the Board of Directors of Ford Motor Company used to be the richest men in America. Ford used to be the biggest employer in the USA. Not any more. Ford is lucky to keep kicking in the face of Japanese competition.

Today, Walmart is the biggest employer in the USA, with their part-time jobs with no benefits. The point is, that economic power comes in waves in the USA, and the people in power this decade may not have squat in the next decade.

The same with political power. A Party in power for eight years will likely lose the next election; if not, then in twelve.

There are no Ruling Families in the USA -- and that is what is truly meant by Royalty or Aristocracy.

Now, one can argue that there is a CLASS of wealthy people in the USA that GENERICALLY run the show -- but that's cynical. Bill Gates wasn't born rich -- but he calls most of the shots worldwide for the software industry today. Same with Steve Jobs and Michael Dell in the computer hardware industry.

While most US Presidents came from wealthy families (because people tend to trust the super-rich not to take bribes) that's not guaranteed. Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin -- that's dirt poor.

JFK's family, being Irish, did not come from old money, but from new money -- they were the nouveau-riche and regarded as social climbers by the old money. He was a great President, IMHO, yet let's not forget that he was born very wealthy.

It's OK to refer to the old money in Boston as "Boston Brahmins" if one admits one is using a literary figure or a metahpor. But it's not a sociological category.

Who rules in the USA? Anybody who can get elected, that's who. President Obama still owed on student loans when he took the White House -- so in the USA there's no real meaning to the term, 'Aristocracy.' We don't have the titles, but more than that, we don't have the sociological structures. We have FREE ELECTIONS.

It's cynical to believe that the super-rich control Politics in the USA. No doubt they try with Super-Pacs, but President Obama won the White House by his brilliant speeches, and not by being Super-rich. He humiliated the Koch brothers and their Super-Pacs, and they lost millions.

Yes, we still have the Rich and Poor in the USA, and sociologists recognize that the distance between the Classes is wider today than at almost any other time in history. It's also admitted by many that the Super-rich don't pay their fair share of taxes, and if they did, we would never have the tremendous deficits we have today, or schools that rank increasingly lower by international standards.

I don't say there's no Class issue in the USA. But I do object to Class Warfare as an argument for blaming Michael and Ruth Paine as suspects in the JFK murder.

To focus on the fact that Michael and Ruth Paine came from rich families, and then try to link the so-called 'Boston Brahmins" with the CIA and FBI, and then insinuate that Michael and Ruth Paine worked for the CIA and FBI to murder JFK and blame LHO (as we read in PROBE magazine in the 1990's) is not only poor scholarship -- it's pandering, and cares nothing for RELEVANT FACTS.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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For how long did Koch serve on the JBS board? Was he not an early financial backer?

Fred Koch attended the founding meeting of the JBS in Indianapolis with 10 other guys and he served on the JBS National Council -- but there is not a lot of documentation to establish that he was very active within the JBS.

For example - in the personal papers of several National Council members which I have obtained, Koch is not a frequent correspondent with other Council members nor are there many references to him other than a few speeches he made.

By contrast, Council members like William Grede and Tom Anderson were constantly involved in all sorts of JBS activities and JBS committees (especially Grede). You will notice that Welch sent Grede first drafts of his proposed correspondence to Charles Koch. Grede was Chairman of the JBS Executive Committee.

My personal guess is that Fred Koch was too involved in his numerous business enterprises to do much Birching - other than being a financial contributor.

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Let's review some more of Carol Hewett's errors in her article, The Paines Know – Lurking in the Shadows of the Walker Shooting, (Probe, Vol. 5, No. 1, January-February-April, 1998, p. 11)

One of the most interest aspects of the Walker shooting of 10 April 1963, according to Marina Oswald, involves the following letter, written in Russian, from LHO to Marina. Marina found this letter about 9pm that night, and didn't see LHO until about midnight. She had been worried sick about this. LHO, said Marina, confessed to her that he shot at General Walker.

