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1 hour ago, Paul Rigby said:

Matt Koch is entirely correct about the participation of the Ukrainian far-right in the events of January 6:

Why Were Ukrainian National Socialists in the U.S. Capitol on January 6?

By Larry Johnson

Jun. 9, 2022 9:00 pm

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/ukrainian-National Socialists-u-s-capitol-january-6/

In light of the sham show trial regarding the alleged culprits behind the so-called January 6, 2021 “insurrection,” I think some actual facts are in order that, when you examine them, only raise more questions. One of the most troubling questions is why were Ukrainians tied to neo-National Socialist groups inside the U.S. Capitol mingling with undercover FBI agents and supporters of Donald Trump?

I have the answer for you thanks to the work of Yaacov Apelbaum. Yaacov wrote an outstanding investigative piece more than a year ago and few have paid attention to the facts he has uncovered. I am here to rectify that…

From Yaacov Apelbaum’s Operators, Hammers, Scorecards, and a Con Man:


The actual identity of Sergai Dybynyn, who Mary Fanning misidentified during the Capital riots as “pro-Russian” and his arrest warrant by the Lugansk People’s Republic. Before you start screaming that the “Zhidobanderite” image on Ihor Kolomoysky’s T-shirt was photoshopped, chill, this alliance/marriage of convenience with the ideology of the Právyi Séktor is well documented…

A deeper dive into Dybynyn and three other related individuals wanted in the LPR arrest warrants. All four are Ukrainian nationalists. Roman Bochkala, one of the wanted man, is a US Peace Corps volunteer in Ukraine who visits the US regularly and has attended training in the US (via the Open World program). Interestingly, he also seems to be frequent flyer on various US military aircrafts. If you are still not convinced about what these people really think about the Russians, check the message on Roman’s right hand bandage.

And you interpret that through the lens of a deep state operation to cheat Trump out of an election victory? (Where were you guys in 2016?) If there were Ukrainian fascists leading the charge it was with Trump supporters, almost all white males, who arrived at the Capitol after a Trump rally, urged to do so by Trump himself.  
Paul - Please enlighten me - how is it that you know that these Ukrainians were there as part of a deep state pro Biden operation? Am I mis-stating your position? That’s what Matthew believes apparently. 

Edited by Paul Brancato
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5 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

And you interpret that through the lens of a deep state operation to cheat Trump out of an election victory? (Where were you guys in 2016?) If there were Ukrainian fascists leading the charge it was with Trump supporters, almost all white males, who arrived at the Capitol after a Trump rally, urged to do so by Trump himself.  
Paul - Please enlighten me - how is it that you know that these Ukrainians were there as part of a deep state pro Biden operation? Am I mis-stating your position? That’s what Matthew believes apparently. 

Paul there was the same amount of diversity in the Stop the steal protest as your SF Orchestra funny that's not a problem for you but the other one is Hypocrisy much, I sure you are too big a coward to say something about that since you want to keep your paycheck being a Tuxedo wearing Champagne Antifa. In fact Paul Brancato in my mind you are Paul Staccato being that your ideas stick out as being unusually willfully ignorant. Forexample I debunked your Good People propaganda Trump quote and you came back with Aunt Jemima not knowing that she was a real person who started her own business. Maybe if you where capable of doing your own research you would know that there was a permit for people to gather by the Supreme Court for a rally (Where Alex Jones was) and that the plan was to get people to make noise and chant to make congress to look bad if they didn't throw out the F curve electors from the 4am vote total states. 

Now I don't know if the picture is real or photo shopped but if it is real that is a big deal, but since you are like Leslie and extremely bias you went into cognitive dissidence and rejected the info because the author mentioned that Antifa is communist (which they are) and now you are using race because you don't judge people by the content of their character your judge by appearance, hope you never sit on a Jury because Justice is supposed to be blind. Trying looking at those Antifa Portland mug shots and you'll see that Antifa isn't the government it's a bunch of ugly losers. https://www.the-sun.com/news/1607668/mugshots-antifa-rioters-arrested-portland-unrest/

Oh and about the Deep State here is Newsweek admitting that Covid was used as a pretext to rig the election they call it fortifying it.. https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/

What a coincidence that John Podesta did a war games exercise before the election and made this prediction that turned out accurate (But there's no deep state right?) https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/08/06/election-2020-war-games-trump-vs-biden-race-show-risk-chaos/5526553002/

Edited by Matthew Koch
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10 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Paul there was the same amount of diversity in the Stop the steal protest as your SF Orchestra funny that's not a problem for you but the other one is Hypocrisy much, I sure you are too big a coward to say something about that since you want to keep your paycheck being a Tuxedo wearing Champagne Antifa. In fact Paul Brancato in my mind you are Paul Staccato being that your ideas stick out as being unusual willfully ignorant. Forexample I debunked your Good People propaganda Trump quote and you came back with Aunt Jemima not knowing that she was a real person who started her own business. Maybe if you where capable of doing your own research you would know that there was a permit for people to gather by the Supreme Court for a rally (Where Alex Jones was) and that the plan was to get people to make noise and chant to make congress to look bad if they didn't throw out the F curve electors from the 4am vote total states. 

