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Altgens 6, a different view

John Butler

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On 1/21/2017 at 1:00 AM, John Butler said:
10 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

Bill - I'm a little puzzled.  You pointed out a definite "avulsion"  in JFK's head - you even have an arrow pointing to the "thing" that's kind of sticking out the back of his head as seen in the Nix film.  My GIF shows that that hole is one of exit because it clearly has beveling as what you'd expect from an out shoot. So one plus plus equals two.

Brad - sorry to burst your bubble but Lifton and Horne are money makers here - they're going to say outrageous things about the case to sell more books and DVDs.  I don't - I'm only interested in the truth.  Their theories about the film being faked are right up there in craziness just like Lifton's crazy "They snuck the body out of the airplane like mad scientists and did all manner of alterations on his body" theory.

It's silly and outrageous and not everything in this case is a conspiracy.  That's the problem with this case - the Bad Guys were NOT omnipotent - they couldn't just snap their fingers and say "here, paint a blob on the film" and "hey you, over there.....bring the body out of this exit door on the other side of the plane.  hey, rick! don't forget when you cut open his head, make sure you make that blow out look like it came from oswald's building!"

do you not see how outrageous this is, brad?



Michael, I wonder how you explain the throat gash and the massive head wound shown in the autopsy photos, neither of which were  in existence when the body left Parkland.

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11 hours ago, John Butler said:

The replies on the things I've presented are entertaining.  Some, are laugh out loud funny.  Others, are bizarre and delusional.

The replies given to you are not funny or show signs of being delusional to those who understand the simple rules of physics behind them. Good luck on your stroll through the Plaza and don't get lost.  :)

PS:  Here is the view that Muchmore had. In her film - the shoes of Jean hill are visible and Moorman's is not in Muchmore's film. That was simply because Mary was over the slope near the curb, which is why her shadow extended further out into the street than Jean Hill's did. Muchmore's view was tested and recreated two men standing atop of the slope and then again over the slope and next to the curb while still in the grass. I post it here for your benefit and to check for yourself during your stroll through Dealey Plaza the next time you are there.


Edited by Bill Miller
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1 hour ago, Ray Mitcham said:

Michael, I wonder how you explain the throat gash and the massive head wound shown in the autopsy photos, neither of which were  in existence when the body left Parkland.


The "throat Gash" as you refer to it was obviously made after the body left Parkland. The most logical reason for this was that someone looked to see if there was a projectile lodged in the neck anywhere before an autopsy might find it. Where this was done I cannot say, but my thinking is that it was not done at Bethesda by trained medical personnel because a simple Xray would have answered that question with leaving behind such a tell-tale sign of body tampering.

The head wound on the Zapruder film  is another matter and has been discussed already. What I didn't say at the time was that had someone wanted to alter Zapruder's film if it could have been magically done without detection for reasons I have currently mentioned - they left the most damaging piece of evidence on the film and that was the back-spatter!  It is a fact that back-spatter moves much slower than that which is moving with the speed of the bullet as it travels through an object such as the head. The back spatter also makes a much wider pattern. In the impact gif I posted - the large back-spatter of the missile breaking into the skull came from the top frontal part of the head. If you cover the screen and only watch the back of the head - that despite the abrupt motion blur .... you may be able to see the back of the head open up. Because that damage was moving much faster and Zapruder's camera is moving at only 18fps - its is not readily seen like the slower moving back-spatter was. This wide back-spatter pattern is what would have been removed from the film frame so to hide from which direction JFK's head was shot in my view, but wasn't done for the simple reasons I had previously stated in an earlier post.

In summary, the point of impact of a bullet slamming into the head caused the wide back-spatter seen flying from the top frontal portion of the President's head while a more narrow faster moving pattern flew from the exit would in the rear of the head. The taking control of the body along with the threat of a court-martial to anyone ever mentioning what they had seen at Bethesda - the faking of the autopsy photos hiding the large 5" hole in the rear of the head - were things that could be done in 1963. Tampering with the Zapruder film without it being detected with high magnification and careful scrutiny at some point was not. Those that saw the smear of skull and blood right away claimed it looked painted without consideration of it merely being blurred from motion captured by a slow shutter exposure.