Carol Hewett believes, on the contrary, that Ruth Paine forged this letter, and convinced Marina Oswald to lie about it. Let's read some of Carol's words on this topic below. But first, let's review the contents of the "Walker note" in English:

1. This is the key to the mailbox which is located in the main post office in the city on Ervay Street. This is the same street where the drugstore, in which you always waited, is located. You will find the mailbox in the post office which is located 4 blocks from the drugstore on that street. I paid for the box last month so don’t worry about it.

2. Send the information as to what happened to me to the [Russian] Embassy and include newspaper clippings (should there be anything about me in the newspapers.) I believe the Embassy will come quickly to your assistance on learning everything.

3. I paid the house rent on the 2nd so don’t worry about it.

4. Recently I also paid for water and gas.

5. The money from work will possible be coming. The money will be sent to our post office box. Go to the bank and cash the check.

6. You can either throw out or give my clothing, etc., away. Do not keep these. however, I prefer that you hold onto my personal papers (military, civil, etc.).

7. Certain of my documents are in the small blue valise

8. The address book can be found on my table in the study should you need same.

9. We have friends here. The Red Cross also will help out;

10. I left you as much money as I could, $50…You and [June] can live for another 2 months using $10 per week.

11. If I am alive and taken prisoner, the city jail is located at the end of the bridge through which we always passed on going to the city.

Now, this is the letter that Carol Hewett suggests that Ruth Paine forged in November 1963, in order to frame LHO for the Walker shooting back in April, 1963. The reason for such a far-fetched theory is unclear, unless Ruth Paine was working for the FBI, as Carol Hewett avers.

Anyway, let's look at Carol's own words:


Oswald’s apparent complicity in the Walker affair came to light after Ruth Paine, on November 30th, delivered to the Irving police one of Marina’s home economics books with the befitting title of, The Book of Useful Advice.

Out of this book which was written in Russian would come fluttering the famous “Walker note” also written in Russian. This note provided explicit instructions to the reader in the event that the writer was arrested or killed.

The Irving police, upon seeing the yet untranslated letter inside the book, relayed the evidence to the Secret Service, which in turn handed it to FBI Agent James Hosty on December 2nd. After the FBI secured a translator, the first person to be confronted about this note was Ruth, who was interviewed at her home on the evening of December 2nd.

She described the “shock” that she would even be considered as the author much less the willing courier of such evidence. She claimed to have no prior knowledge of the note, which was in a cellophane envelope tucked between the pages. Unfortunately, there was no fingerprint analysis done on the note or the envelopes; we have only Ruth’s word in this regard.

Considering that Ruth testified to the Warren Commission that the Dallas police were leafing through books when searching her home on Saturday November 23rd, her word is suspect...

When the FBI first questioned Marina about this matter on December 3rd, Marina disclosed that the note had been written by her husband, and further, that Lee had confided to her that he had shot at Walker. She hid this note for future use in case her husband ever attempted such a foolish thing again...

If Oswald is in fact the author of the Walker note, he clearly anticipated being arrested by local authorities for something very serious when we consider the contents of his written instructions to Marina. If Oswald was indeed the culprit (or the patsy), was Ruth to take Marina under her wing come the 10th or the 11th in the event of Oswald’s arrest?

Ruth’s assertion that on April 7th she feared Marina was to be forced back to Russia showed amazing foresight, considering that Oswald apparently feared that he would be arrested on April 10th or shortly thereafter...

Ruth had previously told the FBI during a November 28th interview that Marina told her on April 11th that Oswald asked Marina to return to Russia...In this interview, Ruth tells of bringing Marina to her home in Irving on April 11th, the day after the Walker shooting.

Yet, as we have seen in her 1964 testimony before the Warren Commission, Ruth would claim she could not recall the nature of her April 10th and April 11th entries in her calendar. Perhaps she feared that someone on the Commission would note the proximity in time to the Walker assassination effort, and thus decided to have a memory lapse.

