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How Did They Get Roscoe White To Lean Like That And Not Fall Over?

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Everybody seems to agree that Life Magazine published the photo in February 1964.

I just cannot believe that the photo was released on 11/23, published by numerous newspapers the following day (which most assuredly would have happened), yet Life decided it wasn't important enough to publish right away. They waited three months before doing so. That's just inconceivable if you ask me.

BTW the article I quoted, which states that the photo was published in Life Magazine and in newspapers in February 1964, does go into detail on the differences in the photo depending upon which newspaper published it. Specifically that the scope was missing in some. And the article does gives reference. It's the best source I've seen so far.

OK, Sandy, I will grant you the point that LIFE Magazine on 2/21/1964 was the first public broadcast of the BYP. I can't find an earlier one today.

I will also grant that it is very unlikely that LIFE or any news agency would sit on that photograph for three months.

HOWEVER -- as for the differences in the BYP rifles that people described, that was also explained in the WC testimony as follows:

(1) The photo on the cover of LIFE Magazine is actually different from the photo inside the pages of that same LIFE issue.

(2) The difference is that the special paper used for a magazine cover requires extensive touch-ups of shadows.

(3) The result included the necessity that the telescope on the rifle had to be shadowed-out.

(4) LIFE Magazine admitted this, and they also assured the public that the photograph on the inside pages of that issue was the CORRECT one.

So, we can't so quickly conclude that the CIA or whoever, just made a Fake BYP in time for that LIFE issue.

We have Will Fritz, and we have about ten WC witnesses, all testifying that they saw the BYP earlier in 1963.

So the possibility remains that the Warren Commission itself finally got into the act and withheld the BYP from the press until somebody leaked it in February 1964. We don't know who leaked it (but very likely it was J. Edgar Hoover himself).


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Everybody seems to agree that Life Magazine published the photo in February 1964.

I just cannot believe that the photo was released on 11/23, published by numerous newspapers the following day (which most assuredly would have happened), yet Life decided it wasn't important enough to publish right away. They waited three months before doing so. That's just inconceivable if you ask me.

BTW the article I quoted, which states that the photo was published in Life Magazine and in newspapers in February 1964, does go into detail on the differences in the photo depending upon which newspaper published it. Specifically that the scope was missing in some. And the article does gives reference. It's the best source I've seen so far.

OK, Sandy, I will grant you the point that LIFE Magazine on 2/21/1964 was the first public broadcast of the BYP. I can't find an earlier one today.

I will also grant that it is very unlikely that LIFE or any news agency would sit on that photograph for three months.

HOWEVER -- as for the differences in the BYP rifles that people described, that was also explained in the WC testimony as follows:

(1) The photo on the cover of LIFE Magazine is actually different from the photo inside the pages of that same LIFE issue.

(2) The difference is that the special paper used for a magazine cover requires extensive touch-ups of shadows.

(3) The result included the necessity that the telescope on the rifle had to be shadowed-out.

(4) LIFE Magazine admitted this, and they also assured the public that the photograph on the inside pages of that issue was the CORRECT one.

So, we can't so quickly conclude that the CIA or whoever, just made a Fake BYP in time for that LIFE issue.

We have Will Fritz, and we have about 10 WC witnesses, all agreeing that they saw the BYP earlier in the year.

So the possibility remains that the Warren Commission itself finally got into the act and withheld the BYP from the press until somebody leaked it -- we don't know who leaked it (but very likely it was J. Edgar Hoover himself).


--Paul Trejo

Just so you know, Paul, I believe that the scope disappeared due to the touch up work. It would have made no sense for the authorities to release different versions of the photograph.

Earlier you said:

For example, multiple DPD officers, Marina Oswald, Ruth Paine, Michael Paine, Volkmar Schmidt, George DeMohrenschildt, Jeanne DeMohrenschildt and Everett Glover -- all gave sworn testimony that confirms Captain Fritz.

Now -- the CIA-did-it CTers claim that the CIA controlled all these people to force them to lie about LHO.

I believe that all those people, with the exception of Volkmar Schmidt (whom I've never heard of before), were controlled... either by the CIA or the WC.

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Just so you know, Paul, I believe that the scope disappeared due to the touch up work. It would have made no sense for the authorities to release different versions of the photograph.

Earlier you said:

For example, multiple DPD officers, Marina Oswald, Ruth Paine, Michael Paine, Volkmar Schmidt, George DeMohrenschildt, Jeanne DeMohrenschildt and Everett Glover -- all gave sworn testimony that confirms Captain Fritz.

Now -- the CIA-did-it CTers claim that the CIA controlled all these people to force them to lie about LHO.

I believe that all those people, with the exception of Volkmar Schmidt (whom I've never heard of before), were controlled... either by the CIA or the WC.

Well, Sandy, you can keep searching, yet IMHO people have searched down that road for 50 years and never came up with more than suspicions.

IMHO, these WC witnesses were all intelligent people. The men were oil and technology engineers -- they were free private citizens.

They did express their hatred over General Walker to LHO, but they were surprised when LHO tried to murder General Walker.