Here is a gif I created years ago that has been darkened and the contrast bumped up so to show the sunlight illuminating the blood. Please note the amount seen coming from the front of Kennedy's head is slightly less than seen on Zapruder's film while the amount illuminated in the rear of the head is more than what is seen in Zapruder's film. The reason for this is quite simple - the cameras of Zapruder and Nix had shutters that were opening and closing slightly out of sync with each others. The moment of the head shot in Nix's film was exposed a slight fraction of a second ahead of Zapruder's film.

Concentrate on only the back of JFK's head in the Zapruder gif. Can you see the hair move and its outer border lighten for that fraction of a second - I believe that was the bones avulsing open and they being illuminated with light after the debris already flew out the rear of the head before the camera shutter exposed the frame. The Nix film shutter exposed slightly quicker and caught some of the debris flying from the back of the head.

HEADSHOT3.gif 3107.gif

And when JFK's head turns to a profile position - the avulsion of bones result in the oblong appearance of the back of Kennedy's head in Z321. The large opening then becomes apparent to Jackie as witnessed in Z335 and Z337 by the expression on her face.


High speed photos of impact and exit spray patterns and all with the projectile moving from left to right

spray 1.jpg

spray 2.jpg

spray 3.jpg

Edited by Bill Miller
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2 hours ago, Bill Miller said:


The "throat Gash" as you refer to it was obviously made after the body left Parkland. The most logical reason for this was that someone looked to see if there was a projectile lodged in the neck anywhere before an autopsy might find it. Where this was done I cannot say, but my thinking is that it was not done at Bethesda by trained medical personnel because a simple Xray would have answered that question with leaving behind such a tell-tale sign of body tampering.

Seems that you agree that there was  tampering with the body after it left Parkland, but disagree with Lifton about the "mad scientists" (as you call them). 

If there was projectile in the throat and it wasn't done at Parkland or Bethesda, where do you think it was done?

Edited by Ray Mitcham
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@ Ray:

Quote: 'Seems that you agree that there was  tampering with the body after it left Parkland, but disagree with Lifton about the "mad scientists" (as you call them). 

If there was projectile in the throat and it wasn't done at Parkland or Bethesda, where do you think it was done?'

Ray, I followed several threads at the old Lancer Forum concerning this subject & your question. As I recall, some of the more heated exchanges centered around those who believed the answer to 'where it was done' is found in Dallas police post-assassination tapes in which a reference to JFK's body being transported in an ambulance either to Parkland or to Love Field after death was announced.

Another that comes to mind is the suggestion that the body of JFK was transported out of Love Field on the 'phantom C-130' military cargo plane that transported both the JFK parade car & the SS 'Queen Mary' out of Love Field but was not logged in at Andrewes AFB as having ever arrived. Some believe JFK's body left Dallas via that aircraft. The ARRB failed to gather & publicize the paper trail of documentation that aircraft generated regardless of its mission & destinations (where it stopped for fuel, repair, crew & passenger lodgings. The aircraft, crew & passengers activities post-assassination are still a mystery today.

It's great to Sherry Fiester's back splatter analysis finally getting some attention by researchers. If Sherry is correct, the answer to where was the sniper that killed JFK located is right there in the Z-film & has been all along.

I might add that the 1st really BIG disinformation about JFK's death came not from early CT'ers, but from Life Magazine (purchasers & owners of the Z-film) that told the global public a week after the assassination that their film showed JFK turning in his seat to look back at his assailant in the TSBD when the sniper shot JFK in the throat. I know of no retraction that was ever made by Life magazine nor of any protests from Hoover's FBI over this. The question that lingers in many minds all these years is 'did this really happen & why isn't that scene depicted in the Z-film'. There exists witness testimony that JFK and Jackie both turned to look back at the TSBD while entering the kill zone of Elm Street (I believe off the top of my head Bonnie Ray Williams or one of his co-workers testified to the WC that he saw JFK & Jackie look back at the TSBD at the start of the ambush). If that scene did exist in the Z-film early in its Life custody and was removed, the 1st alterationists were Life magazine.

I hope this thread stays open because it leads to so many important aspects of the JFK cold case that still mystify interested persons globally over a half century after the 3 Dallas ambushes occurred (JFK, Tippit & Oswald).

With respect to all contributors,

Brad Milch

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1 hour ago, Ray Mitcham said:

Seems that you agree that there was  tampering with the body after it left Parkland, but disagree with Lifton about the "mad scientists" (as you call them). 

If there was projectile in the throat and it wasn't done at Parkland or Bethesda, where do you think it was done?