Marina had begun a regular correspondence with the Soviet Embassy in Washington since February 17, 1963, seeking a visa to return to Russia. We do know that the FBI was intercepting mail delivered to the Soviet Embassy, and thus the FBI would have been aware of Marina’s correspondence with the Soviets. Did the FBI communicate this to Ruth Paine and urge her to keep Marina from leaving?


Note Carol's wording:

(1) "Oswald’s apparent complicity in the Walker affair came to light after Ruth Paine" delivered to the Irving police...a book...out of which..."would come fluttering the famous Walker note”.

(2) Though Ruth denies ever seeing it before, "we have only Ruth’s word in this regard."

(3) Considering that the DPD leafed through books at Ruth's home on Saturday November 23rd, "her word is suspect."

The implication is that LHO would never have been connected with the Walker shooting, if Ruth had not "delivered to the Irving police" the book which contained the "Walker note."

The implication is that although Ruth denies knowing the "Walker note" was in that book, "her word is suspect," and that implies that Ruth Paine forged the "Walker note" in her own hand.

That's really making stuff up.

But Carol Hewett argues that, after all, the DPD (who lost JFK and LHO on their watch) were so professional they couldn't possibly have missed it in their first and second searches.

Thus, Carol implies, Ruth Paine knew that the "Walker note" was in that book, and deliberately sent it to the Irving Police, who gave it to the Secret Service, knowing that it made LHO look like a homicidal maniac.

Yet notice that nothing in the way of material evidence is presented by Carol Hewett to support her suspicions.

Ruth says she never saw the "Walker note" before in her life, until the Secret Service showed it to her on December 2, 1963. Marina gave the full explanation for the "Walker note." But Carol Hewett refuses to accept their sworn testimony.

The clear implication from Carol -- without evidence -- is that Ruth Paine worked overtime to make LHO look guilty. Carol often suggests that Ruth Paine was working for the FBI in this regard -- in an attempt to frame LHO for the JFK murder.

One must begin with bias and end with bias in order for Carol Hewett's charges to make any sense at all.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Continuing now to review Carol Hewett's 1997 article, The Paines Know – Lurking in the Shadows of the Walker Shooting (Probe, Vol. 5, No. 1, November-December, 1997, p. 11), I reveal more of Carol Hewett's errors.

Unexpectedly, however, I also found some moments of clarity and brilliance in this article, which I detail below.


5.1. On Mon02Dec63 the FBI Lab asked the DPD for the Walker bullet. The FBI Lab concluded that the bullet was too mutilated to match to LHO’s specific rifle. At that point it became irrelevant to quibble about details.

5.2. Carol Hewett (like Jim Garrison) doubts Marina's story about LHO shooting at Walker, because the bullet doesn't match. This view, however, assumes that LHO "must have" used his own rifle -- like a "Lone Nut". So, Carol on this point unconsciously buys into the "Lone Nut" theory. Yet it's more likely that LHO had accomplices in the Walker shooting.

5.3. Carol Hewett claims that Walker complained that the "Walker slug" was not the same as the one found by the police in his home after the shooting. That's incorrect. Walker actually complained that Robert Blakey, for purposes of illustration, showed TV cameras a pristine bullet to stand in for the Walker bullet. Walker lost his temper, called his lawyer, his Congressman and the news media and complained about Robert Blakey's pristine bullet. Walker knew the "Walker slug" was still on file. This is well-documented and it's surprising to me that Carol Hewett didn't know this.


6.1. It's true that Michael and Ruth Paine were friends with Everett Glover, but Carol Hewett mistakenly presumes that Ruth Paine was on close terms all of Michael's friends, e.g. Norman Fredericksen or Volkmar Schmidt. Schmidt admitted he discussed Walker at length with LHO at a party of Dallas engineers in early February 1963 -- but Ruth Paine wasn't at that party. The first time Ruth saw the Oswalds was on February 22, 1963.

6.2. Carol Hewett insists that Michael and Ruth Paine knew George and Jeanne DeMohrenschildt, despite Ruth's many denials. Ruth saw them once -- on Fri22Feb83 -- in her entire life until 1966. Carol Hewett refuses to believe that, but lacks even one shred of material evidence.

