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Did Ruby talk about Oswald at Ray McKeown's before the assassination?

Chris Newton

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A couple of interesting things on this document.


First entry - Tannenbaum calls Ruby in Edna, Tx. May 16th.

This is problematic. I need to go back now and cross-reference what the other FBI timelines said about Ruby's travel. In my attempt to create a timeline for Ruby, (post #44), I used FBI and HSCA data that did not indicate he was there at that time.

It also has some details about Ruby's trip to N.O. which I'll be adding soon.

edit - corrected link - cn

Edited by Chris Newton
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I'd bet $0.25 that's not Ruby.

The individual behind Bush and Nixon does not have a cleft chin.

[photos deleted to save memory or whatever]

And the individual's nose is less bulbous.


John Armstrong / Jim Hargrove don't make mistakes.

-- Tommy :sun

And neither do I, Tommy. Except for when I do. :rolleyes:

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Chris - really interesting work. Jim - thanks for posting the pic with Prescott Bush and Nixon. Are we sure that's Jack Ruby in the photo?

I can't prove the photo includes Ruby, but it sure looks like him to me. I see that some people say the nose and chin are different, but that can also be affected by time and lighting. For those who think there was only one "Lee Harvey Oswald," just look how different the pictures can be of him!

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How many other people who looked this much like Jack Ruby would have been associated with Richard Nixon in the late 1940s and early 1950s? Ruby, at 5'8", was a couple of inches shorter than Nixon, and quite a bit shorter than P. Bush, so the heights look about right. Age looks about right too.

Some people, btw, have questioned the authenticity of the HUAC document naming "Jack Rubenstein of Chicago," but Jefferson Morley thinks it is legit. See:

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How many other people who looked this much like Jack Ruby would have been associated with Richard Nixon in the late 1940s and early 1950s? Ruby, at 5'8", was a couple of inches shorter than Nixon, and quite a bit shorter than P. Bush, so the heights look about right. Age looks about right too.
Some people, btw, have questioned the authenticity of the HUAC document naming "Jack Rubenstein of Chicago," but Jefferson Morley thinks it is legit. See:

It's obviously not Ruby. Maybe it's Harvey Oswald's father? Or Lee's? Or an uncle of both of them?

(I don't suppose Douglas Caddy is old enough to know who this "Ruby impostor" is? Where did this "crowning of Nixon" take place, anyway? The "Ruby impostor" is probably just a local Republican Party hack.)

-- Tommy :sun

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Guest Brian Doyle

If you look closely you can see the cleft in the chin of Ruby in the Nixon photo. It is definitely him. The cleft is less visible because his head is slightly turned, shifting the cleft further left. The cleft is more visible when Ruby is older due to the wrinkle factor.

The cincher is the down-turned upper lip. It's Ruby.

Edited by Brian Doyle
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Bush presented straw hats made in Connecticut to Nixon and 10 freshman Senators. May 6, 1953.

It's a press photograph of an event unrelated to anything we are discussing in this thread.

So Ruby tied up a real Senator that day and impersonated him, so he could just by chance, of course, get captured in a press shot of the event?

What are the odds?


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Guest Brian Doyle

What are the odds the media would report Bush threw one of those hats to a mafia-connected henchman?

Ruby was a nobody side-kick that day who, if noticed, would be reported as an HSCA witness and nothing more...

The upper lip seals it.

Edited by Brian Doyle
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