" The "throat Gash" as you refer to it was obviously made after the body left Parkland. The most logical reason for this was that someone looked to see if there was a projectile lodged in the neck anywhere before an autopsy might find it. Where this was done I cannot say, but my thinking is that it was not done at Bethesda by trained medical personnel because a simple Xray would have answered that question with leaving behind such a tell-tale sign of body tampering. "  I believe from the evidence that it was done after leaving Dallas and before the official autopsy started.

Edited by Bill Miller
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3 minutes ago, Bill Miller said:

" The "throat Gash" as you refer to it was obviously made after the body left Parkland. The most logical reason for this was that someone looked to see if there was a projectile lodged in the neck anywhere before an autopsy might find it. Where this was done I cannot say, but my thinking is that it was not done at Bethesda by trained medical personnel because a simple Xray would have answered that question with leaving behind such a tell-tale sign of body tampering. "

The throat gash was initially reported upon arrival to Parkland as a "pencil sized" entry wound into the throat.

Bill, I admire all the photographic research you've done. Could you please give me your summary of JFK's wounds?

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10 hours ago, Brad Milch said:

There exists witness testimony that JFK and Jackie both turned to look back at the TSBD while entering the kill zone of Elm Street (I believe off the top of my head Bonnie Ray Williams or one of his co-workers testified to the WC that he saw JFK & Jackie look back at the TSBD at the start of the ambush).

I do not think you are correct about anyone seeing JFK or Jackie turning around to back behind them. The Secret Service Agents on the follow-up car did turn and looked back.  Some witnesses said the President looked at them as he went by and considering the first shot hit JFK - he obviously had other things to do than to turn around in his seat to see who shot him.   :)

Edited by Bill Miller
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20 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

The throat gash was initially reported upon arrival to Parkland as a "pencil sized" entry wound into the throat.

I believe no one even knew of the small hole in Kennedy's throat until his clothing was removed and the doctors saw it.

Edited by Bill Miller
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45 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


You don't believe the head wound was altered in the Z film.

So how do you explain "the blob" coming out the side of the head that we see in the Z film?

You think the only way this can be explained is via fakery of some kind?

The man's head has just been blown open by a rifle bullet. You don't think what we see in the Z-Film could have been naturally caused by such an event?

Why not?

Edited by David Von Pein
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56 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:


1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:


You don't believe the head wound was altered in the Z film.

So how do you explain "the blob" coming out the side of the head that we see in the Z film?

You think the only way this can be explained is via fakery of some kind?

The man's head has just been blown open by a rifle bullet. You don't think what we see in the Z-Film could have been naturally caused by such an event?

Why not?


Because the medical folks at Parkland didn't see the blob. They didn't see the top of the head blown open. They saw only the back of the head blown open.

It wasn't till Bethesda that SOME of the witnesses saw the top of the head "blown" open. These are the folks who arrived at the autopsy later, after the scalp had been reflected and bone fragments pulled out. They were unaware that the scalp had been reflected and assumed that what they saw was damage from a bullet.


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3 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Understood, I meant arrival to the Parkland operating room. What do you conclude as to the number and direction of bullets that constitute JFK's wounds?

I will sit down and write down what I think based on my research. It will take a while and I would like to have some of my images from Roberdeau to post - hopefully soon.

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3 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


You don't believe the head wound was altered in the Z film.

So how do you explain "the blob" coming out the side of the head that we see in the Z film?





I can only explain it in the most obvious way I know how ....

Watch this transition clip that I created so everyone can see the large fractured bone plate that was blown from the top of the President's head as it flips into the air and over - thus leaving Zapruder to capture a glimpse of the open cavity on top of the head from where it came - along with the underside of the tethered bone hanging off the right side of the President's head. Combine that with the underlining jiggling flesh and moist cranial fluid being illuminated from the bright sunlight. Remember how Ed Hoffman described this wound as jiggling like jello as the car passed under him

As stated to death now - Zapruder's camera was not able to see this with clarity because not only was the car moving, but his camera could not film fast enough to prevent the blurring of the image. No one needed to alter that wound because a slow running camera filming at 18fps and 100 feet away - along with a shaky camera being held by a man with vertigo removed any chance of a clear look at the wound. But considering that even before the shots were fired there wasn't anything clear to see in Zapruder's film - and that was with the car approach Zapruder. At the time of the kill shot the blurring became worse as the limo is moving across his field of view from left to right at a faster rate of speed. The only time Zapruder got a decent image was when his pan accidentally matched the movement of the limo's speed.


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