6.3. Carol Hewett insists that the Oswalds were invited to the Fri22Feb63 party "for the express purpose of meeting the Paines." Ruth denies this. It was a large party intended for Everett to show off his liberal attitudes to his young Dallas yuppie engineer pals. Michael Paine had a cold and skipped that party. LHO was the center of attention, talking about the USSR (not Walker), and Ruth didn't interact with LHO, instead, she joined Marina who was trying to get June to sleep, practicing her Russian conversational skills. Carol just assumes Ruth is lying about this.

6.4. Then Carol Hewett surprises me by saying something brilliant, namely, that White Russians in Dallas hated Hitler as much as Communism because of the 15 million Russians who died during WW2. George DeMohrenschildt would call General Walker, “General Fokker” and LHO would laugh about this. Carol rightly notes that White Russian politics could justify shooting at both Walker (a Fascist) and JFK (soft on Communism). Brilliant observation; and very original.

6.5. Michael Paine claimed that any discussions he had with LHO about General Walker were few and superficial. Yet LHO possibly shot at Walker to prove that he was a man of action, not just a man of words, says Carol Hewett. Again, very original.

6.6. Carol notes that Schmidt, DeMohrenschildt and Paine were all interested in hypnosis, so perhaps they toyed with the mind of LHO, suggesting political actions for LHO that they themselves were too timid to try. Again, very original.

6.7. Since Michael Paine admitted to Dan Rather in 1993 that LHO showed him a BYP in April 1963, we cannot easily disagree with Carol Hewett for saying that Michael Paine, at least, knows more about the Walker shooting than he ever told the WC. Her thinking is logical here.

6.8. Ruth Paine, on the other hand, answered more than five thousand questions for the WC, so that anything the WC didn't learn from her, the WC didn't really want to know. Actually, Ruth was far more interested in Marina than anything LHO ever did in his life. Ruth had no interest in General Walker -- Ruth's interest was in young mothers who were struggling with babies and challenging marriages. Carol refuses to recognize this fact.


7.1. After that early February 1963 party with Volkmar Schmidt, LHO ordered two weapons from two mail order houses and received them at his PO Box under the alias of A.J. Hidell.

7.2. Marina admitted that at the end of March, 1963, she took one (and only one) of the BYP's of LHO in black clothes holding his weapons and current issues of radical newspapers, The Militant and The Worker. Michael admitted to Dan Rather that he saw one of the BYP's on April 2, 1963.

7.3. LHO was enrolled in a night typing class at the local Vocational Tech beginning in January 1963, but he was dropped on April 8th after too many absences. Marina had no idea where he was, and had often told her worries to White Russian friends about LHO's absences. Carol Hewett asks -- was LHO hanging out with Michael Paine? Michael says clearly -- No. Carol refuses to believe him -- again, without a shred of material evidence.

7.4. Carol cites rumors that Michael Paine liked to engage students at SMU (Southern Methodist University) in political debates about Communism and Cuba. He would challenge students by citing pro-Castro views, and challenge them to attend Communist meetings. Michael reportedly bragged to some SMU students that he was personally acquainted with a real live Communist, an ex-Marine who had recently returned to the States with a Russian wife. While this is believable, it isn't really relevant.

7.5. Carol notes that according to Robert Oswald, who was suspicious of Michael Paine from the start, Paine was also involved in the FPCC. Yet no material evidence of any kind is offered for this opinion.

7.6. Finally, like LHO, Michael Paine liked to attend both right-wing and left-wing political meetings -- both were uncommitted, arrogant and toyed with others. Again, this is hardly relevant to anything at all. Political opinions are like musical tastes, unless they lead to political *action*. Carol Hewett fails to materially link Michael's political opinions to any relevant political actions of any kind.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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On point 5.3 this is a surprise to me. So the real bullet is still on file? Or Walker 'knew' it was still on file? Clarification needed

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On point 5.3 this is a surprise to me. So the real bullet is still on file? Or Walker 'knew' it was still on file? Clarification needed

Paul B.,

The Walker bullet is CE 573. Here's a good color photograph of it:http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18625



Robert Blakey stepped in the mud when he showed a "pristine" bullet to the TV cameras. That brought Edwin Walker out of hiding. Walker was always PROUD of the fact that LHO was his shooter as well as JFK's shooter -- it was his LEGACY, and he repeated the story until he died.