Now I don't know if the picture is real or photo shopped but if it is real that is a big deal, but since you are like Leslie and extremely bias you went into cognitive dissidence and rejected the info because the author mentioned that Antifa is communist (which they are) and now you are using race because you don't judge people by the content of their character your judge by appearance, hope you never sit on a Jury because Justice is supposed to be blind. Trying looking at those Antifa Portland mug shots and you'll see that Antifa isn't the government it's a bunch of ugly losers. https://www.the-sun.com/news/1607668/mugshots-antifa-rioters-arrested-portland-unrest/

Oh and about the Deep State here is Newsweek admitting that Covid was used as a pretext to rig the election they call it fortifying it.. https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/

What a coincidence that John Podesta did a war games exercise before the election and made this prediction that turned out accurate (But there's no deep state right?) https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/08/06/election-2020-war-games-trump-vs-biden-race-show-risk-chaos/5526553002/

That’s incredibly nasty of you Matthew. You’ve got some nerve attacking me personally like this. 

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1 minute ago, Paul Brancato said:

That’s incredibly nasty of you Matthew. You’ve got some nerve attacking me personally like this. 


Like you calling me a racist and anti semite in the Thankyou Tucker thread wasn't, reap what you sow.. BTW What is inaccurate? 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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10 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

Cotter: "I know you are, but what am I?"

Good response. Fourth grade, John?

Keep going, Bob. You're sure to make the grade in that hall of fame eventually.

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4 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

That’s incredibly nasty of you Matthew. You’ve got some nerve attacking me personally like this. 

Though the mods won't likely see it buried in his post, it is nasty.

"In fact Paul Brancato in my mind you are Paul Staccato being that your ideas stick out as being unusual willfully ignorant."

Edited by Ron Bulman
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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Though the mods won't likely see it buried in his post, it is nasty.

"In fact Paul Brancato in my mind you are Paul Staccato being that your ideas stick out as being unusual willfully ignorant."


Have you any thoughts on Paul Brancato insinuating that posters who disagreed with him on one or more of the culture wars were racist?

Did you ever even acknowledge Matthew's apology to you, let alone apologise to him for your similar behaviour towards him? 

There seems to be a general presumption on the part of those on the purported "left" side of the cultural divide that the mere fact that they belong to that "tribe" (and that's what it is, given the groupthink of its members) means they can do no wrong. 

It's interesting that those of us who don't belong to that tribe do not evince such groupthink, since we disagree on many major issues. 

Edited by John Cotter
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5 hours ago, John Cotter said:


Have you any thoughts on Paul Brancato insinuating that posters who disagreed with him on one or more of the culture wars were racist?

Did you ever even acknowledge Matthew's apology to you, let alone apologise to him for your similar behaviour towards him? 

There seems to be a general presumption on the part of those on the purported "left" side of the cultural divide that the mere fact that they belong to that "tribe" (and that's what it is, given the groupthink of its members) means they can do no wrong. 

It's interesting that those of us who don't belong to that tribe do not evince such groupthink, since we disagree on many major issues. 

John watch this, this is basically how far education has fallen since being overtaken by the partisan left. Imagine inviting a speaker to a college and not allowing him to speak, it's turned into anti intellectualism aka authoritarian tribalism. Which is showcasing that Nietzsche's higher man and the heard is accurate and was a great prediction of the future. 


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42 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

John watch this, this is basically how far education has fallen since being overtaken by the partisan left. Imagine inviting a speaker to a college and not allowing him to speak, it's turned into anti intellectualism aka authoritarian tribalism. Which is showcasing that Nietzsche's higher man and the heard is accurate and was a great prediction of the future. 



That’s an excellent primer on Nietzsche.

I agree with Nietzsche’s denouncing of equality in the sense of equality being synonymous with with conformity, groupthink, herd mentality and such.

My advocating economic equality is based on the premise that it doesn’t in any way preclude the pursuit of excellence (“arete” as the Greeks called it) in the true sense of that term. It only precludes the accumulation of wealth, which has nothing to do with “arete”.

We probably disagree on that point, but as I said recently, that only goes to show that we’re not groupthinkers.

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2 hours ago, John Cotter said:


That’s an excellent primer on Nietzsche.

I agree with Nietzsche’s denouncing of equality in the sense of equality being synonymous with with conformity, groupthink, herd mentality and such.

My advocating economic equality is based on the premise that it doesn’t in any way preclude the pursuit of excellence (“arete” as the Greeks called it) in the true sense of that term. It only precludes the accumulation of wealth, which has nothing to do with “arete”.

We probably disagree on that point, but as I said recently, that only goes to show that we’re not groupthinkers.

Thanks John, we agree on the problems and disagree on the solutions.. Sounds like I'm about to be banned from the forum.. even though I've never "Threatened anyone"

so, I just wanted to say that it's been nice conversing with you💯

Sincerely Matthew Koch

Edited by Matthew Koch
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There have been several ad hominem attacks posted in this thread. 

Understand that when someone questions the honesty of your SOURCE, that is not an attack on YOUR honesty. Therefore, no ad hominem is "required" in retaliation.

I believe everyone here is aware of the forum rules. It would be GREAT if everyone here would abide by those rules. If you need a refresher, I'm sure there's a "sticky" post on the main page that will spell things out.

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6 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

There have been several ad hominem attacks posted in this thread. 

Understand that when someone questions the honesty of your SOURCE, that is not an attack on YOUR honesty. Therefore, no ad hominem is "required" in retaliation.

I believe everyone here is aware of the forum rules. It would be GREAT if everyone here would abide by those rules. If you need a refresher, I'm sure there's a "sticky" post on the main page that will spell things out.

We these things get so far off the rails maybe they should be just closed to further comment? Thanks for the efforts Mark.

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