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JFK Trivia Game

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1 hour ago, Ray Mitcham said:






In the same interview, where did Bill Newman say the shots came from?

"Apparently from behind us" and "From directly behind where we were standing" and from "Back up on the mall" and from "Up on top of the hill, the mound of ground there, the garden" ---- which, of course, is NOT the place where most conspiracy theorists think ANY shots came from at all. "Directly behind" the Newmans (at the time of the head shot) was the peristyle/pergola to the left (east) of Abraham Zapruder. And who thinks any shots came from the pergola? Nobody that I'm aware of. Bill Newman, like many other witnesses that day, was simply mistaken when it came to trying to pinpoint the precise location of the two shots he heard.



Edited by David Von Pein
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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Next Trivia Question


Who are these two people?


Steve Thomas





Souetre as Robin Hood.jpg



You're half right.


The figure on the left is Jean-Rene Souetre.


Nicknamed Robin des Bois (Robin of the Wood), he named his first born son "Little John".


Steve Thomas

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44 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:




"Apparently from behind us" and "From directly behind where we were standing" and from "Back up on the mall" and from "Up on top of the hill, the mound of ground there, the garden" ---- which, of course, is NOT the place where most conspiracy theorists think ANY shots came from at all. "Directly behind" the Newmans (at the time of the head shot) was the peristyle/pergola to the left (east) of Abraham Zapruder. And who thinks any shots came from the pergola? Nobody that I'm aware of. Bill Newman, like many other witnesses that day, was simply mistaken when it came to trying to pinpoint the precise location of the two shots he heard.



"Bill Newman, like many other witnesses that day, was simply mistaken."  The usual Lone nutter reply to anything that doesn't agree with the Warren report conclusion.

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24 minutes ago, Ray Mitcham said:

"Bill Newman, like many other witnesses that day, was simply mistaken."  The usual Lone nutter reply to anything that doesn't agree with the Warren report conclusion.

I guess this means Ray Mitcham thinks the shots came from here (white circle). Right, Ray?....


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Despite the fact that conspiracy theorists have knowledge of Secret Service Agent John Howlett's reconstruction times of 78 seconds and 74 seconds (simulating Oswald's flight from the Sniper's Nest), how many times have conspiracy believers nevertheless asserted (incorrectly) that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't have enough time to make the journey from the sixth floor to the second floor of the Book Depository in order to encounter Dallas policeman Marrion L. Baker in the lunchroom approximately 90 seconds after the assassination of President Kennedy?


Too many times to count.

Edited by David Von Pein
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17 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

I guess this means Ray Mitcham thinks the shots came from here (white circle). Right, Ray?....


From "behind him" means not from the TSDB. David.


And it doesn't necessarily mean where you circled. Where did you get that exact point from?

Edited by Ray Mitcham
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Here is the next question in the Great JFK Trivia game. The topic is Anatomy.

What is the difference between one's back and one's back of the neck?

The answer - according to an ex-president of the United States and lawyer who finagled the report that came to be known as the truth of what happened on 11/22, big enough of a difference to pencil in "of the neck" next to "back," even though a photo of one's back clearly shows a bullet hole nowhere near the neck. 

Contestants - you be the judge...


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OK I'm going to try this again as it seems one of my posts here was reported and thus removed.  Probably because I used that member's name in the removed post.

So here we go again...

The next question in the Great JFK Trivia game. The topic is Philosophy.

When a person who fully believes in the conclusions of the Warren Report is placed in an empty room with only two other people in the room - one on his/her left being an ex-president of the U.S. who expressed doubt about the report's conclusions, and the other on his/her right being a paid shill of an author who wrote one of the most inaccurate and "shilly" books ever supporting the WR conclusions, who do you think said WR will support?  And why?

Tracy - I know, I know.  This case brings out the worst in a lot of people.

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2 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

And this was such a fun thread for a while.. :)

Yep.  Way too many "witty" newbies here, trying like all get out to make a mark for themselves and elevate their rank in what they perceive to be the pecking order. IMHO.

-- Tommy :sun


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Yeah, it's really too bad.  I've been a member here since I think Dec 2015.  And in all the time I've ever posted, I don't think I've EVER - not a one time - bumped a topic.  EVER. So that's some pecking order, huh? I'm just trying to speak to the truth, ya know?  That's all. There's a certain truth to this case, and everything else is clone fantasies and 2- and 4- and 6 feet of film footage that has been blobbed in, chopped up, or excised.

Meanwhile I post a reasonably sane theory and [crickets chirp]...not a one word of forthright debate. And it just dies on the proverbial vine. Yet, other topics that have been bumped and re-bumped, and re-re-bumped.  Some are bumped because the member said, "...because it's mine.  And because I want to."

So yeah, it's really too bad.  Too bad, indeed.

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13 minutes ago, Michael Walton said:

Yeah, it's really too bad.  I've been a member here since I think Dec 2015.  And in all the time I've ever posted, I don't think I've EVER - not a one time - bumped a topic.  EVER. So that's some pecking order, huh? I'm just trying to speak to the truth, ya know?  That's all. There's a certain truth to this case, and everything else is clone fantasies and 2- and 4- and 6 feet of film footage that has been blobbed in, chopped up, or excised.

Meanwhile I post a reasonably sane theory and [crickets chirp]...not a one word of forthright debate. And it just dies on the proverbial vine. Yet, other topics that have been bumped and re-bumped, and re-re-bumped.  Some are bumped because the member said, "...because it's mine.  And because I want to."

So yeah, it's really too bad.  Too bad, indeed.


I guess I should have thrown in "overly-sensitive" and "defensive", as well.


--  Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I guess I should have thrown in "overly-sensitive" and "defensive", as well.

No comma needed there after defensive, Tommy.  So maybe you're taking after Oswald now - speaking multiple languages but having a struggle writing?


And keep on a-bumping too, Tommy.  We know you want to stay relevant here.


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30 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

Because it's "DIRECTLY BEHIND" the Newmans. That's how I arrived at it.

They were facing up Elm Street when the first shot was fired, Dave, so that would make the Picket fence "DIRECTLY BEHIND them at the time.


VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. Not Under Arrest Form No. 86 

Before me, the undersigned authority, on this the 22nd day of November A.D. 1963 personally appeared William Eugene Newman, Address: 718 W. Clarandon, Dallas, Texas, Age 22, Phone No. WH 8-6082. 
Deposes and says:

Today at about 12:45 pm I was standing in a group of people on Elm Street near the west end of the concrete standard when the President's car turned left off Houston Street onto Elm Street. We were standing at the edge of the curb looking at the car as it was coming toward us and all of a sudden there was a noise, apparently gunshot [sic]. The President jumped up in his seat, and it looked like what I thought was a firecracker had went off and I thought he had realized it. It was just like an explosion and he was standing up. By this time he was directly in front of us and I was looking directly at him when he was hit in the side of the head. Then he fell back and Governor Connally was holding his middle section. Then we fell down on the grass as it seemed we were in direct path of fire. It looked like Mrs. Kennedy jumped on top of the President. He kinda [sic] fell back and it looked like she was holding him. Then the car sped away and everybody in that area had run upon [sic] top of that little mound. I thought the shot had come from the garden directly behind me, that it was on an elevation from where I was as I was right on the curb. I do not recall looking toward the Texas School Book Depository. I looked back in the vacinity [sic] of the garden.

/s/ William E. Newman, Jr.

Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the 22nd day of Nov A. D. 1963

/s/ C. G. Gentry 
Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas

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