Everybody knew about the Walker bullet. It is impossible to trace it to any rifle, it is so mutilated.

The only thing that links LHO to the Walker shooting is the testimony of Marina Oswald and the Walker Letter, which Marina says LHO wrote to her on the night of the Walker shooting.

Critics have accused Ruth Paine of forging the Walker Letter -- using very shabby logic. Ruth Paine never saw the Walker Letter until the Secret Service brought it to her door on December 2nd, 1963, accusing her of forging it. The Secret Service later apologized to Ruth Paine after handwriting experts agreed that it was written in LHO's handwriting.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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That's not an answer to my question. Did Blakey later admit he was using the wrong bullet for illustration purposes?

Yes, Blakey admitted it -- there was nothing to deny. Blakey was answering the press about the Walker bullet, and he didn't have the original one ready-to-hand. He was just trying to make a point. No big deal. General Walker exploded for no good reason, and called his lawyer right away -- this was important business for Walker.

Walker always rejected the Warren Report. According to Walker's own words, because JFK was killed by the Communists, and the Warren Commission refused to admit that FACT -- therefore the Warren Commission (and the FBI) had to be influenced by the Communists, too.

Just like the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Was General Walker paranoid? At least two psychiatrists testified that he was.

If Blakey was doubtful that General Walker was just a "crazy old man", and incompetent, incapable of anything like a plot, this temper tantrum would have convinced him. Blakey never once suspected General Walker as the mastermind of the JFK murder, as Dr. Caufield suspects.


--Paul Trejo

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Continuing now to review Carol Hewett's 1997 article, The Paines Know – Lurking in the Shadows of the Walker Shooting (Probe, Vol. 5, No. 1, November-December, 1997, p. 11), I reveal more of Carol Hewett's weak arguments.


8.1. According to Carol Hewett, Ruth Paine spent Spring 1963 thinking about Marina Oswald. Ruth’s story, accepted by the WC, was that Marina told Ruth in March 1963 that she was pregnant, and that LHO was trying to force her to return to the USSR without him! Secondarily to that, Ruth wanted immersion in the Russian language. All Ruth's friends and relatives repeated that Marina Oswald was Ruth’s single-minded obsession in all her letters to them during the Spring, and during her Summer vacation visit.

8.2. Contrary to Carol Hewett, Ruth Paine saw the DeMohrenschildt's for the first and last time of 1963 at Everett Glover's apartment on Fri22Feb63. Carol believes that Ruth is lying about that.

8.2.1. Though Ruth had studied Russian since 1957, she still didn't speak Russian fluently, so she didn't fit in with the White Russians in Dallas. She wasn't an immigrant from Russia and she wasn't baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church. Nor was it enough to have a personal Russian tutor in Dallas (Dorothy Gravitis, born in Latvia) because this is no substitute for language immersion. Carol Hewett believes Ruth Paine is lying about that as well.

8.2.2. Carol Hewett suspected that Ruth Paine was deeply involved with the White Russian community in Dallas, including the DeMohrenschildt's and everybody else that Marina Oswald had known in Dallas since 1962. It was these folks, suspected Carol, who plotted with the FBI to frame LHO for the JFK murder.

8.2.3. Clearly this is a make-believe plot of Carol Hewett's, based on Jim Garrison's many mistakes about Ruth Paine. (Although Jim Garrison put Ruth Paine before a Grand Jury, hoping to find that she was working with the CIA in a smooth hand-off of the Oswalds from George DeMohrenschildt in February 1963, and to "isolate" Marina from LHO for some unexplainable reason -- even Jim Garrison had to back away from this make-believe, and simply beg Ruth Paine for help for his "good intentions.")