Volkmar Schmidt was one of the roommates of Everett Glover, and a friend of George DeMohrenschildt, mentioned in his 1978 manuscript, I'm a Patsy! I'm a Patsy!

Schmidt appears on the PBS Special, Frontline: Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald, and explains how he tried to convince LHO that General Walker was as bad as Hitler. He also claims that he didn't mean to suggest to Oswald to actually go out and murder Walker -- he was surprised when that happened.

The CIA-did-it theories can't explain how or why ten unrelated people would coordinate their stories about the BYP.

Two of those people were Dallas officials on the right wing. Four were moderates. Four were liberals. They had no motive to coordinate their stories in support of General Walker, to try to frame LHO for the assassination attempt on General Walker.

The shooting at Walker was in April, 1963, and had nothing to do with the JFK assassination of November 1963, except that the Walker shooting was one of the abiding themes of the Warren Commission. Why?

Why make General Walker into a victim -- what did that have to do with convicting LHO of the JFK murder? There's no connection -- unless these witnesses are all actually telling the truth.

Again -- there's no connection between the Walker shooting and the JFK shooting except LHO himself. These liberal Dallas engineers were behind the Walker shooting. Walker himself was behind the JFK shooting. LHO was caught switching sides.

IMHO, the Walker shooting is the Rosetta Stone of the JFK assassination. The shooting at General Walker was Walker's main motivation for killing JFK and framing LHO for it.

Roscoe White played a role in both shootings -- first in the BYP -- as a favor to his pal, LHO. Secondly as JFK one of the shooters, and maybe even as one of the shooters of J.D. Tippit, as suggested by Dr. Jeff Caufield (as well as by Roscoe's son, Ricky White).

Yes -- we are far apart about theory. But I seek MATERIAL EVIDENCE for a CT. I think the Walker-did-it CT has the most MATERIAL EVIDENCE and best coordinates the available testimony in a Unified Field Theory of the JFK murder.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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IMHO, the Walker shooting is the Rosetta Stone of the JFK assassination. The shooting at General Walker was Walker's main motivation for killing JFK and framing LHO for it.

Unless the whole shooting incident was staged by Walker in the first place, as I suspect.

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An underlying assumption in the title of this thread is that the BYPs show a switcheroo, that we are looking at Roscoe White’s body with Lee Oswald’s head attached. My highly subjective information indicates that the body belongs to Buell Wesley Frazier.

Be that as it may, one reason to believe in the Roscoe White photo opportunity, is that he possessed BYP number 4, possessed “switcheroo 4.” The name “ROSCOE WHITE” anagrams to:


I have an idea what this might mean, and yours might be quite different.

EDIT: Since there are no responses to this post, I'm going to add the anagram of "ROSCOE WHITE" to my work-in-progress post #76.



Edited by Tom Hume
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In order to involve LHO with his 6.5mm Carcano rifle in the Walker shooting, there is one small hurdle that must be overcome.

In the police report of the Walker shooting, investigating officers reported that the bullet recovered from the Walker residence was "steel jacketed". As you may, or may not, know, the Western Cartridge Company 6.5mm Carcano bullets allegedly used by LHO were lead bullets jacketed in a copper alloy that contained no steel, and did not even resemble steel.

To make matters worse, the bullet recovered from the Walker residence, CE 573, is most definitely jacketed in a copper alloy that bears no resemblance at all to a steel jacketed bullet.


Robert, I appreciate your posts -- yet I disagree here with your "small hurdle."

IMHO, since LHO was involved in the Walker shooting as part of a Conspiracy -- involving other people, involving automobiles and involving other weapons -- there is no need to insist upon a Mannlicher-Carcano 6.5 mm bullet.


--Paul Trejo

Fair enough. So many others have insisted the 6.5mm Carcano was involved, I just thought I would portray the difficulties involved with doing so.

Edited by Robert Prudhomme
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Fair enough. So many others have insisted the 6.5mm Carcano was involved, I just thought I would portray the difficulties involved with doing so.

On that score, Robert, I agree with you 100%. Nobody was ever able to link the General Walker shooting with a 6.5 Mannlicher Carcano. That fact is even admitted multiple times in the Warren Commission volumes. All the experts agreed that there's no true positive match.

My suggestion is that this 100% fact still cannot discount the possibility that LHO was involved in the Walker shooting. We know that automobiles were involved, and so other people were involved (and we have eye-witnesses who saw this at night) and other people have other weapons.

The only question is this -- who was involved in the Walker shooting? The BYP's offer a clue -- Roscoe White was involved. Volkmar Schmidt offers a clue -- Dallas yuppie engineers encouraged LHO and pushed him over his limit. George DeMohenschidt's 1978 manuscript confirms Volkmar's story.

IMHO there was a conspiracy in the Walker shooting just as there was a conspiracy in the JFK shooting. But the groups were different. In the Walker shooting, General Walker was the target victim. In the JFK shooting, General Walker was the Dallas mastermind. LHO was involved in both conspiracies -- in different roles.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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If the back yard photos were taken from a second storey, then the under side of the steps to the left wouldn't be visible.

