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real evidence (for a change) – what is it with these pictures of Oswald leafletting?

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I believe the frames Martin supplied are from this clip.



Thanks, Chris. Despite our disagreements, I think Martin found something of interest with this.

It's not just the hair-do, it's the cheekbones and the attire.

The owner of the TSBD Building was Harry David Byrd, I believe, who was an oil explorer, and so likely to be cozy with H.L. Hunt.

If (and only if) Bill Shelley was really in NOLA watching LHO hand out Fake FPCC leaflets -- then we rightly ask if Bill Shelly was in contact with General Walker who was also from Dallas -- and also cozy with H.L. Hunt.

General Walker was nationally known in 1963, especially by the Radical Right. Jeff Caufield (2015) shows Walker had a close relationship with Guy Banister.

Guy Banister's office address was stamped on many of LHO's Fake FPCC leaflets.

Another connection between Guy Banister and General Walker is the Jack Martin Home Movie, which shows the April 1963 bullet holes in Walker's house in its first half, and LHO getting arrested in NOLA in its second half.

This is a connection between Dallas and New Orleans that cannot be denied. Yet it would be odd if only a few people knew about it. Maybe Bill Shelley knew about it, too.

So -- insofar as this figure in NOLA watching LHO really is Bill Shelley -- doesn't it make sense to explore Bill Shelley, and to find out what his political affiliations were?


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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I think if you keep looking you will find a wide angle photo which shows the man in question to the right of the leafleting with a group of young girls. Suggest you compare that and you will find he is much younger, was a local DJ

at the time, had just married an under age Latino which got him charged with statutory rape and he would later talk of having been personally at the leafleting, knowing Oswald and a great many other things - he would go on to

become a traveling minister, singer and become involved in a number of scans and con games with Fred Chrisman....that should be enough clues.

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I think if you keep looking you will find a wide angle photo which shows the man in question to the right of the leafleting with a group of young girls. Suggest you compare that and you will find he is much younger, was a local DJ at the time, had just married an under age Latino which got him charged with statutory rape and he would later talk of having been personally at the leafleting, knowing Oswald and a great many other things - he would go on to become a traveling minister, singer and become involved in a number of scans and con games with Fred Chrisman....that should be enough clues.

So, Larry, you think that person is Thomas Beckham? Can we get a photo of Thomas Beckham on this thread to make a comparison?

I ask because Thomas Beckham had a rounder face, as I recall -- without the deep-set cheek bones.

That said, there are reports of Thomas Beckham's face at Love Field on 11/22/1963.


--Paul Trejo

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Yes I would suggest it was Beckham, especially since he testified he was there at the leafleting and spoke to Oswald. This has been discussed numerous times before. Nope, I don't have a scanner but its been posted before in similar discussions. Its one of those many things that constantly recycles.

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Thanks, Ian Lloyd, for a quick response, showing us a mug shot of Thomas Beckham in comparison with the suited hair-do guy watching LHO hand out Fake FPCC leaflets.

Great work.

So, it seems Larry Hancock has presented a worthy challenge. Beckham admitted to being at the FPCC leafleting site.


--Paul Trejo

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Its up to you guys to decide...you have a statement from someone who says he was there, and talking to Oswald and someone resembling that person is captured in several photos...including the wide angle one with the girls

I mentioned..

If you decide it is Shelly then it would be good to place him in New Orleans, prove he was not at work in Dallas that day and also come up with a reason why he would have been in New Orleans and would appear with Oswald in public

while lots of photos were being taken.

It might even be good to make sure that the whole series of photos shows the suspect as separate from the photo I described with the girls.

Personally I've just become pretty demanding on myself is identifying folks in JFK related photos. I hesitated to even comment on this as its come up before on different forums and occasions but I figured you should at least consider Beckham.

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I've always thought the man in the Oswald leaflet photos looked a lot like Bill Shelley too. I keep going back and looking, like Tommy, to see if the guy in the photo looks younger than late 30's...sometimes I think he does, sometimes he could pass for late 30's--kinda looks like Sean Penn.

To Stephen's point, it is always highly speculative to make conclusions based on blurry old photos, and often times the observer is bias in that he wants to find a CIA agent on Daley Plaza, for instance. Such a find would have the ability to 'leap-frog' through decades of research and prove that there was almost undoubtedly a conspiracy. I still remain somewhat hopeful that facial recognition software might someday give us definitive answers. The problem might still be that the photos are too poor quality, though. For example, a while back I tried to use Facebook's facial recognition software (which is quite good) to see if it found a match between the man on the corner of Elm & Houston and known pictures of Rip Robertson. The problem was--presumably because part of his face was blocked and it was so low resolution--is that it didn't recognize the man at the corner of Elm & Houston's face as a face at all.

Every professional society - and. for better or worse, we are one - needs to have some level of self-criticism to prevent it from drifting into poor practices. As I said and still emphatically insist, this business of identifying specific people from old photos is highly imprecise and highly prone to a whole host of reasons for misidentification. As poor a practice as this is, the harm is exacerbated by, as was done at the outset of this thread, flatly stating that the specific person appears in an incriminating situation in an old photo.

I could accept: Doesn't this look like so-and-so, but flatly stating them to be in the photo is beyond professional standards. I've seen it happen too many times in the JFK field and it does nothing to enhance our gravitas with the outside world.

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