8.3. Ruth had several meetings with Marina outside of Oswald’s presence during March 1963. Ruth preferred to be alone with Marina because they had so much in common; children and shaky marriages. (This is why William Manchester crassly implied they had a lesbian relationship.) For the WC, there would be nothing odd that a student of Russian would greatly value a live-in Russian conversationalist, except that in this case Marina Oswald was married with children. So even the WC attorneys told Ruth that her wish was rather odd.

8.4. Carol Hewett doubts Ruth, saying, "Ruth didn't know LHO, so how could she know how much he might interfere?" But Carol deliberately ignores the testimony of both Marina and Ruth, in which Marina complained to Ruth that she was pregnant and that LHO threatened to send her back to the USSR. This was Ruth's main motivation. Ruth was worried about Marina, a possible USSR refugee and single-mother in the USA who couldn't speak English.

8.5. Ruth admits that she began to think of ways to get Marina away from LHO as smoothly as possible. Yet Ruth never pressed the issue -- knowing that relationships can change quickly. Ruth gently asked Marina what Marina wanted to do, while waiting for further signals from Marina. Carol Hewett simply ignores this, and so Carol fails to see Ruth's real motivation.

8.5.1. By ignoring Ruth's true motives Carol frees herself to invent her own motivation for Ruth, like working for the FBI.

8.6. Carol Hewett also accuses Ruth Paine along with LHO for failing to teach Marina English. This was intended to manipulate Marina, suggested Carol. Actually, Ruth offered to help Marina with English, but Marina was always too busy with child-care and her other worries. It's true that LHO actively blocked Marina from learning English.

8.6.1. Carol Hewett portrays this in sinister tones, e.g. that Ruth and LHO used this to speak together in English behind Marina's back. Carol's make-believe just ignores the real dynamics.


9.1. After many visits with Marina in March 1963, Ruth Paine invited both of the Oswalds to her home for dinner and to meet Michael Paine on April 2nd. Ruth and Michael agree that this was the first time that Michael Paine met LHO face to face.

9.2. Carol Hewett accuses Michael of lying here, because Everett Glover had said that Michael met LHO at his apartment earlier in the year.

9.2.1. Actually, Everett Glover said: “I'm pretty sure that he was there. Again, I'm not 100% sure.” Carol Hewett has nothing else but this testimony to back her claim.

9.3. When asked by the WC for the date of this dinner, Michael hastily answered, April 10th – which would have given LHO an alibi for the Walker shooting of April 10th, claimed Carol. Later, Michael corrected himself and said that April 2nd was the actual date.

9.4. Unfortunately, says Carol Hewett, the WC skipped over other entries for other dinner parties with other folks, and Carol demands to know all their names and their politics! But if LHO wasn't there, then Carol is just making work.

9.5. The Oswalds had no car, so Michael drove them from Neeley Street to Irving. In that first and only visit to the Oswald apartment (claims Michael) he noticed the apartment’s narrow clapboard siding, and this was how he recognized the location of the Backyard Photographs (BYPs) on 11/22/1963. Yet perhaps half of all wooden houses in Oak Cliff had that siding (and still do today) exclaims Carol Hewett, and so she claims that Michael Paine was lying about that too.

9.6. Michael Paine cannot recall whether General Walker was discussed during his first dinner with the Oswalds. Ruth assures us that General Walker wasn’t discussed in her hearing, and that she wasn't interested anyway, as Ruth stated repeatedly that she did not like politics. Yet since Ruth was a college-educated woman, Carol Hewett prefers to think that Ruth was lying about this.

What is the goal of Carol's doubts? Why would Ruth Paine lie about conversations with LHO about General Walker? According to Carol's speculations, Ruth Paine "must have been" involved in the Walker shooting somehow, but she can't figure out exactly how.