Excellent point Ray.

Earlier I postulated a way that would achieve the perspective angles that we see in the photo. Not that I ever believed it was actually done (I believe I called it "silly"). And that was with Marina (or whoever) standing on a ladder and taking a picture with the camera's line-of-sight level. Then afterward cropping the print to eliminate the sky and trees on the its upper part.

While it is true that that could be done to achieve the desired perspective (the vertical angles we see), as Ray points out it would also introduce undesirable elements to the photo. Such as showing the upper sides of the stairway steps rather than the undersides.


I wonder if you would you be willing to summarise point by point the findings and detailed arguments in Mr. White's videos. I am afraid that there is no written record and detailed description of Mr. White's work which makes any evaluation difficult. The summary of Mr. White's work should not contain any personal views on individual issues. Links to videos and time stamps for individual points would be useful too.

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An underlying assumption in the title of this thread is that the BYPs show a switcheroo, that we are looking at Roscoe White’s body with Lee Oswald’s head attached...

...One reason to believe in the Roscoe White photo opportunity, is that he possessed BYP number 4, possessed “switcheroo 4.” The name “ROSCOE WHITE” anagrams to:


Tom, this is most interesting. It cannot be coincidence that you have found these mysterious codes inside Oswald's various works, starting, IIRC, with the "Undelivered, Undeliverable Package."

The fact (IMHO) that Oswald was a CIA-wannabe, possibly since childhood, would tend to confirm your anagram evidence. Also, the fact (IMHO) that Oswald had an on-going relationship with an authentic CIA Agent, Richard Case Nagell, who was also interested in mystery codes, also tends to confirm it.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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It’s possible that Oswald’s big out-of-proportion chin was donated by the Master Anagrammer himself - Richard Case Nagell. “RICHARD CASE NAGELL” anagrams to:


Another possibility is the "R" in the anagram above stands for "ROSCOE".

It’s my view that one of Richard’s techniques was to anagram the names of a small number of individuals, most of them working with him, and he created enigmatic events that correlated with those anagrams; he turned these name-anagrams into self fulfilling prophecies, if you will. It appears to me that the BYPs were one of those enigmatic events, and it was a puzzle opportunity for Nagell, because Oswald had been assigned to take a picture with his new gun by those that were setting him up - Ferrie/Banister/Hoover, et al.

I’ll add the above anagram to my work-in-progress post #76.

Edited by Tom Hume
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Shouldn't be trouble at all going over and doing some experiments for seems like the residents will accommodate for a buck.


What they really need is one of those carnival boards with just the body of Oswald and then everyone could rest their head in the hole.

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Hi Chris


Oswald isn't leaning anymore!

(they had to cut most of his left foot off to accomplish this, though)



Things are more complicated than they seem. The new tourist picture you show presents a very different field of view compared to the original backyard picture. The focal lengths of the camera used in the new picture differed from that in the backyard picture. Therefore, the divergence of vertical lines will appear different in these two pictures. My post 40 shows another modern picture with a very similar field of view seen in the backyard picture - you can see the divergence of vertical lines very much alike in the backyard picture.

Oswald's leaning is exactly the point which interests me because it appears to be a characteristic feature of his stance which I also see in the reconstruction of Prayer Man's stance. Oswald is leaning towards his back and right in the backyard picture, however, it does not mean that he would have to fall down. He would fall down only if the centre of mass of his body would be outside of the area delineated by his feet. One also needs to mind the rifle which displaces the centre of mass in opposite direction (towards the left and front), and Oswald's right arm which is flexed in front of the body and holds newspapers. The newspapers do not weigh much, however, the right arm does contribute to the stability of the stance. While it is quite easy to write a brief message to EF, it is more difficult and time consuming to build a 3D model of the Neeley Street house and the backyard and test it with different fields of view, to reconstruct Oswald's stance and to figure out qualitatively or quantitatively whether the location of the centre of mass would allow a stable stance or not. Thus, I basically do not have much to say until I am done with my analyses and understand this problem to the least detail.

If you would like to figure out how it is possible to stand as Oswald did in this backyard picture, you would stand with your feet in parallel and about one foot apart, then rotate your right foot about 45 degrees outwards, and then lean back in such a way that the full of your body weight would rest on your stretched right leg. You continue leaning until you feel that your left foot touches the ground with only the front half of the foot. In this stance, your left knee would by very, very slightly bend to allow the left foot touching the ground with only its front part. The pose is a bit uncomfortable but one can hod it. To make it more realistic, one needs to also simulate the rifle in Oswald's left hand. It weighed 3.4 kg and it helped to oppose the displacement of the mass towards the right and back. However, it is not only the weight of the rifle but also its length which contributed to the stability of the pose. It is similar to tightrope walking in which either widely extended arms or a long stick held in walker's hands help to stabilise the pose. Oswald's pose did not need this much help as a tightrope walker's stance because his stance was much more stable.

Edited by Andrej Stancak
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