Clearly, Carol Paine is simply attacking Paine's testimony blindly -- hoping something might fall out -- anything. Yet she regularly comes up with weak observations.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Before we move forward to the next section of Carol Hewett's 1997 article, The Paines Know – Lurking in the Shadows of the Walker Shooting (Probe, Vol. 5, No. 1, November-December, 1997, p. 11), let's be certain that we know what my last post revealed about her errors.

1. Carol refuses to accept Ruth Paine’s sworn testimony to the WC that Marina told Ruth in March 1963 that she was pregnant, and that LHO was trying to force her to return to the USSR without him. This was Ruth's motive for trying to help Marina Oswald. It was a profoundly American sentiment during the Cold War. Carol presents no material evidence for her refusal.

2. Carol refuses to accept Ruth Paine's sworn testimony to the WC that she saw the DeMohrenschildt's for the first time in her life, and at no other time in her life up through her WC hearings, at Everett Glover's apartment on Fri22Feb63. Again, Carol presents no material evidence for her refusal.

3. Though Ruth Paine had studied Russian since 1957, she still didn't speak Russian fluently, so she didn't fit in with the White Russians in Dallas who were all East European immigrants, baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church who spoke Russian natively. Without material evidence, Carol insists that Ruth was a part of their "intelligence" community which worked hard to frame LHO for the JFK murder.

4. Carol Hewett accuses Ruth Paine of having *refused* to teach Marina English so that she and LHO could talk behind Marina's back. Actually, Ruth offered to help Marina with English, but Marina was always too busy with child-care and her other worries.

5. Carol Hewett accuses Michael of lying when he said he never met LHO until April 2, 1963, because Everett Glover testified under oath that Michael met LHO at his apartment earlier in the year. Actually, Everett Glover said: “I'm pretty sure that he was there. Again, I'm not 100% sure.” Carol Hewett has nothing else but this weak testimony to back her weak claims.

7. Ruth Paine testified that General Walker wasn’t discussed in her hearing during their April 2nd dinner party, and that she wasn't interested anyway, as Ruth stated repeatedly that she did not like politics. Carol Hewett accuses Ruth Paine of lying about this, simply because Ruth was a college-educated woman. According to Carol's charges, Ruth Paine "must have been" involved in the Walker shooting -- somehow -- for some reason. Carol is just so vague about it.


--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo
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On point 5.3 this is a surprise to me. So the real bullet is still on file? Or Walker 'knew' it was still on file? Clarification needed

Paul B.,

The Walker bullet is CE 573. Here's a good color photograph of it:http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18625



Robert Blakey stepped in the mud when he showed a "pristine" bullet to the TV cameras. That brought Edwin Walker out of hiding. Walker was always PROUD of the fact that LHO was his shooter as well as JFK's shooter -- it was his LEGACY, and he repeated the story until he died.

Everybody knew about the Walker bullet. It is impossible to trace it to any rifle, it is so mutilated.

The only thing that links LHO to the Walker shooting is the testimony of Marina Oswald and the Walker Letter, which Marina says LHO wrote to her on the night of the Walker shooting.

Critics have accused Ruth Paine of forging the Walker Letter -- using very shabby logic. Ruth Paine never saw the Walker Letter until the Secret Service brought it to her door on December 2nd, 1963, accusing her of forging it. The Secret Service later apologized to Ruth Paine after handwriting experts agreed that it was written in LHO's handwriting.


--Paul Trejo

The first letter speaks of fragments, plural, but the photo only shows one "fragment" -- the bullet itself.

Where is / are the smaller piece / pieces?

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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...The Walker bullet is CE 573. Here's a good color photograph of it:http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18625



Robert Blakey stepped in the mud when he showed a "pristine" bullet to the TV cameras. That brought Edwin Walker out of hiding. Walker was always PROUD of the fact that LHO was his shooter as well as JFK's shooter -- it was his LEGACY, and he repeated the story until he died.

Everybody knew about the Walker bullet. It is impossible to trace it to any rifle, it is so mutilated.

The only thing that links LHO to the Walker shooting is the testimony of Marina Oswald and the Walker Letter, which Marina says LHO wrote to her on the night of the Walker shooting.

Critics have accused Ruth Paine of forging the Walker Letter -- using very shabby logic. Ruth Paine never saw the Walker Letter until the Secret Service brought it to her door on December 2nd, 1963, accusing her of forging it. The Secret Service later apologized to Ruth Paine after handwriting experts agreed that it was written in LHO's handwriting.


--Paul Trejo

The first letter speaks of fragments, plural, but the photo only shows one "fragment" -- the bullet itself.

Where is / are the smaller piece / pieces?

--Tommy :sun

Good observation, Tommy. There were more fragments, and Walker himself kept them as mementos.

Yet the larger issue, IMHO, is this: that General Walker chose to make a spectacle of himself during the HSCA hearings -- when he was never called to testify. It's almost as if he was BEGGING to be called.

Walker seems to have felt LEFT OUT.

We make a mistake about General Walker, IMHO, if we imagine that he wanted to conceal his role in the JFK murder, like a common criminal.

General Walker saw himself as a Great American General of World War Two and of the Korean War.

He actually was.

Sadly for Walker, he fell off the deep end when he believed Robert Welch of the John Birch Society in 1959, that President Eisenhower was a Communist.

Once Walker fell for that nonsense, he kept falling and falling until he hit rock bottom in July, 1983, when the US Government took pity on him and finally restored his Army Pension -- because General Walker was flat broke.

But in 1963, and until 1966, General Walker thought of himself as a millionaire, because he had won three million dollars in court cases against US newspapers for telling the Truth about him and his Ole Miss antics. (Walker lost 9 out of 10 cases he sued, but the 10% he won gave him $3 million.)

Walker wanted to redeem himself to the American People and enter politics, and maybe even be Governor of Texas one day -- or better.

By 1976, however, General Walker was on the ropes. The US newspapers appealed all the way to the Supreme Court, and the case was heard by none other than Justice Earl Warren. Earl Warren stripped General Walker of every penny of those winnings.

Add to this the fact that General Walker had RESIGNED from the US Army, and so had forfeited his Pension. Now the only income General Walker had was making speeches for the Ku Klux Klan, the White Citizens' Councils, the States Rights Parties, and the John Birch Society.

It was slim pickin's for General Walker.

But General Walker had his pride. Walker wanted to be REMEMBERED for his great accomplishment of masterminding the JFK murder. The trouble is that his Accomplices wouldn't allow him to say a word.

But he kept hinting at it, for the rest of his life. He continually referred to the "fact" that LHO had been his shooter on April 1963. This was his connection with history -- with both LHO and with JFK. In the private world of General Walker, RFK had sent LHO to kill him on April 1963, and then RFK protected LHO afterwards. Walker told this to the Deutsche Nationalzeitung, and to the National Enquirer, and to Senator Frank Church, and also to his local Friends of Walker chapter, often, and finally to his local newspaper shortly before he died. Here's that last citation:


In other words, General Walker WANTED THE WORLD TO FIND OUT. That's my reading of it.

So, when Robert Blakey just used any old bullet to stand in for "The Walker Bullet," General Walker freaked out -- he saw his place in history slipping. He would make a Federal Case out of it -- literally.

It was a tempest in a tea pot. But it showed how much General Walker loved "The Walker Bullet." It was all-important to Walker.


--Paul Trejo

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Well, Paul B., I'm quite sincere when I say that America has no royalty. At best "royalty" in the USA is a metaphor; a literary term that describes those in *temporary* economic and political power -- but that is really an abuse of the term, since the term has a long history, thousands of years old, strictly referring to heredity rule by families.

The USA has no royalty, and no aristocracy. We have no blue-bloods. We have no families who rule by heredity. The children of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson or Franklin Delano Roosevelt do not have heredity power. If they can get elected by the People, they can rule for short terms. Period.

As for economic power, the Board of Directors….

That’s sounds like some whimsical Texas wet dream conjured up on the 43rd floor of Exxon Building. Get real.


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